113 resultados para First-principles calculation


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Transition metal-free magnetism and half-metallicity recently has been the subject of intense research activity due to its potential in spintronics application. Here we, for the first time, demonstrate via density functional theory that the most recently experimentally realized graphitic carbon nitride (g-C4N3) displays a ferromagnetic ground state. Furthermore, this novel material is predicted to possess an intrinsic half-metallicity never reported to date. Our results highlight a new promising material toward realistic metal-free spintronics application.


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Graphene has promised many novel applications in nanoscale electronics and sustainable energy due to its novel electronic properties. Computational exploration of electronic functionality and how it varies with architecture and doping presently runs ahead of experimental synthesis yet provides insights into types of structures that may prove profitable for targeted experimental synthesis and characterization. We present here a summary of our understanding on the important aspects of dimension, band gap, defect, and interfacial engineering of graphene based on state-of-the-art ab initio approaches. Some most recent experimental achievements relevant for future theoretical exploration are also covered.


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Selective separation of nitrogen (N2) from methane (CH4) is highly significant in natural gas purification, and it is very challenging to achieve this because of their nearly identical size (the molecular diameters of N2 and CH4 are 3.64 Å and 3.80 Å, respectively). Here we theoretically study the adsorption of N2 and CH4 on B12 cluster and solid boron surfaces a-B12 and c-B28. Our results show that these electron-deficiency boron materials have higher selectivity in adsorbing and capturing N2 than CH4, which provides very useful information for experimentally exploiting boron materials for natural gas purification.


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First-principles computational studies indicate that (B, N, or O)-doped graphene ribbon edges can substantially reduce the energy barrier for H2 dissociative adsorption. The low barrier is competitive with many widely used metal or metal oxide catalysts. This suggests that suitably functionalized graphene architectures are promising metal-free alternatives for low-cost catalytic processes.


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The catalytic activities, to the reduction of SO2 by CO, of clusters PtlAum (l + m = 2) with or without preadsorbing CO molecules are investigated using first-principles density functional theory. We find that the PtAu(CO)n (n = 1–3) clusters show more excellent catalytic properties than either pure metallic catalysts. Preadsorption of CO to the catalysts could effectively avoid platinum-based catalyst sulfur poisoning; as more CO molecules preadsorbed to the catalysts, the energy barriers for the carbonyl sulfide (COS) molecule’s desorption from the catalyst are remarkably decreased. We propose an ideal catalytic cycle to simultaneously get rid of SO2 and CO over the catalysts PtAu(CO)3.


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This paper focuses on the varying approaches and methodologies adopted when the calculation of holding costs is undertaken, focusing on greenfield development. Whilst acknowledging there may be some consistency in embracing first principles relating to holding cost theory, a review of the literature reveals considerable lack of uniformity in this regard. There is even less clarity in quantitative determination, especially in Australia where there has been only limited empirical analysis undertaken. Despite a growing quantum of research undertaken in relation to various elements connected with housing affordability, the matter of holding costs has not been well addressed regardless of its part in the highly prioritised Australian Government’s housing research agenda. The end result has been a modicum of qualitative commentary relating to holding costs. There have been few attempts at finer-tuned analysis that exposes a quantified level of holding cost calculated with underlying rigour. Holding costs can take many forms, but they inevitably involve the computation of “carrying costs” of an initial outlay that has yet to fully realise its ultimate yield. Although sometimes considered a “hidden” cost, it is submitted that holding costs prospectively represent a major determinate of value. If this is the case, then considered in the context of housing affordability, it is therefore potentially pervasive.


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This paper discusses the development of a dynamic model for a torpedo shaped sub- marine. Expressions for hydrostatic, added mass, hydrodynamic, control surface and pro- peller forces and moments are derived from first principles. Experimental data obtained from flume tests of the submarine are inserted into the model in order to provide computer simulations of the open loop behavior of the system.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Practical applications for stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics and industrial automation. The initial motivation behind this work was to produce a stereo vision sensor for mining automation applications. For such applications, the input stereo images would consist of close range scenes of rocks. A fundamental problem faced by matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. This problem involves locating corresponding points or features in two images. For this application, speed, reliability, and the ability to produce a dense depth map are of foremost importance. This work implemented a number of areabased matching algorithms to assess their suitability for this application. Area-based techniques were investigated because of their potential to yield dense depth maps, their amenability to fast hardware implementation, and their suitability to textured scenes such as rocks. In addition, two non-parametric transforms, the rank and census, were also compared. Both the rank and the census transforms were found to result in improved reliability of matching in the presence of radiometric distortion - significant since radiometric distortion is a problem which commonly arises in practice. In addition, they have low computational complexity, making them amenable to fast hardware implementation. Therefore, it was decided that matching algorithms using these transforms would be the subject of the remainder of the thesis. An analytic expression for the process of matching using the rank transform was derived from first principles. This work resulted in a number of important contributions. Firstly, the derivation process resulted in one constraint which must be satisfied for a correct match. This was termed the rank constraint. The theoretical derivation of this constraint is in contrast to the existing matching constraints which have little theoretical basis. Experimental work with actual and contrived stereo pairs has shown that the new constraint is capable of resolving ambiguous matches, thereby improving match reliability. Secondly, a novel matching algorithm incorporating the rank constraint has been proposed. This algorithm was tested using a number of stereo pairs. In all cases, the modified algorithm consistently resulted in an increased proportion of correct matches. Finally, the rank constraint was used to devise a new method for identifying regions of an image where the rank transform, and hence matching, are more susceptible to noise. The rank constraint was also incorporated into a new hybrid matching algorithm, where it was combined a number of other ideas. These included the use of an image pyramid for match prediction, and a method of edge localisation to improve match accuracy in the vicinity of edges. Experimental results obtained from the new algorithm showed that the algorithm is able to remove a large proportion of invalid matches, and improve match accuracy.


