141 resultados para non-additive effect


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Study of laminar boundary layer in mixed convection from vertical plates is carried out. The surface temperature along the vertical plate is assumed to vary arbitrarily with vertical distance. Perturbation technique is used to solve the governing boundary layer equations. The differentials of the wall temperature are used as perturbation elements, which are functions of vertical distance, to obtain universal functions. The universal functions are valid for any type of vertical wall temperature variation. Heat transfer rates and fluid velocity inside the boundary layer can be expressed and calculated using these universal functions. Heat transfer rates are obtained for the special cases of power-law variation of the wall temperature. The effect of the governing parameter (Gr(y)/Re-y(2)) and the power index of the power-law wall temperature variation on heat transfer rates is studied. For the purpose of validation, the mixed convection results obtained by the present technique pertaining to the special cases of isothermal vertical wall are compared with those obtained by similarity analysis reported in literature, and the agreement is found to be good. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Layer-wise, distance-dependent orientational relaxation of water confined in reverse micelles (RM) is studied using theoretical and computational tools. We use both a newly constructed ``spins on a ring'' (SOR) Ising-type model (with Shore-Zwanzig rotational dynamics) and atomistic simulations with explicit water. Our study explores the effect of reverse micelle size and role of intermolecular correlations, compromised by the presence of a highly polar surface, on the distance (from the interface) dependence of water relaxation. The ``spins on a ring'' model can capture some aspects of distance dependence of relaxation, such as acceleration of orientational relaxation at intermediate layers. In atomistic simulations, layer-wise decomposition of hydrogen bond formation pattern clearly reveals that hydrogen bond arrangement of water at a certain distance away from the surface can remain frustrated due to the interaction with the polar surface head groups. This layer-wise analysis also reveals the presence of a non-monotonic slow relaxation component which can be attributed to this frustration effect and which is accentuated in small to intermediate size RMs. For large size RMs, the long time component decreases monotonically from the interface to the interior of the RMs with slowest relaxation observed at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4732095]


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Experiments have shown strong effects of some substrates on the localized plasmons of metallic nano particles but they are inconclusive on the affecting parameters. Here, we have used discrete dipole approximation in conjunction with Sommerfeld integral relations to explain the effect of the substrates as a function of the parameters of incident radiation. The radiative coupling can both quench and enhance the resonance and its dependence on the angle and polarization of incident radiation with respect to the surface is shown. Non-radiative interaction with the substrate enhances the plasmon resonance of the particles and can shift the resonances from their free-space energies significantly. The non-radiative interaction of the substrate is sensitive to the shape of particles and polarization of incident radiation with respect to substrate. Our results show that the plasmon resonances in coupled and single particles can be significantly altered from their free-space resonances and are quenched or enhanced by the choice of substrate and polarization of incident radiation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736544]


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Photo-thermal Deflection (PTD) technique is used to investigate the thermal diffusivity (alpha) of Ge17Te83 - xTlx (0 <= x <= 13) glasses as a function of composition. The thermal diffusivity of these glasses is found to lie in the range 0.020 to 0.048 cm(2)/s, which is consistent with the memory type of electrical switching exhibited by these samples. Further, it is found that alpha shows an initial increase with Tl addition, followed by a decrease. The observed composition dependence of thermal diffusivity has been understood on the basis that the thallium atoms are incorporated as a covalent species for lower values of x, increasing the network rigidity; however, they enter as ionic species for higher x values, fragmenting the network. The initial increase in a is due to the increasing network rigidity and the subsequent decrease is because of the fragmentation of the network. Also, there is a strong correlation between the composition dependence of switching voltages observed earlier and the variation with composition of electrical resistivity and thermal diffusivity of Ge17Te83 - xTlx glasses obtained in the present study. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present the study involving the dependence of carrier concentration of InN films, grown on GaN templates using the plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy system, on growth temperature. The influence of InN carrier concentration on the electrical transport behavior of InN/GaN heterostructure based Schottky junctions is also discussed. The optical absorption edge of InN film was found to be strongly dependent on carrier concentration, and was described by Kane's k.p model, with non-parabolic dispersion relation for carrier in the conduction band. The position of the Fermi-level in InN films was modulated by the carrier concentration in the InN films. The barrier height of the heterojunctions as estimated from I-V characteristic was also found to be dependent on the carrier concentration of InN. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microstructural evolution was studied in a near-lamellar two phase (alpha(2) + gamma) Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy under high temperature creep and exposure conditions. The aim of this study was to probe the role of stress orientation, with respect to lamellar plates, on microstructural changes during primary creep. Creep testing was complemented with SEM and TEM based microstructural characterization. It was observed that retention of excess alpha(2) resulted in an unstable microstructure. Under stress and temperature, excess alpha(2) was lost and Cr-rich precipitates formed. Depending on stress orientation, the sequence of precipitates formed was different. alpha(2) loss was accompanied by formation of the non-equilibrium C14 Laves phase when lamellar plates were oriented parallel to the stress axis. In contrast, alpha(2) loss did not result in formation of the C14 phase in perpendicular samples. It was concluded that C14 formed preferentially in certain test orientations because of its effectiveness in relieving residual stresses in alpha(2) that arose from lattice misfit and modulus mismatch. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a previous study of the properties of red blood cells (RBC) trapped in an optical tweezers trap, an increase in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations for RBCs from a Plasmodium falciparum culture (due to increased rigidity) compared with normal RBCs was measured. A bystander effect was observed, whereby RBCs actually hosting the parasite had an effect on the physical properties of remaining non-hosting RBCs. The distribution of corner frequency (f(c)) in the power spectrum of single RBCs held in an optical tweezers trap was studied. Two tests were done to confirm the bystander effect. In the first, RBCs from an infected culture were separated into hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second, all RBCs were removed from the infected culture, and normal RBCs were incubated in the spent medium. The trapping environment was the same for all measurements so only changes in the properties of RBCs were measured. In the first experiment, a similar and statistically significant increase was measured both for hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second experiment, normal RBCs incubated in spent medium started to become rigid after a few hours and showed complete changes (comparable with RBCs from the infected culture) after 24 h. These experiments provide direct evidence of medium-induced changes in the properties of RBCs in an infected culture, regardless of whether the RBCs actually host the parasite.


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We theoretically analyze the performance of transition metal dichalcogenide (MX2) single wall nanotube (SWNT) surround gate MOSFET, in the 10 nm technology node. We consider semiconducting armchair (n, n) SWNT of MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 for our study. The material properties of the nanotubes are evaluated from the density functional theory, and the ballistic device characteristics are obtained by self-consistently solving the Poisson-Schrodinger equation under the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Simulated ON currents are in the range of 61-76 mu A for 4.5 nm diameter MX2 tubes, with peak transconductance similar to 175-218 mu S and ON/OFF ratio similar to 0.6 x 10(5)-0.8 x 10(5). The subthreshold slope is similar to 62.22 mV/decade and a nominal drain induced barrier lowering of similar to 12-15 mV/V is observed for the devices. The tungsten dichalcogenide nanotubes offer superior device output characteristics compared to the molybdenum dichalcogenide nanotubes, with WSe2 showing the best performance. Studying SWNT diameters of 2.5-5 nm, it is found that increase in diameter provides smaller carrier effective mass and 4%-6% higher ON currents. Using mean free path calculation to project the quasi-ballistic currents, 62%-75% reduction from ballistic values in drain current in long channel lengths of 100, 200 nm is observed.


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Raman spectroscopic study on Oxyfluoro Vanadate glasses containing various proportions of lithium fluoride and rubidium fluoride was carried out to see an effect of mixture of alkali on vanadium-oxygen (V-O) bond length. Glasses with a general formula 40V(2)O(5) - 30BaF(2) - (30 - x) LiF - xRbF (x = 0-30) were prepared. Room temperature Raman spectra of these glass samples were recorded in back scattering geometry. The data presented is in ``reduced Raman intensity'' form with maximum peak scaled to 100. We have used v = Aexp(BR), where A and B are fitting parameters, to correlate the bond length R with Raman scattering frequency v. We observed that variation in bond length and its distribution about a most probable value can be correlated to the alkali environment present in these glasses. We also observed that all rubidium environment around the network forming unit is more homogenous than all lithium environment.


