13 resultados para 670500 Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products
em Universidade do Minho
Source point treatment of effluents with a high load of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), such as hospital wastewater, is a matter of discussion among the scientific community. Fungal treatments have been reported to be successful in degrading this type of pollutants and, therefore, the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor was applied for the removal of PhACs from veterinary hospital wastewater. Sixty-six percent removal was achieved in a non-sterile batch bioreactor inoculated with T. versicolor pellets. On the other hand, the study of microbial communities by means of DGGE and phylogenetic analyses led us to identify some microbial interactions and helped us moving to a continuous process. PhAC removal efficiency achieved in the fungal treatment operated in non-sterile continuous mode was 44 % after adjusting the C/N ratio with respect to the previously calculated one for sterile treatments. Fungal and bacterial communities in the continuous bioreactors were monitored as well.
Marine ecosystem can be considered a rather exploited source of natural substances with enormous bioactive potential. In Mexico macro-algae study remain forgotten for research and economic purposes besides the high amount of this resource along the west and east coast. For that reason the Bioferinery Group of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, have been studying the biorefinery concept in order to recover high value byproducts of Mexican brown macro-algae including polysaccharides and enzymes to be applied in food, pharmaceutical and energy industry. Brown macroalgae are an important source of fucoidan, alginate and laminarin which comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a wide range of important biological properties such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral and antiviral and also as rich source of fermentable sugars for enzymes production. Additionally, specific enzymes able to degrade algae matrix (fucosidases, sulfatases, aliginases, etc) are important tools to establish structural characteristics and biological functions of these polysaccharides. The aims of the present work were the integral study of bioprocess for macroalgae biomass exploitation by the use of green technologies as hydrothermal extraction and solid state fermentation in order to produce polysaccharides and enzymes (fucoidan and fucoidan hydrolytic enzymes). This work comprises the use of the different bioprocess phases in order to produce high value products with lower time and wastes.
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi that occur naturally in agricultural commodities worldwide. Aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisins, zearalenone, trichothecenes and ergot alkaloids are presently the most important for food and feed safety. These compounds are produced by several species that belong to the Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Claviceps genera and can be carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, cytotoxic, neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, estrogenic and immunosuppressant. Human and animal exposure to mycotoxins is generally assessed by taking into account data on the occurrence of mycotoxins in food and feed as well as data on the consumption patterns of the concerned population. This evaluation is crucial to support measures to reduce consumer exposure to mycotoxins. This work reviews the occurrence and levels of mycotoxins in Portuguese food and feed to provide a global overview of this issue in Portugal. With the information collected, the exposure of the Portuguese population to those mycotoxins is assessed, and the estimated dietary intakes are presented.
Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Industrial e da Empresa
The Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí) is a plant from the Amazon region, classified as "super fruit" because of its various functional properties. However, limited investigation has been performed on açaí by-products, such as seeds. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterized the phenolic compounds of the aqueous extract of açaí seeds and further evaluate its bioactivity (antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. Only proanthocyanidins were detected, being a B-type (epi)catechin tetramer the most abundant; however, procyanidin trimmers were the most predominant form. Açaí seeds extract revealed a high antioxidant (EC50 ranging from 3.6 to 19.4 μg/mL) and cytotoxic activity, being more effective in the cervical carcinoma cell line (HeLa; GI50 = 18 μg/mL); it did not show toxicity for non-tumor cells. Açaí seeds are considered a waste and could have an added economic benefit, through the extraction of natural antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, that could find applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.
A therapeutic deep eutectic system (THEDES) is here defined as a deep eutectic solvent (DES) having an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) as one of the components. In this work, THEDESs are proposed as enhanced transporters and delivery vehicles for bioactive molecules. THEDESs based on choline chloride (ChCl) or menthol conjugated with three different APIs, namely acetylsalicylic acid (AA), benzoic acid (BA) and phenylacetic acid (PA), were synthesized and characterized for thermal behaviour, structural features, dissolution rate and antibacterial activity. Differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy showed that ChCl:PA (1:1), ChCl:AA (1:1), menthol:AA (3:1), menthol:BA (3:1), menthol:PA (2:1) and menthol:PA (3:1) were liquid at room temperature. Dissolution studies in PBS led to increased dissolution rates for the APIs when in the form of THEDES, compared to the API alone. The increase in dissolution rate was particularly noticeable for menthol-based THEDES. Antibacterial activity was assessed using both Gram-positive and Gram-negative model organisms. The results show that all the THEDESs retain the antibacterial activity of the API. Overall, our results highlight the great potential of THEDES as dissolution enhancers in the development of novel and more effective drug delivery systems.
A presente investigação desenvolveu uma análise profunda do setor da distribuição farmacêutica, no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2009, procurando identificar as possíveis relações de interdependência entre o meio envolvente e as opções de estratégia das empresas que constituíram a amostra de estudo e entre as referidas opções de estratégia e as estruturas e o desempenho dessas empresas. A dinâmica do mercado do medicamento na economia nacional, com um valor de 3,2 mil milhões de euros anuais (Infarmed, 2010), apresenta um impacto significativo na esperança de vida e na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Segundo a OCDE, os produtos farmacêuticos são responsáveis por quase um quinto de todos os gastos com saúde, em média, nos países da OCDE. Neste contexto, a distribuição farmacêutica representa uma componente crítica. A disponibilização de medicamentos em ambulatório num curto espaço de tempo só é possível devido a uma estrutura logística com características muito específicas. A qualidade do armazenamento e do transporte dos medicamentos desde a saída dos laboratórios até à chegada às farmácias é rigorosamente monitorizada e controlada. O setor da distribuição farmacêutica assume assim uma postura elementar na cadeia do medicamento, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade do sistema de saúde que se tem vindo a verificar nas últimas décadas e prestando um serviço com valor para a comunidade, uma vez que se compromete a assegurar um adequado e contínuo fornecimento de medicamentos para que as necessidades dos doentes e das populações em geral sejam satisfeitas. As alterações verificadas ao longo dos últimos anos estimularam a dinâmica concorrencial entre os diferentes agentes neste mercado, bastante regulamentado e com elevado entrosamento financeiro com o Estado, o que obrigou a rápidas mudanças. Neste contexto, a sobrevivência das empresas, o seu crescimento e a sua perenidade futura têm constituído um desafio abordado de forma diversa por cada empresa.
The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.
[Excerpt] Academic spin-offs, technological ventures born inside Universities, have increasingly strengthen the connections between the scholarship and the economy, by fostering the role of technology transfer and knowledge commercialization. This presentation will outline the major steps in taking an idea or a technology to market, growing the venture and aiming at securing a successful exit. Also, it will present BCTechnologies (Bacterial Cellulose Technologies), a spin-off from the University of Minho (Portugal). (...)
Among the most important factors influencing beer quality is the presence of well-adjusted amounts of higher alcohols and esters; as well as the successful reduction of undesirable by-products such as diacetyl. While higher alcohols and esters contribute rather positively to the beer aroma, diacetyl is mostly unwelcome for beer types with lighter taste. Thus, the complex metabolic pathways in yeast responsible for the synthesis of both pleasant and unpleasant by-products of fermentation were given special attention in this last chapter.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada (área de especialização em Biotecnologia)
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia