17 resultados para RADIATIVE OPACITIES

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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This work develops methods to account for shoot structure in models of coniferous canopy radiative transfer. Shoot structure, as it varies along the light gradient inside canopy, affects the efficiency of light interception per unit needle area, foliage biomass, or foliage nitrogen. The clumping of needles in the shoot volume also causes a notable amount of multiple scattering of light within coniferous shoots. The effect of shoot structure on light interception is treated in the context of canopy level photosynthesis and resource use models, and the phenomenon of within-shoot multiple scattering in the context of physical canopy reflectance models for remote sensing purposes. Light interception. A method for estimating the amount of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by a conifer shoot is presented. The method combines modelling of the directional distribution of radiation above canopy, fish-eye photographs taken at shoot locations to measure canopy gap fraction, and geometrical measurements of shoot orientation and structure. Data on light availability, shoot and needle structure and nitrogen content has been collected from canopies of Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Shoot structure acclimated to light gradient inside canopy so that more shaded shoots have better light interception efficiency. Light interception efficiency of shoots varied about two-fold per needle area, about four-fold per needle dry mass, and about five-fold per nitrogen content. Comparison of fertilized and control stands of Norway spruce indicated that light interception efficiency is not greatly affected by fertilization. Light scattering. Structure of coniferous shoots gives rise to multiple scattering of light between the needles of the shoot. Using geometric models of shoots, multiple scattering was studied by photon tracing simulations. Based on simulation results, the dependence of the scattering coefficient of shoot from the scattering coefficient of needles is shown to follow a simple one-parameter model. The single parameter, termed the recollision probability, describes the level of clumping of the needles in the shoot, is wavelength independent, and can be connected to previously used clumping indices. By using the recollision probability to correct for the within-shoot multiple scattering, canopy radiative transfer models which have used leaves as basic elements can use shoots as basic elements, and thus be applied for coniferous forests. Preliminary testing of this approach seems to explain, at least partially, why coniferous forests appear darker than broadleaved forests in satellite data.


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In a search for new phenomena in a signature suppressed in the standard model of elementary particles (SM), we compare the inclusive production of events containing a lepton, a photon, significant transverse momentum imbalance (MET), and a jet identified as containing a b-quark, to SM predictions. The search uses data produced in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV corresponding to 1.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity taken with the CDF detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find 28 lepton+photon+MET+b events versus an expectation of 31.0+4.1/-3.5 events. If we further require events to contain at least three jets and large total transverse energy, simulations predict that the largest SM source is top-quark pair production with an additional radiated photon, ttbar+photon. In the data we observe 16 ttbar+photon candidate events versus an expectation from SM sources of 11.2+2.3/-2.1. Assuming the difference between the observed number and the predicted non-top-quark total is due to SM top quark production, we estimate the ttg cross section to be 0.15 +- 0.08 pb.


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In order to predict the current state and future development of Earth s climate, detailed information on atmospheric aerosols and aerosol-cloud-interactions is required. Furthermore, these interactions need to be expressed in such a way that they can be represented in large-scale climate models. The largest uncertainties in the estimate of radiative forcing on the present day climate are related to the direct and indirect effects of aerosol. In this work aerosol properties were studied at Pallas and Utö in Finland, and at Mount Waliguan in Western China. Approximately two years of data from each site were analyzed. In addition to this, data from two intensive measurement campaigns at Pallas were used. The measurements at Mount Waliguan were the first long term aerosol particle number concentration and size distribution measurements conducted in this region. They revealed that the number concentration of aerosol particles at Mount Waliguan were much higher than those measured at similar altitudes in other parts of the world. The particles were concentrated in the Aitken size range indicating that they were produced within a couple of days prior to reaching the site, rather than being transported over thousands of kilometers. Aerosol partitioning between cloud droplets and cloud interstitial particles was studied at Pallas during the two measurement campaigns, First Pallas Cloud Experiment (First PaCE) and Second Pallas Cloud Experiment (Second PaCE). The method of using two differential mobility particle sizers (DMPS) to calculate the number concentration of activated particles was found to agree well with direct measurements of cloud droplet. Several parameters important in cloud droplet activation were found to depend strongly on the air mass history. The effects of these parameters partially cancelled out each other. Aerosol number-to-volume concentration ratio was studied at all three sites using data sets with long time-series. The ratio was found to vary more than in earlier studies, but less than either aerosol particle number concentration or volume concentration alone. Both air mass dependency and seasonal pattern were found at Pallas and Utö, but only seasonal pattern at Mount Waliguan. The number-to-volume concentration ratio was found to follow the seasonal temperature pattern well at all three sites. A new parameterization for partitioning between cloud droplets and cloud interstitial particles was developed. The parameterization uses aerosol particle number-to-volume concentration ratio and aerosol particle volume concentration as the only information on the aerosol number and size distribution. The new parameterization is computationally more efficient than the more detailed parameterizations currently in use, but the accuracy of the new parameterization was slightly lower. The new parameterization was also compared to directly observed cloud droplet number concentration data, and a good agreement was found.


