12 resultados para Immediate indefeasibility

em Universidade do Minho


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Human activity is very dynamic and subtle, and most physical environments are also highly dynamic and support a vast range of social practices that do not map directly into any immediate ubiquitous computing functionally. Identifying what is valuable to people is very hard and obviously leads to great uncertainty regarding the type of support needed and the type of resources needed to create such support. We have addressed the issues of system development through the adoption of a Crowdsourced software development model [13]. We have designed and developed Anywhere places, an open and flexible system support infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing that is based on a balanced combination between global services and applications and situated devices. Evaluation, however, is still an open problem. The characteristics of ubiquitous computing environments make their evaluation very complex: there are no globally accepted metrics and it is very difficult to evaluate large-scale and long-term environments in real contexts. In this paper, we describe a first proposal of an hybrid 3D simulated prototype of Anywhere places that combines simulated and real components to generate a mixed reality which can be used to assess the envisaged ubiquitous computing environments [17].


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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) became one of the biggest health problems in the workplace and one of the main concerns of ergonomics and despite all the technical improvements manual handling is still an important risk factor for WMSD. The current study was performed with the main objective of conducting an ergonomic analysis in a workplace that consists in packaging products in a pallet, in a food distribution industry, also called picking. In this perspective, the aim of the study is to identify if the tasks performed by operators present any risk of WMSD and, if so, to suggest proposals for minimizing the associated effort. The methodologies of ergonomic risk assessment that were initially applied were the Risk Reckoner and the Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC). Subsequently, in order to, on the one hand, complement the analysis performed using the two methods previously mentioned, and, on the other hand, allow an assessment of two important risk factors associated with this activity (work postures and loads handling), two additional methodologies were also selected: the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). In all the performed approaches, the tasks of palletizing at lower levels were identified as the ones that most penalize workers in what regards the risk of development of WMSD. All methodologies identified levels of risk that require an immediate or short-term ergonomic intervention, aiming at ensuring the safety and health of workers performing such activity. The implementation of measures designed to eliminate or minimize the risk may involve the allocation of significant human and material resources that is increasingly necessary to manage efficiently. Taking into account the complexity and variability of the developed tasks, it is recommended that such a decision can be preceded by a new study using more accurate risk assessment methodologies, such as those that use monitoring tools.


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Nowadays, the vulgarization of information and communication technologies has reached to a level that the majority of people spend a lot of time using software to do regular tasks, ranging from games and ordinary time and weather utilities to some more sophisticated ones, like retail or banking applications. This new way of life is supported by the Internet or by specific applications that changed the image people had about using information and communication technologies. All over the world, the first cycle of studies of educational systems also has been addressed with the justification that this encourages the development of children. Taking this into consideration, we design and develop a visual explorer system for relational databases that can be used by everyone, from “7 to 77”, in an intuitive and easy way, getting immediate results – a new database querying experience. Thus, in this paper we will expose the main characteristics and features of this visual database explorer, showing how it works and how it can be used to execute the most current data manipulation operations over a database.


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This study focuses on the granite mountain known as Monte Pindo (627 m above sea level) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain). This territory is included in the area classified as “Costa da Morte” in the “Politica de Ordenación Litoral” (POL) (Coastal Planning Policy) for the region of Galicia. This coastal unit, located between “Rías Baixas” and “Cape Fisterra” has great potential for demonstrating geological processes and its geomorphological heritage is characterized by a high degree of geodiversity of granite landforms. The main objective of our work is to assess the geomorphological heritage of the site, thus revealing its wide geodiversity. We shall analyze and highlight: its scientific value, developing an inventory of granite landforms; its educational valuel and its geotouristic potential. It must be ensured that the Administration understands that natural diversity is composed of both geodiversity and biodiversity. Only then will the sustainable management of Monte Pindo become possible by integrating natural and cultural heritage values. The goal is to ensure that Monte Pindo and its immediate surroundings become a geopark with the aim of promoting local development projects based on the conservation and valorization of its geological heritage.


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Long-term exposure to transmeridian flights has been shown to impact cognitive functioning. Nevertheless, the immediate effects of jet lag in the activation of specific brain networks have not been investigated. We analyzed the impact of short-term jet lag on the activation of the default mode network (DMN). A group of individuals who were on a transmeridian flight and a control group went through a functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisition. Statistical analysis was performed to test for differences in the DMN activation between groups. Participants from the jet lag group presented decreased activation in the anterior nodes of the DMN, specifically in bilateral medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex. No areas of increased activation were observed for the jet lag group. These results may be suggestive of a negative impact of jet lag on important cognitive functions such as introspection, emotional regulation and decision making in a few days after individuals arrive at their destination.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (Especialidade de Psicologia Clínica)


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (Área de Especialidade Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Educação)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Administração da Justiça


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Dissertação de mestrado em Enfermagem da Pessoa em Situação Crítica


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A publicidade sabe que tem de procurar as estratégias mais diretas e mais eficientes na construção das suas mensagens. A ser assim, pode parecer que o imediatismo das imagens ligado às facilidades tecnológicas tenderá a secundarizar o poder da componente verbal na elaboração dos anúncios. O presente texto procura mostrar como a componente verbal é uma dimensão imprescindível da linguagem publicitária, utilizando estratégias diversificadas que podem ir da ausência (quase) absoluta de palavras até a usos em que é a própria mensagem verbal o principal elemento estruturador do anúncio.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Filosofia no Ensino Secundário