24 resultados para Foster, Che

em Universidade do Minho


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O projeto FOSTER – Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research é uma iniciativa que pretende apoiar diferentes intervenientes envolvidos no processo de comunicação científica, principalmente jovens investigadores. Este apoio visa a adoção do Acesso Aberto no contexto do Espaço Europeu da Investigação (EEI) e a conformidade com as políticas de Acesso Aberto e com as regras de participação do Horizonte 2020 (H2020). Para atingir este objetivo, o FOSTER, pretende focar-se na integração dos princípios e práticas de Acesso Aberto no atual sistema de investigação e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de sessões de formação nas instituições que realizam investigação científica de forma a manter níveis de conformidade satisfatórios com as políticas de Acesso Aberto no EEI e H2020. Para tal, tem desenvolvido um programa de formação sobre Acesso Aberto e dados abertos para consolidar as atividades de formação dirigidas a diversas comunidades e países do EEI. Este programa propõe incluir pacotes de formação que incluam aconselhamento, apoio técnico na utilização de sistemas e-learning, b-learning e de autoformação, disponibilização de materiais/conteúdos, sessões presenciais, principalmente formação de formadores, escolas de verão, seminários, etc.


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FOSTER aims to support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in adopting open access in the context of the European Research Area (ERA) and in complying with the open access policies and rules of participation set out for Horizon 2020 (H2020). FOSTER establish a European-wide training programme on open access and open data, consolidating training activities at downstream level and reaching diverse disciplinary communities and countries in the ERA. The training programme includes different approaches and delivery options: elearning, blearning, self-learning, dissemination of training materials/contents, helpdesk, face-to-face training, especially training-the-trainers, summer schools, seminars, etc.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Música


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Negócios, Europeu e Transnacional


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Electric Vehicles (EVs) have limited energy storage capacity and the maximum autonomy range is strongly dependent of the driver's behaviour. Due to the fact of that batteries cannot be recharged quickly during a journey, it is essential that a precise range prediction is available to the driver of the EV. With this information, it is possible to check if the desirable destination is achievable without a stop to charge the batteries, or even, if to reach the destination it is necessary to perform an optimized driving (e.g., cutting the air-conditioning, among others EV parameters). The outcome of this research work is the development of an Electric Vehicle Assistant (EVA). This is an application for mobile devices that will help users to take efficient decisions about route planning, charging management and energy efficiency. Therefore, it will contribute to foster EVs adoption as a new paradigm in the transportation sector.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)


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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that can foster the emergence of innovative applications. In order to minimize parents’s concerns about their children’s safety, this paper presents the design of a smart Internet of Things system for identifying dangerous situations. The system will be based on real time collection and analysis of physiological signals monitored by non-invasive and non-intrusive sensors, Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags and a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine when a child is in danger. The assumption of a state of danger is made taking into account the validation of a certain number of biometric reactions to some specific situations and according to a self-learning algorithm developed for this architecture. The results of the analysis of data collected and the location of the child will be able in real time to child’s care holders in a web application.


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Nowadays, many P2P applications proliferate in the Internet. The attractiveness of many of these systems relies on the collaborative approach used to exchange large resources without the dependence and associated constraints of centralized approaches where a single server is responsible to handle all the requests from the clients. As consequence, some P2P systems are also interesting and cost-effective approaches to be adopted by content-providers and other Internet players. However, there are several coexistence problems between P2P applications and In- ternet Service Providers (ISPs) due to the unforeseeable behavior of P2P traffic aggregates in ISP infrastructures. In this context, this work proposes a collaborative P2P/ISP system able to underpin the development of novel Traffic Engi- neering (TE) mechanisms contributing for a better coexistence between P2P applications and ISPs. Using the devised system, two TE methods are described being able to estimate and control the impact of P2P traffic aggregates on the ISP network links. One of the TE methods allows that ISP administrators are able to foresee the expected impact that a given P2P swarm will have in the underlying network infrastructure. The other TE method enables the definition of ISP friendly P2P topologies, where specific network links are protected from P2P traffic. As result, the proposed system and associated mechanisms will contribute for improved ISP resource management tasks and to foster the deployment of innovative ISP-friendly systems.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade de Desenvolvimento Curricular


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Tese de Doutoramento Geografia (Área de Especialização: Geografia e Planeamento Regional)


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Educação Musical)


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The paper presents three empirical studies designed to extend the test of the construct validity of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) among Portuguese students. In the first study, the responses of 461 elementary and secondary education students were submitted to a principal component analysis. A solution of one single factor was chosen, accounting for 55.7 % of the total variance, with Cronbach alpha coefficient and inter-item correlation above .70 and .20, respectively. The second study used a sample of 317 undergraduate students and registered a similar factor solution for SWLS (/pq = 0.99), which accounted for 65.6 % of the total variance (Cronbach alpha .89 and inter-item correlation above .20). A test–retest analysis registered coefficients of .70 (T2) and .77 (T3) and no significant statistically differences between T2, T3 and T1. The third study used a sample of 107 foster care youths from elementary and secondary education. Confirmatory factor analysis results indicate adequate fit indexes for the one-factor solution (v2/df = 2.70, GFI = .96, CFI = .96), which showed convergent validity, reliability and homogeneity. In conclusion, there is psychometric evidence for the one-factor structure of the SWLS in Portugal.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação.