558 resultados para Real-world


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Many urban developments are implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) strategies to attenuate flows and decrease pollutant loads carried by stormwater runoff. A water quality monitoring project was undertaken at the residential development of ‘Coomera Waters’ on the Gold Coast in Queensland to assess the effectiveness of a bioretention swale, a constructed wetland and a bioretention basin in treating stormwater runoff before it enters protected Melaleuca wetlands. This paper compares the effectiveness of these WSUD devices in reducing flow frequency, peak flow, and stormwater volume leaving the WSUD systems. The pollutant loads reductions are also described and the concentrations of pollutants are compared to the trigger values derived from the ANZECC (2000) Guidelines.


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‘Stepping out into the real world of Education’ has been written to complement ‘Transitioning to the real world of Education’ (Millwater & Beutel, 2008). Both books are aimed at strategising the transition you are experiencing, from preservice teacher to professional educator, through issues that you will face as early career teachers from any specialist teaching strand - early childhood, primary, middle or secondary. ‘Transitioning to the real world of Education’ (Millwater & Beutel, 2008) addressed the particularities and practicalities of professional standards, life-long learning, teaching for diversity, values-education, teacher/student relationships, teaching in a digital age and teacher burnout. This text aligns with these and explores other areas, in recognition that your early career phase is the pivotal point of how much you commit to being a teacher in the long term.


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The PISA assessment instruments for students’ scientific literacy in 2000, 2003 and 2006 have each consisted of units made up of a real world context involving Science and Technology, about which students are asked a number of cognitive and affective questions. This paper discusses a number of issues from this use of S&T contexts in PISA and the implications they have for the current renewed interest in context-based science education. Suitably chosen contexts can engage both boys and girls. Secondary analyses of the students’ responses using the contextual sets of items as the unit of analysis provides new information about the levels of performance in PISA 2006 Science. .Embedding affective items in the achievement test did not lead to gender/context interactions of significance, and context interactions were less than competency ones. A number of implications for context-based science teaching and learning are outlined and the PISA 2006 Science test is suggested as a model for its assessment.


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Action research proved a useful strategy for monitoring the evolution of microteaching task as an authentic assessment for post-graduate pre-service teachers. Through four iterations of continually reflecting on the structure, purpose and outcomes of utilising microteaching as assessment, unit coordinators implemented an authentic assessment task that simulated real world experience.


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This paper synthesises the existing literature on the contemporary conception of ‘real world’ and compares it with similar notions such as ‘authentic’ and ‘work integrated learning’. While the term ‘real world’ may be partly dependent on the discipline, it does not necessarily follow that the criterion-referenced assessment of ‘real world’ assessment must involve criteria and performance descriptors that are discipline specific. Two examples of summative assessment (court report and trial process exercise) from a final year core subject at the Queensland University of Technology, LWB432 Evidence, emphasise real world learning, are authentic, innovative and better prepare students for the transition into the workplace than more generic forms of assessment such as tutorial participation or oral presentations. The court report requires students to attend a criminal trial in a Queensland Court and complete a two page report on what they saw in practice compared with what they learned in the classroom. The trial process exercise is a 50 minute written closed book activity conducted in tutorials, where students plan questions that they would ask their witness in examination-in-chief, plan questions that they would ask their opponent’s witness in cross-examination, plan questions that they would ask in reexamination given what their opponent asked in cross-examination, and prepare written objections to their opponent’s questions. The trial process exercise simulates the real world, whereas the court report involves observing the real world, and both assessment items are important to the role of counsel. The design of the criterion-referenced assessment rubrics for the court report and trial process exercise is justified by the literature. Notably, the criteria and performance descriptors are not necessarily law specific and this paper highlights the parts that may be easily transferred to other disciplines.


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3D Motion capture is a medium that plots motion, typically human motion, converting it into a form that can be represented digitally. It is a fast evolving field and recent inertial technology may provide new artistic possibilities for its use in live performance. Although not often used in this context, motion capture has a combination of attributes that can provide unique forms of collaboration with performance arts. The inertial motion capture suit used for this study has orientation sensors placed at strategic points on the body to map body motion. Its portability, real-time performance, ease of use, and its immunity from line-of-sight problems inherent in optical systems suggest it would work well as a live performance technology. Many animation techniques can be used in real-time. This research examines a broad cross-section of these techniques using four practice-led cases to assess the suitability of inertial motion capture to live performance. Although each case explores different visual possibilities, all make use of the performativity of the medium, using either an improvisational format or interactivity among stage, audience and screen that would be difficult to emulate any other way. A real-time environment is not capable of reproducing the depth and sophistication of animation people have come to expect through media. These environments take many hours to render. In time the combination of what can be produced in real-time and the tools available in a 3D environment will no doubt create their own tree of aesthetic directions in live performance. The case study looks at the potential of interactivity that this technology offers.


