126 resultados para Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)


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We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a time-varying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme [Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.


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A four step, efficient and general methodology for the conversion of a cyclic ketone into the corresponding alpha-spiro-beta-methylene-gamma-butyrolactone, the key structural feature present in tricyclic sesquiterpenes bakkanes, has been developed employing a regiospecific 5-exo dig radical cyclisation reaction as the key step. The methodology has been extended to the total synthesis of bakkanes including homogynolide-B and chiral homogynolide-A.


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In order to gain access to the heptacyclic tetraone 3, efforts were directed towards the utilisation of the major 'unwanted' [4 + 2]-adduct 11 of tetrachlorodimethoxycyclopentadiene and norbornenobenzoquinone. Epoxides derived from the diol and dimethoxy derivatives of the adduct 11 undergo facile Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement resulting in the required endo, syn, endo stereochemistry as well as methano-bridge functionalisation to deliver 18 and 24, respectively. However, intramolecular ether formation, occurring via the capture of carbocation intermediate with the transannularly poised oxygen functionality, is a more facile process. Attempts to cleave the ether linkage resulted in the formation of a novel transannularly cyclised twisted bowl shape heptacyclic compound 30 and its structure has been established through X-ray crystallography.


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Co-ordination complexes of the diphosphazane dioxides Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(2) L(1). Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(OC(6)H(4)Me-4) L(2) and Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)(O2C12H8) L(3) with UO22+ or Th4+ ions have been synthesised and characterised by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The structures of [UO2(NO3)(2)L(1)] and [Th(NO3)(2)L(3)(1)][Th(NO3)(6)] are established by X-ray crystallography. In the former, the uranyl ion is bonded to two bidentate nitrate groups and the two phosphoryl groups of the ligand L(1); the co-ordination polyhedron around the metal is a hexagonal bipyramid. The cationic moiety in the thorium complex contains three bidentate diphosphazane dioxide ligands and two bidentate nitrate groups around the ten-co-ordinated metal.


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Linker histone H1 binds preferentially the scaffold associated region (SAR) DNA elements that contain characteristic oligo dA . dT tracts. In the present study, we have compared the condensation brought about by histone H1 of a SAR DNA fragment in the histone spacer region of Drosophila melanogaster with that of a random DNA (pBR322 EcoRI-SalI) fragment by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The condensation of the SAR DNA fragment by histone H1 is 3-4-fold higher than that of the random DNA fragment. A 16-mer peptide, ATPKKSTKKTPKKAKK, the sequence that is present in the C-terminus of histone H1d, which has recently been shown to possess DIVA and chromatin condensing properties, also condenses the SAR DNA fragment preferentially in a highly cooperative manner. We have proposed a model for the dynamics of chromatin structure involving histone H1-SAR DNA interaction through SPKK containing peptide motifs and its competition by AT-hook peptides present in the nonhistone chromosomal proteins like HMG-I and HMG-Y.


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There have been major advances in solid state and materials chemistry in the last two decades and the subject is growing rapidly. In this account, a few of the important aspects of materials chemistry of interest to the author are presented. Accordingly, transition metal oxides, which constitute the most fascinating class of inorganic materials, receive greater attention, Metal-insulator transitions in oxides, high temperature superconductivity in cuprates and colossal magnetoresistance in manganates are discussed at some length and the outstanding problems indicated, We then discuss certain other important classes of materials which include molecular materials, biomolecular materials and porous solids. Recent developments in synthetic strategies for inorganic materials are reviewed. Some results on metal nanoparticles and nanotubes are briefly presented. The overview, which is essentially intended to provide a flavour of the subject and show how it works, lists references to many crucial reviews in the recent literature.


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We report Doppler-only radar observations of Icarus at Goldstone at a transmitter frequency of 8510 MHz (3.5 cm wavelength) during 8-10 June 1996, the first radar detection of the object since 1968. Optimally filtered and folded spectra achieve a maximum opposite-circular (OC) polarization signal-to-noise ratio of about 10 and help to constrain Icarus' physical properties. We obtain an OC radar cross section of 0.05 km(2) (with a 35% uncertainty), which is less than values estimated by Goldstein (1969) and by Pettengill et al. (1969), and a circular polarization (SC/OC) ratio of 0.5+/-0.2. We analyze the echo power spectrum with a model incorporating the echo bandwidth B and a spectral shape parameter it, yielding a coupled constraint between B and n. We adopt 25 Hz as the lower bound on B, which gives a lower bound on the maximum pole-on breadth of about 0.6 km and upper bounds on the radar and optical albedos that are consistent with Icarus' tentative QS classification. The observed circular polarization ratio indicates a very rough near-surface at spatial scales of the order of the radar wavelength. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A stereoselective strategy for the rapid acquisition of the complete framework (dideoxyottelione A) of the promising cytotoxic agent ottelione A, with four contiguous stereogenic centres on a hydrindane skeleton and a sensitive 4-methylenecyclohex-2-enone functionality, from the readily available Diels-Alder adduct of 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,5-dimethoxycyclopentadiene and norbornadiene, is delineated.


