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em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Na+.C6HI209 P-, Mr=282.1, monoclinic, e2~, a=5-762(1), b=7.163(2), c=12.313(1)A, fl= 99.97 (1) °, U= 500.5 A 3, Z= 2, D m = 1.86, D x = 1.87 Mg m -s, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418 A, /a = 3-3 mm -1, F(000) = 292, T= 300 K, final R for 922 observed reflections is 0-042. The phosphate ester bond, P-O(6), is 1.575 (5)A, slightly shorter than the P~O bond in monopotassium phosphoenolpyruvate [1.612 (6) A] [Hosur & Viswamitra (1981). Acta Cryst. B37, 839-843]. The pyranose sugar ring takes a 4C 1 chair conformation. The conformation about the exocyclic C(5)-C(6) bond is gauche-trans. The endocyclic C-O bonds in the glucose ring are nearly equal with C(5)-O(5) = 1.435 (8) and C(1)-O(5) = 1.436 (9) A. The sodium ion has seven near neighbours within a distance of 2.9 A. The crystal structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the O atoms of symmetryrelated molecules.


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The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stratified Boussinesq fluid in the presence of a rigid boundary is studied, A jump in the magnetic field is introduced at a level different from the velocity discontinuity. New unstable modes in addition to the Kelvin-Helmhottz mode are found. The wavelengths of these unstable modes are close to the wavelengths of internal Alfv6n gravity waves in the atmospher.


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This paper presents two approximate analytical expressions for nonlinear electric fields in the principal direction in axially symmetric (3D) and two dimensional (2D) ion trap mass analysers with apertures (holes in case of 3D traps and slits in case of 2D traps) on the electrodes. Considered together (3D and 2D), we present composite approximations for the principal unidirectional nonlinear electric fields in these ion traps. The composite electric field E has the form E = E-noaperture + E-aperture. where E-noaperture is the field within an imagined trap which is identical to the practical trap except that the apertures are missing and E-aperture is the field contribution due to apertures on the two trap electrodes. The field along the principal axis, of the trap can in this way be well approximated for any aperture that is not too large. To derive E-aperture. classical results of electrostatics have been extended to electrodes with finite thickness and different aperture shapes.E-noaperture is a modified truncated multipole expansion for the imagined trap with no aperture. The first several terms in the multipole expansion are in principle exact(though numerically determined using the BEM), while the last term is chosen to match the field at the electrode. This expansion, once Computed, works with any aperture in the practical trap. The composite field approximation for axially symmetric (3D) traps is checked for three geometries: the Paul trap, the cylindrical ion trap (CIT) and an arbitrary other trap. The approximation for 2D traps is verified using two geometries: the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT). In each case, for two aperture sizes (10% and 50% of the trap dimension), highly satisfactory fits are obtained. These composite approximations may be used in more detailed nonlinear ion dynamics Studies than have been hitherto attempted. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interfacial area measurement has been carried out experimentally by measuring the bubble size and holdup for air-sodium chloride solution system. The size of the bubble is predominantly established by the air hold up. High speed photography technique for bubble size measurement and gamma ray attenuation method for holdup measurements are followed. The measured values are compared with the theoretically predicted values. Interracial area as a function of the liquid flow rate and also its distance from the nozzle of the ejector has been reported in this paper. The results obtained for this non-reactive system are also compared with those of air-water system.


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A fuzzy logic system (FLS) with a new sliding window defuzzifier is proposed for structural damage detection using modal curvatures. Changes in the modal curvatures due to damage are fuzzified using Gaussian fuzzy sets and mapped to damage location and size using the FLS. The first four modal vectors obtained from finite element simulations of a cantilever beam are used for identifying the location and size of damage. Parametric studies show that modal curvatures can be used to accurately locate the damage; however, quantifying the size of damage is difficult. Tests with noisy simulated data show that the method detects damage very accurately at different noise levels and when some modal data are missing.


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Configuration interaction calculation have been carried out on the s-hole states of Mn2+ Fe2+ (both high- and low-spin configurations). Co2+, Ca2+, K+ and Na+ including configurations involving virtual orbitals. The results show good agreement with the multiplet structures found in X-ray photoelectron spectra of these ions.


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In vitro methyiation of Escherichia coli transfer ribonucleic acid by cell free extracts of Mycobacterium smegmatis leads exclusively to the formation of 1-methyl adenine [Vani, B. R., Ramakrishnan, T., Taya, Y., Noguchi, S., Yamaiuzumi, Z. and Nishimura, S.(1978) J. Bact., 137,1085]. We have studied the effect of this modification on aminoacylation of Escherichia coli tRNA by mycobacterial enzymes. Aminoacylation with total algal protein hydrolysate as well as several individual aminoacids like methionine, valine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and lysine were monitored. In all the cases methyiation had a positive effect on the extent of aminoacylation by mycobacterial enzymes. Decreased aminoacylation in vitro was observed when hypomethylated transfer RNA from ethionine treated cells was used as the substrate for aminoacylation.


