28 resultados para Computer game -- Programming
O presente artigo traz uma avaliação sobre um processo de implementação do PBL que ocorreu no curso de Engenharia Informática na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane em Moçambique. Por este processo ser novo no contexto de ensino de Engenharia em Moçambique foram os desafios encontrados por parte dos docentes e estudantes relativos a implementação, coordenação e adequação do currículo a metodologia do PBL, fazendo com que o processo de implementação fosse gradual. Assim no primeiro semestre de 2014 foi implementado um processo PBL piloto envolvendo as disciplinas de Programação Orientada à Objetos 1 e Base de Dados 1, que foram disciplinas escolhidas pelo facto de seus currículos terem matérias comuns, todos desafios e comentários dados pelos estudantes foram levados em conta no desenho do segundo processo PBL para o segundo semestre de 2014 que envolveu as disciplinas de Programação Orientada à Objetos 2, Base de Dados 2 e Sistemas de Multimídia fazendo com que houvesse mais informação para o terceiro processo envolvendo as disciplinas de Engenharia de Software 1 e Programação em Web. A avaliação do processo por parte dos estudantes, veio através de inquiridos onde os estudantes fizeram chegar as suas preocupações e ideias a respeito do PBL e dos moldes em que este estava a ser implementado no currículo. O processo de implementação do PBL pode ser considerado uma experiência bem sucedida e com futuro promissor e que de certeza vai ajudar a inovar os processos de ensino de engenharia em Moçambique.
Series: "Advances in intelligent systems and computing , ISSN 2194-5357, vol. 417"
Liver diseases have severe patients’ consequences, being one of the main causes of premature death. These facts reveal the centrality of one`s daily habits, and how important it is the early diagnosis of these kind of illnesses, not only to the patients themselves, but also to the society in general. Therefore, this work will focus on the development of a diagnosis support system to these kind of maladies, built under a formal framework based on Logic Programming, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures, complemented with an approach to computing grounded on Artificial Neural Networks.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (área de especialização em Robótica)
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecatrónica
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade em Literacias e Ensino do Português)
A spreadsheet usually starts as a simple and singleuser software artifact, but, as frequent as in other software systems, quickly evolves into a complex system developed by many actors. Often, different users work on different aspects of the same spreadsheet: while a secretary may be only involved in adding plain data to the spreadsheet, an accountant may define new business rules, while an engineer may need to adapt the spreadsheet content so it can be used by other software systems.Unfortunately,spreadsheetsystemsdonotoffermodular mechanisms, and as a consequence, some of the previous tasks may be defined by adding intrusive “code” to the spreadsheet. In this paper we go through the design and implementation of an aspect-oriented language for spreadsheets so that users can work on different aspects of a spreadsheet in a modular way. For example, aspects can be defined in order to introduce new business rules to an existing spreadsheet, or to manipulate the spreadsheet data to be ported to another system. Aspects are defined as aspect-oriented program specifications that are dynamically woven into the underlying spreadsheet by an aspect weaver. In this aspect-oriented style of spreadsheet development, differentusers develop,orreuse,aspects withoutaddingintrusive code to the original spreadsheet. Such code is added/executed by the spreadsheet weaving mechanism proposed in this paper.
In the trend towards tolerating hardware unreliability, accuracy is exchanged for cost savings. Running on less reliable machines, functionally correct code becomes risky and one needs to know how risk propagates so as to mitigate it. Risk estimation, however, seems to live outside the average programmer’s technical competence and core practice. In this paper we propose that program design by source-to-source transformation be risk-aware in the sense of making probabilistic faults visible and supporting equational reasoning on the probabilistic behaviour of programs caused by faults. This reasoning is carried out in a linear algebra extension to the standard, `a la Bird-Moor algebra of programming. This paper studies, in particular, the propagation of faults across standard program transformation techniques known as tupling and fusion, enabling the fault of the whole to be expressed in terms of the faults of its parts.
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008).
(Excerto) In times past, learning to read, write and do arithmetic was to get on course to earn the “writ of emancipation” in society. These skills are still essential today, but are not enough to live in society. Reading and critically understanding the world we live in, with all its complexity, difficulties and challenges, require not only other skills (learning to search for and validate information, reading with new codes and grammar, etc) but, to a certain extent, also metaskills, matrixes and mechanisms that are transversal to the different and new literacies, are necessary. They are needed not just to interpret but equally to communicate and participate in the little worlds that make up our everyday activities as well as, in a broader sense, in the world of the polis, which today is a global world.
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008). As we shall explain in more detail later in this book, the main objective of that research project was to analyse the impact of the Portuguese government programme named ´e-escolinha´ launched in 2008 within the Technological Plan for Education. This Plan responds to the principles of the Lisbon Strategy signed in 2000 and rereleased in the Spring European Council of 2005.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
Publicado em "Information control in manufacturing 1998 : (INCOM'98) : advances in industrial engineering : a proceedings volume from the 9th IFAC Symposium, Nancy-Metz, France, 24-26 June 1998. Vol. 2"