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While the need for teamwork skills consistently appears in job advertisements across all sectors, the development of these skills for many university students (and some academic staff) remains one of the most painful and often complained about experiences. This presentation introduces the final phase of a project that has investigated and analysed the design of teamwork assessment across all discipline areas in order to provide a university-wide protocol for this important graduate capability. The protocol concentrates best practice guidelines and resources across a range of approaches to team assessment and includes an online diagnostic tool for evaluating the quality of assessment design. Guide-lines are provided for all aspects of the design process such as the development of real-world relevance; choosing the ideal team structure; planning for intervention and conflict resolution; and selecting appropriate marking options. While still allowing academic staff to exercise creativity in assessment design; the guidelines increase the possibility of students’ experiencing a consistent and explicit approach to teamwork throughout their course. If implementation of the protocol is successful, the project team predicts that the resulting consistency and explicitness in approaches to teamwork will lead to more coherent skill development across units, more realistic expectations for students and staff and better communication between all those participating in the process.


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A graduate destination survey can provide a snap shot in time of a graduate’s career progression and outcome. This paper will present the results of a Queensland University of Technology study exploring the employment outcomes of students who had completed a library and information science course from the Faculty of Information Technology between 2000 and 2008. Seventy-four graduates completed an online questionnaire administered in July 2009. The study found that 90% of the graduates surveyed were working and living in Queensland, with over three quarters living and working in Brisbane. Nearly 70% were working full-time, while only 1.4% indicating that they were unemployed and looking for work. Over 80% of the graduates identified themselves as working in “librarianship”. This study is the first step in understanding the progression and destination of QUT’s library and information science graduates. It is recommended that this survey becomes an ongoing initiative so that the results can be analysed and compared over time.


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The emergence of mobile and ubiquitous computing technology has created what is often referred to as the hybrid space – a virtual layer of digital information and interaction opportunities that sit on top of and augment the physical environment. Embodied media materialise digital information as observable and sometimes interactive parts of the physical environment. The aim of this work is to explore ways to enhance people’s situated real world experience, and to find out what the role and impact of embodied media in achieving this goal can be. The Edge, an initiative of the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and case study of this thesis, envisions to be a physical place for people to meet, explore, experience, learn and teach each other creative practices in various areas related to digital technology and arts. Guided by an Action Research approach, this work applies Lefebvre’s triad of space (1991) to investigate the Edge as a social space from a conceived, perceived and lived point of view. Based on its creators’ vision and goals on the conceived level, different embodied media are iteratively designed, implemented and evaluated towards shaping and amplifying the Edge’s visitor experience on the perceived and lived level.


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The Queensland University of Technology badges itself as “a university for the real world”. For the last decade the Law Faculty has aimed to provide its students with a ‘real world’ degree, that is, a practical law degree. This has seen skills such as research, advocacy and negotiation incorporated into the undergraduate degree under a University Teaching & Learning grant, a project that gained international recognition and praise. In 2007–2008 the Law Faculty undertook another curriculum review of its undergraduate law degree. As a result of the two year review, QUT’s undergraduate lawdegree has fewer core units, a focus on first year student transition, scaffolding of law graduate capabilities throughout the degree,work integrated learning and transition to the workplace. The revised degree commenced implementation in 2009. This paper focuses on the “real world” approach to the degree achieved through the first year programme, embedding and scaffolding law graduate capabilities through authentic and valid assessment and work integrated learning.


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In the last decade, a gradual but significant shift in education has taken place. Schools have transformed from hermetically sealed, impermeable bureaucracies to dynamic and flexible organisations characterised by openness to local communities and connectedness to global issues and cultures. They are also more responsive to the aspirations of students and parents. A central feature of what Christian Maroy (2009) has described as the post bureaucratic era of education has been the relationships formed between schools and other organisations through formalised partnerships. Partnerships have been a significant feature of schooling in Queensland since the 1980s when schools developed Vocational Education Programs (VET) providing alternative pathways from schooling to post school training or employment. However, partnerships that have emerged in recent times have been more structured in their organisation and more targeted in terms of the outcomes they aim to achieve. Examples here have included Queensland’s District Youth Achievement plans that linked schools, business, industry bodies, training organisations and community groups to improve transition outcomes, particularly for young people at risk in their transitions from school to post-school life.