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This thesis applies Monte Carlo techniques to the study of X-ray absorptiometric methods of bone mineral measurement. These studies seek to obtain information that can be used in efforts to improve the accuracy of the bone mineral measurements. A Monte Carlo computer code for X-ray photon transport at diagnostic energies has been developed from first principles. This development was undertaken as there was no readily available code which included electron binding energy corrections for incoherent scattering and one of the objectives of the project was to study the effects of inclusion of these corrections in Monte Carlo models. The code includes the main Monte Carlo program plus utilities for dealing with input data. A number of geometrical subroutines which can be used to construct complex geometries have also been written. The accuracy of the Monte Carlo code has been evaluated against the predictions of theory and the results of experiments. The results show a high correlation with theoretical predictions. In comparisons of model results with those of direct experimental measurements, agreement to within the model and experimental variances is obtained. The code is an accurate and valid modelling tool. A study of the significance of inclusion of electron binding energy corrections for incoherent scatter in the Monte Carlo code has been made. The results show this significance to be very dependent upon the type of application. The most significant effect is a reduction of low angle scatter flux for high atomic number scatterers. To effectively apply the Monte Carlo code to the study of bone mineral density measurement by photon absorptiometry the results must be considered in the context of a theoretical framework for the extraction of energy dependent information from planar X-ray beams. Such a theoretical framework is developed and the two-dimensional nature of tissue decomposition based on attenuation measurements alone is explained. This theoretical framework forms the basis for analytical models of bone mineral measurement by dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry techniques. Monte Carlo models of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) have been established. These models have been used to study the contribution of scattered radiation to the measurements. It has been demonstrated that the measurement geometry has a significant effect upon the scatter contribution to the detected signal. For the geometry of the models studied in this work the scatter has no significant effect upon the results of the measurements. The model has also been used to study a proposed technique which involves dual energy X-ray transmission measurements plus a linear measurement of the distance along the ray path. This is designated as the DPA( +) technique. The addition of the linear measurement enables the tissue decomposition to be extended to three components. Bone mineral, fat and lean soft tissue are the components considered here. The results of the model demonstrate that the measurement of bone mineral using this technique is stable over a wide range of soft tissue compositions and hence would indicate the potential to overcome a major problem of the two component DEXA technique. However, the results also show that the accuracy of the DPA( +) technique is highly dependent upon the composition of the non-mineral components of bone and has poorer precision (approximately twice the coefficient of variation) than the standard DEXA measurements. These factors may limit the usefulness of the technique. These studies illustrate the value of Monte Carlo computer modelling of quantitative X-ray measurement techniques. The Monte Carlo models of bone densitometry measurement have:- 1. demonstrated the significant effects of the measurement geometry upon the contribution of scattered radiation to the measurements, 2. demonstrated that the statistical precision of the proposed DPA( +) three tissue component technique is poorer than that of the standard DEXA two tissue component technique, 3. demonstrated that the proposed DPA(+) technique has difficulty providing accurate simultaneous measurement of body composition in terms of a three component model of fat, lean soft tissue and bone mineral,4. and provided a knowledge base for input to decisions about development (or otherwise) of a physical prototype DPA( +) imaging system. The Monte Carlo computer code, data, utilities and associated models represent a set of significant, accurate and valid modelling tools for quantitative studies of physical problems in the fields of diagnostic radiology and radiography.


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Reliable infrastructure assets impact significantly on quality of life and provide a stable foundation for economic growth and competitiveness. Decisions about the way assets are managed are of utmost importance in achieving this. Timely renewal of infrastructure assets supports reliability and maximum utilisation of infrastructure and enables business and community to grow and prosper. This research initially examined a framework for asset management decisions and then focused on asset renewal optimisation and renewal engineering optimisation in depth. This study had four primary objectives. The first was to develop a new Asset Management Decision Framework (AMDF) for identifying and classifying asset management decisions. The AMDF was developed by applying multi-criteria decision theory, classical management theory and life cycle management. The AMDF is an original and innovative contribution to asset management in that: · it is the first framework to provide guidance for developing asset management decision criteria based on fundamental business objectives; · it is the first framework to provide a decision context identification and analysis process for asset management decisions; and · it is the only comprehensive listing of asset management decision types developed from first principles. The second objective of this research was to develop a novel multi-attribute Asset Renewal Decision Model (ARDM) that takes account of financial, customer service, health and safety, environmental and socio-economic objectives. The unique feature of this ARDM is that it is the only model to optimise timing of asset renewal with respect to fundamental business objectives. The third objective of this research was to develop a novel Renewal Engineering Decision Model (REDM) that uses multiple criteria to determine the optimal timing for renewal engineering. The unique features of this model are that: · it is a novel extension to existing real options valuation models in that it uses overall utility rather than present value of cash flows to model engineering value; and · it is the only REDM that optimises timing of renewal engineering with respect to fundamental business objectives; The final objective was to develop and validate an Asset Renewal Engineering Philosophy (AREP) consisting of three principles of asset renewal engineering. The principles were validated using a novel application of real options theory. The AREP is the only renewal engineering philosophy in existence. The original contributions of this research are expected to enrich the body of knowledge in asset management through effectively addressing the need for an asset management decision framework, asset renewal and renewal engineering optimisation based on fundamental business objectives and a novel renewal engineering philosophy.


