120 resultados para two-dimensional cubic-diamond-like lattice

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A rare example of a two-dimensional Heisenberg model with an exact dimerized ground state is presented. This model, which can be regarded as a variation on the kagome' lattice, has several features of interest: it has a highly (but not macroscopically) degenerate ground state; it is closely related to spin chains studied by earlier authors; in particular, it exhibits domain-wall-like "kink" excitations normally associated only with one-dimensional systems. In some limits it decouples into noninteracting chains; unusually, this happens in the limit of strong, rather than weak, interchain coupling. [S0163-1829(99)50338-X].


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We consider diffusively coupled map lattices with P neighbors (where P is arbitrary) and study the stability of the synchronized state. We show that there exists a critical lattice size beyond which the synchronized state is unstable. This generalizes earlier results for nearest neighbor coupling. We confirm the analytical results by performing numerical simulations on coupled map lattices with logistic map at each node. The above analysis is also extended to two-dimensional P-neighbor diffusively coupled map lattices.


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The formation of crystalline diamond films from amorphous diamond-like carbon films by pulsed laser irradiation with a 300 μs non-Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been established by a combined study of transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrical resistivity. The films have been prepared by glow discharge decomposition of a mixture of propane, n-butane, and hydrogen in a rf plasma operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. Prior to laser irradiation, the films have been found to be amorphous by transmission electron microscope studies. After irradiation, the electron diffraction patterns clearly point out the formation of cubic diamond structure with a lattice spacing of 3.555 Å. However, the close similarity between diamond and graphite electron diffraction patterns could sometimes be misleading regarding the formation of a diamond structure, and hence, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies have been carried out to confirm the results. A chemical shift in the C 1s core level binding energies towards higher values, viz., from 286.5 to 287.8 eV after laser irradiation, and a high electrical resistivity >1013 Ω cm are consistent with the growth of diamond structure. This novel "low-temperature, low-pressure" synthesis of diamond films offers enormous potential in terms of device compatibility with other solid-state devices.


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Quantum dot lattices (QDLs) have the potential to allow for the tailoring of optical, magnetic, and electronic properties of a user-defined artificial solid. We use a dual gated device structure to controllably tune the potential landscape in a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas, thereby enabling the formation of a periodic QDL. The current-voltage characteristics, I (V), follow a power law, as expected for a QDL. In addition, a systematic study of the scaling behavior of I (V) allows us to probe the effects of background disorder on transport through the QDL. Our results are particularly important for semiconductor-based QDL architectures which aim to probe collective phenomena.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We use a dual gated device structure to introduce a gate-tuneable periodic potential in a GaAs/AlGaAs two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Using only a suitable choice of gate voltages we can controllably alter the potential landscape of the bare 2DEG, inducing either a periodic array of antidots or quantum dots. Antidots are artificial scattering centers, and therefore allow for a study of electron dynamics. In particular, we show that the thermovoltage of an antidot lattice is particularly sensitive to the relative positions of the Fermi level and the antidot potential. A quantum dot lattice, on the other hand, provides the opportunity to study correlated electron physics. We find that its current-voltage characteristics display a voltage threshold, as well as a power law scaling, indicative of collective Coulomb blockade in a disordered background.


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An analytical method has been proposed to optimise the small-signaloptical gain of CO2-N2 gasdynamic lasers (gdl) employing two-dimensional (2D) wedge nozzles. Following our earlier work the equations governing the steady, inviscid, quasi-one-dimensional flow in the wedge nozzle of thegdl are reduced to a universal form so that their solutions depend on a single unifying parameter. These equations are solved numerically to obtain similar solutions for the various flow quantities, which variables are subsequently used to optimize the small-signal-gain. The corresponding optimum values like reservoir pressure and temperature and 2D nozzle area ratio also have been predicted and graphed for a wide range of laser gas compositions, with either H2O or He as the catalyst. A large number of graphs are presented which may be used to obtain the optimum values of small signal gain for a wide range of laser compositions without further computations.


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The results of extensive transport studies in localized regime of mesoscopic two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) with varying disorder are presented. A quick overview of previously achieved result is given. The main focus is on the observation of density dependent instabilities manifested by strong resistance oscillations induced by high perpendicular magnetic fields B-perpendicular to. While the amplitude of the oscillations is strongly enhanced with increasing B-perpendicular to, their position in electron density remains unaffected. The temperature dependence of resistivity shows a transition from an activated behaviour at high temperature to a saturated behaviour at low T. In the positions of resistance minima, the T dependence can even become metal-like (d rho/dT > 0). The activation energies obtained from the high T behaviour exhibit a formation of plateaux in connection with the resistance oscillations when analyzed as a function of electron density. We suggest the interplay between a strongly interacting electron phase and the background disorder as a possible explanation for our observation.


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Randomly diluted quantum boson and spin models in two dimensions combine the physics of classical percolation with the well-known dimensionality dependence of ordering in quantum lattice models. This combination is rather subtle for models that order in two dimensions but have no true order in one dimension, as the percolation cluster near threshold is a fractal of dimension between 1 and 2: two experimentally relevant examples are the O(2) quantum rotor and the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. We study two analytic descriptions of the O(2) quantum rotor near the percolation threshold. First a spin-wave expansion is shown to predict long-ranged order, but there are statistically rare points on the cluster that violate the standard assumptions of spin-wave theory. A real-space renormalization group (RSRG) approach is then used to understand how these rare points modify ordering of the O(2) rotor. A new class of fixed points of the RSRG equations for disordered one-dimensional bosons is identified and shown to support the existence of long-range order on the percolation backbone in two dimensions. These results are relevant to experiments on bosons in optical lattices and superconducting arrays, and also (qualitatively) for the diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La-2(Zn,Mg)(x)Cu1-xO4.


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An optical microscopy study of stress relief patterns in diamondlike carbon films is presented. Interesting stress relief patterns are observed which include the well known sinusoidal type, branching pattern and string of beads pattern. The last one is shown to relieve stresses under marginal conditions. Two new stress relief patterns are noted in the present study. One of them is of a sinusoidal shape with two extra branches at every peak position. The distribution of different stress relief forms from the outer edge of the films towards the interior is markedly dependent on film thickness. Our new patterns support the approach in which the stress relief forms have been analysed earlier using the theory of plate buckling.


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Ground-state properties of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with point-defect disorder are investigated numerically in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The phase diagram in the p(point defect concentration)-delta(deviation from half filling) plane exhibits antiferromagnetic, spin-density-wave, paramagnetic, and spin-glass-like phases. The disorder stabilizes the antiferromagnetic phase relative to the spin-density-wave phase. The presence of U strongly enhances the localization in the antiferromagnetic phase. The spin-density-wave and spin-glass-like phases are weakly localized.


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We report experimental observations of a new mechanism of charge transport in two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. We show that at low enough temperature the conductivity tends to zero at a nonzero carrier density, which represents the point of essential singularity in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition. Our experiments with many 2DESs in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures suggest that the charge transport at low carrier densities is due to the melting of an underlying ordered ground state through proliferation of topological defects. Independent measurement of low-frequency conductivity noise supports this scenario.


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An optical microscopy study of stress relief patterns in diamond-like carbon films is presented. Interesting stress relief patterns are observed which include the well-known sinusoidal type, branching pattern and string-of-beads pattern. The last one is shown to relieve stresses under marginal conditions. Two new stress relief patterns are noted in the present study. One of them is of sinusoidal shape with two extra branches at every peak position. The distribution of different stress relief forms from the outer edge of the films towards the interior is markedly dependent on the film thickness. Our new patterns support the approach in which the stress relief forms have been analysed earlier using the theory of plate buckling.


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The least path criterion or least path length in the context of redundant basis vector systems is discussed and a mathematical proof is presented of the uniqueness of indices obtained by applying the least path criterion. Though the method has greater generality, this paper concentrates on the two-dimensional decagonal lattice. The order of redundancy is also discussed; this will help eventually to correlate with other redundant but desirable indexing sets.


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We study the fate of spin-1/2 spiral-ordered two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets that are disordered by quantum fluctuations. A crucial role is played by the topological point defects of the spiral phase, which are known to have a Z(2) character. Previous works established that a nontrivial quantum spin-liquid phase results when the spiral is disordered without proliferating the Z(2) vortices. Here, we show that when the spiral is disordered by proliferating and condensing these vortices, valence-bond solid ordering occurs due to quantum Berry phase effects. We develop a general theory for this latter phase transition and apply it to a lattice model. This transition potentially provides a new example of a Landau-forbidden deconfined quantum critical point.