371 resultados para analytical solution


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The unsteady magnetohydrodynamic viscous flow and heat transfer of Newtonian fluids induced by an impulsively stretched plane surface in two lateral directions are studied by using an analytic technique, namely, the homotopy method. The analytic series solution presented here is highly accurate and uniformly valid for all time in the entire region. The effects of the stretching ratio and the magnetic field on the surface shear stresses and heat transfer are studied. The surface shear stresses in x- and y-directions and the surface heat transfer are enchanced by increasing stretching ratio for a fixed value of the magnetic parameter. For a fixed stretching ratio, the surface shear stresses increase with the magnetic parameter, but the heat transfer decreases. The Nusselt number takes longer time to reach the steady state than the skin friction coefficients. There is a smooth transition from the initial unsteady state to the steady state.


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An explicit representation of an analytical solution to the problem of decay of a plane shock wave of arbitrary strength is proposed. The solution satisfies the basic equations exactly. The approximation lies in the (approximate) satisfaction of two of the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. The error incurred is shown to be very small even for strong shocks. This solution analyses the interaction of a shock of arbitrary strength with a centred simple wave overtaking it, and describes a complete history of decay with a remarkable accuracy even for strong shocks. For a weak shock, the limiting law of motion obtained from the solution is shown to be in complete agreement with the Friedrichs theory. The propagation law of the non-uniform shock wave is determined, and the equations for shock and particle paths in the (x, t)-plane are obtained. The analytic solution presented here is uniformly valid for the entire flow field behind the decaying shock wave.


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The prediction of the sound attenuation in lined ducts with sheared mean flow has been a topic of research for many years. This involves solving the sheared mean flow wave equation, satisfying the relevant boundary condition. As far as the authors' knowledge goes, this has always been done using numerical techniques. Here, an analytical solution is presented for the wave propagation in two-dimensional rectangular lined ducts with laminar mean flow. The effect of laminar mean flow is studied for both the downstream and the upstream wave propagation. The attenuation values predicted for the laminar mean flow case are compared with those for the case of uniform mean flow. Analytical expressions are derived for the transfer matrices.


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In this paper, we address a closed-form analytical solution of the Joule-heating equation for metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity kappa has been considered on the basis of second-order three-phonon Umklapp, mass difference, and boundary scattering phenomena. It is found that kappa, in case of pure SWCNT, leads to a low rising in the temperature profile along the via length. However, in an impure SWCNT, kappa reduces due to the presence of mass difference scattering, which significantly elevates the temperature. With an increase in impurity, there is a significant shift of the hot spot location toward the higher temperature end point contact. Our analytical model, as presented in this study, agrees well with the numerical solution and can be treated as a method for obtaining an accurate analysis of the temperature profile along the CNT-based interconnects.


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A plane strain elastic interaction analysis of a strip footing resting on a reinforced soil bed has been made by using a combined analytical and finite element method (FEM). In this approach the stiffness matrix for the footing has been obtained using the FEM, For the reinforced soil bed (halfplane) the stiffness matrix has been obtained using an analytical solution. For the latter, the reinforced zone has been idealised as (i) an equivalent orthotropic infinite strip (composite approach) and (ii) a multilayered system (discrete approach). In the analysis, the interface between the strip footing and reinforced halfplane has been assumed as (i) frictionless and (ii) fully bonded. The contact pressure distribution and the settlement reduction have been given for different depths of footing and scheme of reinforcement in soil. The load-deformation behaviour of the reinforced soil obtained using the above modelling has been compared with some available analytical and model test results. The equivalent orthotropic approach proposed in this paper is easy to program and is shown to predict the reinforcing effects reasonably well.


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The impurity profile for the second oxidation, used in MOST fabrication, has been obtained by Margalit et al. [1]. The disadvantage of this technique is that the accuracy of their solution is directly dependent on the computer time. In this article, an analytical solution is presented using the approximation of linearizing the second oxidation procedure.


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Hybrid frictional-kinetic equations are used to predict the velocity, grain temperature, and stress fields in hoppers. A suitable choice of dimensionless variables permits the pseudo-thermal energy balance to be decoupled from the momentum balance. These balances contain a small parameter, which is analogous to a reciprocal Reynolds number. Hence an approximate semi-analytical solution is constructed using perturbation methods. The energy balance is solved using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The effect of heat conduction is confined to a very thin boundary layer near the exit, where it causes a marginal change in the temperature. Outside this layer, the temperature T increases rapidly as the radial coordinate r decreases. In particular, the conduction-free energy balance yields an asymptotic solution, valid for small values of r, of the form T proportional r-4. There is a corresponding increase in the kinetic stresses, which attain their maximum values at the hopper exit. The momentum balance is solved by a regular perturbation method. The contribution of the kinetic stresses is important only in a small region near the exit, where the frictional stresses tend to zero. Therefore, the discharge rate is only about 2.3% lower than the frictional value, for typical parameter values. As in the frictional case, the discharge rate for deep hoppers is found to be independent of the head of material.


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In this work a physically based analytical quantum threshold voltage model for the triple gate long channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor is developed The proposed model is based on the analytical solution of two-dimensional Poisson and two-dimensional Schrodinger equation Proposed model is extended for short channel devices by including semi-empirical correction The impact of effective mass variation with film thicknesses is also discussed using the proposed model All models are fully validated against the professional numerical device simulator for a wide range of device geometries (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Analytical and numerical solutions of a general problem related to the radially symmetric inward spherical solidification of a superheated melt have been studied in this paper. In the radiation-convection type boundary conditions, the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as time dependent which could be infinite, at time,t=0. This is necessary, for the initiation of instantaneous solidification of superheated melt, over its surface. The analytical solution consists of employing suitable fictitious initial temperatures and fictitious extensions of the original region occupied by the melt. The numerical solution consists of finite difference scheme in which the grid points move with the freezing front. The numerical scheme can handle with ease the density changes in the solid and liquid states and the shrinkage or expansions of volumes due to density changes. In the numerical results, obtained for the moving boundary and temperatures, the effects of several parameters such as latent heat, Boltzmann constant, density ratios, heat transfer coefficients, etc. have been shown. The correctness of numerical results has also been checked by satisfying the integral heat balance at every timestep.


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Short elliptical chamber mufflers are used often in the modern day automotive exhaust systems. The acoustic analysis of such short chamber mufflers is facilitated by considering a transverse plane wave propagation model along the major axis up to the low frequency limit. The one dimensional differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation in such short chambers is solved using the segmentation approaches which are inherently numerical schemes, wherein the transfer matrix relating the upstream state variables to the downstream variables is obtained. Analytical solution of the transverse plane wave model used to analyze such short chambers has not been reported in the literature so far. This present work is thus an attempt to fill up this lacuna, whereby Frobenius solution of the differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation is obtained. By taking a sufficient number of terms of the infinite series, an approximate analytical solution so obtained shows good convergence up to about 1300 Hz and also covers most of the range of muffler dimensions used in practice. The transmission loss (TL) performance of the muffler configurations computed by this analytical approach agrees excellently with that computed by the Matrizant approach used earlier by the authors, thereby offering a faster and more elegant alternate method to analyze short elliptical muffler configurations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new structured discretization of 2D space, named X-discretization, is proposed to solve bivariate population balance equations using the framework of minimal internal consistency of discretization of Chakraborty and Kumar [2007, A new framework for solution of multidimensional population balance equations. Chem. Eng. Sci. 62, 4112-4125] for breakup and aggregation of particles. The 2D space of particle constituents (internal attributes) is discretized into bins by using arbitrarily spaced constant composition radial lines and constant mass lines of slope -1. The quadrilaterals are triangulated by using straight lines pointing towards the mean composition line. The monotonicity of the new discretization makes is quite easy to implement, like a rectangular grid but with significantly reduced numerical dispersion. We use the new discretization of space to automate the expansion and contraction of the computational domain for the aggregation process, corresponding to the formation of larger particles and the disappearance of smaller particles by adding and removing the constant mass lines at the boundaries. The results show that the predictions of particle size distribution on fixed X-grid are in better agreement with the analytical solution than those obtained with the earlier techniques. The simulations carried out with expansion and/or contraction of the computational domain as population evolves show that the proposed strategy of evolving the computational domain with the aggregation process brings down the computational effort quite substantially; larger the extent of evolution, greater is the reduction in computational effort. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analytical solution is presented to convert a given driving-point impedance function (in s-domain) into a physically realisable ladder network with inductive coupling between any two sections and losses considered. The number of sections in the ladder network can vary, but its topology is assumed fixed. A study of the coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of the driving-point impedance function of the ladder network, for increasing number of sections, led to the identification of certain coefficients, which exhibit very special properties. Generalised expressions for these specific coefficients have also been derived. Exploiting their properties, it is demonstrated that the synthesis method essentially turns out to be an exercise of solving a set of linear, simultaneous, algebraic equations, whose solution directly yields the ladder network elements. The proposed solution is novel, simple and guarantees a unique network. Presently, the formulation can synthesise a unique ladder network up to six sections.


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An analytical solution to describe the transient temperature distribution in a geothermal reservoir in response to injection of cold water is presented. The reservoir is composed of a confined aquifer, sandwiched between rocks of different thermo-geological properties. The heat transport processes considered are advection, longitudinal conduction in the geothermal aquifer, and the conductive heat transfer to the underlying and overlying rocks of different geological properties. The one-dimensional heat transfer equation has been solved using the Laplace transform with the assumption of constant density and thermal properties of both rock and fluid. Two simple solutions are derived afterwards, first neglecting the longitudinal conductive heat transport and then heat transport to confining rocks. Results show that heat loss to the confining rock layers plays a vital role in slowing down the cooling of the reservoir. The influence of some parameters, e.g. the volumetric injection rate, the longitudinal thermal conductivity and the porosity of the porous media, on the transient heat transport phenomenon is judged by observing the variation of the transient temperature distribution with different values of the parameters. The effects of injection rate and thermal conductivity have been found to be profound on the results.


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.