15 resultados para Poverty of children and families

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Background and aims. Type 1 diabetes (T1D), an autoimmune disease in which the insulin producing beta cells are gradually destroyed, is preceded by a prodromal phase characterized by appearance of diabetes-associated autoantibodies in circulation. Both the timing of the appearance of autoantibodies and their quality have been used in the prediction of T1D among first-degree relatives of diabetic patients (FDRs). So far, no general strategies for identifying individuals at increased disease risk in the general population have been established, although the majority of new cases originate in this population. The current work aimed at assessing the predictive role of diabetes-associated immunologic and metabolic risk factors in the general population, and comparing these factors with data obtained from studies on FDRs. Subjects and methods. Study subjects in the current work were subcohorts of participants of the Childhood Diabetes in Finland Study (DiMe; n=755), the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (LASERI; n=3475), and the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention Study (DIPP) Study subjects (n=7410). These children were observed for signs of beta-cell autoimmunity and progression to T1D, and the results obtained were compared between the FDRs and the general population cohorts. --- Results and conclusions. By combining HLA and autoantibody screening, T1D risks similar to those reported for autoantibody-positive FDRs are observed in the pediatric general population. Progression rate to T1D is high in genetically susceptible children with persistent multipositivity. Measurement of IAA affinity failed in stratifying the risk assessment in young IAA-positive children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility, among whom affinity of IAA did not increase during the prediabetic period. Young age at seroconversion, increased weight-for-height, decreased early insulin response, and increased IAA and IA-2A levels predict T1D in young children with genetic disease susceptibility and signs of advanced beta-cell autoimmunity. Since the incidence of T1D continues to increase, efforts aimed at preventing T1D are important, and reliable disease prediction is needed both for intervention trials and for effective and safe preventive therapies in the future. Our observations confirmed that combined HLA-based screening and regular autoantibody measurements reveal similar disease risks in pediatric general population as those seen in prediabetic FDRs, and that risk assessment can be stratified further by studying glucose metabolism of prediabetic subjects. As these screening efforts are feasible in practice, the knowledge now obtained can be exploited while designing intervention trials aimed at secondary prevention of T1D.


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Although the majority of people with mental illness are not violent, scientific studies over the last decades show that certain psychiatric disorders increase the risk of violent behavior, including homicide. This thesis examined crime scene behaviors and offender background characteristics among mentally ill Finnish homicide offenders. Previously, homicide crime scene behaviors have been investigated in relation to offender demographic characteristics, whereas this study compares the behaviors of offenders with various mental illnesses. The study design was a retrospective chart review of the forensic psychiatric statements of Finnish homicide offenders. The work consists of four substudies. The aims of the study were as follows: To describe differences in the childhood and family backgrounds as well as in the adolescent and adult adjustment of Finnish homicide offenders belonging to different diagnostic categories (schizophrenia, personality disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction or no diagnosis). Further, the study examined associations between the crime scene behaviors and mental status of these offenders. Also, the distinguishing characteristics between two groups of offenders with schizophrenia were examined: early starters, who present antisocial behavior before the onset of schizophrenia, and late starters, who first offend after the onset of mental disorder. Finally, it was investigated how the use of excessive violence is associated with clinical and circumstantial variables as well as offender background characteristics among homicide offenders with schizophrenia. The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, offenders with personality disorder or drug addiction had experienced multiple difficulties in their early environments: both family and individual problems were typical. Offenders with schizophrenia were relatively well-adjusted in childhood compared to the other groups. However, in adolescence and adulthood, social isolation, withdrawal and other difficulties attributable to these offenders illness became evident. In several aspects, offenders with alcohol dependency resembled offenders with no diagnosis in that these offenders had less problematic backgrounds compared to other groups. Second, the results showed that crime scene behaviors, victim gender and the victim-offender relationship differ between the groups. In particular, offenders with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or drug addiction have some unique features in their crime scene behaviors and choice of victims. Offenders with schizophrenia were more likely to kill a blood relative, to use a sharp weapon and to injure the victim s face. Drug addiction was associated with stealing from the victim and trying to cover up the body. Third, the results suggest that the offense characteristics of early- and late-start offenders with schizophrenia differ only modestly. However, several significant differences between the groups were found in characteristics of offenders: early starters had experienced a multitude of problems in their childhood surroundings and also later in life. Fourth, violent acts where the offender did not commit the offense alone or had previous homicidal history were predictive of excessive violence among offenders with schizophrenia. Positive psychotic symptoms did not predict the use of excessive violence. Nearly one third of the cases in the sample involved multiple and severe violence, including features such as sadism, mutilation, sexual components or extreme stabbing. In sum, mentally disordered homicide offenders are heterogeneous in their offense characteristics as well as their background characteristics. Empirically based information on how the offender s mental state is associated with specific crime scene behaviors can be utilized within the police force in developing methods of prioritizing suspects in unsolved homicide cases. Also, these results emphasise the importance of early interventions for problem families and children at risk of antisocial behavior. They may also contribute to the development of effective treatment for violent offenders.