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Interstellar clouds are not featureless, but show quite complex internal structures of filaments and clumps when observed with high enough resolution. These structures have been generated by 1) turbulent motions driven mainly by supernovae, 2) magnetic fields working on the ions and, through neutral-ion collisions, on neutral gas as well, and 3) self-gravity pulling a dense clump together to form a new star. The study of the cloud structure gives us information on the relative importance of each of these mechanisms, and helps us to gain a better understanding of the details of the star formation process. Interstellar dust is often used as a tracer for the interstellar gas which forms the bulk of the interstellar matter. Some of the methods that are used to derive the column density are summarized in this thesis. A new method, which uses the scattered light to map the column density in large fields with high spatial resolution, is introduced. This thesis also takes a look at the grain alignment with respect to the magnetic fields. The aligned grains give rise to the polarization of starlight and dust emission, thus revealing the magnetic field. The alignment mechanisms have been debated for the last half century. The strongest candidate at present is the radiative torques mechanism. In the first four papers included in this thesis, the scattered light method of column density estimation is formulated, tested in simulations, and finally used to obtain a column density map from observations. They demonstrate that the scattered light method is a very useful and reliable tool in column density estimation, and is able to provide higher resolution than the near-infrared color excess method. These two methods are complementary. The derived column density maps are also used to gain information on the dust emissivity within the observed cloud. The two final papers present simulations of polarized thermal dust emission assuming that the alignment happens by the radiative torques mechanism. We show that the radiative torques can explain the observed decline of the polarization degree towards dense cores. Furthermore, the results indicate that the dense cores themselves might not contribute significantly to the polarized signal, and hence one needs to be careful when interpreting the observations and deriving the magnetic field.


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Modern-day weather forecasting is highly dependent on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models as the main data source. The evolving state of the atmosphere with time can be numerically predicted by solving a set of hydrodynamic equations, if the initial state is known. However, such a modelling approach always contains approximations that by and large depend on the purpose of use and resolution of the models. Present-day NWP systems operate with horizontal model resolutions in the range from about 40 km to 10 km. Recently, the aim has been to reach operationally to scales of 1 4 km. This requires less approximations in the model equations, more complex treatment of physical processes and, furthermore, more computing power. This thesis concentrates on the physical parameterization methods used in high-resolution NWP models. The main emphasis is on the validation of the grid-size-dependent convection parameterization in the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) and on a comprehensive intercomparison of radiative-flux parameterizations. In addition, the problems related to wind prediction near the coastline are addressed with high-resolution meso-scale models. The grid-size-dependent convection parameterization is clearly beneficial for NWP models operating with a dense grid. Results show that the current convection scheme in HIRLAM is still applicable down to a 5.6 km grid size. However, with further improved model resolution, the tendency of the model to overestimate strong precipitation intensities increases in all the experiment runs. For the clear-sky longwave radiation parameterization, schemes used in NWP-models provide much better results in comparison with simple empirical schemes. On the other hand, for the shortwave part of the spectrum, the empirical schemes are more competitive for producing fairly accurate surface fluxes. Overall, even the complex radiation parameterization schemes used in NWP-models seem to be slightly too transparent for both long- and shortwave radiation in clear-sky conditions. For cloudy conditions, simple cloud correction functions are tested. In case of longwave radiation, the empirical cloud correction methods provide rather accurate results, whereas for shortwave radiation the benefit is only marginal. Idealised high-resolution two-dimensional meso-scale model experiments suggest that the reason for the observed formation of the afternoon low level jet (LLJ) over the Gulf of Finland is an inertial oscillation mechanism, when the large-scale flow is from the south-east or west directions. The LLJ is further enhanced by the sea-breeze circulation. A three-dimensional HIRLAM experiment, with a 7.7 km grid size, is able to generate a similar LLJ flow structure as suggested by the 2D-experiments and observations. It is also pointed out that improved model resolution does not necessary lead to better wind forecasts in the statistical sense. In nested systems, the quality of the large-scale host model is really important, especially if the inner meso-scale model domain is small.


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Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a broad range of effects concerning life on Earth. Soon after the mid-1980s, it was recognized that the stratospheric ozone content was declining over large areas of the globe. Because the stratospheric ozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful UV radiation, this lead to concern about possible changes in the UV radiation due to anthropogenic activity. Initiated by this concern, many stations for monitoring of the surface UV radiation were founded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As a consequence, there is an apparent lack of information on UV radiation further in the past: measurements cannot tell us how the UV radiation levels have changed on time scales of, for instance, several decades. The aim of this thesis was to improve our understanding of past variations in the surface UV radiation by developing techniques for UV reconstruction. Such techniques utilize commonly available meteorological data together with measurements of the total ozone column for reconstructing, or estimating, the amount of UV radiation reaching Earth's surface in the past. Two different techniques for UV reconstruction were developed. Both are based on first calculating the clear-sky UV radiation using a radiative transfer model. The clear-sky value is then corrected for the effect of clouds based on either (i) sunshine duration or (ii) pyranometer measurements. Both techniques account also for the variations in the surface albedo caused by snow, whereas aerosols are included as a typical climatological aerosol load. Using these methods, long time series of reconstructed UV radiation were produced for five European locations, namely Sodankylä and Jokioinen in Finland, Bergen in Norway, Norrköping in Sweden, and Davos in Switzerland. Both UV reconstruction techniques developed in this thesis account for the greater part of the factors affecting the amount of UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Thus, they are considered reliable and trustworthy, as suggested also by the good performance of the methods. The pyranometer-based method shows better performance than the sunshine-based method, especially for daily values. For monthly values, the difference between the performances of the methods is smaller, indicating that the sunshine-based method is roughly as good as the pyranometer-based for assessing long-term changes in the surface UV radiation. The time series of reconstructed UV radiation produced in this thesis provide new insight into the past UV radiation climate and how the UV radiation has varied throughout the years. Especially the sunshine-based UV time series, extending back to 1926 and 1950 at Davos and Sodankylä, respectively, also put the recent changes driven by the ozone decline observed over the last few decades into perspective. At Davos, the reconstructed UV over the period 1926-2003 shows considerable variation throughout the entire period, with high values in the mid-1940s, early 1960s, and in the 1990s. Moreover, the variations prior to 1980 were found to be caused primarily by variations in the cloudiness, while the increase of 4.5 %/decade over the period 1979-1999 was supported by both the decline in the total ozone column and changes in the cloudiness. Of the other stations included in this work, both Sodankylä and Norrköping show a clear increase in the UV radiation since the early 1980s (3-4 %/decade), driven primarily by changes in the cloudiness, and to a lesser extent by the diminution of the total ozone. At Jokioinen, a weak increase was found, while at Bergen there was no considerable overall change in the UV radiation level.


