10 resultados para Alkaline medium

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Burnt area mapping in humid tropical insular Southeast Asia using medium resolution (250-500m) satellite imagery is characterized by persisting cloud cover, wide range of land cover types, vast amount of wetland areas and highly varying fire regimes. The objective of this study was to deepen understanding of three major aspects affecting the implementation and limits of medium resolution burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia: 1) fire-induced spectral changes, 2) most suitable multitemporal compositing methods and 3) burn scars patterns and size distribution. The results revealed a high variation in fire-induced spectral changes depending on the pre-fire greenness of burnt area. It was concluded that this variation needs to be taken into account in change detection based burnt area mapping algorithms in order to maximize the potential of medium resolution satellite data. Minimum near infrared (MODIS band 2, 0.86μm) compositing method was found to be the most suitable for burnt area mapping purposes using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. In general, medium resolution burnt area mapping was found to be usable in the wetlands of insular Southeast Asia, whereas in other areas the usability was seriously jeopardized by the small size of burn scars. The suitability of medium resolution data for burnt area mapping in wetlands is important since recently Southeast Asian wetlands have become a major point of interest in many fields of science due to yearly occurring wild fires that not only degrade these unique ecosystems but also create regional haze problem and release globally significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere due to burning peat. Finally, super-resolution MODIS images were tested but the test failed to improve the detection of small scars. Therefore, super-resolution technique was not considered to be applicable to regional level burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia.


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B. cereus is a gram-positive bacterium that possesses two different forms of life:the large, rod-shaped cells (ca. 0.002 mm by 0.004 mm) that are able to propagate and the small (0.001 mm), oval shaped spores. The spores can survive in almost any environment for up to centuries without nourishment or water. They are insensitive towards most agents that normally kill bacteria: heating up to several hours at 90 ºC, radiation, disinfectants and extreme alkaline (≥ pH 13) and acid (≤ pH 1) environment. The spores are highly hydrophobic and therefore make them tend to stick to all kinds of surfaces, steel, plastics and live cells. In favorable conditions the spores of B. cereus may germinate into vegetative cells capable of producing food poisoning toxins. The toxins can be heat-labile protein formed after ingestion of the contaminated food, inside the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhoeal toxins), or heat stable peptides formed in the food (emesis causing toxin, cereulide). Cereulide cannot be inactivated in foods by cooking or any other procedure applicable on food. Cereulide in consumed food causes serious illness in human, even fatalities. In this thesis, B. cereus strains originating from different kinds of foods and environments and 8 different countries were inspected for their capability of forming cereulide. Of the 1041 isolates from soil, animal feed, water, air, used bedding, grass, dung and equipment only 1.2 % were capable of producing cereulide, whereas of the 144 isolates originating from foods 24 % were cereulide producers. Cereulide was detected by two methods: by its toxicity towards mammalian cells (sperm assay) and by its peculiar chemical structure using liquid-chromatograph-mass spectrometry equipment. B. cereus is known as one of the most frequent bacteria occurring in food. Most foods contain more than one kind of B. cereus. When randomly selected 100 isolates of B. cereus from commercial infant foods (dry formulas) were tested, 11% of these produced cereulide. Considering a frequent content of 103 to 104 cfu (colony forming units) of B. cereus per gram of infant food formula (dry), it appears likely that most servings (200 ml, 30 g of the powder reconstituted with water) may contain cereulide producers. When a reconstituted infant formula was inoculated with >105 cfu of cereulide producing B. cereus per ml and left at room temperature, cereulide accumulated to food poisoning levels (> 0.1 mg of cereulide per serving) within 24 hours. Paradoxically, the amount of cereulide (per g of food) increased 10 to 50 fold when the food was diluted 4 - 15 fold with water. The amount of the produced cereulide strongly depended on the composition of the formula: most toxin was formed in formulas with cereals mixed with milk, and least toxin in formulas based on milk only. In spite of the aggressive cleaning practices executed by the modern dairy industry, certain genotypes of B. cereus appear to colonise the silos tanks. In this thesis four strategies to explain their survival of their spores in dairy silos were identified. First, high survival (log 15 min kill ≤ 1.5) in the hot alkaline (pH >13) wash liquid, used at the dairies for cleaning-in-place. Second, efficient adherence of the spores to stainless steel from cold water. Third, a cereulide producing group with spores characterized by slow germination in rich medium and well preserved viability when exposed to heating at 90 ºC. Fourth, spores capable of germinating at 8 ºC and possessing the psychrotolerance gene, cspA. There were indications that spores highly resistant to hot 1% sodium hydroxide may be effectively inactivated by hot 0.9% nitric acid. Eight out of the 14 dairy silo tank isolates possessing hot alkali resistant spores were capable of germinating and forming biofilm in whole milk, not previously reported for B. cereus. In this thesis it was shown that cereulide producing B. cereus was capable of inhibiting the growth of cereulide non-producing B. cereus occurring in the same food. This phenomenon, called antagonism, has long been known to exist between B. cereus and other microbial species, e.g. various species of Bacillus, gram-negative bacteria and plant pathogenic fungi. In this thesis intra-species antagonism of B. cereus was shown for the first time. This brother-killing did not depend on the cereulide molecule, also some of the cereulide non-producers were potent antagonists. Interestingly, the antagonistic clades were most frequently found in isolates from food implicated with human illness. The antagonistic property was therefore proposed in this thesis as a novel virulence factor that increases the human morbidity of the species B. cereus, in particular of the cereulide producers.