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Migraine is a common disease in children and adolescents, affecting roughly 10% of school-aged children. Recent studies have revealed an increasing incidence of childhood migraine, but migraine remains an underrecognized and undertreated condition in the pediatric population. Migraine attacks are painful and disabling and can affect a child´s life in many ways. Effective drug treatment is usually needed. The new migraine drugs, triptans, were introduced at the beginning of the 1990s and have since been shown to be very effective in the treatment of migraine attacks in adults. Although they are widely used in adults, the acute treatment of migraine in children and adolescents is still based on paracetamol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some children can control their attacks satisfactorily with simple analgesics, but at least one-third need more powerful treatments. When this thesis work commenced, hardly any information existed on the efficacy and safety of triptans in children. The study aim of the thesis was to identify more efficient treatments of migraine for children and adolescents by investigating the efficacy of sumatriptan nasal spray and oral rizatriptan compared with placebo in them. Sleep has an impact on migraine in many aspects. Despite the clinical relevance and common manifestation of sleep in the context of migraine in children, very little research data on the true frequency of sleep exist. As sleeping is so often related to childhood migraine, it can be a confounding factor in clinical drug trials of migraine treatments in children and adolescents. How the results of a sleeping child should be analyzed is under continual debate. The aim of the thesis was also to clarify this as well as to evaluate the frequency of sleeping during migraine attacks in children and factors affecting frequency. Both nasal sumatriptan and oral rizatriptan were effective (superior to placebo), and well tolerated in treatment of migraine attacks in children and adolescents aged 8-17 and 6-17 years, respectively. No serous adverse effects were observed. The results of this work suggest that nasal sumatriptan 20 mg and rizatriptan 10 mg can be effectively and safely used to treat migraine attacks in adolescents aged over 12 years if more effective drugs than NSAIDs are needed. No difference was observed in efficacy or safety of nasal sumatriptan and rizatriptan between children aged younger than 12 years and older children, but because the treated number of patients under 12 years is still small, more studies are needed before sumatriptan or rizatriptan can be recommended for use in this population. Sleeping during migraine attacks was very common, and most children at least occasionally slept during an attack. Falling asleep was especially common in children under eight years of age and during the first hour after the onset of attack. Children who were able to sleep soon after attack onset were more likely pain-free at two hours. Sleeping probably both improves recovery from a migraine attack and is a sign of headache relief. Falling asleep should be classified as a sign of headache relief in clinical drug trials when studying migraine treatments in children and adolescents.


