74 resultados para Jernström Offset


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A simple route for tailoring emissions in the visible wavelength region by chemically coupling quantum dots composed of ZnSe and CdS is reported. coupled quantum dots offer a novel route for tuning electronic transitions via band-offset engineering at the material interface. This novel class of asymmetric. coupled quantum structures may offer a basis for a diverse set of building blocks for optoelectronic devices, ultrahigh density memories, and quantum information processing.


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The frequently observed lopsidedness of the distribution of stars and gas in disc galaxies is still considered as a major problem in galaxy dynamics. It is even discussed as an imprint of the formation history of discs and the evolution of baryons in dark matter haloes. Here, we analyse a selected sample of 70 galaxies from the Westerbork Hi Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. The Hi data allow us to follow the morphology and the kinematics out to very large radii. In the present paper, we present the rotation curves and study the kinematic asymmetry. We extract the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides separately and show that the kinematic behaviour of disc galaxies can be classified into five different types: symmetric velocity fields where the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides are almost identical; global distortions where the rotation velocities of the receding and approaching sides have an offset that is constant with radius; local distortions leading to large deviations in the inner and negligible deviations in the outer parts (and vice versa); and distortions that divide the galaxies into two kinematic systems that are visible in terms of the different behaviour of the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides, which leads to a crossing and a change in side. The kinematic lopsidedness is measured from the maximum rotation velocities, averaged over the plateau of the rotation curves. This gives a good estimate of the global lopsidedness in the outer parts of the sample galaxies. We find that the mean value of the perturbation parameter denoting the lopsided potential as obtained from the kinematic data is 0.056. Altogether, 36% of the sample galaxies are globally lopsided, which can be interpreted as the disc responding to a halo that was distorted by a tidal encounter. In Paper II, we study the morphological lopsidedness of the same sample of galaxies.


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The similar to 2500 km-long Himalaya plate boundary experienced three great earthquakes during the past century, but none of them generated any surface rupture. The segments between the 1905-1934 and the 1897-1950 sources, known as the central and Assam seismic gaps respectively, have long been considered holding potential for future great earthquakes. This paper addresses two issues concerning earthquakes along the Himalaya plate boundary. One, the absence of surface rupture associated with the great earthquakes, vis-a-vis the purported large slip observed from paleoseismological investigations and two, the current understanding of the status of the seismic gaps in the Central Himalaya and Assam, in view of the paleoseismological and historical data being gathered. We suggest that the ruptures of earthquakes nucleating on the basal detachment are likely to be restricted by the crustal ramps and thus generate no surface ruptures, whereas those originating on the faults within the wedges promote upward propagation of rupture and displacement, as observed during the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, that showed a peak offset of 7 m. The occasional reactivation of these thrust systems within the duplex zone may also be responsible for the observed temporal and spatial clustering of earthquakes in the Himalaya. Observations presented in this paper suggest that the last major earthquake in the Central Himalaya occurred during AD 1119-1292, rather than in 1505, as suggested in some previous studies and thus the gap in the plate boundary events is real. As for the Northwestern Himalaya, seismically generated sedimentary features identified in the 1950 source region are generally younger than AD 1400 and evidence for older events is sketchy. The 1897 Shillong earthquake is not a decollement event and its predecessor is probably similar to 1000 years old. Compared to the Central Himalaya, the Assam Gap is a corridor of low seismicity between two tectonically independent seismogenic source zones that cannot be considered as a seismic gap in the conventional sense. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks when the primary user is using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). For this we develop cooperative sequential detection algorithms that use the autocorrelation property of cyclic prefix (CP) used in OFDM systems. We study the effect of timing and frequency offset, IQ-imbalance and uncertainty in noise and transmit power. We also modify the detector to mitigate the effects of these impairments. The performance of the proposed algorithms is studied via simulations. We show that sequential detection can significantly improve the performance over a fixed sample size detector.


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A spectrally resolved discrete-ordinates radiative transfer model is used to calculate the change in downwelling surface and top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) outgoing longwave (3.9-500 mum) radiative fluxes induced by tropospheric aerosols of the type observed over the Indian Ocean during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). Both external and internal aerosol mixtures were considered. Throughout the longwave, the aerosol volume extinction depends more strongly on relative humidity than in most of the shortwave (0.28-3.9 mum), implying that particle growth factors and realistic relative humidity profiles must be taken into account when modeling the longwave radiative effects of aerosols. A typical boundary layer aerosol loading, with a 500-nm optical depth of 0.3, will increase the downwelling longwave flux at the surface by 7.7 W m(-2) over the clean air case while decreasing the outgoing longwave radiation by 1.3 W m(-2). A more vertically extended aerosol loading, exhibiting a high opacity plume between 2 and 3 km above the surface and having a typical 500-nm optical depth of 0.7, will increase the downwelling longwave flux at the surface by 11.2 W m(-2) over the clean air case while decreasing the outgoing longwave radiation by 2.7 W m(-2). For a vertically extended aerosol profile, approximately 30% of the TOA radiative forcing comes from sea salt and approximately 60% of the forcing comes from the combination of sea salt and dust. The remaining forcing is from anthropogenic constituents. These results are for the external mixture. For an internal mixture, TOA longwave forcings can be up to a factor of two larger. Therefore, to complete our understanding of this region's longwave aerosol radiative properties, more detailed information is needed about aerosol mixing states. These longwave radiative effects partially offset the large shortwave aerosol radiative forcing and should be included in regional and global climate modeling simulations.


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technique, on both semi-insulating and semi-conducting CraAs substrates with (100) orientation, offset by 2° towards (110) direction. Systematic variation of As/Ga was performed to gain an understanding of growth process, type of formation and other related physical properties. The films were characterized by using the variety of techniques, such as SEM, EDAX, HRTEM, XRD, and PL. Optical and electrical properties of undoped CyaAs epilayers are presented with reference to the growth conditions and AsH3/TMGa ratio. Photoluminescence measurements of GaAs epilayers were recorded at 4.2K and shows the emission of free exciton and confirmed their high purity. The dominant residual impurities in GaAs are presented by using PL. Finally, electrochemical depth profiling exhibited almost homogeneous background carrier distribution and excellent abruptness between the thin GaAs epilayer and substrate.


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Recent studies have shown that changes in solar radiation affect the hydrological cycle more strongly than equivalent CO(2) changes for the same change in global mean surface temperature. Thus, solar radiation management ``geoengineering'' proposals to completely offset global mean temperature increases by reducing the amount of absorbed sunlight might be expected to slow the global water cycle and reduce runoff over land. However, proposed countering of global warming by increasing the albedo of marine clouds would reduce surface solar radiation only over the oceans. Here, for an idealized scenario, we analyze the response of temperature and the hydrological cycle to increased reflection by clouds over the ocean using an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed layer ocean model. When cloud droplets are reduced in size over all oceans uniformly to offset the temperature increase from a doubling of atmospheric CO(2), the global-mean precipitation and evaporation decreases by about 1.3% but runoff over land increases by 7.5% primarily due to increases over tropical land. In the model, more reflective marine clouds cool the atmospheric column over ocean. The result is a sinking motion over oceans and upward motion over land. We attribute the increased runoff over land to this increased upward motion over land when marine clouds are made more reflective. Our results suggest that, in contrast to other proposals to increase planetary albedo, offsetting mean global warming by reducing marine cloud droplet size does not necessarily lead to a drying, on average, of the continents. However, we note that the changes in precipitation, evaporation and P-E are dominated by small but significant areas, and given the highly idealized nature of this study, a more thorough and broader assessment would be required for proposals of altering marine cloud properties on a large scale.


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InN layers were directly grown on Ge substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). The valence band offset (VBO) of wurtzite InN/Ge heterojunction is determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The valence band of Ge is found to be 0.18 +/- 0.04 eV above that of InN and a type-II heterojunction with a conduction band offset (CBO) of similar to 0.16 eV is found. The accurate determination of the VBO and CBO is important for the design of InN/Ge based electronic devices. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.A. All rights reserved.


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Trajectory optimization of a generic launch vehicle is considered in this paper. The trajectory from launch point to terminal injection point is divided in to two segments. The first segment deals with launcher clearance and vertical raise of the vehicle. During this phase, a nonlinear feedback guidance loop is incorporated to assure vertical raise in presence of thrust misalignment, centre of gravity offset, wind disturbance etc. and possibly to clear obstacles as well. The second segment deals with the trajectory optimization, where the objective is to ensure desired terminal conditions as well as minimum control effort and minimum structural loading in the high dynamic pressure region. The usefulness of this dynamic optimization problem formulation is demonstrated by solving it using the classical Gradient method. Numerical results for both the segments are presented, which clearly brings out the potential advantages of the proposed approach.


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The study of reaction mechanisms involves systematic investigations of the correlation between structure, reactivity, and time. The challenge is to be able to observe the chemical changes undergone by reactants as they change into products via one or several intermediates such as electronic excited states (singlet and triplet), radicals, radical ions, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes, nitrinium ions, etc. The vast array of intermediates and timescales means there is no single ``do-it-all'' technique. The simultaneous advances in contemporary time-resolved Raman spectroscopic techniques and computational methods have done much towards visualizing molecular fingerprint snapshots of the reactive intermediates in the microsecond to femtosecond time domain. Raman spectroscopy and its sensitive counterpart resonance Raman spectroscopy have been well proven as means for determining molecular structure, chemical bonding, reactivity, and dynamics of short-lived intermediates in solution phase and are advantageous in comparison to commonly used time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. Today time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is a mature technique; its development owes much to the advent of pulsed tunable lasers, highly efficient spectrometers, and high speed, highly sensitive multichannel detectors able to collect a complete spectrum. This review article will provide a brief chronological development of the experimental setup and demonstrate how experimentalists have conquered numerous challenges to obtain background-free (removing fluorescence), intense, and highly spectrally resolved Raman spectra in the nanosecond to microsecond (ns-mu s) and picosecond (ps) time domains and, perhaps surprisingly, laid the foundations for new techniques such as spatially offset Raman spectroscopy.


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In this work, one-dimensional flow-acoustic analysis of two basic configurations of air cleaners, (i) Rectangular Axial-Inlet, Axial-Outlet (RAIAO) and (ii) Rectangular Transverse-Inlet, Transverse-Outlet (RTITO), has been presented. This 1-D analytical approach has been verified with the help of 3-D FEM based software. Through subtraction of the acoustic performance of the bare plenum (without filter element) from that of the complete air cleaner box, the solitary performance of the filter element has been evaluated. Part of the present analysis illustrates that the analytical formulation remains effective even with offset positioning of the air pipes from the centre of the cross section of the air cleaner. The 1-D analytical tool computes much faster than its 3-D simulation counterpart. The present analysis not only predicts the acoustical impact of mean flow, but it also depicts the scenario with increased resistance of the filter element. Thus, the proposed 1-D analysis would help in the design of acoustically efficient air cleaners for automotive applications. (C) 2011 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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Frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation enable next generation wireless cellular systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) to achieve significantly higher downlink throughput. LTE assigns subcarriers in chunks, called physical resource blocks (PRBs), to users to reduce control signaling overhead. To reduce the enormous feedback overhead, the channel quality indicator (CQI) report that is used to feed back channel state information is averaged over a subband, which, in turn, is a group of multiple PRBs. In this paper, we develop closed-form expressions for the throughput achieved by the subband-level CQI feedback mechanism of LTE. We show that the coarse frequency resolution of the CQI incurs a significant loss in throughput and limits the multi-user gains achievable by the system. We then show that the performance can be improved by means of an offset mechanism that effectively makes the users more conservative in reporting their CQI.


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The band offsets in InN/p-Si heterojunctions are determined by high resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band of InN is found to be 1.39 eV below that of Si. Given the bandgap of 0.7 eV for InN, a type-III heterojunction with a conduction band offset of 1.81 eV was found. Agreement between the simulated and experimental data obtained from the heterojunction spectra was found to be excellent, establishing that the method of determination was accurate. The charge neutrality level (CNL) model provided a reasonable description of the band alignment of the InN/p-Si interface and a change in the interface dipole by 0.06 eV was observed for InN/p-Si interface.


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In this paper, we study different methods for prototype selection for recognizing handwritten characters of Tamil script. In the first method, cumulative pairwise- distances of the training samples of a given class are used to select prototypes. In the second method, cumulative distance to allographs of different orientation is used as a criterion to decide if the sample is representative of the group. The latter method is presumed to offset the possible orientation effect. This method still uses fixed number of prototypes for each of the classes. Finally, a prototype set growing algorithm is proposed, with a view to better model the differences in complexity of different character classes. The proposed algorithms are tested and compared for both writer independent and writer adaptation scenarios.


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In0.2Ga0.8N layers were directly grown on Si(111) substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). Structural characteristics of the as-grown InGaN epilayers were evaluated high resolution X-ray diffraction and composition of InGaN was estimated from photoluminescence spectra using the standard Vegard's law. High-resolution X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were used to determine the band offset of wurtzite-In0.2Ga0.8N/Si(111) heterojunctions. The valence band of InGaN is found to be 2.08 +/- 0.04 eV below that of Si. The conduction band offset (CBO) of InGaN/Si heterojunction is found similar to 0.74 eV and a type-II heterojunction. (C) 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics