48 resultados para MoS2

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Tribology of small inorganic nanoparticles in suspension in a liquid lubricant is often impaired because these particles agglomerate even when organic dispersants are used. In this paper we use lateral force microscopy to study the deformation mechanism and dissipation under traction of two extreme configurations (1) a large MoS2 particle (similar to 20 mu m width) of about 1 mu m height and (2) an agglomerate (similar to 20 mu m width), constituting 50 nm MoS2 crystallites, of about 1 mu m height. The agglomerate records a friction coefficient which is about 5-7 times that of monolithic particle. The paper examines the mechanisms of material removal for both the particles using continuum modeling and microscopy and infers that while the agglomerate response to traction can be accounted for by the bulk mechanical properties of the material, intralayer and interlayer basal planar slips determine the friction and wear of monolithic particles. The results provide a rationale for selection of layered particles, for suspension in liquid lubricants.


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Frictional performance of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) particles sprayed on a substrate is investigated in a ball-on-disc tribometer. The ability of large (similar to 2 mu m) and small (similar to 50 nm) particles to generate low-friction transfer film is investigated with a view to elucidate the requirement for film formation. Particle migration, particle stability in the contact region, oxidation potential, and particle adhesion to the substrate are explored within a span of operating parametersp; normal load, and sliding velocity. It is found that the larger particles are able to migrate to the contact to raise a homogeneous but nonuniform low-friction transfer film that flows plastically to yield large contact areas, which aid in wear protection. Within the present load and speed range, the inability of small particles to stay in the contact region and undergo basal slip militates against the formation of a low-friction transfer film.


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Tribology of a well known solid lubricant molybdenum disulphide is studied here in water and oil medium, over a large range of contact dimensions. Lateral force microscopy is used to identify the deformation modes, intra-crystalline slip, plastic grooving, fragmentation and fracture, of single particles The medium and agglomeration were found to dictate the deformation mode Steel on steel tribology lubricated by suspensions of these particles in liquid media was conducted over a range of contact pressure and sliding velocity. A scrutiny of the frictional data with the aid of Raman spectroscopy to identify the transfer film, suggested that the particle size, as it is at contact, is an important tribological parameter Ultrasonication of the suspension and dispersion of the particle by surfactants were used to control the apriori particle size fed into the suspension.Correspondence of friction data of the gently sonicated suspension with that of the ultrasonicated suspension with dispersants indicated the importance of liquid ingestion by these particles as it controls their mode of deformation and consequent tribology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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It is known from temperature-programmed desorption studies that the binding energy of thiophene over Mo/gamma-Al2O3 and Co-Mo/gamma-Al2O3, hydrodesulfurization catalysts, is lower in the presence of hydrogen. The adsorption of thiophene on clean and hydrogen-adsorbed MoS2 was modelled using extended Huckel tight binding band structure calculations. In the eta(1) adsorption configuration the calculations show a lower binding energy for adsorption on the hydrogen-preadsorbed surface similar to that observed experimentally. The lowering is due to an increased occupancy of the Mo density of states in the presence of hydrogen.


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Encapsulated and hollow closed-cage onion-like structures of WS2 and MoS2 were prepared by laser ablation of the corresponding layered structures in argon atmosphere at four varied temperatures. A detailed study for WS2 indicates that only metal-filled onion-like structures are produced at temperatures Tless-than-or-equals, slant650°C, whereas a mixture of metal-filled and hollow structures are produced at Tgreater-or-equal, slanted850°C. The encapsulated metal is identified to be predominantly the metastable β phase of tungsten. Very short tube-like or elongated polyhedral structures are also obtained at high temperatures.


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A strong electron-phonon interaction which limits the electronic mobility of semiconductors can also have significant effects on phonon frequencies. The latter is the key to the use of Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive characterization of doping in graphene-based devices. Using in situ Raman scattering from a single-layer MoS2 electrochemically top-gated field-effect transistor (FET), we show softening and broadening of the A(1g) phonon with electron doping, whereas the other Raman-active E-2g(1) mode remains essentially inert. Confirming these results with first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we use group theoretical arguments to explain why the A(1g) mode specifically exhibits a strong sensitivity to electron doping. Our work opens up the use of Raman spectroscopy in probing the level of doping in single-layer MoS2-based FETs, which have a high on-off ratio and are of technological significance.


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A steel ball was slid on a steel flat lubricated by molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) particles suspended in hexadecane oil at 150 degrees C. The friction data is compared with that obtained when the ball was slid on the flat sprayed apriori with nominally dry MoS2 particles. The friction in the dry experiment was found to increase with temperature while the friction in wet condition was found to decrease with increasing temperature. Micro-Raman and Fourier transform IR spectroscopy are used to explore the roles of environmental moisture and chemical degradation of oil on the formation of antifriction film on the steel substrate.


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Solid lubricant nanoparticles in suspension in oil are good lubricating options for practical machinery. In this article, we select a range of dispersants, based on their polar moieties, to suspend 50-nm molybdenum disulfide particles in an industrial base oil. The suspension is used to lubricate a steel on steel sliding contact. A nitrogen-based polymeric dispersant (aminopropyl trimethoxy silane) with a free amine group and an oxygen-based polymeric dispersant (sorbital monooleate) when grafted on the particle charge the particle negatively and yield an agglomerate size which is almost the same as that of the original particle. Lubrication of the contact by these suspensions gives a coefficient of friction in the similar to 0.03 range. The grafting of these surfactants on the particle is shown here to be of a chemical nature and strong as the grafts survive mechanical shear stress in tribology. Such grafts are superior to those of other silane-based test surfactants which have weak functional groups. In the latter case, the particles bereft of strong grafts agglomerate easily in the lubricant and give a coefficient of friction in the 0.08-0.12 range. This article investigates the mechanism of frictional energy dissipation as influenced by the chemistry of the surfactant molecule.


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We report resonant Raman scattering of MoS2 layers comprising of single, bi, four and seven layers, showing a strong dependence on the layer thickness. Indirect band gap MoS2 in bulk becomes a direct band gap semiconductor in the monolayer form. New Raman modes are seen in the spectra of single- and few-layer MoS2 samples which are absent in the bulk. The Raman mode at similar to 230 cm(-1) appears for two, four and seven layers. This mode has been attributed to the longitudinal acoustic phonon branch at the M point (LA(M)) of the Brillouin zone. The mode at similar to 179 cm(-1) shows asymmetric character for a few-layer sample. The asymmetry is explained by the dispersion of the LA(M) branch along the G-M direction. The most intense spectral region near 455 cm(-1) shows a layer-dependent variation of peak positions and relative intensities. The high energy region between 510 and 645 cm(-1) is marked by the appearance of prominent new Raman bands, varying in intensity with layer numbers. Resonant Raman spectroscopy thus serves as a promising non invasive technique to accurately estimate the thickness of MoS2 layers down to a few atoms thick. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We investigate the direct band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) in a reverse biased molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoribbon p-n junction by analyzing the complex band structure obtained from semiempirical extended Huckel method under relaxed and strained conditions. It is demonstrated that the direct BTBT is improbable in relaxed monolayer nanoribbon; however, with the application of certain uniaxial tensile strain, the material becomes favorable for it. On the other hand, the relaxed bilayer nanoribbon is suitable for direct BTBT but becomes unfavorable when the applied uniaxial tensile or compressive strain goes beyond a certain limit. Considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation, we evaluate the tunneling probability to estimate the tunneling current for a small applied reverse bias. Reasonably high tunneling current in the MoS2 nanoribbons shows that it can take advantage over graphene nanoribbon in future tunnel field-effect transistor applications.


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We present a computational study on the impact of tensile/compressive uniaxial (epsilon(xx)) and biaxial (epsilon(xx) = epsilon(yy)) strain on monolayer MoS2, n-, and p-MOSFETs. The material properties like band structure, carrier effective mass, and the multiband Hamiltonian of the channel are evaluated using the density functional theory. Using these parameters, self-consistent Poisson-Schrodinger solution under the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism is carried out to simulate the MOS device characteristics. 1.75% uniaxial tensile strain is found to provide a minor (6%) ON current improvement for the n-MOSFET, whereas same amount of biaxial tensile strain is found to considerably improve the p-MOSFET ON currents by 2-3 times. Compressive strain, however, degrades both n-MOS and p-MOS devices performance. It is also observed that the improvement in p-MOSFET can be attained only when the channel material becomes indirect gap in nature. We further study the performance degradation in the quasi-ballistic long-channel regime using a projected current method.


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Exposure of few-layer MoS2, WS2 and MoSe2 to high-temperature shock waves causes morphological changes and a significant decrease in the interlayer separation between the (002) planes, the decrease being greatest in MoSe2. Raman spectra show softening of both the A(1g) and the E-2g(1) modes initially, followed by a slightly stiffening. Using first-principles density functional theoretical analysis of the response of few-layer MoS2 to shock waves, we propose that a combination of shear and uniaxial compressive deformation leads to flattening of MoS2 sheets which is responsible for the changes in the vibrational spectra. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present temperature dependent I-V measurements of short channel MoS2 field effect devices at high source-drain bias. We find that, although the I-V characteristics are ohmic at low bias, the conduction becomes space charge limited at high V-DS, and existence of an exponential distribution of trap states was observed. The temperature independent critical drain-source voltage (V-c) was also determined. The density of trap states was quantitatively calculated from V-c. The possible origin of exponential trap distribution in these devices is also discussed. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Combining the electronic properties of graphene(1,2) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2)(3-6) in hybrid heterostructures offers the possibility to create devices with various functionalities. Electronic logic and memory devices have already been constructed from graphene-MoS2 hybrids(7,8), but they do not make use of the photosensitivity of MoS2, which arises from its optical-range bandgap(9). Here, we demonstrate that graphene-on-MoS2 binary heterostructures display remarkable dual optoelectronic functionality, including highly sensitive photodetection and gate-tunable persistent photoconductivity. The responsivity of the hybrids was found to be nearly 1 x 10(10) A W-1 at 130 K and 5 x 10(8) A W-1 at room temperature, making them the most sensitive graphene-based photodetectors. When subjected to time-dependent photoillumination, the hybrids could also function as a rewritable optoelectronic switch or memory, where the persistent state shows almost no relaxation or decay within experimental timescales, indicating near-perfect charge retention. These effects can be quantitatively explained by gate-tunable charge exchange between the graphene and MoS2 layers, and may lead to new graphene-based optoelectronic devices that are naturally scalable for large-area applications at room temperature.


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In this work, we present a study on the negative differential resistance (NDR) behavior and the impact of various deformations (like ripple, twist, wrap) and defects like vacancies and edge roughness on the electronic properties of short-channel MoS2 armchair nanoribbon MOSFETs. The effect of deformation (3 degrees-7 degrees twist or wrap and 0.3-0.7 angstrom ripple amplitude) and defects on a 10 nm MoS2 ANR FET is evaluated by the density functional tight binding theory and the non-equilibrium Green's function approach. We study the channel density of states, transmission spectra, and the I-D-V-D characteristics of such devices under the varying conditions, with focus on the NDR behavior. Our results show significant change in the NDR peak to valley ratio and the NDR window with such minor intrinsic deformations, especially with the ripple. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.