18 resultados para Nationella prov
em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki
The study examines the debate in Finland at the beginning of the 20th century surrounding the philosophy of Henri Bergson. Both within as well as outside of academic philosophy Bergsonism was adapted to the philosophical and cultural landscape in Finland by a process of selective appropriation. The ambiguous relationship between the sender and the receiver is accentuated in reference to philosophical celebrities such as Bergson, whose reputations spread more quickly than the content of their philosophy and whose names are drawn into the political and social discourse. As a philosophical movement the aim of Bergsonism was to create a scientific philosophy of life as an alternative to both idealism and modern empirical and antimetaphysical currents, during a period when European philosophy was searching for new guidelines after the collapse of the idealistic system philosophies of the 19th century. This reorientation is examined from a Finnish viewpoint and in the light of the process of intellectual importation. The study examines how elements from an international discourse were appropriated within the philosophical field in Finland against a background of changes in the role of the university and the educated elites as well as the position of philosophy within the disciplinary hierarchy. Philosophical reception was guided by expectations that had arisen in a national context, for example when Bergsonism in Finland was adjusted to a moral and educational ideal of self-cultivation, and often served as a means for philosophers to internationalize their own views in order to strengthen their position on the national stage. The study begins with some introductory remarks on the international circulation of ideas from the point of view of the periphery. The second section presents an overview of the shaping of the philosophical field at the turn of the 20th century, the naturalism and positivism of the late 19th century that were the objects of Bergson s critique, and an introduction to the attempts of a philosophy of life to make its way between idealism and naturalism. The third and main section of the study begins with a brief presentation of the main features of the philosophy of Bergson, followed by a closer examination of the different comments and analyses that it gave rise to in Finland. The final section addresses the ideological implications of Bergsonism within the framework of a political annexation of the philosophy of life at the beginning of the 20th century.
The Uppsala school of Axel Hägerström can be said to have been the last genuinely Swedish philosophical movement. On the other hand, the Swedish analytic tradition is often said to have its roots in Hägerström s thought. This work examines the transformation from Uppsala philosophy to analytic philosophy from an actor-based historical perspective. The aim is to describe how a group of younger scholars (Ingemar Hedenius, Konrad Marc-Wogau, Anders Wedberg, Alf Ross, Herbert Tingsten, Gunnar Myrdal) colonised the legacy of Hägerström and Uppsala philosophy, and faced the challenges they met in trying to reconcile this legacy with the changing philosophical and political currents of the 1930s and 40s. Following Quentin Skinner, the texts are analysed as moves or speech acts in a particular historical context. The thesis consists of five previously published case studies and an introduction. The first study describes how the image of Hägerström as the father of the Swedish analytic tradition was created by a particular faction of younger Uppsala philosophers who (re-) presented the Hägerströmian philosophy as a parallel movement to logical empiricism. The second study examines the confrontations between Uppsala philosophy and logical empiricism in both the editorial board and in the pages of Sweden s leading philosophical journal Theoria. The third study focuses on how the younger generation redescribed Hägerströmian legal philosophical ideas (Scandinavian Legal Realism), while the fourth study discusses how they responded to the accusations of a connection between Hägerström s value nihilistic theory and totalitarianism. Finally, the fifth study examines how the Swedish social scientist and Social Democratic intellectual Gunnar Myrdal tried to reconcile value nihilism with a strong political programme for social reform. The contribution of this thesis to the field consists mainly in a re-evaluation of the role of Uppsala philosophy in the history of Swedish philosophy. From this perspective the Uppsala School was less a collection of certain definite philosophical ideas than an intellectual legacy that was the subject of fierce struggles. Its theories and ideas were redescribed in various ways by individual actors with different philosophical and political intentions.
Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.
Archaea were long thought to be a group of ancient bacteria, which mainly lived in extreme environments. Due to the development of DNA sequencing methods and molecular phylogenetic analyses, it was shown that the living organisms are in fact divided into three domains; the Archaea, Bacteria and the Eucarya. Since the beginning of the previous decade, it was shown that archaea generally inhabit moderate environments and that these non-extremophilic archaea are more ubiquitous than the extremophiles. Group 1 of non-extreme archaea affiliate with the phylum Crenarchaeota. The most commonly found soil archaea belong to the subgroup 1.1b. However, the Crenarchaeota found in the Fennoscandian boreal forest soil belong to the subgroup 1.1c. The organic top layer of the boreal forest soil, the humus, is dominated by ectomycorrhizal fungal hyphae. These colonise virtually all tree fine root tips in the humus layer and have been shown to harbour distinct bacterial populations different from those in the humus. The archaea have also been shown to colonise both boreal forest humus and the rhizospheres of plants. In this work, studies on the archaeal communities in the ectomycorrhizospheres of boreal forest trees were conducted in microcosms. Archaea belonging to the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota of the genera Halobacterium and Methanolobus were detected. The archaea generally colonised fungal habitats, such as ectomycorrhizas and external mycelia, rather than the non-mycorrhizal fine roots of trees. The species of ectomycorrhizal fungus had a great impact on the archaeal community composition. A stable euryarchaeotal community was detected especially in the mycorrhizas, of most of the tested Scots pine colonising ectomycorrhizal fungi. The Crenarchaeota appeared more sporadically in these habitats, but had a greater diversity than the Euryarchaeota. P. involutus mycorrhizas had a higher diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota than the other ectomycorrhizal fungi. The detection level of archaea in the roots of boreal trees was generally low although archaea have been shown to associate with roots of different plants. However, alder showed a high diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota, exceeding that of any of the tested mycorrhizas. The archaeal 16S rRNA genes detected from the non-mycorrhizal roots were different from those of the P. involutus mycorrhizas. In the phylogenetic analyses, the archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from non-mycorrhizal fine roots fell in a separate cluster within the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota than those from the mycorrhizas. When the roots of the differrent tree species were colonised by P. involutus, the diversity and frequency of the archaeal populations of the different tree species were more similar to each other. Both Cren- and Euryarchaeota were enriched in cultures to which C-1 substrates were added. The 1.1c Crenarchaeota grew anaerobically in mineral medium with CH4 and CO2 as the only available C sources, and in yeast extract media with CO2 and CH4 or H2. The crenarchaeotal diversity was higher in aerobic cultures on mineral medium with CH4 or CH3OH than in the anaerobic cultures. Ecological functions of the mycorrhizal 1.1c Crenarchaeota in both anaerobic and aerobic cycling of C-1 compounds were indicated. The phylogenetic analyses did not divide the detected Crenarchaeota into anaerobic and aerobic groups. This may suggest that the mycorrhizospheric crenarchaeotal communities consist of closely related groups of anaerobic and aerobic 1.1c Crenarchaeota, or the 1.1c Crenarchaeota may be facultatively anaerobic. Halobacteria were enriched in non-saline anaerobic yeast extract medium cultures in which CH4 was either added or produced, but were not detected in the aerobic cultures. They may potentially be involved in anaerobic CH4 cycling in ectomycorrhizas. The CH4 production of the mycorrhizal samples was over 10 times higher than for humus devoid of mycorrhizal hyphae, indicating a high CH4 production potential of the mycorrhizal metanogenic community. Autofluorescent methanogenic archaea were detected by microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequences of the genus Methanolobus were obtained. The archaeal community depended on both tree species and the type of ectomycorrhizal fungus colonising the roots and the Cren- and Euryarchaeota may have different ecological functions in the different parts of the boreal forest tree rhizosphere and mycorrhizosphere. By employing the results of this study, it may be possible to isolate both 1.1c Crenarchaeota as well as non-halophilic halobacteria and aerotolerant methanogens from mycorrhizospheres. These archaea may be used as indicators for change in the boreal forest soil ecosystem due to different factors, such as exploitations of forests and the rise in global temperature. More information about the microbial populations with apparently low cell numbers but significant ecological impacts, such as the boreal forest soil methanogens, may be of crucial importance to counteract human impacts on such globally important ecosystems as the boreal forests.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis and bacteremia worldwide. The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) is recommended for adults less than 65 years old with certain chronic medical conditions and for all elderly persons because of high rates of invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI) and increased risk of death. This study provides a comprehensive picture of the epidemiology of pneumococcal infections in Finland before the introduction of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, focusing on disease rates, risk factors, clinical outcome, and healthcare associated infections. This study was based on national, population-based laboratory surveillance for IPI. Information on all episodes of IPI was collected from the primary diagnostic laboratory. A case with IPI was defined as the isolation of S. pneumoniae from blood or cerebrospinal fluid during 1995-2002. Information on comorbidities and underlying conditions for IPI patients was obtained by linking the IPI surveillance database to other national, population-based health registries using each patient’s unique national identity code. In total, 4357 cases of IPI were identified. The overall annualized IPI incidence increased by 35% during the study period and was 10.6 per 100 000 population. The temporal increase in disease rates was associated with higher blood culturing rates over time. In working age adults, two-thirds of severe infections and one half of fatal cases occurred in persons with no recognized PPV23 indication. Persons with asthma were at increased risk for IPI and this new risk factor accounted for 5% of the overall disease burden. One tenth of pneumococcal bacteremias were healthcare-associated, and mortality among these patients was over twice as high as among patients with community-associated bacteremia. Most patients with nosocomial infections had underlying conditions for which PPV23 is recommended. The incidence of IPI in Finland has increased and the overall disease burden is higher than previously reported. The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for improved prevention efforts against pneumococcal infections in Finland through increased use of PPV23 in adult risk groups and introduction of childhood immunization with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
Varttuminen vietnamilaisena Suomessa: 12 vuoden seurantajakso – Vietnamilaisten hyvinvointi ja sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen lapsena/nuorena sekä nuorena aikuisena Tämä tutkimus oli määrällinen pitkittäistutkimus lapsena tai nuorena vuosina 1979-1991 Suomeen saapuneiden vietnamilaisten akkulturaatiosta (kulttuurin muutoksista), psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista ja sosiokulttuurisesta sopeutumisesta. Tutkimukseen osallistui ensimmäisessä vaiheessa (vuonna 1992) 97 satunnaisesti valittua vietnamilaista peruskoululaista ympäri maata, joita verrattin suomalaisiin luokkatovereihin. Seurantavaiheeseen (vuonna 2004) osallistui 59 ensimmäisessä vaiheessa mukana ollutta vietnamilaista, nyt iältään 20 – 31 -vuotiaita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät ennustivat akkulturaation lopputuloksia, samalla huomioiden iän ja ympäristön (kontekstin) vaikutukset psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Yksittäiset akkulturaatiodimensiot (kieli, arvot ja identiteetti) osoittautuivat tärkeämmiksi psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle kuin etniset, kansalliset tai kaksikulttuuriset profiilit, joissa yhdistyivät ao. kieli, arvot ja identiteetti. Identiteettimuutosta tapahtui (etniseen) vietnamilaiseen suuntaan ajan kuluessa, kun taas arvomuutosta tapahtui (kansalliseen) suomalaiseen suuntaan. Sekä suomen että vietnamin kielen taito lisääntyivät ajan myötä, millä oli myönteisiä vaikutuksia sekä psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin että sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Lähtötilanteen psyykkinen hyvinvointi ennusti hyvinvointia (masennuksen puutetta ja itsetuntoa) aikuisena, mutta sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen (koulumenestys) lapsena tai nuorena ei ennustanut kouluttautumista aikuisena. Parempi suomen kielen taito ja vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaiseksi aikuisena sekä masentuneisuuden puute ja vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena erottelivat psyykkisesti paremmin voivat aikuiset (ei-masentuneet) heistä, jotka olivat masentuneita. Parempaa kouluttautumista aikuisena ennustivat toisaalta vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena ja toisaalta aikuisena parempi suomen kielen taito, suurempi kansallisten (suomalaisten) itsenäisyysarvojen kannattaminen, mutta kuitenkin vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaisiin. Koetun syrjinnän merkitys psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille, erityisesti lapsena tai nuorena, sekä sen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle aikuisena osoittavat tarpeen puuttua varhain psyykkisiin ongelmiin sekä parantaa etnisten ryhmien välisiä suhteita. Avainsanat: akkulturaatio, psyykkinen hyvinvointi, sosiokultuurinen sopeutuminen, kieli, arvot, identiteetti, vietnamilainen, Suomi, lapset, nuoret, nuoret aikuiset
This study examines the role of immigrant associations in the societal and political integration of immigrants into Finnish society. The societal focus is on the ability of immigrant associations to mobilise their ethnic group members to participate in the socio-economic, cultural and political domains of Finnish society and in certain cases even beyond. The political integrative aims are the opportunities of immigrant associations to participate and represent the interests of their ethnic group in local and national policy making. This study focuses on associations in the Metropolitan Area of Finland, (Espoo, Helsinki and Vantaa).The qualitative research consisted of 71 interviews conducted with members of immigrant associations and civil servants. These interviews were mainly semi-structured, including some additional open-ended questions. Additional data consisted of documents, planning reports and of follow-up enquiries. -- In the analysis of the data I categorised thirty-two immigrant associations according to the activity forms and the description of the goals by the members. The four categories consisted of integrative, societal, ethno-cultural and transnational immigrant associations. Most of the immigrant associations belonged to the integrative category (15 of 32 associations). On the one hand the aims of these associations are to provide access for their ethnic group members into Finnish society, while on the other to strengthen the ethnic identity of their members by organising ethno-cultural activities. The societal associations only focused on activities with the objective of including immigrants into the Finnish labour market and educational system. The goal of ethno-cultural associations was to strengthen the ethnic identity of their ethnic group members. The transnational associations aimed at improving the living conditions of women and children in the members' country of origin. The possibilities for immigrant associations to mobilise their members depends partly on external financing. Subsidies have been allocated for societal activities in particular. There remains a risk of the crowding out of ethno-cultural activities: something which has already taken place in several European countries. Immigrant associations aim to strengthen the identity of immigrants mainly by organising social and ethno-cultural activities. Another important target was to provide peer support and therapy courses. Additionally, immigrant women's associations offer assistance to women who have encountered violence by providing counselling and in some cases access to shelter. The data showed that there is an ever growing need to pay heed to the well-being of women, children and elderly immigrants. The participation of immigrant associations in the municipalities' integrative issues takes place mainly through cooperative projects. Until the end of the 1990s there had not been much cooperation. The problem with the projects was that they had mainly been managed by civil servants, whereas members from immigrant associations had remained in a more passive position. Representation of immigrant associations in councils has been fairly weak. Immigrant associations are included in the multicultural councils of Espoo and Vantaa, but only in the planning stages. The municipality of Helsinki does not include immigrant associations due to the large number of organisations which causes problems in finding fair, democratic representation. At the national level, the ‘Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations’ – ETNO didn’t chose its members based on membership of ethnic associations, but based on belongingness to one of the larger language groups spoken by the foreign population in Finland. Since ETNO’s third period (2005-2007), the representatives of immigrant associations and ethnic minority groups have been chosen from proposed candidates. Key words: immigrant associations, integration, mobilisation, participation, representation, the Metropolitan area of Finland, immigrant (women), civil servants
Inom rättsvetenskap saknas grundforskning om kyrkoskatt. Det kan ha många orsaker. En renodlad skatterättslig forskning utan exkurser till andra vetenskaper är minst sagt otänkbar. Forskning inom ett gränsområde mellan teologi och rättsvetenskap måste inkludera drag av sociologi, politologi och ekonomi. Etik från teologi och moral genom lag kan vara självklart. Förankrad i liberal rättsfilosofi kan också beskattningen förstås på ett annat sätt om en förankring i ett historiskt perspektiv tas med. Den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan och den ortodoxa kyrkan har skatterätt i Finland. Hur har det kommit sig och vilken rätt har andra trossamfund? Detta försöker vi här belysa genom skilda infallsvinklar. Laglig reglering av offentligrättsliga samfunds skatteintag, med kyrkans uppgifter med tydligt mindre lagbundenhet som utgiftsfält, ger de sociala aspekterna och barmhärtighet stort inflytande. En tidvis sekulär stat och de nationella bindningarna med historisk förankring ger ett konglomerat av skilda lösningsmodeller. Genom olika förankringar i skilda kulturer och språk kan en nationell kutym uppstå som skiljer sig mycket från andra. Dessutom kan speciella juridiska egenheter upptäckas. Vilken nationell modell man i en demokrati väljer, styrs av de politiskt stadfästa lagarna. Oberoende av kyrkans nationella ställning, ökar en större liberalism och fördragsamhet i en demokrati behovet av anpassning och nationell acceptans av andra religioner, vilket kan leda till ett behov av nya finansieringsmodeller för trossamfund.
I boken behandlas nya kommunikationstekniker och olika marknadsföringsmetoder som har uppkommit till följd av den tekniska utvecklingen. Marknadsföring via de nya kommunikationskanalerna har givit upphov till vissa olägenheter för mottagarna. Olägenheterna som mottagarna förorsakas vid marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna kan delas in i tre kategorier; 1) meddelandet förorsakar kostnader för mottagaren, 2) meddelandet hindrar mottagaren samt 3) meddelandet upplevs vara påträngande och utgöra ett intrång i mottagarens privatliv. Under de senaste åren har det förekommit hektiska lagstiftningsåtgärder på många håll i världen. Såväl enskilda stater, nationella myndigheter samt internationella organisationer har utarbetat regler om marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna. En av kärnfrågorna i regleringen är huruvida man skall ha ett system med ”opt-in” eller ”opt-out”. En opt-in-lösning innebär att marknadsföraren måste inhämta mottagarens samtycke på förhand, medan en opt-out-lösning innebär att det är tillåtet att sända marknadsföring om inte mottagaren motsatt sig detta. Enligt gällande lagstiftning faller marknadsföring via följande tre tekniker under opt-in: automatiserade uppringningssystem, telefax samt e-post. Det huvudsakliga syftet med avhandlingen är att utreda om nuvarande opt-in-lista är tillräckligt omfattande med beaktande av de olägenheter som marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna förorsakar, eller om den bör utvidgas. I genomgången av marknadsföring via nya tekniker har marknadsföring via bl.a. följande tekniker undersökts: Internet (www-sidor), reklamfönster, reklambanner, e-post, mobiltelefon, telefax, bloggar, RSS, Instant Messaging samt Internettelefoni. Vid sidan av nya tekniker har även vissa ”traditionella” marknadsföringsmetoder undersökts, i syfte att utreda huruvida även de bör falla in under en opt-in-lösning. De traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder som ingår i avhandlingen är hemförsäljning, telemarketing, TV- och radioreklam samt adresserad och oadresserad direktreklam. En annan central del i avhandlingen är frågan hur påföljdssystemet vid överträdelser av opt-in-bestämmelserna bör utformas. Hur skall de enskilda mottagarna få ersättning för de kostnader de åsamkats av marknadsföringen? Är det dags att införa straffskadestånd i Finland? Hög tid att även Finland får grupptalan? Kan tvisterna avgöras virtuellt via domstolar on-line eller ODR?
Streptococcus agalactiae –juverinflammation var tidigare ett stort problem i många länder, inklusive Finland. I och med förbättrad mjölkningshygien och antibiotikabehandlingar har bakterien så gott som eradikerats från mjölkbesättningarna. Nu verkar bakterien i viss mån ha kommit tillbaka till våra stora mjölkgårdar. Avhandlingens experimentella del utfördes på en mjölkgård, med ca 180 mjölkande och tre mjölkningsrobotar, som haft problem med Str. agalactiae. Man hoppades utreda hur stort problemet på gården var samt möjliga smittovägar. Man undersökte också möjligheten att använda mjölkningsrobotens automatiska provtagningsutrustning för provtagning av bakteriella prov. PCRmetoden jämfördes med konventionell odling vid diagnostik av juverinflammationer orsakade av Str. agalactiae. På gården gick man igenom anteckningar samt hälso- och seminkort för att få en bild över situationen. Man gjorde en uppföljning av mjölkningen för tolv kor vid den ena mjölkningsroboten. Man tog 47 stycken kospecifika mjölkprov samt ett prov från mjölktanken. Mjölkprov i tre serier både mjölkade för hand och direkt från mjölkuppsamlaren på mjölkningsroboten togs. Man tog sammanlagt 23 renlighetsprov från mjölkningsroboten, tre från den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen samt två från djurskötarnas händer. Från den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen togs även ett genomsköljningsprov. Av mjölkprov som tidigare tagits på gården hade man hittat Str. agalactiae i ca 17%. I denna studie hittades Str. agalactiae i tre kospecifika mjölkprov, vilket motsvarar en prevalens på ca 2%. Vid uppföljningen av mjölkningarna upptäcktes inget alarmerande, men spenarnas hälsa samt tommjölkningar är något som bör följas upp. Av renlighetsproven hittades Str. agalactiae i ett prov taget från borsthållaren. Svaren från mjölkproven tagna i serier tyder på att den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen inte går att använda till bakteriella prov, eftersom mjölken från en Str. agalactiae –infekterad ko verkar påverka resultatet också hos följande kor. Resultatet är väntat, eftersom mjölkprov alltid skall tas aseptiskt och det går inte med den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen så som den i dagsläget är utvecklad. Från sju av nio mjölkprov, där man hittat Str. agalactiae med PCR-metoden, hittades bakterien också med konventionell odling. Från tankmjölksprovet kunde man inte hitta Str. agalactiae med konventionell odling. PCR-metoden verkar enligt den här studien vara mer känslig att upptäcka Str. agalactiae jämfört med konventionell odling.
I min pro gradu-avhandling undersöker jag hur media bidrar till att konstruera bilden av invandring till Finland. Mitt material består av tre nationella tidningar, varav Helsingin Sanomat och Huvudstadsbladet representerar dagstidningar och Iltalehti kvällspressen. Bakgrunden för undersökningen är en tre månaders period under vintern 2008-2009, då invandring låg högt på den politiska agendan. Under denna period skärptes den politiska retoriken mot invandring. Detta tillskrivs främst sannfinländarnas valframgång i kommunalvalet hösten 2008. Materialet består av s.k. hårda nyheter om invandring från tidningarnas inrikessidor samt åsiktsjournalistik i form av ledare och kolumner. Tidigare forskning i medierapportering om invandring och den finländska politiska debatten om invandring utgör den teoretiska bakgrunden för avhandlingen. Långvariga kartläggningsprojekt av medierapporteringen om invandring har utförts av Centret för forskning om etniska relationer och nationalism, gällande finlandssvenska tidningar (se Haavisto 2007) och av Journalismin tutkimuskeskus, gällande finskspråkiga tidningar (se Raittila & Vehmas 2005). Dessa utgör bakgrundskunskap som jag bygger vidare på. Andra viktiga källor är Kaarina Horstis (2005) avhandling, som handlar om medierapporteringen om asylsökande och mångkulturalism och Outi Lepolas (2008) avhandling gällande riksdagsdebatter om invandring och mångkulturalism på 1990-talet. I analysen använder jag kritisk diskursanalys, men tar inslag ur ramanalys och retorikanalys. Ett centralt begrepp i min avhandling är nyhetsgenre och jag undersöker hur nyhetens konventioner påverkar sättet på vilket frågor om invandring presenteras. Media bygger upp olika tolkningar av den sociala verkligheten genom att beskriva berättelser. Jag analyserar rapporteringen av den politiska debatten ur detta perspektiv och ser på vilka talarpositioner ges åt de olika politiska aktörerna i debatten. I rapporteringen om invandrargruppers ankomst till Finland var en krisinramning dominerande. Genom negativa metaforer konstrueras invandring som ett hot mot det finska samhället. Frågan om asylsökande, framom andra invandrargrupper, får mycket utrymme i tidningarna och bidrar till att rama in diskussionen om invandring i stort. I rapporteringen om den politiska debatten från perioden förekommer tillspetsad retorik mot invandring också från politiker ur de stora partierna. Genom denna retorik konstruerar man invandring som ett hot. Denna retorik tillhör den invandrarkritiska diskursen. Andra diskurser genom vilka man behandlar invandring i materialet är den arbetsrelaterade diskursen och den mångkulturella diskursen. Argument som stödjer sig mot dessa diskurser är dock mycket färre och hamnar i skymundan av den invandrarkritiska diskursen.
Tiivistelmä ReferatAbstract Metabolomics is a rapidly growing research field that studies the response of biological systems to environmental factors, disease states and genetic modifications. It aims at measuring the complete set of endogenous metabolites, i.e. the metabolome, in a biological sample such as plasma or cells. Because metabolites are the intermediates and end products of biochemical reactions, metabolite compositions and metabolite levels in biological samples can provide a wealth of information on on-going processes in a living system. Due to the complexity of the metabolome, metabolomic analysis poses a challenge to analytical chemistry. Adequate sample preparation is critical to accurate and reproducible analysis, and the analytical techniques must have high resolution and sensitivity to allow detection of as many metabolites as possible. Furthermore, as the information contained in the metabolome is immense, the data set collected from metabolomic studies is very large. In order to extract the relevant information from such large data sets, efficient data processing and multivariate data analysis methods are needed. In the research presented in this thesis, metabolomics was used to study mechanisms of polymeric gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The aim of the study was to detect differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls, and thereafter to identify metabolites responsible for the discrimination. The plasmid pCMV-β was introduced into RPE cells using the vector polyethyleneimine (PEI). The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a triple quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (MS). The software MZmine was used for raw data processing and principal component analysis (PCA) was used in statistical data analysis. The results revealed differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls. However, reliable fingerprinting data could not be obtained because of low analysis repeatability. Therefore, no attempts were made to identify metabolites responsible for discrimination between sample groups. Repeatability and accuracy of analyses can be influenced by protocol optimization. However, in this study, optimization of analytical methods was hindered by the very small number of samples available for analysis. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that obtaining reliable fingerprinting data is technically demanding, and the protocols need to be thoroughly optimized in order to approach the goals of gaining information on mechanisms of gene delivery.
This thesis explores the particular framework of evidentiary assessment of three selected appellate national asylum procedures in Europe and discusses the relationship between these procedures, on the one hand, and between these procedures and other legal systems, including the EU legal order and international law, on the other. A theme running throughout the thesis is the EU strivings towards approximation of national asylum procedures and my study analyses the evidentiary assessment of national procedures with the aim of pinpointing similarities and differences, and the influences which affect these distinctions. The thesis first explores the frames construed for national evidentiary solutions by studying the object of decision-making and the impact of legal systems outside the national. Second, the study analyses the factual evidentiary assessment of three national procedures - German, Finnish and English. Thirdly, the study explores the interrelationship between these procedures and the legal systems influencing them and poses questions in relation to the strivings of EU and methods of convergence. The thesis begins by stating the framework and starting points for the research. It moves on to establish keys of comparison concerning four elements of evidentiary assessment that are of importance to any appellate asylum procedure, and that can be compared between national procedures, on the one hand, and between international, regional and national frameworks, on the other. Four keys of comparison are established: the burden of proof, demands for evidentiary robustness, the standard of proof and requirements for the methods of evidentiary assessment. These keys of comparison are then identified in three national appellate asylum procedures, and in order to come to conclusions on the evidentiary standards of the appellate asylum procedures, relevant elements of the asylum procedures in general are presented. Further, institutional, formal and procedural matters which have an impact on the evidentiary standards in the national appellate procedures are analysed. From there, the thesis moves on to establish the relationship between national evidentiary standards and the legal systems which affect them, and gives reasons for similarities and divergences. Further, the thesis studies the impact of the national frameworks on the regional and international level. Lastly, the dissertation makes a de lege ferenda survey of the relationship between EU developments, the goal of harmonization in relation to national asylum procedures and the particular feature of evidentiary standards in national appellate asylum procedures. Methodology The thesis follows legal dogmatic methods. The aim is to analyse legal norms and legal constructions and give them content and context. My study takes as its outset an understanding of the purposes for legal research also regarding evidence and asylum to determine the contents of valid law through analysis and systematization. However, as evidentiary issues traditionally are normatively vaguely defined, a strict traditional normative dogmatic approach is not applied. For the same reason a traditionalist and strict legal positivism is not applied. The dogmatics applied to the analysis of the study is supported by practical analysis. The aim is not only to reach conclusions concerning the contents of legal norms and the requirements of law, but also to study the use and practical functioning of these norms, giving them a practcial context. Further, the study relies on a comparative method. A functionalist comparative method is employed and keys of comparison are found in evidentiary standards of three selected national appellate asylum procedures. The functioning equivalences of German, Finnish and English evidentiary standards of appellate asylum procedures are compared, and they are positioned in an European and international legal setting. Research Results The thesis provides results regarding the use of evidence in national appellate asylum procedures. It is established that evidentiary solutions do indeed impact on the asylum procedure and that the results of the procedure are dependent on the evidentiary solutions made in the procedures. Variations in, amongst other things, the interpretation of the burden of proof, the applied standard of proof and the method for determining evidentiary value, are analysed. It is established that national impacts play an important role in the adaptation of national appellate procedures to external requirements. Further, it is established that the impact of national procedures on as well the international framework as on EU law varies between the studied countries, partly depending on the position of the Member State in legislative advances at the EU level. In this comparative study it is, further, established that the impact of EU requirements concerning evidentiary issues may be have positive as well as negative effects with regard to the desired harmonization. It is also concluded that harmonization using means of convergence that primaly target legal frameworks may not in all instances be optimal in relation to evidentiary standards, and that more varied and pragmatic means of convergence must be introduced in order to secure harmonization also in terms of evidence. To date, legal culture and traditions seem to prevail over direct efforts at procedural harmonization.