31 resultados para costa rican literature
em Universidade do Minho
To better understand the dynamic behavior of metabolic networks in a wide variety of conditions, the field of Systems Biology has increased its interest in the use of kinetic models. The different databases, available these days, do not contain enough data regarding this topic. Given that a significant part of the relevant information for the development of such models is still wide spread in the literature, it becomes essential to develop specific and powerful text mining tools to collect these data. In this context, this work has as main objective the development of a text mining tool to extract, from scientific literature, kinetic parameters, their respective values and their relations with enzymes and metabolites. The approach proposed integrates the development of a novel plug-in over the text mining framework @Note2. In the end, the pipeline developed was validated with a case study on Kluyveromyces lactis, spanning the analysis and results of 20 full text documents.
Imaging techniques are the standard method for assessment of fracture healing processes. However, these methods are perhaps not entirely reliable for early detection of complications, the most frequent of these being delayed union and non-union. A prompt diagnosis of such disorders could prevent prolonged patient distress and disability. Efforts should be directed towards the development of new technologies for improving accuracy in diagnosing complications following bone fractures. The variation in the levels of bone turnover markers (BTMs) have been assessed with regard to there ability to predict impaired fracture healing at an early stage, nevertheless the conclusions of some studies are not consensual. In this article the authors have revised the potential of BTMs as early predictors of prognosis in adult patients presenting traumatic bone fractures but who did not suffer from osteopenia or postmenopausal osteoporosis. The available information from the different studies performed in this field was systematized in order to highlight the most promising BTMs for the assessment of fracture healing outcome.
This paper aims at developing a collision prediction model for three-leg junctions located in national roads (NR) in Northern Portugal. The focus is to identify factors that contribute for collision type crashes in those locations, mainly factors related to road geometric consistency, since literature is scarce on those, and to research the impact of three modeling methods: generalized estimating equations, random-effects negative binomial models and random-parameters negative binomial models, on the factors of those models. The database used included data published between 2008 and 2010 of 177 three-leg junctions. It was split in three groups of contributing factors which were tested sequentially for each of the adopted models: at first only traffic, then, traffic and the geometric characteristics of the junctions within their area of influence; and, lastly, factors which show the difference between the geometric characteristics of the segments boarding the junctionsâ area of influence and the segment included in that area were added. The choice of the best modeling technique was supported by the result of a cross validation made to ascertain the best model for the three sets of researched contributing factors. The models fitted with random-parameters negative binomial models had the best performance in the process. In the best models obtained for every modeling technique, the characteristics of the road environment, including proxy measures for the geometric consistency, along with traffic volume, contribute significantly to the number of collisions. Both the variables concerning junctions and the various national highway segments in their area of influence, as well as variations from those characteristics concerning roadway segments which border the already mentioned area of influence have proven their relevance and, therefore, there is a rightful need to incorporate the effect of geometric consistency in the three-leg junctions safety studies.
A modificação térmica tem-se revelado um método eficaz na melhoria da durabilidade de elementos de madeira. Até ao momento, as aplicações da madeira termicamente modificada (MTM) têm sido limitadas a revestimentos já que o tratamento térmico de tratamento conduz a uma redução significativa das resistências mecânicas da madeira. Contudo, este tratamento térmico poderá valorizar e potenciar a utilização de espécies de madeira menos utilizadas na construção, como são o Eucalipto e o Pinho bravo nacional. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico nas espécies referidas e, complementarmente, na madeira de Faia e Freixo, realizou-se uma campanha experimental composta por ensaios de caracterização mecânica (compressão paralela às fibras e flexão) e de estabilidade dimensional (retração, inchamento e teor de água de equilíbrio (TAE)). Para efeitos de comparação, todos os ensaios envolveram séries de provetes de cada espécie de madeira natural e MTM. Os resultados obtidos são coerentes com a bibliografia disponível, o aumento da estabilidade dimensional, assim como a diminuição do TAE e das propriedades mecânicas de flexão foram verificadas, permitindo, assim, avaliar a influência da modificação térmica nas propriedades de espécies de madeira presentes em Portugal.
