39 resultados para membrane electrode assembly

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The repair of corneal wounds requires both epithelial cell adhesion and migration. Basement membrane (BM) and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins function in these processes via integrin and non-integrin receptors. We have studied the adhesion, spreading and migration of immortalized human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells and their interactions with the laminins (Lms), fibronectins and tenascins produced. Human corneal BM expresses Lms-332 and -511, while Lm-111 was not found in these experiments. HCE cells produced both processed and unprocessed Lm-332, whereas neither Lm-111 nor Lm-511 was produced. Because HCE cells did not produce Lm-511, although it was present in corneal BM, we suggest that Lm-511 is produced by stromal keratocytes. The adhesion of HCE cells to Lms-111, -332 and -511 was studied first by determining the receptor composition of HCE cells and then by using quantitative cell adhesion assays. Immunofluorescence studies revealed the presence of integrin α2, α3, α6, β1 and β4 subunits. Among the non-integrin receptors, Lutheran (Lu) was found on adhering HCE cells. The cells adhered via integrin α3β1 to both purified human Lms-332 and -511 as well as to endogenous Lm-332. However, only integrin β1 subunit functioned in HCE cell adhesion to mouse Lm-111. The adhesion of HCE cells to Lm-511 was also mediated by Lu. Since Lm-511 did not induce Lu into focal adhesions in HCE cells, we suggest that Lm-511 serves as an ECM ligand enabling cell motility. HCE cells produced extradomain-A fibronectin, oncofetal fibronectin and tenascin-C (Tn-C), which are also found during corneal wound healing. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against integrins α5β1 and αvβ6 as well as the arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) peptide inhibited the adhesion of HCE cells to fibronectin. Although the cells did not adhere to Tn-C, they adhered to the fibronectin/Tn-C coat and were then more efficiently inhibited by the function-blocking MAbs and RGD peptide. During the early adhesion, HCE cells codeposited Lm-332 and the large subunit of tenascin-C (Tn-CL) beneath the cells via the Golgi apparatus and microtubules. Integrin β4 subunit, which is a hemidesmosomal component, did not mediate the early adhesion of HCE cells to Lm-332 or Lm-332/Tn-C. Based on these results, we suggest that the adhesion of HCE cells is initiated by Lm-332 and modulated by Tn-CL, as it has been reported to prevent the assembly of hemidesmosomes. Thereby, Tn-CL functions in the motility of HCE cells during wound healing. The different distribution of processed and unprocessed Lm-332 in adhering, spreading and migrating HCE cells suggests a distinct role for these isoforms. We conclude that the processed Lm-332 functions in cell adhesion, whereas the unprocessed Lm-332 participates in cell spreading and migration.


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Sec1/Munc18 (SM) protein family members are evolutionary conserved proteins. They perform an essential, albeit poorly understood function in SNARE complex formation in membrane fusion. In addition to the SNARE complex components, only a few SM protein binding proteins are known. Typically, their binding modes to SM proteins and their contribution to the membrane fusion regulation is poorly characterised. We identified Mso1p as a novel Sec1p interacting partner. It was shown that Mso1p and Sec1p interact at sites of polarised secretion and that this localisation is dependent on the Rab GTPase Sec4p and its GEF Sec2p. Using targeted mutagenesis and N- and C-terminal deletants, it was discovered that the interaction between an N-terminal peptide of Mso1p and the putative Syntaxin N-peptide binding area in Sec1p domain 1 is important for membrane fusion regulation. The yeast Syntaxin homologues Sso1p and Sso2p lack the N-terminal peptide. Our results show that in addition to binding to the putative N-peptide binding area in Sec1p, Mso1p can interact with Sso1p and Sso2p. This result suggests that Mso1p can mimic the N-peptide binding to facilitate membrane fusion. In addition to Mso1p, a novel role in membrane fusion regulation was revealed for the Sec1p C-terminal tail, which is missing in its mammalian homologues. Deletion of the Sec1p-tail results in temperature sensitive growth and reduced sporulation. Using in vivo and in vitro experiments, it was shown that the Sec1p-tail mediates SNARE complex binding and assembly. These results propose a regulatory role for the Sec1p-tail in SNARE complex formation. Furthermore, two novel interaction partners for Mso1p, the Rab GTPase Sec4p and plasma membrane phospholipids, were identified. The Sec4p link was identified using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation assays with Mso1p and the non-SNARE binding Sec1p(1-657). The assay revealed that Mso1p can target Sec1p(1-657) to sites of secretion. This effect is mediated via the Mso1p C-terminus, which previously has been genetically linked to Sec4p. These results and in vitro binding experiments suggest that Mso1p acts in cooperation with the GTP-bound form of Sec4p on vesicle-like structures prior to membrane fusion. Mso1p shares homology with the PIP2 binding domain of the mammalian Munc18 binding Mint proteins. It was shown both in vivo and in vitro that Mso1p is a phospholipid inserting protein and that this insertion is mediated by the conserved Mso1p amino terminus. In vivo, the Mso1p phospholipid binding is needed for sporulation and Mso1p-Sec1p localisation at the sites of secretion at the plasma membrane. The results reveal a novel layer of membrane fusion regulation in exocytosis and propose a coordinating role for Mso1p in connection with membrane lipids, Sec1p, Sec4p and SNARE complexes in this process.


