192 resultados para AK10-783-1


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The Zeeman effect of NQR was studied in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. A low value of the asymmetry parameter (0.10) was obtained. Four physically inequivalent field gradients were located and their orientations in the crystallographic abc system were determined using symmetry considerations. From these data the orientations of the molecules in the unit cell were determined. The results agree well with the two-dimensional x-ray structural data. The bond characters of the C[Single Bond]Cl bond were calculated, and the values compare well with those generally obtained for C[Single Bond]Cl bonds in chlorine derivatives of benzene. ©1973 The American Institute of Physics.


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Rat brain particulate fractions were shown to acylate [32P]1-alkyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine (GPE). While the main product is 1-alkyl-2-acyl GPE, about 12 per cent of the radioactivity was also found in 1-alkenyl-2-acyl GPE. The acyl transferase activity was completely dependent on added ATP and CoA and it was localized mainly in the microsomal fraction. A comparative study of acyl transferase activities to 1-alkyl-, 1-alkenyl-, and 1-acyl GPE by crude mitochondrial fraction and microsomes of 10, 16 and 22-day-old rat brains showed a progressive increase in activity with development. In the 22-day-old rat brain the order of activity towards the three substrates is as follows: 1-acyl GPE ± 1-alkenyl GPE ± 1-alkyl GPE with a crude mitochondrial fraction and 1-acyl GPE ± 1-alkyl GPE ± 1-alkenyl GPE with microsomes.


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Molecular association of porphyrins and their metal derivatives has been recognized as one of the important properties for many of their biological functions. The association is classified into (i) self-aggregation, (ii) intermolecular association and (iii) intramolecular association. The presence of metal ions in the porphyrin cavity is shown to alter the magnitudes of binding constants and thermodynamic parameters of complexation. The interaction between the porphyrin unit and the acceptor is described in terms of π-π interaction. The manifestation of charge transfer states both in the ground and excited states of these complexes is shown to influence the rates of excited state electron transfer reactions. Owing to paucity of crystal structure data, the time-averaged geometries of many of these complexes have been derived from magnetic resonance data.


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C15HIoN404, monoclinic, P2~/c, a = 10.694(8), b = 11.743 (8), c - 12.658 (8) A, fl = 113.10 (7) °, V = 1462.1 A 3, Z = 4, O m = 1 "38, O c = 1.408 g cm -3, t,t(MoKa, ~, = 0.7107 ]~) = 0.99 cm -i, F(000) = 640. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.054 using 1398 intensity measurements. The relative magnitudes of interaction of the substituents and the extent to which a ring can accommodate interactions with substituents are discussed.


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The vibrationally corrected structure of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole is derived from the proton NMR spectrum including 13C-H and 77Se-H satellites, in a nematic solvent. The results indicate considerable bond-fixation in the 6-membered ring. References


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The crystal and molecular structures of C ,,H,IN302 (I) and C14HIsN302 (II) have been determined by direct methods using three-dimensional X-ray diffractometer data. Crystals of (I) are orthorhombic, space group Pna21, with a = 14.662(6), b = 10.492(5), c = 7.375 (3)A, Z = 4, V = 1134.5 A 3, D O = 1.25 (by flotation), D e = 1.269 Mgm -a, g(MoKa) = 0.085 mm -1. Crystals of (II) are monoclinic, space group P21/a, with a = 7.886 (5), b = 22.011 (8), c = 8.100 (3) A, fl = 103.12 (5) °, Z = 4, V = 1369.2 A 3, D O = 1.23 (by flotation), D e = 1.255 Mg m -3, g(Mo Kct) = 0.080 mm -1. Least-squares full-matrix refinement based on 782 (I) and 1400 independent reflections (II) converged at R = 0.040 (I) and 0.042 (II). The effect of electron-withdrawing substituents on the geometry of the cyclopropane ring is discussed.


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The three possible isomers of cyclohexane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid were synthesised and separated in order to study the regiospecificity and stereoselectivity of the α-C alkylation of their trimethyl esters. No definitive conclusions could be reached on this aspect for reasons which became apparent in the course of the work. However, the three independent methods adopted for the synthesis of the isomeric tricarboxylic acids have given dramatically different isomer compositions. The reasons are explored in this paper.


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Thermal rearrangement of diethylamino 5-(m-methoxyphenoxy)-pent-2-yne (3) gives 1-(m-methexyphenoxy)-pent-3,4-diene (14) in about 8% yield. Hydration of the latter yields 1-(m-methoxyphenoxy)-pentan-4-one (6), which has been synthesised by an unambiguous route. A mechanism of formation of the allene (14) from the amine (3) has been suggested.


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Abstract is not available.


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Heterometallic {3d-4f-5d} aggregates with formula [{LMe2Ni(H2O)Ln(H2O)4.5}2{W(CN)8}2]·15H2O, (LMe2 stands for N,N-2,2-dimethylpropylenedi(3-methoxysalicylideneiminato) Schiff-base ligand) with Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, have been obtained by reacting bimetallic [LMe2Ni(H2O)2Ln(NO3)3] and Cs3{W(CN)8} in H2O. The hexanuclear complexes are organized in 1-D arrays by means of hydrogen bonds established between the solvent molecules coordinated to Ln and the CN ligands of an octacyanometallate moiety. The X-ray structure was solved for the Tb derivative. Magnetic behavior indicates ferromagnetic {W–Ni} and {Ni–Ln} interactions (JNiW = 18.5 cm-1, JNiGd = 1.85 cm-1) as well as ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions mediated by the H-bonds. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility studies reveal slow magnetic relaxation processes for the Tb and Dy derivatives, suggesting SMM type behavior for these compounds.


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We apply our technique of using a Rb-stabilized ring-cavity resonator to measure the frequencies of various spectral components in the 555.8-nm 1S0-->3P1 line of Yb. We determine the isotope shifts with 60 kHz precision, which is an order-of-magnitude improvement over the best previous measurement on this line. There are two overlapping transitions, 171Yb(1/2-->3/2) and 173Yb(5/2-->3/2), which we resolve by applying a magnetic field. We thus obtain the hyperfine constants in the 3P1 state of the odd isotopes with a significantly improved precision. Knowledge of isotope shifts and hyperfine structure should prove useful for high-precision calculations in Yb necessary to interpret ongoing experiments testing parity and time-reversal symmetry violation in the laws of physics.


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Pursuit evasion in a plane is formulated with both players allowed to vary their speeds between fixed limits. A suitable choice of real-space coordinates confers open-loop optimality on the game. The solution in the small is described in terms of the individual players'' extremal trajectory maps (ETM). Each map is independent of role, adversary, and capture radius. An ETM depicts the actual real-space trajectories. A template method of generating constant control arcs is described. Examples of ETM for an aircraft flying at a constant altitude with fixed and varying speeds are presented.