316 resultados para topological insulator


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We develop a continuum theory to model low energy excitations of a generic four-band time reversal invariant electronic system with boundaries. We propose a variational energy functional for the wavefunctions which allows us to derive natural boundary conditions valid for such systems. Our formulation is particularly suited for developing a continuum theory of the protected edge/surface excitations of topological insulators both in two and three dimensions. By a detailed comparison of our analytical formulation with tight binding calculations of ribbons of topological insulators modelled by the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang (BHZ) Hamiltonian, we show that the continuum theory with a natural boundary condition provides an appropriate description of the low energy physics.


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The topological and the electrostatic properties of the aspirin drug molecule were determined from high-resolution X-ray diffraction data at 90 K, and the corresponding results are compared with the theoretical calculations. The electron density at the bond critical point of all chemical bonds induding the intermolecular interactions of aspirin has been quantitatively described using Bader's quantum theory of ``Atoms in Molecules''. The electrostatic potential of the molecule emphasizes the preferable binding sites of the drug and the interaction features of the molecule, which are crucial for drug-receptor recognition. The topological analysis of hydrogen bonds reveals the strength of intermolecular interactions.


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Ceramic/Porcelain suspension disc insulators are widely used in power systems to provide electrical insulation and mechanically support for high-voltage transmission lines. These insulators are subjected to a variety of stresses, including mechanical, electrical and environmental. These stresses act in unison. The exact nature and magnitude of these stresses vary significantly and depends on insulator design, application and its location. Due to various reasons the insulator disc can lose its electrical insulation properties without any noticeable mechanical failure. Such a condition while difficult to recognize, can enhance the stress on remaining healthy insulator discs in the string further may lead to a flashover. To understand the stress enhancement due to faulty discs in a string, attempt has been made to simulate the potential and electric field profiles for various disc insulators presently used in the country. The results of potential and electric filed stress obtained for normal and strings with faulty insulator discs are presented.


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We use a self-consistent strong-coupling expansion for the self-energy (perturbation theory in the hopping) to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated lattice fermions. We study the three-dimensional homogeneous Fermi-Hubbard model driven by an external electric field showing that the damping of the ensuing Bloch oscillations depends on the direction of the field and that for a broad range of field strengths a long-lived transient prethermalized state emerges. This long-lived transient regime implies that thermal equilibrium may be out of reach of the time scales accessible in present cold atom experiments but shows that an interesting new quasiuniversal transient state exists in nonequilibrium governed by a thermalized kinetic energy but not a thermalized potential energy. In addition, when the field strength is equal in magnitude to the interaction between atoms, the system undergoes a rapid thermalization, characterized by a different quasiuniversal behavior of the current and spectral function for different values of the hopping. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.260402


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The Radio Interference (RI) from electric power transmission line hardware, if not controlled, poses serious electromagnetic interference to system in the vicinity. The present work mainly concerns with the RI from the insulator string along with the associated line hardware. The laboratory testing for the RI levels are carried out through the measurement of the conducted radio interference levels. However such measurements do not really locate the coronating point, as well as, the mode of corona. At the same time experience shows that it is rather difficult to locate the coronating points by mere inspection. After a thorough look into the intricacies of the problem, it is ascertained that the measurement of associated ground end currents could give a better picture of the prevailing corona modes and their intensities. A study on the same is attempted in the present work. Various intricacies of the problem,features of ground end current pulses and its correlation with RI are dealt with. Owing to the complexity of such experimental investigations, the study made is not fully complete nevertheless it seems to be first of its kind.