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Some leucine-rich repeat (LRR) -containing membrane proteins are known regulators of neuronal growth and synapse formation. In this work I characterize two gene families encoding neuronal LRR membrane proteins, namely the LRRTM (leucine-rich repeat, transmembrane neuronal) and NGR (Nogo-66 receptor) families. I studied LRRTM and NGR family member's mRNA tissue distribution by RT-PCR and by in situ hybridization. Subcellular localization of LRRTM1 protein was studied in neurons and in non-neuronal cells. I discovered that LRRTM and NGR family mRNAs are predominantly expressed in the nervous system, and that each gene possesses a specific expression pattern. I also established that LRRTM and NGR family mRNAs are expressed by neurons, and not by glial cells. Within neurons, LRRTM1 protein is not transported to the plasma membrane; rather it localizes to endoplasmic reticulum. Nogo-A (RTN4), MAG, and OMgp are myelin-associated proteins that bind to NgR1 to limit axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury. To better understand the functions of NgR2 and NgR3, and to explore the possible redundancy in the signaling of myelin inhibitors of neurite growth, I mapped the interactions between NgR family and the known and candidate NgR1 ligands. I identified high-affinity interactions between RTN2-66, RTN3-66 and NgR1. I also demonstrate that Rtn3 mRNA is expressed in the same glial cell population of mouse spinal cord white matter as Nogo-A mRNA, and thus it could have a role in myelin inhibition of axonal growth. To understand how NgR1 interacts with multiple structurally divergent ligands, I aimed first to map in more detail the nature of Nogo-A:NgR1 interactions, and then to systematically map the binding sites of multiple myelin ligands in NgR1 by using a library of NgR1 expression constructs encoding proteins with one or multiple surface residues mutated to alanine. My analysis of the Nogo-A:NgR1 -interactions revealed a novel interaction site between the proteins, suggesting a trivalent Nogo-A:NgR1-interaction. Our analysis also defined a central binding region on the concave side of NgR1's LRR domain that is required for the binding of all known ligands, and a surrounding region critical for binding MAG and OMgp. To better understand the biological role of LRRTMs, I generated Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 knock out mice. I show here that reporter genes expressed from the targeted loci can be used for maping the neuronal connections of Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 expressing neurons in finer detail. With regard to LRRTM1's role in humans, we found a strong association between a 70 kb-spanning haplotype in the proposed promoter region of LRRTM1 gene and two possibly related phenotypes: left-handedness and schizophrenia. Interestingly, the responsible haplotype was linked to phenotypic variability only when paternally inherited. In summary, I identified two families of neuronal receptor-like proteins, and mapped their expression and certain protein-protein interactions. The identification of a central binding region in NgR1 shared by multiple ligands may facilitate the design and development of small molecule therapeutics blocking binding of all NgR1 ligands. Additionally, the genetic association data suggests that allelic variation upstream of LRRTM1 may play a role in the development of left-right brain asymmetry in humans. Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 knock out mice developed as a part of this study will likely be useful for schizophrenia and Alzheimer s disease research.


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Infectious diseases put an enormous burden on both children and the elderly in the forms of respiratory, gastrointestinal and oral infections. There is evidence suggesting that specific probiotics may be antagonistic to pathogens and may enhance the immune system, but the clinical evidence is still too sparce to make general conclusions on the disease-preventive effects of probiotics. This thesis, consisting of four independent, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, investigated whether Lactobacillus GG (LGG) or a specific probiotic combination containing LGG would reduce the risk of common infections or the prevalence of pathogens in healthy and infection-prone children and in independent and institutionalised elderly people. In healthy day-care children, the 7-month consumption of probiotic milk containing Lactobacillus GG appeared to postpone the first acute respiratory infection (ARI) by one week (p=0.03, adjusted p=0.16), and to reduce complicated infections (39% vs. 47%, p<0.05, adjusted p=0.13), as well as the need for antibiotic treatment (44% vs. 54%, p=0.03, adjusted p=0.08) and day-care absences (4.9 vs. 5.8 days, p=0.03, adjusted p=0.09) compared to the placebo milk. In infection-prone children, the 6-month consumption of a combination of four probiotic bacteria (LGG, L. rhamnosus LC705, Propionibacterium freudenreichii JS, Bifidobacterium breve 99) taken in capsules appeared to reduce recurrent ARIs (72% vs. 82%, p<0.05; adjusted p=0.06), and the effect was particularly noticeable in a subgroup of children with allergic diseases (12% vs. 33%, p=0.03), although no effect on the presence of nasopharyngeal rhinovirus or enterovirus was seen. The 5-month consumption of the same probiotic combination did not show any beneficial effects on the respiratory infections in frail, institutionalised elderly subjects. In healthy children receiving Lactobacillus GG, the reduction in complications resulted in a marginal reduction in the occurrence of acute otitis media (AOM) (31% vs. 39%, p=0.08; adjusted p=0.19), and the postponement of the first AOM episode by 12 days (p=0.04; adjusted p=0.09). However, in otitis-prone children, a probiotic combination did not reduce the occurrence of AOM or the total prevalence of common AOM pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis), except in the case of children with allergic diseases, in whom probiotics reduced recurrent AOM episodes (0% vs. 14%, p=0.03). In addition, interaction between probiotics and bacterial carriage was seen: probiot-ics reduced AOM in children who did not carry any bacterial pathogens (63% vs. 83%), but the effect was the reverse in children carrying bacteria in the nasopharynx (74% vs 62%) (p<0.05). Long-term probiotic treatment, either LGG given in milk to healthy children for 7 months or a combination of probiotics given in capsules to institutionalised elderly subjects for 5 months, did not reduce the occurrence of acute diarrhoea. However, when the probiotic combination (LGG, L. rhamnosus LC705, Propionibacterium JS) was given in cheese to independent elderly subjects for 4 months, the oral carriage of high Candida counts was reduced in the probiotic group vs. the placebo group (21% vs. 34%, p=0.01, adjusted p=0.004). The risk of hyposalivation was also reduced in the probiotic group (p=0.05). In conclusion, probiotics appear to slightly alleviate the severity of infections by postponing their appearance, by reducing complications and the need for antimicrobial treatments. In addition, they appear to prevent recurrent infections in certain subgroups of children, such as in infection-prone children with allergic diseases. Alleviating ARI by probiotics may lead to a marginal reduction in the occurrence of AOM in healthy children but not in infection-prone children with disturbed nasopharyngeal microbiota. On the basis of these results it could be supposed that Lactobacillus GG or a specific combination containing LGG are effective against viral but not against bacterial otitis, and the mechanism is probably mediated through the stimulation of the immune system. A specific probiotic combination does not reduce respiratory infections in frail elderly subjects. Acute diarrhoea, either in children or in the elderly, is not prevented by the continuous, long-term consumption of probiotics, but the consumption of a specific probiotic combination in a food matrix is beneficial to the oral health of the elderly, through the reduction of the carriage of Candida.


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Throughout the history of the classification of extant ferns (monilophytes) and lycophytes, familial and generic concepts have been in great flux. For the organisation of lycophytes and ferns in herbaria, books, checklists, indices and spore banks and on the internet, this poses a problem, and a standardized linear sequence of these plants is therefore in great need. We provide here a linear classification to the extant lycophytes and ferns based on current phylogenetic knowledge; this provides a standardized guide for organisation of fern collections into a more natural sequence. Two new families, Diplaziopsidaceae and Rhachidosoraceae, are here introduced.


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The aim of this study was to examine the applicability of the Phonological Mean Length of Utterance (pMLU) method to the data of children acquiring Finnish, for both typically developing children and children with a Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Study I examined typically developing children at the end of the one-word stage (N=17, mean age 1;8), and Study II analysed children s (N=5) productions in a follow-up study with four assessment points (ages 2;0, 2;6, 3;0, 3;6). Study III was carried out in the form of a review article that examined recent research on the phonological development of children acquiring Finnish and compared the results with general trends and cross-linguistic findings in phonological development. Study IV included children with SLI (N=4, mean age 4;10) and age-matched peers. The analyses in Studies I, II and IV were made using the quantitative pMLU method. In the pMLU method, pMLU values are counted for both the words that the children targeted (so-called target words) and the words produced by the children. When the child s average pMLU value was divided with the average target word pMLU value, it is possible to examine that child s accuracy in producing the words with the Whole-Word Proximity (PWP) value. In addition, the number of entirely correctly produced words is counted to obtain the Whole-Word Correctness (PWC) value. Qualitative analyses were carried out in order to examine how the children s phoneme inventories and deficiencies in phonotactics would explain the observed pMLU, PWP and PWC values. The results showed that the pMLU values for children acquiring Finnish were relatively high already at the end of the one-word stage (Study I). The values were found to reflect the characteristics of the ambient language. Typological features that lead to cross-linguistic differences in pMLU values were also observed in the review article (Study III), which noted that in the course of phonological acquisition there are a large number of language-specific phenomena and processes. Study II indicated that overall the children s phonological development during the follow-up period was reflected in the pMLU, PWP and PWC values, although the method showed limitations in detecting qualitative differences between the children. Correct vowels were not scored in the pMLU counts, which led to some misleadingly high pMLU and PWP results: vowel errors were only reflected in the PWC values. Typically developing children in Study II reached the highest possible pMLU results already around age 3;6. At the same time, the differences between the children with SLI and age-matched peers in the pMLU values were very prominent (Study IV). The values for the children with SLI were similar to the ones reported for two-year-old children. Qualitative analyses revealed that the phonologies of the children with SLI largely resembled the ones of younger, typically developing children. However, unusual errors were also witnessed (e.g., vowel errors, omissions of word-initial stops, consonants added to the initial position in words beginning with a vowel). This dissertation provides an application of a new tool for quantitative phonological assessment and analysis in children acquiring Finnish. The preliminary results suggest that, with some modifications, the pMLU method can be used to assess children s phonological development and that it has some advantages compared to the earlier, segment-oriented approaches. Qualitative analyses complemented the pMLU s observations on the children s phonologies. More research is needed in order to verify the levels of the pMLU, PWP and PWC values in children acquiring Finnish.