BACKGROUND: Lean Production Systems (LPS) have become very popular among manufacturing industries, services and large commercial areas. A LPS must develop and consider a set of work features to bring compatibility with workplace ergonomics, namely at a muscular, cognitive and emotional demands level. OBJECTIVE: Identify the most relevant impacts of the adoption of LPS from the ergonomics point of view and summarizes some possible drawbacks for workplace ergonomics due to a flawed application of the LPS. The impacts identified are focused in four dimensions: work pace, intensity and load; worker motivation, satisfaction and stress; autonomy and participation; and health outcome. This paper also discusses the influence that the work organization model has on workplace ergonomics and on the waste elimination previewed by LPS. METHODS: Literature review focused LPS and its impact on occupational ergonomics conditions, as well as on the Health and Safety of workers. The main focus of this research is on LPS implementations in industrial environments and mainly in manufacturing industry workplaces. This is followed by a discussion including the authors’ experience (and previous research). RESULTS: From the reviewed literature it seems that there is no consensus on how Lean principles affect the workplace ergonomics since most authors found positive (advantages) and negative (disadvantages) impacts. CONCLUSIONS: The negative impacts or disadvantages of LPS implementations reviewed may result from the misunderstanding of the Lean principles. Possibly, they also happen due to partial Lean implementations (when only one or two tools were implemented) that may be effective in a specific work context but not suitable to all possible situations as the principles of LPS should not lead, by definition, to any of the reported drawbacks in terms of workplace ergonomics.
telligence applications for the banking industry. Searches were performed in relevant journals resulting in 219 articles published between 2002 and 2013. To analyze such a large number of manuscripts, text mining techniques were used in pursuit for relevant terms on both business intelligence and banking domains. Moreover, the latent Dirichlet allocation modeling was used in or- der to group articles in several relevant topics. The analysis was conducted using a dictionary of terms belonging to both banking and business intelli- gence domains. Such procedure allowed for the identification of relationships between terms and topics grouping articles, enabling to emerge hypotheses regarding research directions. To confirm such hypotheses, relevant articles were collected and scrutinized, allowing to validate the text mining proce- dure. The results show that credit in banking is clearly the main application trend, particularly predicting risk and thus supporting credit approval or de- nial. There is also a relevant interest in bankruptcy and fraud prediction. Customer retention seems to be associated, although weakly, with targeting, justifying bank offers to reduce churn. In addition, a large number of ar- ticles focused more on business intelligence techniques and its applications, using the banking industry just for evaluation, thus, not clearly acclaiming for benefits in the banking business. By identifying these current research topics, this study also highlights opportunities for future research.
Tese de Doutoramento em Contabilidade
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Administração
Transcriptional Regulatory Networks (TRNs) are powerful tool for representing several interactions that occur within a cell. Recent studies have provided information to help researchers in the tasks of building and understanding these networks. One of the major sources of information to build TRNs is biomedical literature. However, due to the rapidly increasing number of scientific papers, it is quite difficult to analyse the large amount of papers that have been published about this subject. This fact has heightened the importance of Biomedical Text Mining approaches in this task. Also, owing to the lack of adequate standards, as the number of databases increases, several inconsistencies concerning gene and protein names and identifiers are common. In this work, we developed an integrated approach for the reconstruction of TRNs that retrieve the relevant information from important biological databases and insert it into a unique repository, named KREN. Also, we applied text mining techniques over this integrated repository to build TRNs. However, was necessary to create a dictionary of names and synonyms associated with these entities and also develop an approach that retrieves all the abstracts from the related scientific papers stored on PubMed, in order to create a corpora of data about genes. Furthermore, these tasks were integrated into @Note, a software system that allows to use some methods from the Biomedical Text Mining field, including an algorithms for Named Entity Recognition (NER), extraction of all relevant terms from publication abstracts, extraction relationships between biological entities (genes, proteins and transcription factors). And finally, extended this tool to allow the reconstruction Transcriptional Regulatory Networks through using scientific literature.
The construction sector is responsible for generating large environmental impacts in order to minimize these impacts, environmental standards and seals for the construction were created. This article presents a comparative study between the preliminary requirements of ISO 21931: 2010 Sustainable Building, the requirements of AQUA-HQE stamps, LEED and the Performance Standard NBR 15575: 2013. For this, a literature search was conducted to carry out a comparative analysis of the requirements of each of them in order to know those common to all of them. As a result of this work was identified that the standard of performance, the AQUA seal and LEED are well aligned with the sustainability criteria, comfort and health of the user, and has the ISO 21931 standard has some of these items as options.
En la última década se ha desarrollado una base de conocimiento sólido relacionado con la geodiversidad, caracterización, conservación y gestión del patrimonio geológico, que lleva implícito una legislación al respecto. Sin embargo, el escaso conocimiento a nivel científico por parte de la Administración sobre “lugares de interés geológico” hace complicado conseguir una normativa adecuada, a fin de proteger algo que no está contemplado. A esto se suma, un desconocimiento parcial de la sociedad sobre procesos geológicos, su relación con la biodiversidad y su valor como patrimonio natural. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el valor de los depósitos sedimentarios antiguos localizados en la costa de Galicia como archivos paleoambientales y geoformas con entidad propia. Estos valores son ejemplificados con depósitos localizados en la “Costa Sur”, así definida en el Plan de Ordenación Litoral (POL) de Galicia.
Neste artigo apresentamos uma breve revisão da literatura sobre o papel da memória no processo de envelhecimento e a deterioração que esta sofre em caso de demência, por exemplo de Alzheimer. Expomos ainda um ensaio/programa de treino cognitivo para estimular/reabilitar a memória. O aumento acentuado da esperança de vida, associado à baixa natalidade que se vem observando na maioria dos países ocidentais, poderá fazer com que as manifestações psicopatológicas da terceira idade se tornem bastante incidentes. Torna-se portanto indispensável que o envelhecimento decorra de forma natural, saudável, simplificando o funcionamento do organismo e libertando-o de problemas indesejáveis. Com o presente artigo procuramos alertar a comunidade para o tema do envelhecimento, da consequente diminuição de capacidades cognitivas, funcionais e executivas, fazendo um especial enfoque à memória.
Pedro Andrade destaca o papel que as literacias híbridas preenchem numa redefinição pós-colonial da Europa. Em sua opinião, as literacias híbridas constituem uma condição necessária para a desconstrução do discurso colonial e a posterior reconstrução de literacias e literaturas pós-coloniais. Como parte deste processo, o autor argumenta a necessidade de vários tipos de competências que enfatizem a leitura e escrita não apenas dentro de sua própria cultura, mas também nas culturas dos outros. A literacia digital desempenha um papel particularmente importante neste processo, o que nos permite enfatizar as multivocalidades desta alteridade, igualmente na interação entre diferentes tradições de literacia: Ocidental e Oriental, nacional e transnacional, verbal e mediática. Andrade exemplifica o conceito de literatura transmediática com uma série de projetos em que esteve envolvido, por exemplo a Web 3.0 Novel enquanto modalidade daquilo que ele nomeia "GeoNeoLogic Novel". Este género de novel experimental mistura a narrativa com a teoria e a recolha de dados no campo empírico, promovendo uma abordagem que se apresenta simultaneamente regional e global. Em suma, o autor sugere diversos conceitos em primeira mão que classifica de ‘origem Lusófona’, e que representam diversas estratégias pós-coloniais globais também visíveis na área social, política e cultural da Lusofonia: o ‘pensamento-réplica’ (thinking back); o 'conhecimento transmediático' (transmediatic knowledge); a ‘sociedade da escrita comum’ (common writing society); as ‘redes comuns de conflito/significado’ (common webs of conflict and meaning); a literatura co-ordinária (co-ordinary literature).
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial