157 resultados para In-row spacing


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The vertical uplift resistance of two interfering rigid rough strip anchors embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depths has been examined. The analysis is performed by using an upper bound theorem o limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming. It is specified that both the anchors are loaded to failure simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (xi(gamma)) is determined. On account of interference, the magnitude of xi(gamma) is found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors. The results from the numerical analysis were found to compare reasonably well with the available theoretical data from the literature.


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The horizontal pullout capacity of a group of two vertical strip anchors placed along the same vertical plane in sand has been determined by using the upper bound finite elements limit analysis. The variation of the efficiency factor (xi (gamma) ) with changes in clear spacing (S) between the anchors has been established to evaluate the total group failure load for different values of (i) embedment ratio (H/B), (ii) soil internal friction angle (phi), and (iii) anchor-soil interface friction angle (delta). The total group failure load, for a given H/B, becomes always maximum corresponding to a certain optimal spacing (S-opt). The value of S-opt/B was found to lie in a range of 0.5-1.4. The maximum magnitude of xi (gamma) increases generally with increases in H/B, phi and delta.


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The stability of two long unsupported circular parallel tunnels aligned horizontally in fully cohesive and cohesive-frictional soils has been determined. An upper bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming is employed to perform the analysis. For different clear spacing (S) between the tunnels, the stability of tunnels is expressed in terms of a non-dimensional stability number (gamma H-max/c); where H is tunnel cover, c refers to soil cohesion, and gamma(max) is maximum unit weight of soil mass which the tunnels can bear without any collapse. The variation of the stability number with tunnels' spacing has been established for different combinations of H/D, m and phi; where D refers to diameter of each tunnel, phi is the internal friction angle of soil and m accounts for the rate at which the cohesion increases linearly with depth. The stability number reduces continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the tunnels. The optimum spacing (S-opt) between the two tunnels required to eliminate the interference effect increases with (i) an increase in H/D and (ii) a decrease in the values of both m and phi. The value of S-opt lies approximately in a range of 1.5D-3.5D with H/D = 1 and 7D-12D with H/D = 7. The results from the analysis compare reasonably well with the different solutions reported in literature. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The vertical uplift resistance of two interfering rigid strip plate anchors embedded horizontally at the same level in clay has been examined. The lower and upper bound theorems of the limit analysis in combination with finite-elements and linear optimization have been employed to compute the failure load in a bound form. The analysis is meant for an undrained condition and it incorporates the increase of cohesion with depth. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (eta c gamma) resulting from the combined components of soil cohesion (c) and soil unit weight (gamma), has been computed for different values of embedment ratio (H/B), the rate of linear increase of cohesion with depth (m) and normalized unit weight (gamma H/c). The magnitude of eta c gamma has been found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors, and the uplift resistance becomes minimum for S/B=0. It has been noted that the critical spacing between the anchors required to eliminate the interference effect increases continuously with (1) an increase in H/B, and (2) a decrease in m.


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The vertical uplift resistance of interfering pipelines buried in sands has been computed using the lower-bound limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and nonlinear optimization. The soil mass is assumed to follow the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and an associated flow rule. It is specified that all the pipes fail simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the pipes, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (xi(gamma)) is determined. Because of pipes' interference, with a reduction in the spacing between the pipelines, the magnitude of xi(gamma) is found to decrease continuously. The results were found to compare quite well with the available data from literature for horizontal strip anchors. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were solidified under the influence of magnetic and electrical fields using two different freezing systems. In the droplet system, small droplets of the solution are introduced in an organic liquid column at −20°C which acts as the heat sink. In the unidirectional freezing system the solutions are poured into a tygon tube mounted on a copper chill, maintained at −70°C, from which the freezing initiates. Application of magnetic fields caused an increase in the spacing and promoted side branching of primary ice dendrites in the droplet freezing system, but had no measurable effect on the dendrites formed in the unidirectional freezing system. The range of electric fields applied in this investigation had no measurable effect on the dendritic structure. Possible interactions between external magnetic and electrical fields have been reviewed and it is suggested that the selective effect of magnetic fields on dendrite spacings in a droplet system could be due to a change in the nucleation behaviour of the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a number of multiple strip footings, identically spaced and equally loaded to failure at the same time,is computed by using the lower bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements. The efficiency factor due to the component of soil unit weight, is computed with respect to changes in the clear spacing (xi(gamma)) between the footings. It is noted that the failure load for a footing in the group becomes always greater than that of a single isolated footing. The values of xi(gamma) for the smooth footings are found to be always lower than the rough footings. The values ofxi(gamma) are found to increase continuously with a decrease in the spacing between footings. As compared to the available theoretical and experimental results reported in literature, the present analysis provides generally a little lower values of xi(gamma). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Cam-clay models, or any other plasticity-based models, do not make distinction between the mode of stress transfer in coarse- and fine-grained soils. An examination of behavior at micro level in fine-grained soils, from the consideration of load transfer through physico-chemical interactions, suggests that the plastic compressions result from the grouping of particles into larger clusters and that elastic compressions result from the decrease in the spacing between particles. During shearing, these clusters gradually get dismembered, releasing the locked-in energy. The effect of such dismembering of clusters can be easily incorporated into the original Cam-clay model, and better predictions can be obtained with the associated flow rule, itself, for both normally and over consolidated states. The method essentially defines the hardening of yield surfaces with internal changes in the spacing between particles, instead of changes in externally observed plastic strains. The approach describes the behavior of over consolidated soils as yielding along successfively hardening Roscoe surfaces with gradually varying plastic properties.


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The clever designs of natural transducers are a great source of inspiration for man-made systems. At small length scales, there are many transducers in nature that we are now beginning to understand and learn from. Here, we present an example of such a transducer that is used by field crickets to produce their characteristic song. This transducer uses two distinct components-a file of discrete teeth and a plectrum that engages intermittently to produce a series of impulses forming the loading, and an approximately triangular membrane, called the harp, that acts as a resonator and vibrates in response to the impulse-train loading. The file-and-plectrum act as a frequency multiplier taking the low wing beat frequency as the input and converting it into an impulse-train of sufficiently high frequency close to the resonant frequency of the harp. The forced vibration response results in beats producing the characteristic sound of the cricket song. With careful measurements of the harp geometry and experimental measurements of its mechanical properties (Young's modulus determined from nanoindentation tests), we construct a finite element (FE) model of the harp and carry out modal analysis to determine its natural frequency. We fine tune the model with appropriate elastic boundary conditions to match the natural frequency of the harp of a particular species-Gryllus bimaculatus. We model impulsive loading based on a loading scheme reported in literature and predict the transient response of the harp. We show that the harp indeed produces beats and its frequency content matches closely that of the recorded song. Subsequently, we use our FE model to show that the natural design is quite robust to perturbations in the file. The characteristic song frequency produced is unaffected by variations in the spacing of file-teeth and even by larger gaps. Based on the understanding of how this natural transducer works, one can design and fabricate efficient microscale acoustic devices such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) loudspeakers.


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Males of several acoustically communicating orthopteran species form spatially and temporally structured choruses. We investigated whether male field crickets of the species Plebeiogryllus guttiventris formed choruses in the field. Males formed spatial aggregations and showed fidelity to a calling site within a night, forming stable choruses. Within aggregations, the acoustic ranges of males overlapped considerably. We tested whether males within hearing range of each other interacted acoustically. The chirps of simultaneously calling males were aphasic with respect to each other and showed no significant alternation or synchrony of calls. Some individuals changed temporal features of their calling songs such as chirp durations and chirp rates in response to a simultaneously calling neighbour. The implications of these results for female mate choice are discussed


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With respect to GaAs epitaxial lift-off technology, we report here the optimum atomic spacing (5-10 nm) needed to etch off the AlAs release layer that is sandwiched between two GaAs epitaxial layers. The AlAs etching rate in hydrofluoric acid based solutions was monitored as a function of release layer thickness. We found a sudden quenching in the etching rate, approximately 20 times that of the peak value, at lower dimensions (similar to2.5 nm) of the AlAs epitaxial layer. Since this cannot be explained on the basis of a previous theory (inverse square root of release layer thickness), we propose a diffusion-limited mechanism to explain this reaction process. With the diffusion constant being a mean-free-path-dependent parameter, a relation between the mean free path and the width of the channel is considered. This relation is in reasonable agreement with the experimental results and gives a good physical insight to the reaction kinetics.


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Maintaining quantum coherence is a crucial requirement for quantum computation; hence protecting quantum systems against their irreversible corruption due to environmental noise is an important open problem. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is an effective method for reducing decoherence with a low control overhead. It also plays an important role in quantum metrology, where, for instance, it is employed in multiparameter estimation. While a sequence of equidistant control pulses the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence] has been ubiquitously used for decoupling, Uhrig recently proposed that a nonequidistant pulse sequence the Uhrig dynamic decoupling (UDD) sequence] may enhance DD performance, especially for systems where the spectral density of the environment has a sharp frequency cutoff. On the other hand, equidistant sequences outperform UDD for soft cutoffs. The relative advantage provided by UDD for intermediate regimes is not clear. In this paper, we analyze the relative DD performance in this regime experimentally, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Our system qubits are C-13 nuclear spins and the environment consists of a H-1 nuclear spin bath whose spectral density is close to a normal (Gaussian) distribution. We find that in the presence of such a bath, the CPMG sequence outperforms the UDD sequence. An analogy between dynamical decoupling and interference effects in optics provides an intuitive explanation as to why the CPMG sequence performs better than any nonequidistant DD sequence in the presence of this kind of environmental noise.


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The intensity ratio between L2-M45M45 and L3-M45M45 spectral features for both Fe and Co indicates significant tranfer of intensity from L2- to L3-M45M45 region due to Coster-Kronig L2-M45M45 transition. The L2-L3M45 transition can be suppressed by turning the photon energy between the L2 and L3 thresholds; however, the L3-M45M45 spectral shapes for Fe and Co do not change very significantly even at these photom energies unlike the cases of Ni, Cu and Zn, thus establishing that the M45-hole decays predominantly before the L3-hole Auger decay in the early transition elements in contrast to the late ones.


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In this paper, based on the temporal and spatial locality characteristics of memory accesses in multicores, we propose a re-organization of the existing single large row buffer in a DRAM bank into multiple smaller row-buffers. The proposed configuration helps improve the row hit rates and also brings down the energy required for row-activations. The major contribution of this work is proposing such a reorganization without requiring any significant changes to the existing widely accepted DRAM specifications. Our proposed reorganization improves performance by 35.8%, 14.5% and 21.6% in quad, eight and sixteen core workloads along with a 42%, 28% and 31% reduction in DRAM energy. Additionally, we introduce a Need Based Allocation scheme for buffer management that shows additional performance improvement.


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The twin demands of energy-efficiency and higher performance on DRAM are highly emphasized in multicore architectures. A variety of schemes have been proposed to address either the latency or the energy consumption of DRAMs. These schemes typically require non-trivial hardware changes and end up improving latency at the cost of energy or vice-versa. One specific DRAM performance problem in multicores is that interleaved accesses from different cores can potentially degrade row-buffer locality. In this paper, based on the temporal and spatial locality characteristics of memory accesses, we propose a reorganization of the existing single large row-buffer in a DRAM bank into multiple sub-row buffers (MSRB). This re-organization not only improves row hit rates, and hence the average memory latency, but also brings down the energy consumed by the DRAM. The first major contribution of this work is proposing such a reorganization without requiring any significant changes to the existing widely accepted DRAM specifications. Our proposed reorganization improves weighted speedup by 35.8%, 14.5% and 21.6% in quad, eight and sixteen core workloads along with a 42%, 28% and 31% reduction in DRAM energy. The proposed MSRB organization enables opportunities for the management of multiple row-buffers at the memory controller level. As the memory controller is aware of the behaviour of individual cores it allows us to implement coordinated buffer allocation schemes for different cores that take into account program behaviour. We demonstrate two such schemes, namely Fairness Oriented Allocation and Performance Oriented Allocation, which show the flexibility that memory controllers can now exploit in our MSRB organization to improve overall performance and/or fairness. Further, the MSRB organization enables additional opportunities for DRAM intra-bank parallelism and selective early precharging of the LRU row-buffer to further improve memory access latencies. These two optimizations together provide an additional 5.9% performance improvement.