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Retinol-binding protein and prealbumin were isolated from duck plasma by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose-and DEAE-Sephadex A-50, gel filtration on Sephadex G- 100 and preparative Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the retinolbinding protein-prealbumin complex, prealbumin and retinol-binding protein were found to be 75,000, 55,0000 and 20,000, respectively. On sodium dodecyl sulphate Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, prealbumin dissociated into identical subunits exhibiting a molecular weight of 13,500. Retinol-binding protein exhibited microheterogeneity on electrophoresis, whereas prealbumin moved as a single band unlike the multiple bands observed in chicken and rat.The ultraviolet and fluorescence spectra of the two proteins were similar to those isolated from other species. No carbohydrate moiety was detected in either retinol-binding protein or prealbumin. Duck retinol-binding protein and prealbumin showed cross-reactivity with their counterparts in chicken but differed immunologically from those of goat and man. Retinolbinding protein and prealbumin could be dissociated at low ionic strength, in 2M urea, by CMsephadex chromatography or on preparative electrophoresis. Although the transport of retinol in duck plasma is mediated by carrier proteins as in other species, it is distinguished by the absence of microheterogeneity in prealbumin and of an apo-retinol-binding protein form that could be transported in the plasma.


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DNA polymerase has been purified approximately 2000-fold from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The purified preparation was homogeneous by electrophoretic criteria and has a molecular weight of 135 000. The purified enzyme resembles Escherichia coli polymerase I in its properties, being insensitive to sulfhydryl drugs and possessing 5′,3′-exonuclease activity in addition to polymerase and 3′,5′-exonuclease activities. However, it differs from the latter in its sensitivity to higher salt concentration and DNA intercalating agents such as 8-aminoquinoline. The polymerase exhibited maximal activity between 37–42°C and pH 8.8–9.5. The polymerase was stable for several months below 0°C. However, the 5′,3′-exonuclease activity was more labile. The effects of different metal ions, polyamines and drugs on the polymerase activity are presented.


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Experiments on the leaching of copper from chalcopyrite mineral by the bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans show that, in the presence of adequate amounts of sulphide, iron-grown bacteria preferentially oxidise sulphur in the ore (through direct attachment) rather than ferrous sulphate in solution. At 20% pulp density, the leaching initially takes place by a predominantly direct mechanism. The cell density in the liquid phase increases, but the Fe2+ is not oxidised. However, in the later stages when less solid substrate is available and the cell density becomes very high, the bacteria start oxidising Fe2+ in the liquid phase, thus contributing to the indirect mechanism of leaching. Contrary to expectations, the rate of leaching increased with increasing particle size in spite of the decreasing specific surface area. This has been found to be due to increasing attachment efficiency with increase in particle size.


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In recent work (Int. J. Mass Spec., vol. 282, pp. 112–122) we have considered the effect of apertures on the fields inside rf traps at points on the trap axis. We now complement and complete that work by considering off-axis fields in axially symmetric (referred to as “3D”) and in two dimensional (“2D”) ion traps whose electrodes have apertures, i.e., holes in 3D and slits in 2D. Our approximation has two parts. The first, EnoAperture, is the field obtained numerically for the trap under study with apertures artificially closed. We have used the boundary element method (BEM) for obtaining this field. The second part, EdueToAperture, is an analytical expression for the field contribution of the aperture. In EdueToAperture, aperture size is a free parameter. A key element in our approximation is the electrostatic field near an infinite thin plate with an aperture, and with different constant-valued far field intensities on either side. Compact expressions for this field can be found using separation of variables, wherein the choice of coordinate system is crucial. This field is, in turn, used four times within our trap-specific approximation. The off-axis field expressions for the 3D geometries were tested on the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) and the cylindrical ion trap (CIT), and the corresponding expressions for the 2D geometries were tested on the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT). For each geometry, we have considered apertures which are 10%, 30%, and 50% of the trap dimension. We have found that our analytical correction term EdueToAperture, though based on a classical small-aperture approximation, gives good results even for relatively large apertures.


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A ruthenium(II) ethylene complex, trans-[Ru(H)(C2H4)- (dppm)(2)][BF4], hearing two 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino) methane (dppm) ligands has been synthesized and structurally characterized using X-ray crystallography. In the molecular structure, the Ru-II center shows a distorted octahedral coordination geometry formed by four P atoms of the two chelating dppm ligands, a hydride, and an ethylene ligands. The four dppm P atoms are almost co-planar with the hydride and the ethylene ligands perpendicular to this plane. The C-C bond distance of the bound ethylene is 1.375(6) angstrom, which is elongated by 0.042 angstrom as compared to free ethylene (1.333(2) angstrom). The packing diagram of the complex shows two voids or channels, which are occupied by BF4- counterion and water molecules.


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This paper is concerned with a study of some of the properties of locally product and almost locally product structures on a differentiable manifold X n of class C k . Every locally product space has certain almost locally product structures which transform the local tangent space to X n at an arbitrary point P in a set fashion: this is studied in Theorem (2.2). Theorem (2.3) considers the nature of transformations that exist between two co-ordinate systems at a point whenever an almost locally product structure has the same local representation in each of these co-ordinate systems. A necessary and sufficient condition for X n to be a locally product manifold is obtained in terms of the pseudo-group of co-ordinate transformations on X n and the subpseudo-groups [cf., Theoren (2.1)]. Section 3 is entirely devoted to the study of integrable almost locally product structures.