99 resultados para Carboxylate coordination


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Synthetic amphiphiles have been employed for the investigation of diverse topics, e.g. membrane mimetics, drug delivery, ion sensing and even in certain separation processes. Metal-complexing amphiphiles comprise an interesting class of compounds possessing multiple utilities. Upon solubilization in water they form metallomicelles. For achieving specific catalysis of a variety of reactions, metallomicelles were utilized by applying the principles of coordination chemistry and self-organizing systems. Because of their certain similarities with the natural enzymes, metallomicelles were synthesized as catalysts for many reactions. In particular the metallomicelles play a catalytic role in reactions involving the hydrolysis of activated carboxylate esters, phosphate esters and amides at ambient conditions near neutral pH. Apart from the hydrolysis reactions, these were exploited to play pertinent role as Lewis acid catalysts in cycloaddition reactions, and in other reactions such as phenolic oxidation in presence of hydrogen peroxide. In this review we emphasize with the help of assorted examples, the design, synthesis of metal-complexing amphiphiles and their aggregation behavior leading to catalytic hydrolysis reactions in aqueous media.


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In the title compound, C5H7N3O2, all non-H atoms lie in a common plane, with a maximum deviation of 0.061 (2)° for the ester methyl C atom. The structure is stabilized by intermolecular C-H O hydrogen bonds.


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The complexing ability of a new series of ligands, β-N-arylimine hydrazones, toward Ni (II) and Cu (II) ions has been studied. The isolated complexes are characterised on the basis of elemental analysis, spectroscopic methods and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The ligands are notentially bidentate in character coordinating to divalent metal ions through the N1 and N5 nitrogens. Square planar geometry of the metal ions is suggested on the basis of experimental evidence.


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α-Cyanothioacetamide (CTAM) complexes of cuprous chloride CuCl–2CTAM and cuprous bromide CuBr–2CTAM have been prepared. The infrared spectra of CTAM and its complexes, and the laser Raman spectrum of CTAM have been recorded. Assignment of the frequencies of the ligand has been made on the basis of a normal coordinate analysis using the Urey-Bradley force field. The copper (I) complexes are inferred to have thiocarbonyl sulfur and amide nitrogen bonded CTAM as evidenced from infrared and electronic spectra.


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L-Arginine ascorbate, C6HIsN40+.C6H706, a 1"1 crystalline complex between the amino acid arginineand the vitamin ascorbic acid, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with two formula units in a cell of dimensions a = 5.060 (8), b = 9.977 (9), c = 15.330 (13) A, fl = 97.5 (2) °. The structure was solved by the symbolic addition procedure and refined to an R of 0.067 for 1501 photographically observed reflec- tions. The conformation of the arginine molecule in the structure is different from any observed so far. The present structure provides the first description of the ascorbate anion unaffected by the geometrical constraints and disturbances imposed by the requirements of metal coordination. The lactone group and the deprotonated enediol group in the anion are planar and the side chain assumes a conformation which appears to be sterically the most favourable. In the crystals, the arginine molecules and the ascorbate anions aggregate separately into alternating layers. The molecules in the arginine layer are held together by interactions involving a-amino and ~t-carboxylate groups, a situation analogous to that found in proteins. The two layers of unlike molecules are interconnected primarily through the interactions of the side-chain guanidyl group of arginine with the ascorbate ion. These involve a specific ion-pair interaction accompanied by two convergent hydrogen bonds and another pair of nearly parallel hydrogen bonds.


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C15HIoN404, monoclinic, P2~/c, a = 10.694(8), b = 11.743 (8), c - 12.658 (8) A, fl = 113.10 (7) °, V = 1462.1 A 3, Z = 4, O m = 1 "38, O c = 1.408 g cm -3, t,t(MoKa, ~, = 0.7107 ]~) = 0.99 cm -i, F(000) = 640. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.054 using 1398 intensity measurements. The relative magnitudes of interaction of the substituents and the extent to which a ring can accommodate interactions with substituents are discussed.


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The crystal and molecular structures of C ,,H,IN302 (I) and C14HIsN302 (II) have been determined by direct methods using three-dimensional X-ray diffractometer data. Crystals of (I) are orthorhombic, space group Pna21, with a = 14.662(6), b = 10.492(5), c = 7.375 (3)A, Z = 4, V = 1134.5 A 3, D O = 1.25 (by flotation), D e = 1.269 Mgm -a, g(MoKa) = 0.085 mm -1. Crystals of (II) are monoclinic, space group P21/a, with a = 7.886 (5), b = 22.011 (8), c = 8.100 (3) A, fl = 103.12 (5) °, Z = 4, V = 1369.2 A 3, D O = 1.23 (by flotation), D e = 1.255 Mg m -3, g(Mo Kct) = 0.080 mm -1. Least-squares full-matrix refinement based on 782 (I) and 1400 independent reflections (II) converged at R = 0.040 (I) and 0.042 (II). The effect of electron-withdrawing substituents on the geometry of the cyclopropane ring is discussed.


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The conformational analysis of d-pantothenic acid using classical semiempirical methods has been carried out. The pantothenic acid molecule can exist in the neutral form (I) or in the ionised form (II) with a deprotonated negatively charged carboxyl group. The neutral molecule as well as the anion is highly flexible and has an ensemble of several allowed conformations rather than one or two unique conformations. The distribution of allowed conformations indicate that the β-alanine as well as the pantoic acid part of the molecule prefers partially folded conformations. The conformation of the former is greatly affected by the ionisation state of the carboxyl group whereas that of the latter is not. Possibility of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in different allowed conformations has also been explored. A bifurcated hydrogen bond involving a carboxyl (or carboxylate) oxygen atom and a hydroxyl oxygen atom, as acceptors, and the amide nitrogen atom as the donor occurs frequently in both I and II. Amongst the two crystal structures containing pantothenic acid reported so far, the conformation of the molecule in l-lysine d-pantothenate lies in the allowed region and is stabilised by a bifurcated intramolecular hydrogen bond, whereas that in the calcium bromide salt falls in a disallowed region, presumably due to the requirement of tridentate metal coordination.


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Nickel(I1) and palladium(I1) complexes of the types Ni(R-IAI)(IAI'), Pd(IAI)(IAI'), and Pd(R-IAI), , where IAI and IAI' represent isonitrosoacetylacetone imine and R-IAI represents its Aralkyl derivative, have been prepared. The molar conductance, molecular weight, magnetic moment, and ir, pmr, and electronic spectra of these com- plexes have been studied. It is suggested that the isonitroso group of R-IAI coordinates through the nitrogen and that of IAI' thiough the oxygen in Ni(R-IAI)(IAI'). In Pd(R-IAI), the isonitroso groups of both ligands coordinate through nitrogen while Pd(IAI)(IAI') has a structure similar to that of Ni(R-IAI)(IAI'). The amine- exchange reactions of nickel(I1) and palladium(I1) complexes are discussed and compared on the basis of their structures.


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Preparation and structural characterization of palladium (II) complexes of ligands III-V and copper (II) complexes of III are reported. The elemental analyses of the complexes show that the metal: ligand ratio is 1 : 2. The electrical conductance in acetone shows the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes. The diamagnetic character suggests a gross square-planar geometry for the palladium (II) complexes. Copper (II) complexes are paramagnetic with/~eff.~l'90 B.M. Spectral data suggest that in all the complexes the ligand coordinates to the metal (II) symmetrically through isonitroso-nitrogen and imine-nitrogen, forming a ¡ membered chelate ring. Amine-exchange reactions of the complexes are discussed and compared on the basis of their structures.


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Abstract is not available.


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In view of the recent interest in compounds containing M-SH units, an organotin hydrosulfide compound, Me2Sn(SH)(O2CMe) (1) was prepared by controlled hydrolysis of the diorganotin thioacetate. Under similar mild hydrolytic conditions the corresponding benzoate could not be isolated. Instead, the thiobenzoate complex, Me2Sn(SOCPh)(2) (3) was obtained in excellent yields indicating that there was no hydrolysis. Both 1 and 3 were characterized by X-ray crystallography. Some properties of the polymeric compound 1, such as spectral, electrical conductivity and NLO response were also studied. The reactivity and properties were explained using density functional calculations.


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Abstract is not available.


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A ternary metal complex involving Vitamin B6 with the formula [Cu(bipy)(pn) (OH)]H2O (bipy = 2,2'²-bipyridine, PN = anionic pyridoxine) has been synthesized and studied in the solid state by means of spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The geometry around copper(II) is distorted square pyramidal, two oxygens from phenolic and 4-(hydroxymethyl) groups of pn, two nitrogens from bipy and an axial OH- ion forming the coordination sphere. In this structure pn exists in a new anionic form with deprotonation of the phenolic group. The structure also provides a rare example of monodentate hydroxyl coordination to copper.


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The nature of coordination in metal monothiocarbamates is shown to depend on the hardness or softness of the metal ton. Thus, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a monodentate ligand with metal-sulphur bending when the metal ion is a soft acid while it acts as a bidentate ligand when the metal ion is a hard acid; it can exhibit either behaviour when the metal ion is a borderline acid. In dialkyltin and dialkylmonocholorotin complexes, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a bidentate ligand with strong Sn-S bonding while in trialkyl-or triaryl-tin complexes it acts essentially as a monodentate ligand. Thus, R3Sn(I) seems to be a soft or borderline acid while R2Sn(II) is a hard acid.