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Luonnosta haihtuvat orgaaniset yhdisteet, joita pääsee ilmaan etenkin metsistä, voivat vaikuttaa paikalliseen ja alueelliseen ilmanlaatuun, koska ne reagoivat ilmakehässä. Niiden reaktiotuotteet voivat myös osallistua uusien hiukkasten muodostumiseen ja kasvuun, millä voi olla vaikutusta ilmakehän säteilytaseeseen ja tätä kautta myös ilmastoon. Hiukkaset absorboivat ja sirottavat auringon säteilyä ja maapallon lämpösäteilyä minkä lisäksi ne vaikuttavat pilvien säteilyominaisuuksiin, määrään ja elinikään. Koko maapallon mittakaavassa luonnosta tulevat hiilivetypäästöt ylittävät ihmistoiminnan aiheuttamat päästöt moninkertaisesti. Tämän vuoksi luonnon päästöjen arviointi on tärkeää kun halutaan kehittää tehokkaita ilmanlaatu- ja ilmastostrategioita. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee boreaalisen metsän hiilivetypäästöjä. Boreaalinen metsä eli pohjoinen havumetsä on suurin maanpäällinen ekosysteemi, ja se ulottuu lähes yhtenäisenä nauhana koko pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon ympäri. Sille on tyypillistä puulajien suhteellisen pieni kirjo sekä olosuhteiden ja kasvun voimakkaat vuodenaikaisvaihtelut. Työssä on tutkittu Suomen yleisimmän boreaalisen puun eli männyn hiilivetypäästöjen vuodenaikaisvaihtelua sekä päästöjen riippuvuutta lämpötilasta ja valosta. Saatuja tuloksia on käytetty yhdessä muiden boreaalisilla puilla tehtyjen päästömittaustulosten kanssa Suomen metsiä varten kehitetyssä päästömallissa. Malli perustuu lisäksi maankäyttötietoihin, suomen metsille kehitettyyn luokitukseen ja meteorologisiin tietoihin, joiden avulla se laskee metsien hiilivetypäästöt kasvukauden aikana. Suomen metsien päästöt koostuvat koko kasvukauden ajan suurelta osin alfa- ja beta-pineenistä sekä delta-kareenista. Kesällä ja syksyllä päästöissä on myös paljon sabineenia, jota tulee etenkin lehtipuista. Päästöt seuraavat lämpötilan keskimääräistä vaihtelua, ovat suurimmillaan maan eteläosissa ja laskevat tasaisesti pohjoiseen siirryttäessä. Metsän isopreenipäästö on suhteellisen pieni – Suomessa tärkein isopreeniä päästävä puu on vähäpäästöinen kuusi, koska runsaspäästöisten pajun ja haavan osuus metsän lehtimassasta on hyvin pieni. Tässä työssä on myös laskettu ensimmäinen arvio metsän seskviterpeenipäästöistä. Seskviterpeenipäästöt alkavat Juhannuksen jälkeen ja ovat kasvukauden aikana samaa suuruusluokkaa kuin isopreenipäästöt. Vuositasolla Suomen metsien hiilivetypäästöt ovat noin kaksinkertaiset ihmistoiminnasta aiheutuviin päästöihin verrattuna.


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In this thesis we consider the phenomenology of supergravity, and in particular the particle called "gravitino". We begin with an introductory part, where we discuss the theories of inflation, supersymmetry and supergravity. Gravitino production is then investigated into details, by considering the research papers here included. First we study the scattering of massive W bosons in the thermal bath of particles, during the period of reheating. We show that the process generates in the cross section non trivial contributions, which eventually lead to unitarity breaking above a certain scale. This happens because, in the annihilation diagram, the longitudinal degrees of freedom in the propagator of the gauge bosons disappear from the amplitude, by virtue of the supergravity vertex. Accordingly, the longitudinal polarizations of the on-shell W become strongly interacting in the high energy limit. By studying the process with both gauge and mass eigenstates, it is shown that the inclusion of diagrams with off-shell scalars of the MSSM does not cancel the divergences. Next, we approach cosmology more closely, and study the decay of a scalar field S into gravitinos at the end of inflation. Once its mass is comparable to the Hubble rate, the field starts coherent oscillations about the minimum of its potential and decays pertubatively. We embed S in a model of gauge mediation with metastable vacua, where the hidden sector is of the O'Raifeartaigh type. First we discuss the dynamics of the field in the expanding background, then radiative corrections to the scalar potential V(S) and to the Kähler potential are calculated. Constraints on the reheating temperature are accordingly obtained, by demanding that the gravitinos thus produced provide with the observed Dark Matter density. We modify consistently former results in the literature, and find that the gravitino number density and T_R are extremely sensitive to the parameters of the model. This means that it is easy to account for gravitino Dark Matter with an arbitrarily low reheating temperature.


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The planet Mars is the Earth's neighbour in the Solar System. Planetary research stems from a fundamental need to explore our surroundings, typical for mankind. Manned missions to Mars are already being planned, and understanding the environment to which the astronauts would be exposed is of utmost importance for a successful mission. Information of the Martian environment given by models is already now used in designing the landers and orbiters sent to the red planet. In particular, studies of the Martian atmosphere are crucial for instrument design, entry, descent and landing system design, landing site selection, and aerobraking calculations. Research of planetary atmospheres can also contribute to atmospheric studies of the Earth via model testing and development of parameterizations: even after decades of modeling the Earth's atmosphere, we are still far from perfect weather predictions. On a global level, Mars has also been experiencing climate change. The aerosol effect is one of the largest unknowns in the present terrestrial climate change studies, and the role of aerosol particles in any climate is fundamental: studies of climate variations on another planet can help us better understand our own global change. In this thesis I have used an atmospheric column model for Mars to study the behaviour of the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the planetary boundary layer (PBL), and I have developed nucleation (particle formation) models for Martian conditions. The models were also coupled to study, for example, fog formation in the PBL. The PBL is perhaps the most significant part of the atmosphere for landers and humans, since we live in it and experience its state, for example, as gusty winds, nightfrost, and fogs. However, PBL modelling in weather prediction models is still a difficult task. Mars hosts a variety of cloud types, mainly composed of water ice particles, but also CO2 ice clouds form in the very cold polar night and at high altitudes elsewhere. Nucleation is the first step in particle formation, and always includes a phase transition. Cloud crystals on Mars form from vapour to ice on ubiquitous, suspended dust particles. Clouds on Mars have a small radiative effect in the present climate, but it may have been more important in the past. This thesis represents an attempt to model the Martian atmosphere at the smallest scales with high resolution. The models used and developed during the course of the research are useful tools for developing and testing parameterizations for larger-scale models all the way up to global climate models, since the small-scale models can describe processes that in the large-scale models are reduced to subgrid (not explicitly resolved) scale.


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Atmospheric aerosol particle formation events can be a significant source for tropospheric aerosols and thus influence the radiative properties and cloud cover of the atmosphere. This thesis investigates the analysis of aerosol size distribution data containing particle formation events, describes the methodology of the analysis and presents time series data measured inside the Boreal forest. This thesis presents a methodology to identify regional-scale particle formation, and to derive the basic characteristics such as growth and formation rates. The methodology can also be used to estimate concentration and source rates of the vapour causing particle growth. Particle formation was found to occur frequently in the boreal forest area over areas covering up to hundreds of kilometers. Particle formation rates of boreal events were found to be of the order of 0.01-5 cm^-3 s^-1, while the nucleation rates of 1 nm particles can be a few orders of magnitude higher. The growth rates of over 3 nm sized particles were of the order of a few nanometers per hour. The vapor concentration needed to sustain such growth is of the order of 10^7--10^8 cm^-3, approximately one order of magnitude higher than sulphuric acid concentrations found in the atmosphere. Therefore, one has to assume that other vapours, such as organics, have a key role in growing newborn particles to sizes where they can become climatically active. Formation event occurrence shows a clear annual variation with peaks in summer and autumns. This variation is similar to the variation exhibited the obtained formation rates of particles. The growth rate, on the other hand, reaches its highest values during summer. This difference in the annual behavior, and the fact that no coupling between the growth and formation process could be identified, suggest that these processes might be different ones, and that both are needed for a particle formation burst to be observed.


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Polar Regions are an energy sink of the Earth system, as the Sun rays do not reach the Poles for half of the year, and hit them only at very low angles for the other half of the year. In summer, solar radiation is the dominant energy source for the Polar areas, therefore even small changes in the surface albedo strongly affect the surface energy balance and, thus, the speed and amount of snow and ice melting. In winter, the main heat sources for the atmosphere are the cyclones approaching from lower latitudes, and the atmosphere-surface heat transfer takes place through turbulent mixing and longwave radiation, the latter dominated by clouds. The aim of this thesis is to improve the knowledge about the surface and atmospheric processes that control the surface energy budget over snow and ice, with particular focus on albedo during the spring and summer seasons, on horizontal advection of heat, cloud longwave forcing, and turbulent mixing during the winter season. The critical importance of a correct albedo representation in models is illustrated through the analysis of the causes for the errors in the surface and near-surface air temperature produced in a short-range numerical weather forecast by the HIRLAM model. Then, the daily and seasonal variability of snow and ice albedo have been examined by analysing field measurements of albedo, carried out in different environments. On the basis of the data analysis, simple albedo parameterizations have been derived, which can be implemented into thermodynamic sea ice models, as well as numerical weather prediction and climate models. Field measurements of radiation and turbulent fluxes over the Bay of Bothnia (Baltic Sea) also allowed examining the impact of a large albedo change during the melting season on surface energy and ice mass budgets. When high contrasts in surface albedo are present, as in the case of snow covered areas next to open water, the effect of the surface albedo heterogeneity on the downwelling solar irradiance under overcast condition is very significant, although it is usually not accounted for in single column radiative transfer calculations. To account for this effect, an effective albedo parameterization based on three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations has been developed. To test a potentially relevant application of the effective albedo parameterization, its performance in the ground-based retrieval of cloud optical depth was illustrated. Finally, the factors causing the large variations of the surface and near-surface temperatures over the Central Arctic during winter were examined. The relative importance of cloud radiative forcing, turbulent mixing, and lateral heat advection on the Arctic surface temperature were quantified through the analysis of direct observations from Russian drifting ice stations, with the lateral heat advection calculated from reanalysis products.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) affect atmospheric chemistry and thereafter also participate in the climate change in many ways. The long-lived greenhouse gases and tropospheric ozone are the most important radiative forcing components warming the climate, while aerosols are the most important cooling component. VOCs can have warming effects on the climate: they participate in tropospheric ozone formation and compete for oxidants with the greenhouse gases thus, for example, lengthening the atmospheric lifetime of methane. Some VOCs, on the other hand, cool the atmosphere by taking part in the formation of aerosol particles. Some VOCs, in addition, have direct health effects, such as carcinogenic benzene. VOCs are emitted into the atmosphere in various processes. Primary emissions of VOC include biogenic emissions from vegetation, biomass burning and human activities. VOCs are also produced in secondary emissions from the reactions of other organic compounds. Globally, forests are the largest source of VOC entering the atmosphere. This thesis focuses on the measurement results of emissions and concentrations of VOCs in one of the largest vegetation zones in the world, the boreal zone. An automated sampling system was designed and built for continuous VOC concentration and emission measurements with a proton transfer reaction - mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). The system measured one hour at a time in three-hourly cycles: 1) ambient volume mixing-ratios of VOCs in the Scots-pine-dominated boreal forest, 2) VOC fluxes above the canopy, and 3) VOC emissions from Scots pine shoots. In addition to the online PTR-MS measurements, we determined the composition and seasonality of the VOC emissions from a Siberian larch with adsorbent samples and GC-MS analysis. The VOC emissions from Siberian larch were reported for the fist time in the literature. The VOC emissions were 90% monoterpenes (mainly sabinene) and the rest sesquiterpenes (mainly a-farnesene). The normalized monoterpene emission potentials were highest in late summer, rising again in late autumn. The normalized sesquiterpene emission potentials were also highest in late summer, but decreased towards the autumn. The emissions of mono- and sesquiterpenes from the deciduous Siberian larch, as well as the emissions of monoterpenes measured from the evergreen Scots pine, were well described by the temperature-dependent algorithm. In the Scots-pine-dominated forest, canopy-scale emissions of monoterpenes and oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs) were of the same magnitude. Methanol and acetone were the most abundant OVOCs emitted from the forest and also in the ambient air. Annually, methanol and mixing ratios were of the order of 1 ppbv. The monoterpene and sum of isoprene 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) volume mixing-ratios were an order of magnitude lower. The majority of the monoterpene and methanol emissions from the Scots-pinedominated forest were explained by emissions from Scots pine shoots. The VOCs were divided into three classes based on the dynamics of the summer-time concentrations: 1) reactive compounds with local biological, anthropogenic or chemical sources (methanol, acetone, butanol and hexanal), 2) compounds whose emissions are only temperaturedependent (monoterpenes), 3) long-lived compounds (benzene, acetaldehyde). Biogenic VOC (methanol, acetone, isoprene MBO and monoterpene) volume mixing-ratios had clear diurnal patterns during summer. The ambient mixing ratios of other VOCs did not show this behaviour. During winter we did not observe systematical diurnal cycles for any of the VOCs. Different sources, removal processes and turbulent mixing explained the dynamics of the measured mixing-ratios qualitatively. However, quantitative understanding will require longterm emission measurements of the OVOCs and the use of comprehensive chemistry models. Keywords: Hydrocarbons, VOC, fluxes, volume mixing-ratio, boreal forest


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Solar UV radiation is harmful for life on planet Earth, but fortunately the atmospheric oxygen and ozone absorb almost entirely the most energetic UVC radiation photons. However, part of the UVB radiation and much of the UVA radiation reaches the surface of the Earth, and affect human health, environment, materials and drive atmospheric and aquatic photochemical processes. In order to quantify these effects and processes there is a need for ground-based UV measurements and radiative transfer modeling to estimate the amounts of UV radiation reaching the biosphere. Satellite measurements with their near-global spatial coverage and long-term data conti-nuity offer an attractive option for estimation of the surface UV radiation. This work focuses on radiative transfer theory based methods used for estimation of the UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. The objectives of the thesis were to implement the surface UV algorithm originally developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for estimation of the surface UV irradiance from the meas-urements of the Dutch-Finnish built Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), to improve the original surface UV algorithm especially in relation with snow cover, to validate the OMI-derived daily surface UV doses against ground-based measurements, and to demonstrate how the satellite-derived surface UV data can be used to study the effects of the UV radiation. The thesis consists of seven original papers and a summary. The summary includes an introduction of the OMI instrument, a review of the methods used for modeling of the surface UV using satellite data as well as the con-clusions of the main results of the original papers. The first two papers describe the algorithm used for estimation of the surface UV amounts from the OMI measurements as well as the unique Very Fast Delivery processing system developed for processing of the OMI data received at the Sodankylä satellite data centre. The third and the fourth papers present algorithm improvements related to the surface UV albedo of the snow-covered land. Fifth paper presents the results of the comparison of the OMI-derived daily erythemal doses with those calculated from the ground-based measurement data. It gives an estimate of the expected accuracy of the OMI-derived sur-face UV doses for various atmospheric and other conditions, and discusses the causes of the differences between the satellite-derived and ground-based data. The last two papers demonstrate the use of the satellite-derived sur-face UV data. Sixth paper presents an assessment of the photochemical decomposition rates in aquatic environment. Seventh paper presents use of satellite-derived daily surface UV doses for planning of the outdoor material weathering tests.


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Interaction between forests and the atmosphere occurs by radiative and turbulent transport. The fluxes of energy and mass between surface and the atmosphere directly influence the properties of the lower atmosphere and in longer time scales the global climate. Boreal forest ecosystems are central in the global climate system, and its responses to human activities, because they are significant sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and of aerosol particles. The aim of the present work was to improve our understanding on the existing interplay between biologically active canopy, microenvironment and turbulent flow and quantify. In specific, the aim was to quantify the contribution of different canopy layers to whole forest fluxes. For this purpose, long-term micrometeorological and ecological measurements made in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest at SMEAR II research station in Southern Finland were used. The properties of turbulent flow are strongly modified by the interaction between the canopy elements: momentum is efficiently absorbed in the upper layers of the canopy, mean wind speed and turbulence intensities decrease rapidly towards the forest floor and power spectra is modulated by spectral short-cut . In the relative open forest, diabatic stability above the canopy explained much of the changes in velocity statistics within the canopy except in strongly stable stratification. Large eddies, ranging from tens to hundred meters in size, were responsible for the major fraction of turbulent transport between a forest and the atmosphere. Because of this, the eddy-covariance (EC) method proved to be successful for measuring energy and mass exchange inside a forest canopy with exception of strongly stable conditions. Vertical variations of within canopy microclimate, light attenuation in particular, affect strongly the assimilation and transpiration rates. According to model simulations, assimilation rate decreases with height more rapidly than stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration and, consequently, the vertical source-sink distributions for carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) diverge. Upscaling from a shoot scale to canopy scale was found to be sensitive to chosen stomatal control description. The upscaled canopy level CO2 fluxes can vary as much as 15 % and H2O fluxes 30 % even if the gs models are calibrated against same leaf-level dataset. A pine forest has distinct overstory and understory layers, which both contribute significantly to canopy scale fluxes. The forest floor vegetation and soil accounted between 18 and 25 % of evapotranspiration and between 10 and 20 % of sensible heat exchange. Forest floor was also an important deposition surface for aerosol particles; between 10 and 35 % of dry deposition of particles within size range 10 30 nm occurred there. Because of the northern latitudes, seasonal cycle of climatic factors strongly influence the surface fluxes. Besides the seasonal constraints, partitioning of available energy to sensible and latent heat depends, through stomatal control, on the physiological state of the vegetation. In spring, available energy is consumed mainly as sensible heat and latent heat flux peaked about two months later, in July August. On the other hand, annual evapotranspiration remains rather stable over range of environmental conditions and thus any increase of accumulated radiation affects primarily the sensible heat exchange. Finally, autumn temperature had strong effect on ecosystem respiration but its influence on photosynthetic CO2 uptake was restricted by low radiation levels. Therefore, the projected autumn warming in the coming decades will presumably reduce the positive effects of earlier spring recovery in terms of carbon uptake potential of boreal forests.