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Hantaviruses have a tri-segmented negative-stranded RNA genome. The S segment encodes the nucleocapsid protein (N), M segment two glycoproteins, Gn and Gc, and the L segment the RNA polymerase. Gn and Gc are co-translationally cleaved from a precursor and targeted to the cis-Golgi compartment. The Gn glycoprotein consists of an external domain, a transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. In addition, the S segment of some hantaviruses, including Tula and Puumala virus, have an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a nonstructural potein NSs that can function as a weak interferon antagonist. The mechanisms of hantavirus-induced pathogenesis are not fully understood but it is known that both hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus (cardio) pulmonary syndrome (HCPS) share various features such as increased capillary permeability, thrombocytopenia and upregulation of TNF-. Several hantaviruses have been reported to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis), such as TULV-infected Vero E6 cells which is known to be defective in interferon signaling. Recently reports describing properties of the hantavirus Gn cytoplasmic tail (Gn-CT) have appeared. The Gn-CT of hantaviruses contains animmunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) which directs receptor signaling in immune and endothelial cells; and contain highly conserved classical zinc finger domains which may have a role in the interaction with N protein. More functions of Gn protein have been discovered, but much still remains unknown. Our aim was to study the functions of Gn protein from several aspects: synthesis, degradation and interaction with N protein. Gn protein was reported to inhibit interferon induction and amplication. For this reason, we also carried out projects studying the mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by hantavirus. We first showed degradation and aggresome formation of the Gn-CT of the apathogenic TULV. It was reported earlier that the degradation of Gn-CT is related to the pathogenicity of hantavirus. We found that the Gn-CT of the apathogenic hantaviruses (TULV, Prospect Hill virus) was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and TULV Gn-CT formed aggresomes upon treatment with proteasomal inhibitor. Thus the results suggest that degradation and aggregation of the Gn-CT may be a general property of most hantaviruses, unrelated to pathogenicity. Second, we investigated the interaction of TULV N protein and the TULV Gn-CT. The Gn protein is located on the Golgi membrane and its interaction with N protein has been thought to determine the cargo of the hantaviral ribonucleoprotein which is an important step in virus assembly, but direct evidence has not been reported. We found that TULV Gn-CT fused with GST tag expressed in bacteria can pull-down the N protein expressed in mammalian cells; a mutagenesis assay was carried out, in which we found that the zinc finger motif in Gn-CT and RNA-binding motif in N protein are indispensable for the interaction. For the study of mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by Old World hantavirus, we found that Old World hantaviruses do not produce detectable amounts of dsRNA in infected cells and the 5 -termini of their genomic RNAs are monophosphorylated. DsRNA and tri-phosphorylated RNA are considered to be critical activators of innate immnity response by interacting with PRRs (pattern recognition receptors). We examined systematically the 5´-termini of hantavirus genomic RNAs and the dsRNA production by different species of hantaviruses. We found that no detectable dsRNA was produced in cells infected by the two groups of the old world hantaviruses: Seoul, Dobrava, Saaremaa, Puumala and Tula. We also found that the genomic RNAs of these Old World hantaviruses carry 5´-monophosphate and are unable to trigger interferon induction. The antiviral response is mainly mediated by alpha/beta interferon. Recently the glycoproteins of the pathogenic hantaviruses Sin Nombre and New York-1 viruses were reported to regulate cellular interferon. We found that Gn-CT can inhibit the induction of IFN activation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) and retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like RNA helicases (RLH) pathway and that the inhibition target lies at the level of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1)/ IKK epislon complex and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) (MyD88) / interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7) complex.


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Hantaviruses are one of the five genera of the vector-borne virus family Bunyaviridae. While other members of the family are transmitted via arthropods, hantaviruses are carried and transmitted by rodents and insectivores. Occasional transmission to humans occurs via inhalation of aerosolized rodent excreta. When transmitted to man hantaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS, in Eurasia, mortality ~10%) and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS, in the Americas, mortality ~40%). The single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome of hantaviruses is in segments S, M and L that respectively encode for nucleocapsid (N), glycoproteins Gn and Gc, and RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp or L protein). The genome segments, encapsidated by N protein to form ribonucleoprotein (RNP), are enclosed inside a lipid envelope decorated by spikes formed of Gn and Gc. The focus of this study was to understand the mechanisms and interactions through which the virion is formed and maintained. We observed that when extracted from virions both Gn and Gc favor homo- over hetero-oligomerization. The minimal glycoprotein complexes extracted from virion by detergent were observed, by using ultracentrifugation and gel filtration, to be tetrameric Gn and homodimeric Gc. These results led us to suggest a model where tetrameric Gn complexes are interconnected through homodimeric Gc units to form the grid-like surface architecture described for hantaviruses. This model was found to correlate with the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of virion surface created using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). The 3D-density map showed the spike complex formed of Gn and Gc to be 10 nm high and to display a four-fold symmetry with dimensions of 15 nm times 15 nm. This unique square-shaped complex on a roughly round virion creates a hitch for the assembly, since a sphere cannot be broken into rectangles. Thus additional interactions are likely required for the virion assembly. In cryo-ET we observed that the RNP makes occasional contacts to the viral membrane, suggesting an interaction between the spike and RNP. We were able to demonstrate this interaction using various techniques, and showed that both Gn and Gc contribute to the interaction. This led us to suggest that in addition to the interactions between Gn and Gc, also the interaction between spike and RNP is required for assembly. We found galectin-3 binding protein (referred to as 90K) to co-purify with the virions and showed an interaction between 90K and the virion. Analysis of plasma samples taken from patients hospitalized for Puumala virus infection showed increased concentrations of 90K in the acute phase and the increased 90K level was found to correlate with several parameters that reflect the severity of acute HFRS. The results of these studies confirmed, but also challenged some of the dogmas on the structure and assembly of hantaviruses. We confirmed that Gn and RNP do interact, as long assumed. On the other hand we demonstrated that the glycoproteins Gn and Gc exist as homo-oligomers or appear in large hetero-oligomeric complexes, rather than form primarily heterodimers as was previously assumed. This work provided new insight into the structure and assembly of hantaviruses.


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Hantaviruses (family Bunyaviridae, genus Hantavirus) are enveloped viruses incorporating a segmented, negative-sense RNA genome. Each hantavirus is carried by its specific host, either a rodent or an insectivore (shrew), in which the infection is asymptomatic and persistent. In humans, hantaviruses cause Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Eurasia and Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in the Americas. In Finland, Puumala virus (genus Hantavirus) is the causative agent of NE, a mild form of HFRS. The HFRS-type diseases are often associated with renal failure and proteinuria that might be mechanistically explained by infected kidney tubular cell degeneration in patients. Previously, it has been shown that non-pathogenic hantavirus, Tula virus (TULV), could cause programmed cell death, apoptosis, in cell cultures. This suggested that the infected kidney tubular degeneration could be caused directly by virus replication. In the first paper of this thesis the molecular mechanisms involved in TULV-induced apoptosis was further elucidated. A virus replication-dependent down-regulation of ERK1/2, concomitantly with the induced apoptosis, was identified. In addition, this phenomenon was not restricted to TULV or to non-pathogenic hantaviruses in general since also a pathogenic hantavirus, Seoul virus, could inhibit ERK1/2 activity. Hantaviruses consist of membrane-spanning glycoproteins Gn and Gc, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L protein) and nucleocapsid protein N, which encapsidates the viral genome, and thus forms the ribonucleoprotein (RNP). Interaction between the cytoplasmic tails of viral glycoproteins and RNP is assumed to be the only means how viral genetic material is incorporated into infectious virions. In the second paper of this thesis, it was shown by immunoprecipitation that viral glycoproteins and RNP interact in the purified virions. It was further shown that peptides derived from the cytoplasmic tails (CTs) of both Gn and Gc could bind RNP and recombinant N protein. In the fourth paper the cytoplamic tail of Gn but not Gc was shown to interact with genomic RNA. This interaction was probably rather unspecific since binding of Gn-CT with unrelated RNA and even single-stranded DNA were also observed. However, since the RNP consists of both N protein and N protein-encapsidated genomic RNA, it is possible that the viral genome plays a role in packaging of RNPs into virions. On the other hand, the nucleic acid-binding activity of Gn may have importance in the synthesis of viral RNA. Binding sites of Gn-CT with N protein or nucleic acids were also determined by peptide arrays, and they were largely found to overlap. The Gn-CT of hantaviruses contain a conserved zinc finger (ZF) domain with an unknown function. Some viruses need ZFs in entry or post-entry steps of the viral life cycle. Cysteine residues are required for the folding of ZFs by coordinating zinc-ions, and alkylation of these residues can affect virus infectivity. In the third paper, it was shown that purified hantavirions could be inactivated by treatment with cysteine-alkylating reagents, especially N-ethyl maleimide. However, the effect could not be pin-pointed to the ZF of Gn-CT since also other viral proteins reacted with maleimides, and it was, therefore, impossible to exclude the possibility that other cysteines besides those that were essential in the formation of ZF are required for hantavirus infectivity.


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The present study aims to elucidate the modifications in the structure and functionality of the phospholipid matrix of biological membranes brought about by free radical-mediated oxidative damage of its molecular constituents. To this end, the surface properties of two oxidatively modified phospholipids bearing an aldehyde or carboxyl function at the end of truncated sn-2 acyl chain were studied using a Langmuir balance. The results obtained reveal both oxidized species to have a significant impact on the structural dynamics of phospholipid monolayers, as illustrated by the progressive changes in force-area isotherms with increasing mole fraction of the oxidized lipid component. Moreover, surface potential measurements revealed considerable modifications in the electric properties of oxidized phospholipid containing monolayers during film compression, suggesting a packing state-controlled reorientation of the intramolecular electric dipoles of the lipid headgroups and acyl chains. Based on the above findings, a model describing the conformational state of oxidized phospholipid molecules in biological membranes is proposed, involving the protrusion of the acyl chains bearing the polar functional groups out from the hydrocarbon phase to the surrounding aqueous medium. Oxidative modifications alter profoundly the physicochemical properties of unsaturated phospholipids and are therefore readily anticipated to have important implications for their interactions with membrane-associating molecules. Along these lines, the carboxyl group bearing lipid was observed to bind avidly the peripheral membrane protein cytochrome c. The binding was reversed following increase in ionic strength or addition of polyanionic ATP, thus suggesting it to be driven by electrostatic interactions between cationic residues of the protein and the deprotonated lipid carboxyl exposed to the aqueous phase. The presence of aldehyde function bearing oxidized phospholipid was observed to enhance the intercalation of four antimicrobial peptides into phospholipid monolayers and liposomal bilayers. Partitioning of the peptides to monolayers was markedly attenuated by the aldehyde scavenger methoxyamine, revealing it to be mediated by the carbonyl moiety possibly through efficient hydrogen bonding or, alternatively, formation of covalent adduct in form of a Schiff base between the lipid aldehydes and primary amine groups of the peptide molecules. Lastly, both oxidized phospholipid species were observed to bind with high affinity three small membrane-partitioning therapeutic agents, viz. chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and doxorubicin. In conclusion, the results of studies conducted using biomimetic model systems support the notion that oxidative damage influences the molecular architecture as well as the bulk physicochemical properties of phospholipid membranes. Further, common polar functional groups carried by phospholipids subjected to oxidation were observed to act as molecular binding sites at the lipid-water interface. It is thus plausible that oxidized phospholipid species may elicit cellular level effects by modulating integration of various membrane-embedded and surface-associated proteins and peptides, whose conformational state, oligomerization, and functionality is known to be controlled by highly specific lipid-protein interactions and proper physical state of the membrane environment.


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The central nervous system (CNS) is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body. Cholesterol is essential to CNS functions such as synaptogenesis and formation of myelin. Significant differences exist in cholesterol metabolism between the CNS and the peripheral organs. However, the regulation of cholesterol metabolism in the CNS is poorly understood compared to our knowledge of the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in organs reached by cholesterol-carrying lipoprotein particles in the circulation. Defects in CNS cholesterol homeostasis have been linked to a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including common diseases with complex pathogenetic mechanisms such as Alzheimer s disease. In spite of intense effort, the mechanisms which link disturbed cholesterol homeostasis to these diseases remain elusive. We used three inherited recessive neurodegenerative disorders as models in the studies included in this thesis: Niemann-Pick type C (NPC), infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and cathepsin D deficiency. Of these three, NPC has previously been linked to disturbed intracellular cholesterol metabolism. Elucidating the mechanisms with which disturbances of cholesterol homeostasis link to neurodegeneration in recessive inherited disorders with known genetic lesions should shed light on how cholesterol is handled in the healthy CNS and help to understand how these and more complex diseases develop. In the first study we analyzed the synthesis of sterols and the assembly and secretion of lipoprotein particles in Npc1 deficient primary astrocytes. We found that both wild type and Npc1 deficient astrocytes retain significant amounts of desmosterol and other cholesterol precursor sterols as membrane constituents. No difference was observed in the synthesis of sterols and the secretion of newly synthesized sterols between Npc1 wild type, heterozygote or knockout astrocytes. We found that the incorporation of newly synthesized sterols into secreted lipoprotein particles was not inhibited by Npc1 mutation, and the lipoprotein particles were similar to those excreted by wild type astrocytes in shape and size. The bulk of cholesterol was found to be secreted independently of secreted NPC2. These observations demonstrate the ability of Npc1 deficient astrocytes to handle de novo sterols, and highlight the unique sterol composition in the developing brain. Infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is caused by the deficiency of a functional Ppt1 enzyme in the cells. In the second study, global gene expression studies of approximately 14000 mouse genes showed significant changes in the expression of 135 genes in Ppt1 deficient neurons compared to wild type. Several genes encoding for enzymes of the mevalonate pathway of cholesterol biosynthesis showed increased expression. As predicted by the expression data, sterol biosynthesis was found to be upregulated in the knockout neurons. These data link Ppt1 deficiency to disturbed cholesterol metabolism in CNS neurons. In the third study we investigated the effect of cathepsin D deficiency on the structure of myelin and lipid homeostasis in the brain. Our proteomics data, immunohistochemistry and western blotting data showed altered levels of the myelin protein components myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein and 2 , 3 -cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase in the brains of cathepsin D deficient mice. Electron microscopy revealed altered myelin structure in cathepsin D deficient brains. Additionally, plasmalogen-derived alkenyl chains and 20- and 24-carbon saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids typical for glycosphingolipids were found to be significantly reduced, but polyunsaturated species were significantly increased in the knockout brains, pointing to a decrease in white matter. The levels of ApoE and ABCA1 proteins linked to cholesterol efflux in the CNS were found to be altered in the brains of cathepsin D deficient mice, along with an accumulation of cholesteryl esters and a decrease in triglycerols. Together these data demonstrate altered myelin architecture in cathepsin D deficient mice and link cathepsin D deficiency to aberrant cholesterol metabolism and trafficking. Basic research into rare monogenic diseases sheds light on the underlying biological processes which are perturbed in these conditions and contributes to our understanding of the physiological function of healthy cells. Eventually, understanding gained from the study of disease models may contribute towards establishing treatment for these disorders and further our understanding of the pathogenesis of other, more complex and common diseases.


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Basement membranes are specialized sheets of extracellular matrix found in contact with epithelia, endothelia, and certain isolated cells. They support tissue architecture and regulate cell behaviour. Laminins are among the main constituents of basement membranes. Due to differences between laminin isoforms, laminins confer structural and functional diversity to basement membranes. The first aim of this study was to gain insights into the potential functions of the then least characterized laminins, alpha4 chain laminins, by evaluating their distribution in human tissues. We thus created a monoclonal antibody specific for laminin alpha4 chain. By immunohistochemistry, alpha4 chain laminins were primarily localized to basement membranes of blood vessel endothelia, skeletal, heart, and smooth muscle cells, nerves, and adipocytes. In addition, alpha4 chain laminins were found in the region of certain epithelial basement membranes in the epidermis, salivary gland, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and kidney. Because of the consistent presence of alpha4 chain laminins in endothelial basement membranes of blood vessels, we evaluated the potential roles of endothelial laminins in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and carcinomas. Human endothelial cells produced alpha4 and alpha5 chain laminins. In quantitative and morphological adhesion assays, human endothelial cells barely adhered to alpha4 chain-containing laminin-411. The weak interaction of endothelial cells with laminin-411 appeared to be mediated by alpha6beta1 integrin. The alpha5 chain-containing laminin-511 promoted endothelial cell adhesion better than laminin-411, but it did not promote the formation of cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes. The adhesion of endothelial cells to laminin-511 appeared to be mediated by Lutheran glycoprotein together with beta1 and alphavbeta3 integrins. The results suggest that these laminins may induce a migratory phenotype in endothelial cells. In lymphatic capillaries, endothelial basement membranes showed immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains, type IV and XVIII collagens, and nidogen-1. Considering the assumed inability of alpha4 chain laminins to polymerize and to promote basement membrane assembly, the findings may in part explain the incomplete basement membrane formation in these vessels. Lymphatic capillaries of ovarian carcinomas showed immunoreactivity also for laminin alpha5 chain and its receptor Lutheran glycoprotein, emphasizing a difference between normal and ovarian carcinoma lymphatic capillaries. In renal cell carcinomas, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was found in stroma and basement membranes of blood vessels. In most tumours, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was also observed in the basement membrane region of tumour cell islets. Renal carcinoma cells produced alpha4 chain laminins. Laminin-411 did not promote adhesion of renal carcinoma cells, but inhibited their adhesion to fibronectin. Renal carcinoma cells migrated more on laminin-411 than on fibronectin. The results suggest that alpha4 chain laminins have a counteradhesive function, and may thus have a role in detachment and invasion of renal carcinoma cells.


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Cells are packed with membrane structures, defining the inside and outside, and the different subcellular compartments. These membranes consisting mainly of phospholipids have a variety of functions in addition to providing a permeability barrier for various compounds. These functions involve cellular signaling, where lipids can act as second messengers, or direct regulation of membrane associating proteins. The first part of this study focuses on relating some of the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids to the association of drug compounds to membranes. A fluorescence based method is described allowing for determination of the membrane association of drugs. This method was subsequently applied to a novel drug, siramesine, previously shown to have anti-cancer activity. Siramesine was found to associate with anionic lipids. Especially interesting is its strong affinity for a second messenger lipid phosphatidic acid. This is the first example of a small molecule drug compound specifically interacting with a cellular lipid. Phosphatidic acid in cells is required for the activation of many signaling pathways mediating growth and proliferation. This provides an intriguing possibility for a simple molecular mechanism of the observed anti-cancer activity of siramesine. In the second part the thermal behavior and self assembly of charged and uncharged membrane assemblies was studied. Strong inter-lamellar co-operativity was observed for multilamellar DPPC vesicles using fluorescence techniques together with calorimetry. The commonly used membrane models, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were found to possess different biophysical properties as interlamellar interactions of MLVs drive segregation of a pyrene labeled lipid analogue into clusters. The effect of a counter-ion lattice on the self assembly of a cationic gemini surfactant was studied. The presence of NaCl strongly influenced the thermal phase behavior of M-1 vesicles, causing formation of giant vesicles upon exceeding a phase transition temperature, followed by a subsequent transition into a more homogenous dispersion. Understanding the underlying biophysical aspects of cellular membranes is of fundamental importance as the complex picture of the structure and function of cells is evolving. Many of the cellular reactions take place on membranes and membranes are known to regulate the activity of many peripheral and intergral membrane associating proteins. From the point of view of drug design and gene technology, membranes can provide an interesting target for future development of drugs, but also a vehicle sensitive for environmental changes allowing for encapsulating drugs and targeting them to the desired site of action.