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Ceramic/Porcelain insulators are widely used in power transmission lines to provide mechanical support for High voltage conductors in addition to withstand electrical stresses. As a result of lightning, switching or temporary over voltages that could initiate flashover under worst weather conditions, and to operate within interference limits. Given that the useful life in service of the individual insulator elements making up the insulator strings is hard to predict, they must be verified periodically to ensure that adequate line reliability is maintained at all times. Over the years utilities have adopted few methods to detect defective discs in a string, subsequently replacement of the faulty discs are being carried out for smooth operation. But, if the insulator is found to be defective in a string at some location that may not create any changes in the field configuration, there is no need to replace to avoid manpower and cost of replacement. Due to deficiency of electric field data for the existing string configuration, utilities are forced to replace the discs which may not be essentially required. Hence, effort is made in the present work to simulate the potential and electric field along the normal and with faults induced discs in a string up to 765 kV system voltages using Surface Charge Simulation Method (SCSM). A comparison is made between simulated results, experimental and field data and it was found that the computed results are quite acceptable and useful.


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Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays in a magnetic field and ultracold interacting atoms in an optical lattice in the presence of a ``synthetic'' orbital magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model and quantum XY model with half a flux quantum per lattice plaquette. Using Monte Carlo simulations and the density matrix renormalization group method, we show that these kinetically frustrated boson models admit three phases at integer filling: a weakly interacting chiral superfluid phase with staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry, a conventional Mott insulator at strong coupling, and a remarkable ``chiral Mott insulator'' (CMI) with staggered loop currents sandwiched between them at intermediate correlation. We discuss how the CMI state may be viewed as an exciton condensate or a vortex supersolid, study a Jastrow variational wave function which captures its correlations, present results for the boson momentum distribution across the phase diagram, and consider various experimental implications of our phase diagram. Finally, we consider generalizations to a staggered flux Bose-Hubbard model and a two-dimensional (2D) version of the CMI in weakly coupled ladders.


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Gd2O3-based metal-insulator-metal capacitors have been characterized with single layer (Gd2O3) and bilayer (Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3) stacks for analog and DRAM applications. Although single layer Gd2O3 capacitors provide highest capacitance density (15 fF/mu m(2)), they suffer from high leakage current density, poor capacitance density-voltage linearity, and reliability. The stacked dielectrics help to reduce leakage current density (1.2x10(-5) A/cm(2) and 2.7 x 10(-5) A/cm(2) for Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3, respectively, at -1 V), improve quadratic voltage coefficient of capacitance (331 ppm/V-2 and 374 ppm/V-2 for Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3, respectively, at 1 MHz), and improve reliability, with a marginal reduction in capacitance density. This is attributed to lower trap heights as determined from Poole-Frenkel conduction mechanism, and lower defect density as determined from electrode polarization model.


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We have investigated the validity of percolation model, which is quite often invoked to explain the metal-insulator transition in sodium tungsten bronzes, NaxWO(3) by photoelectron spectromicroscopy. The spatially resolved direct spectromicroscopic probing on both the insulating and metallic phases of high quality single crystals of NaxWO(3) reveals the absence of any microscopic inhomogeneities embedded in the system within the experimental limit. Neither any metallic domains in the insulating host nor any insulating domains in the metallic host have been found to support the validity of percolation model to explain the metal-insulator transition in NaxWO(3). The possible origin of insulating phase in NaxWO(3) is due to the Anderson localization of all the states near E-F. The localization occurs because of the strong disorder arising from random distribution of Na+ ions in the WO3 lattice.


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Topological methods have been successfully used to identify features in scalar fields and to measure their importance. In this paper, we define a notion of topological saliency that captures the relative importance of a topological feature with respect to other features in its local neighborhood. Features are identified by extreme points of an input scalar field, and their importance measured by the so-called topological persistence. Computing the topological saliency of all features for varying neighborhood sizes results in a saliency plot that serves as a summary of relative importance of all topological features. We develop a convenient tool for users to interactively select and inspect features using the saliency plot. We demonstrate the use of topological saliency together with the rich information encoded in the saliency plot in several applications, including key feature identification, scalar field simplification, and feature clustering. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We show how Majorana end modes can be generated in a one-dimensional system by varying some of the parameters in the Hamiltonian periodically in time. The specific model we consider is a chain containing spinless electrons with a nearest-neighbor hopping amplitude, a p-wave superconducting term, and a chemical potential; this is equivalent to a spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic XY couplings between nearest neighbors and a magnetic field applied in the (z) over cap direction. We show that varying the chemical potential (or magnetic field) periodically in time can produce Majorana modes at the ends of a long chain. We discuss two kinds of periodic driving, periodic delta-function kicks, and a simple harmonic variation with time. We discuss some distinctive features of the end modes such as the inverse participation ratio of their wave functions and their Floquet eigenvalues which are always equal to +/- 1 for time-reversal-symmetric systems. For the case of periodic delta-function kicks, we use the effective Hamiltonian of a system with periodic boundary conditions to define two topological invariants. The first invariant is a well-known winding number, while the second invariant has not appeared in the literature before. The second invariant is more powerful in that it always correctly predicts the numbers of end modes with Floquet eigenvalues equal to + 1 and -1, while the first invariant does not. We find that the number of end modes can become very large as the driving frequency decreases. We show that periodic delta-function kicks in the hopping and superconducting terms can also produce end modes. Finally, we study the effect of electron-phonon interactions (which are relevant at finite temperatures) and a random noise in the chemical potential on the Majorana modes.


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Topological defects play an important role in the melting phenomena in two-dimensions. In this work, we report experimental observation of topological defect induced melting in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. The phenomenon is characterised by measurement of conductivity which goes to zero in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. Further evidence is provided via low-frequency conductivity noise measurements.


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We demonstrate in a simple model the surprising result that turning on an on-site Coulomb interaction U in a doped band insulator leads to the formation of a half-metallic state. In the undoped system, we show that increasing U leads to a first order transition at a finite value U-AF between a paramagnetic band insulator and an antiferomagnetic Mott insulator. Upon doping, the system exhibits half-metallic ferrimagnetism over a wide range of doping and interaction strengths on either side of U-AF. Our results, based on dynamical mean field theory, suggest a new route to half metallicity, and will hopefully motivate searches for new materials for spintronics.


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We report results of the magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements down to very low fields on a single crystal of the perovskite manganite, La-0.82 Ca-0.18 MnO3. This composition falls in the intriguing ferromagnetic insulator region of the manganite phase diagram. In contrast to earlier beliefs, our investigations reveal that magnetically (and in every other sense), this is a single- phase system with a ferromagnetic ordering temperature of around 170 K. However, this ferromagnetic state is magnetically frustrated, and the system exhibits pronounced glassy dynamics below 90 K. Based on measured dynamical properties, we propose that this quasi-long-ranged ferromagnetic phase, and the associated superspin glass behavior, is the true magnetic state of the system, rather than being a macroscopic mixture of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, as often suggested. Our results provide an understanding of the quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal via this ferromagnetic state as a function of x in La1-xCaxMnO3, in terms of the possible formation of magnetic polarons.


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Isoniazid (isonicotinohydrazide) is an important first-line antitubercular drug that targets the InhA enzyme which synthesizes the critical component of the mycobacterial cell wall. An experimental charge-density analysis of isoniazid has been performed to understand its structural and electronic properties in the solid state. A high-resolution single-crystal X-ray intensity data has been collected at 90 K. An aspherical multipole refinement was carried out to explore the topological and electrostatic properties of the isoniazid molecule. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical charge-density calculations performed using CRYSTAL09 with the B3LYP/6-31G** method. A topological analysis of the electron density reveals that the Laplacian of electron density of the N-N bond is significantly less negative, which indicates that the charges at the b.c.p. (bond-critical point) of the bond are least accumulated, and so the bond is considered to be weak. As expected, a strong negative electrostatic potential region is present in the vicinity of the O1, N1 and N3 atoms, which are the reactive locations of the molecule. The C-H center dot center dot center dot N, C-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot N types of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions stabilize the crystal structure. The topological analysis of the electron density on hydrogen bonding shows the strength of intermolecular interactions.