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A fundamental problem faced by stereo matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. A wide range of algorithms have been proposed for the correspondence problem. For all matching algorithms, it would be useful to be able to compute a measure of the probability of correctness, or reliability of a match. This paper focuses in particular on one class for matching algorithms, which are based on the rank transform. The interest in these algorithms for stereo matching stems from their invariance to radiometric distortion, and their amenability to fast hardware implementation. This work differs from previous work in that it derives, from first principles, an expression for the probability of a correct match. This method was based on an enumeration of all possible symbols for matching. The theoretical results for disparity error prediction, obtained using this method, were found to agree well with experimental results. However, disadvantages of the technique developed in this chapter are that it is not easily applicable to real images, and also that it is too computationally expensive for practical window sizes. Nevertheless, the exercise provides an interesting and novel analysis of match reliability.


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Polymeric graphitic carbon nitride materials have attracted increasing attention in recent years owning to their potential applications in energy conversion, environment protection, and so on. Here, from first-principles calculations, we report the electronic structure modification of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) in response to carbon doping. We showed that each dopant atom can induce a local magnetic moment of 1.0 μB in non-magnetic g-C3N4. At the doping concentration of 1/14, the local magnetic moments of the most stable doping configuration which has the dopant atom at the center of heptazine unit prefer to align in a parallel way leading to long-range ferromagnetic (FM) ordering. When the joint N atom is replaced by C atom, the system favors an antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering at unstrained state, but can be tuned to ferromagnetism (FM) by applying biaxial tensile strain. More interestingly, the FM state of the strained system is half-metallic with abundant states at the Fermi level in one spin channel and a band gap of 1.82 eV in another spin channel. The Curie temperature (Tc) was also evaluated using a mean-field theory and Monte Carlo simulations within the Ising model. Such tunable electron spin-polarization and ferromagnetism are quite promising for the applications of graphitic carbon nitride in spintronics.


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In this paper, a polynomial time algorithm is presented for solving the Eden problem for graph cellular automata. The algorithm is based on our neighborhood elimination operation which removes local neighborhood configurations which cannot be used in a pre-image of a given configuration. This paper presents a detailed derivation of our algorithm from first principles, and a detailed complexity and accuracy analysis is also given. In the case of time complexity, it is shown that the average case time complexity of the algorithm is \Theta(n^2), and the best and worst cases are \Omega(n) and O(n^3) respectively. This represents a vast improvement in the upper bound over current methods, without compromising average case performance.


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Exploring advanced materials for efficient capture and separation of CO2 is important for CO2 reduction and fuel purification. In this study, we have carried out first-principles density functional theory calculations to investigate CO2, N2, CH4, and H2 adsorption on the amphoteric regioselective B80 fullerene. Based on our calculations, we find that CO2 molecules form strong interactions with the basic sites of the B80 by Lewis acid–base interactions, while there are only weak bindings between the other three gases (N2, CH4, and H2) and the B80 adsorbent. The study also provides insight into the reaction mechanism of capture and separation of CO2 using the electron deficient B80 fullerene.


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ZnO is a promising photoanode material for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) due to its high bulk electron mobility and because different geometrical structures can easily be tailored. Although various strategies have been taken to improve ZnO-based DSC efficiencies, their performances are still far lower than TiO2 counterparts, mainly because low conductivity Zn2+–dye complexes form on the ZnO surfaces. Here, cone-shaped ZnO nanocrystals with exposed reactive O-terminated {101̅1} facets were synthesized and applied in DSC devices. The devices were compared with DSCs made from more commonly used rod-shaped ZnO nanocrystals where {101̅0} facets are predominantly exposed. When cone-shaped ZnO nanocrystals were used, DSCs sensitized with C218, N719, and D205 dyes universally displayed better power conversion efficiency, with the highest photoconversion efficiency of 4.36% observed with the C218 dye. First-principles calculations indicated that the enhanced DSCs performance with ZnO nanocone photoanodes could be attributed to the strength of binding between the dye molecules and reactive O-terminated {101̅1} ZnO facets and that more effective use of dye molecules occurred due to a significantly less dye aggregation on these ZnO surfaces compared to other ZnO facets.