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A common synthetic approach to the recently reported sesquiterpene kelsoene 1 and the tetraterpene poduran 5, bearing a novel tricyclo[,6)]decane framework, from commercially available 1,5-COD and leading to the first construction of the carbocyclic core present in these natural products is delineated.


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The title compound I (24-(S)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4. The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.701(2)Angstrom, b = 11.506(8)Angstrom, c = 32.183(4)Angstrom, V = 2481(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.077 Mg/m(3). The tide compound II (24-(R)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P212121 with two molecules per assymetric unit and with Z = 8. The Unit cell dimensions are a = 10.954(2)Angstrom, b = 21.757(6)Angstrom, c = 21.130(7)Angstrom, V = 5035.0(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.062 Mg/m(3). In compound I and in both the molecules of compound II, the rings A, B & C are in chair conformation and the five membered ring D is in envelope conformation. The priority sequence attached to the chiral carbon C24 has "S" designation in compound I and "R" designation in compound II. The structures are stabilized by C-H . . .O and O-H---O hydrogen bonds.


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Several novel oxides have been prepared by the decomposition of carbonate precursors of calcite structure of the general formulas Mn1−xMxCO3 (M = Mg,Co,Cd), Ca1−xMx'CO3, and Ca1−x−yMxMy”CO3.


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We investigate the ground state of interacting spin-1/2 fermions in three dimensions at a finite density (rho similar to k(F)(3)) in the presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The gauge-field configuration (GFC) described by a vector lambda equivalent to (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)), whose magnitude lambda determines the gauge coupling strength, generates a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For a weak attractive interaction in the singlet channel described by a small negative scattering length (k(F)vertical bar a(s)vertical bar less than or similar to 1), the ground state in the absence of the gauge field (lambda = 0) is a BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superfluid with large overlapping pairs. With increasing gauge-coupling strength, a non-Abelian gauge field engenders a crossover of this BCS ground state to a BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate) of bosons even with a weak attractive interaction that fails to produce a two-body bound state in free vacuum (lambda = 0). For large gauge couplings (lambda/k(F) >> 1), the BEC attained is a condensate of bosons whose properties are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field (and not by the scattering length so long as it is nonzero)-we call these bosons ``rashbons.'' In the absence of interactions (a(s) = 0(-)), the shape of the Fermi surface of the system undergoes a topological transition at a critical gauge coupling lambda(T). For high-symmetry GFCs we show that the crossover from the BCS superfluid to the rashbon BEC occurs in the regime of lambda near lambda(T). In the context of cold atomic systems, these results make an interesting suggestion of obtaining BCS-BEC crossover through a route other than tuning the interaction between the fermions.


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We explored the effect of a novel synthetic triterpenoid compound cyano enone of methyl boswellates (CEMB) on various prostate cancer and glioma cancer cell lines. CEMB displayed concentration-dependent cytotoxic activity with submicromolar lethal dose 50% (LD(50)) values in 10 of 10 tumor cell lines tested. CEMB-induced cytotoxicity is accompanied by activation of downstream effector caspases (caspases 3 and 7) and by upstream initiator caspases involved in both the extrinsic (caspase 8) and intrinsic (caspase 9) apoptotic pathways. By using short interfering RNAs (siRNA), we show evidence that knockdown of caspase 8, DR4, Apaf-1, and Bid impairs CEMB-induced cell death. Similar to other proapoptotic synthetic triterpenoid compounds, CEMB-induced apoptosis involved endoplasmic reticulum stress, as shown by partial rescue of tumor cells by siRNA-mediated knockdown of expression of genes involved in the unfolded protein response such as IRE1 alpha, PERK, and ATF6. Altogether, our results suggest that CEMB stimulates several apoptotic pathways in cancer cells, suggesting that this compound should be evaluated further as a potential agent for cancer therapy. Mol Cancer Ther; 10(9); 1635-43. (C)2011 AACR.