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Gram-negative bacteria are harmful in various surroundings. In the food industy their metabolites are potential cause of spoilage and this group also includes many severe or potential pathogens, such as Salmonella. Due to their ability to produce biofilms Gram-negative bacteria also cause problems in many industrial processes as well as in clinical surroundings. Control of Gram-negative bacteria is hampered by the outer membrane (OM) in the outermost layer of the cells. This layer is an intrinsic barrier for many hydrophobic agents and macromolecules. Permeabilizers are compounds that weaken OM and can thus increase the activity of antimicrobials by facililating entry of hydrophobic compounds and macromolecules into the cell where they can reach their target sites and inhibit or destroy cellular functions. The work described in this thesis shows that lactic acid acts as a permeabilizer and destabilizes the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, organic acids present in berriers, i.e. malic, sorbic and benzoic acid, were shown to weaken the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Organic acids can poteniate the antimicrobial activity of other compounds. Microbial colonic degradation products of plant-derived phenolic compounds (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid, 3-phenylpropionic acid and 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid) efficiently destabilized OM of Salmonella. The studies increase our understanding of the mechanism of action of the classical chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA). In addition, the results indicate that the biocidic activity of benzalkonium chloride against Pseudomonas can be increased by combined use with polyethylenimine (PEI). In addition to PEI, several other potential permeabilizers, such as succimer, were shown to destabilize the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, combination of the results obtained from various permeability assays (e.g. uptake of a hydrophobic probe, sensitization to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents, release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and LPS-specific fatty acids) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) image results increases our knowledge of the action of permeabilizers.


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Kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmät, kuten RAFT-polymerointi, ovat moderni tapa valmistaa polymeerejä säädellysti. RAFT-polymeroinnilla polymeerien ketjunpituutta, moolimassajakaumaa, mikrorakennetta (taktisuus, järjestys), koostumusta ja funktionaalisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Siten menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa uudenlaisia polymeeriarkkitektuureja, kuten blokki- ja tähtipolymeerejä, sekä hybridimateriaaleja ja biokonjugaatteja. Polymeeristen rakennuspalikoiden itsejärjestyminen, missä huolellisesti syntetisoidut polymeerit järjestyvät halutulla tavalla nanoskaalassa, on suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteessä. On huomattava, että blokkipolymeerien itsejärjestyminen on vielä suhteellisen nuori tutkimusaihe. Tämän hetkiset polymeeriset nanomateriaalit ovat suhteellisen yksinkertaisia luonnon luomuksiin verrattuina, tarjoten jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia seuraavan sukupolven polymeereille. Tässä työssä RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoitiin amfifiilisiä di- ja triblokkikopolymeerejä sekä tutkittiin niiden järjestymistä nanorakenteiksi. Kaikissa blokkikopolymeereissä käytettiin lämpöherkkää poly(N-isopropyyliakryyliamidia). Siten polymeerit ja tutkitut materiaalit reagoivat lämpötilanmuutokseen ympäristössä eli ovat ns. ympäristöherkkiä. Työssä tutkittiin taktisuuden kontrollointia N-isopropyyliakryyliamidin RAFT-polymeroinnissa. Polymeerin taktisuutta sekä ketjunpituutta ja blokkijärjestystä säätämällä voitiin hallita polymeerin itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksessa. Amfifiiliset polymeerit järjestyivät laimeissa vesiliuoksissa erilaisiksi misellirakenteiksi, muodostaen ns. mikrosäiliöitä. Tällaisilla polymeereillä odotetaan olevan sovelluksia esim. lääkeainevapautuksessa. Amfifiilejä käytetään myös esimerkiksi apuaineina pinnoitteissa ja kosmetiikassa. Kiinteässä tilassa tutkitut triblokkikopolymeerit muodostivat teoreettisesti ennustettuja morfologioita. Lämpöherkän materiaalin hydrogeelit toimivat suodatinmembraanina nanokokoluokassa. RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoituja polymeereja voidaan sellaisenaan käyttää kultananopartikkeleiden päällystämiseen. Kultananopartikkelit ovat erittäin kiinostavia mm. niiden stabiilisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten pintaominaisuuksien vuoksi. Kun amfifiilisiä polymeerejä kiinnitettiin kultapartikkelin pinnalle, sen liuos- ja optisia ominaisuuksia voitiin säädellä pH:n ja lämpötilan avulla. Tällaisilla kultananopartikkeleilla on sovelluksia mm. diagnostiikassa, sensoreina ja solukuvauksessa.