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The plastic deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in homogenized AZ31 Mg alloy was investigated in uniaxial compression in the temperature range between 150 and 400 degrees C with strain rates ranging from 10(-3) to 10(2) s(-1). Twinning was found to contribute significantly during the early stages of deformation. The onset of twinning was examined in detail by recourse to the examination of the appearance of first local maxima before peak strain in the stress-strain responses and the second derivative of stress with strain. High strain hardening rate was observed immediately after the onset of twinning and was found to increase with the Zener-Hollomon parameter. DRX was observed at temperatures above 250 degrees C whereas deformation at lower temperatures (< 250 degrees C) leads to extensive twinning at all the strain rates. At intermediate temperatures of 250-300 degrees C, plastic strains tend to localize near grain/twin boundaries, confining DRX only to these regions. Increase in the temperature promotes non-basal slip, which, in turn, leads to uniform deformation; DRX too becomes uniform. Deformation behavior in three different regimes of temperature is discussed. The dependence of critical stress for the onset of DRX and peak flow stress on temperature and strain rate are also described. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Negatively charged DNA can be compacted by positively charged dendrimers and the degree of compaction is a delicate balance between the strength of the electrostatic interaction and the elasticity of DNA. We report various elastic properties of short double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and the effect of dendrimer binding using fully atomistic molecular dynamics and numerical simulations. In equilibrium at room temperature, the contour length distribution P(L) and the end-to-end distance distribution P(R) are nearly Gaussian, the former gives an estimate of the stretch modulus gamma(1) of dsDNA in quantitative agreement with the literature value. The bend angle distribution P(.) of the dsDNA also has a Gaussian form and allows to extract a persistence length, L-p of 43 nm. When the dsDNA is compacted by positively charged dendrimer, the stretch modulus stays invariant but the effective bending rigidity estimated from the end-to-end distance distribution decreases dramatically due to backbone charge neutralization of dsDNA by dendrimer. We support our observations with numerical solutions of the worm-like-chain (WLC) model as well as using non-equilibrium dsDNA stretching simulations. These results are helpful in understanding the dsDNA elasticity at short length scales as well as how the elasticity is modulated when dsDNA binds to a charged object such as a dendrimer or protein.


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We demonstrate the effect of mechanical strain on the electrostrictive behavior of catalytically grown cellular structure of carbon nanotube (CNT). In the small strain regime, where the stress-strain behavior of the material is linear, application of an electric-field along the mechanical loading direction induces an instantaneous increase in the stress and causes an increase in the apparent Young's modulus. The instantaneous increase in the stress shows a cubic-polynomial dependence on the electric-field, which is attributed to the non-linear coupling of the mechanical strain and the electric-field induced polarization of the CNT. The electrostriction induced actuation becomes >100 times larger if the CNT sample is pre-deformed to a small strain. However, in the non-linear stress-strain regime, although a sharp increase in the apparent Young's modulus is observed upon application of an electric-field, no instantaneous increase in the stress occurs. This characteristic suggests that the softening due to the buckling of individual CNT compensates for any instantaneous rise in the electrostriction induced stress at the higher strains. We also present an analytical model to elucidate the experimental observations. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper control of oblique vortex shedding in the wake behind a straight circular cylinder is explored experimentally and computationally. Towards this, steady rotation of the cylinder about its axis is used as a control device. Some limited studies are also performed with a stepped circular cylinder, where at the step the flow is inevitably three-dimensional irrespective of the rotation rate. When there is no rotation, the vortex shedding pattern is three dimensional as described in many previous studies. With a non-zero rotation rate, it is demonstrated experimentally as well as numerically that the shedding pattern becomes more and more two-dimensional. At sufficiently high rotation rates, the vortex shedding is completely suppressed.


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Hollow nanostructures are used for various applications including catalysis, sensing, and drug delivery. Methods based on the Kirkendall effect have been the most successful for obtaining hollow nanostructures of various multicomponent systems. The classical Kirkendall effect relies on the presence of a faster diffusing species in the core; the resultant imbalance in flux results in the formation of hollow structures. Here, an alternate non-Kirkendall mechanism that is operative for the formation of hollow single crystalline particles of intermetallic PtBi is demonstrated. The synthesis method involves sequential reduction of Pt and Bi salts in ethylene glycol under microwave irradiation. Detailed analysis of the reaction at various stages indicates that the formation of the intermetallic PtBi hollow nanoparticles occurs in steps. The mechanistic details are elucidated using control experiments. The use of microwave results in a very rapid synthesis of intermetallics PtBi that exhibits excellent electrocatalytic activity for formic acid oxidation reaction. The method presented can be extended to various multicomponent systems and is independent of the intrinsic diffusivities of the species involved.


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In this work, we present a study on the negative differential resistance (NDR) behavior and the impact of various deformations (like ripple, twist, wrap) and defects like vacancies and edge roughness on the electronic properties of short-channel MoS2 armchair nanoribbon MOSFETs. The effect of deformation (3 degrees-7 degrees twist or wrap and 0.3-0.7 angstrom ripple amplitude) and defects on a 10 nm MoS2 ANR FET is evaluated by the density functional tight binding theory and the non-equilibrium Green's function approach. We study the channel density of states, transmission spectra, and the I-D-V-D characteristics of such devices under the varying conditions, with focus on the NDR behavior. Our results show significant change in the NDR peak to valley ratio and the NDR window with such minor intrinsic deformations, especially with the ripple. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.