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Tutkimuksen aiheita olivat yhteiskuntaluokkien väliset erot sairastavuudessa ja alentuneessa toimintakyvyssä, sekä fyysisen työkuormituksen ja joidenkin muiden työolojen vaikutus sairastavuuteen. Empiirisestä työstä on raportoitu myös neljässä kansainvälisissä tieteellisissä aikakauskirjoissa julkaistussa artikkelissa. Tässä julkaistu yhteenveto sisältää tulosten yhteenvedon lisäksi myös tutkimusta koskevien käsitteellisten ja teoreettisten kysymysten sekä tutkimustradition kriittisen katsauksen. Työn päätavoitteita olivat 1) tutkia fyysisesti kuormittavan työn, ja jossain määrin muiden työolojen osuutta yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiin eroihin sairaudessa ja toimintakyvyn alentuneisuudessa; 2) tutkia työn fyysisen kuormittavuuden, työhön liittyvien vaikutusmahdollisuuksien ja hallinnan (decision latitude), luokka-aseman, iän ja sukupuolen yhteisvaikutuksia heikentyneeseen terveydentilaan; sekä 3) tutkia missä määrin mekaanisten työaltisteiden ja tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuuden välinen yhteys voi selittää yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiä eroja heikentyneessä yleisessä terveydentilassa. Tutkittavat olivat keski-ikäisiä Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöitä. Analyysit perustuivat poikittaisasetelmaan, ja käytetty aineisto oli Helsinki Health Studyn vuosien 2000 ja 2002 välillä kerättyä aineistoa. Analyyseihin käytetyssä aineistossa oli 3740:stä 8002:een tutkittavaa. Tulosten perusteella fyysisillä (sekä fysikaalisilla) työoloilla on merkittävä vaikutus yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiin eroihin yleisessä sairastavuudessa, toimintakyvyn heikentymisessä, tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuudessa sekä itsearvioidussa terveydentilassa. Naisilla lähes puolet heikentyneen toimintakyvyn ja koetun terveydentilan luokkaeroista vaikutti olevan selitettävissä fyysisellä työkuormituksella. Hallintamahdollisuuksien ei havaittu merkittävästi muuttavan fyysisen kuormituksen vaikutusta toimintakykyyn. Fyysisen kuormittavuuden terveysvaikutus voimistui kasvavan iän mukaan enemmän naisilla kuin miehillä. Osa, mutta ei koko fyysisen kuormituksen vaikutus yhteiskuntaluokkien eroihin heikentyneessä terveydessä vaikutti välittyvän tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuuden kautta. Terveys ja sairaus eivät ole yhtenäisiä tiloja, ja siksi monet eri sosiaalisesti ja rakenteellisesti määräytyvät olosuhteet todennäköisesti vaikuttavat yhteiskunnallisten terveyserojen syntymiseen. Fyysis-materiaalisten olojen vaikutusta terveyserojen syntyyn nyky-yhteiskunnassa on mahdollisesti aliarvioitu. Yhteiskuntaluokkien väliset erot fyysis-materiaalisissa olosuhteissa eivät ole kadonneet, ja nämä erot todennäköisesti vaikuttavat terveyserojen syntyyn.


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In bacteria resistance to heavy metals is mainly achieved through active efflux, but also sequestration with proteins or as insoluble compounds is used. Although numerous studies have dealt with zinc, cadmium and lead resistance mechanisms in bacteria, it has still remained unclear how different transporters are integrated into an effective homeostasis/resistance network and whether specific mechanisms for lead sequestration exist. Furthermore, since metals are toxic not only to bacteria but to higher organisms as well, it is important to be able to estimate possible biological effects of heavy metals in the environment. This could be done by determining the bioavailable amount of the metals in the environment with bacterial bioreporters. That is, one can employ bacteria that respond to metal contamination by a measurable signal to assess the property of metals to cross biological membranes and to cause harmful effects in a possibly polluted environment. In this thesis a new lead resistance mechanism is described, interplay between CBA transporters and P-type ATPases in zinc and cadmium resistance is presented and finally the acquired knowledge is used to construct bacterial bioreporters for heavy metals with increased sensitivity and specificity. The new lead resistance model employs a P-type ATPase that removes Pb2+ ions from the cytoplasm and a phosphatase that produces inorganic phosphate for lead sequestration in the periplasm. This was the first study where the molecular mechanism of lead sequestration has been described. Characterization of two P-type ATPases and two CBA transporters showed that resistance mechanisms for Zn2+ and Cd2+ are somewhat different than for Pb2+ as these metals cannot be sequestered as insoluble compounds as easily. Resistance to Zn2+ was conferred merely by the CBA transporter that could export both cytoplasmic and periplasmic ions; whereas, full resistance to Cd2+ required interplay of a P-type ATPase that exported cytoplasmic ions to periplasm and a CBA transporter that further exported periplasmic ions to the outside. The knowledge on functionality of the transporters and metal-inducible promoters was exploited in bioreporter technology. A transporter-deficient bioreporter strain that lacked exporters for Zn2+/Cd2+/Pb2+ could detect up to 45-fold lower metal concentrations than its wild type counterpart due to the accumulation of metals in the cell. The broad specificity issue of bioreporters was overcome by using Zn-specific promoter as a sensor element, thus achieving Zn-specific bioreporter.


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The successful interaction between leaders and their followers is central to the overall functioning of a company. The increasingly multinational nature of modern business and the resulting multicultural and increasingly heterogeneous workforce imposes specific challenges to the development of high-quality work relationships. The Western multinational companies that have started operations in China are facing these challenges. This study examines the quality of leader-follower relationships between Western expatriate leaders and their Chinese followers as well as between Chinese leaders and their Chinese followers in Western-owned subsidiaries in China. The focus is on the influence of personal, interpersonal and behavioural factors (personality, values, cultural knowledge, perceived and actual similarity, interactional justice, and follower performance) and the work-related implications of these relationships (job attitudes and organisational citizenship behaviour). One interesting finding of this study is that Chinese followers have higher perceptions of their Western than their Chinese leaders. The results also indicate that Chinese and Western leaders’ perceptions of their followers are not influenced favourably by the same follower characteristics. In a similar vein, Chinese followers value different traits in Western versus Chinese leaders. These results, as well as the numerous more specific findings of the study, have practical implications for international human resource management and areas such as selection, placement and training. Due to the different effect of personal and interpersonal factors across groups, it is difficult to achieve the “perfect match” between leader and follower characteristics that simultaneously contribute to high-quality relationships for Chinese and Western leaders as well as for followers. However, the results indicate that the ability of organisations to enhance the quality of leader-follower relations by selecting and matching people with suitable characteristics may provide an effective means for organisations to increase positive job attitudes and hence influence work-related outcomes.


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The underpinning logic of value co-creation in service logic is analysed. It is observed that three of the ten foundational premises of the so-called service-dominant logic are problematic and do not support an understanding of value-co-creation and creation that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practice. Without a thorough understanding of the interaction concept, the locus and nature of value co-creation cannot be identified. Based on the analysis in the present article it is observed that a unique contribution of a service perspective on business (service logic) is not that customers always are co-creators of value, but that under certain circumstances the service provider gets opportunities to co-create value together with its customers. Finally, the three problematic premises are reformulated accordingly.


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Yhteenveto: Elohopea Suomen metsäjärvissä ja tekoaltaissa: ihmisen vaikutus kuormitukseen ja pitoisuuksiin kaloissa.


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The underpinning logic of value co-creation in service logic is analysed. It is observed that three of the ten foundational premises of the so-called service-dominant logic are problematic and do not support an understanding of value-co-creation and creation that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practice. Without a thorough understanding of the interaction concept, the locus and nature of value co-creation cannot be identified. Based on the analysis in the present article it is observed that a unique contribution of a service perspective on business (service logic) is not that customers always are co-creators of value, but that under certain circumstances the service provider gets opportunities to co-create value together with its customers. Finally, the three problematic premises are reformulated accordingly.


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Uveal melanoma (UM) is the second most common primary intraocular cancer worldwide. It is a relatively rare cancer, but still the second most common type of primary malignant melanoma in humans. UM is a slowly growing tumor, and gives rise to distant metastasis mainly to the liver via the bloodstream. About 40% of patients with UM die of metastatic disease within 10 years of diagnosis, irrespective of the type of treatment. During the last decade, two main lines of research have aimed to achieve enhanced understanding of the metastasis process and accurate prognosis of patients with UM. One emphasizes the characteristics of tumor cells, particularly their nucleoli, and markers of proliferation, and the other the characteristics of tumor blood vessels. Of several morphometric measurements, the mean diameter of the ten largest nucleoli (MLN) has become the most widely applied. A large MLN has consistently been associated with high likelihood of dying from UM. Blood vessels are of paramount importance in metastasis of UM. Different extravascular matrix patterns can be seen in UM, like loops and networks. This presence is associated with death from metastatic melanoma. However, the density of microvessels is also of prognostic importance. This study was undertaken to help understanding some histopathological factors which might contribute to developing metastasis in UM patients. Factors which could be related to tumor progression to metastasis disease, namely nucleolar size, MLN, microvascular density (MVD), cell proliferation, and The Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor(IGF-1R), were investigated. The primary aim of this thesis was to study the relationship between prognostic factors such as tumor cell nucleolar size, proliferation, extravascular matrix patterns, and dissemination of UM, and to assess to what extent there is a relationship to metastasis. The secondary goal was to develop a multivariate model which includes MLN and cell proliferation in addition to MVD, and which would fit better with population-based, melanoma-related survival data than previous models. I studied 167 patients with UM, who developed metastasis even after a very long time following removal of the eye, metastatic disease was the main cause of death, as documented in the Finnish Cancer Registry and on death certificates. Using an independent population-based data set, it was confirmed that MLN and extravascular matrix loops and networks were unrelated, independent predictors of survival in UM. Also, it has been found that multivariate models including MVD in addition to MLN fitted significantly better with survival data than models which excluded MVD. This supports the idea that both the characteristics of the blood vessels and the cells are important, and the future direction would be to look for the gene expression profile, whether it is associated more with MVD or MLN. The former relates to the host response to the tumor and may not be as tightly associated with the gene expression profile, yet most likely involved in the process of hematogenous metastasis. Because fresh tumor material is needed for reliable genetic analysis, such analysis could not be performed Although noninvasive detection of certain extravascular matrix patterns is now technically possible,in managing patients with UM, this study and tumor genetics suggest that such noninvasive methods will not fully capture the process of clinical metastasis. Progress in resection and biopsy techniques is likely in the near future to result in fresh material for the ophthalmic pathologist to correlate angiographic data, histopathological characteristics such as MLN, and genetic data. This study supported the theory that tumors containing epithelioid cells grow faster and have poorer prognosis when studied by cell proliferation in UM based on Ki-67 immunoreactivity. Cell proliferation index fitted best with the survival data when combined with MVD, MLN, and presence of epithelioid cells. Analogous with the finding that high MVD in primary UM is associated with shorter time to metastasis than low MVD, high MVD in hepatic metastasis tends to be associated with shorter survival after diagnosis of metastasis. Because the liver is the main organ for metastasis from UM, growth factors largely produced in the liver hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) together with their receptors may have a role in the homing and survival of metastatic cells. Therefore the association between immunoreactivity for IGF-1R in primary UM and metastatic death was studied. It was found that immunoreactivity for IGF-IR did not independently predict metastasis from primary UM in my series.