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The composition of the carnivore community influences the different forms of inter-specific interactions. Furthermore, inter-specific interactions of carnivores have important implications for intra-guild competition, epidemiology and strategies of species-specific population management. Zoonooses, such as rabies, are diseases that can be transmitted from wildlife to people. Knowing the ecological characteristics of the species helps us to choose the right preventive actions and to time them accurately. In this thesis, I have studied how raccoon dogs Nyctereutes procyonoides, European badgers Meles meles, red foxes Vulpes vulpes and domestic cats Felis silvestris catus act as members of carnivore community, and how these interactions relate to the transmission risk of rabies. In the study area, these species form a community of medium-sized and rather generalist predators. They live in the same areas, in spatially and temporally overlapping home ranges and use the same habitats and dens and even have similar diets. However, there is no direct evidence of competition. Shared dens point to good tolerance of other species. Numerous observations of animals moving in each other’s proximity give similar clues. However, overlapping home ranges and similar habitat preferences lead to frequent inter-specific contacts, which increase the risk of possible rabies transmission. Also, the new insight of habitat use gained by this study illustrates the similar favouring of deciduous forests and fields by these sympatric medium-sized carnivores, creating a basis for contact zones, i.e. risky habitats for rabies transmission and spread. This study is so far the only simultaneous radio tracking study of raccoon dogs, badgers, foxes and cats. These results give new insight of the interactions in the carnivore community, as well as of the behaviour of each individual species. Also, these results have significant implications for the planning of rabies control. In order to reach viable management decisions, not only one or two species should be taken into consideration, but the whole community. In particular, this changes the perspective to inter-specific contacts, animal densities, densities of individuals susceptible to diseases and the magnitude of preventive actions. Rabies should be considered as a multi-vector disease, at least in Finland and the Baltic states. It is of interest for disease management to be able to model an epizootic with local parameters to reflect the real situation and also to suite best the local management needs.


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New stars in galaxies form in dense, molecular clouds of the interstellar medium. Measuring how the mass is distributed in these clouds is of crucial importance for the current theories of star formation. This is because several open issues in them, such as the strength of different mechanism regulating star formation and the origin of stellar masses, can be addressed using detailed information on the cloud structure. Unfortunately, quantifying the mass distribution in molecular clouds accurately over a wide spatial and dynamical range is a fundamental problem in the modern astrophysics. This thesis presents studies examining the structure of dense molecular clouds and the distribution of mass in them, with the emphasis on nearby clouds that are sites of low-mass star formation. In particular, this thesis concentrates on investigating the mass distributions using the near infrared dust extinction mapping technique. In this technique, the gas column densities towards molecular clouds are determined by examining radiation from the stars that shine through the clouds. In addition, the thesis examines the feasibility of using a similar technique to derive the masses of molecular clouds in nearby external galaxies. The papers presented in this thesis demonstrate how the near infrared dust extinction mapping technique can be used to extract detailed information on the mass distribution in nearby molecular clouds. Furthermore, such information is used to examine characteristics crucial for the star formation in the clouds. Regarding the use of extinction mapping technique in nearby galaxies, the papers of this thesis show that deriving the masses of molecular clouds using the technique suffers from strong biases. However, it is shown that some structural properties can still be examined with the technique.


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Tämä lisensiaatin tutkielma koostuu kolmesta osasta; kirjallisuuskatsauksesta, kokeellisesta osasta ja liitteistä. Iohexol on ionisoitumaton, trijodattu ja vesiliukoinen röntgenvarjoaine. Iohexolia on hyödynnetty lääketieteessä useita vuosia. Iohexolia on käytetty muun muassa angio- ja myelografiassa, lisäksi iohexolia on hyödynnetty arvioitaessa munuaiskerästen suodattumisnopeutta sekä suoliston läpäisevyyden muutoksia. Hevosen tulehduksellisessa suolistosairaudessa (Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) suoliston rakenne ja sen läpäisevyys muuttuu; tyypillistä on tulehdussolujen kertyminen suoliston seinämään ja myös sidekudosmuodostusta saattaa esiintyä. Suolisto muutoksia saatetaan havaita sekä ohut- että paksusuolessa. IBD aiheuttaa hevoselle laihtumista, johtuen ravintoaineiden puutteellisesta imeytymisestä ja proteiinien menetyksestä suoleen suoliston häiriötilan yhteydessä. Tällä hetkellä IBD:n diagnostiikka perustuu tyypillisiin oireisiin, kliiniseen tutkimukseen, verinäytteisiin, glukoosin imeytymistestiin ja peräsuolesta otettuun koepalaan. IBD:n diagnostiikka on kuitenkin erittäin haastavaa ja tutkimusmenetelmiin liittyy lukuisia ongelmia, jotka vähentävät niiden luotettavuutta IBD:n diagnostiikassa. Tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena on kehittää hevosen IBD:n diagnostiikkaa entistä helpompaan, luotettavampaan ja turvallisempaan suuntaan. Tämän alustavan tutkimuksen tavoitteet olivat: (1) tutkia voidaanko iohexol havaita hevosen seerumissa oraalisen annostelun jälkeen ja (2) muodostaa iohexolin pitoisuuskuvaaja ajan funktiona terveillä hevosilla. Materiaalimme koostui kymmenestä terveestä hevosesta, joilla ei ollut havaittu laihtumista tai ripulia. Ennen iohexolin annostelua hevosille suoritettiin kliininen tutkimus ja verinäytteet otettiin maha-suolikanavan sairauden poissulkemiseksi. Hevosille suoritettiin myös mahalaukun tähystys. 16 tunnin paaston jälkeen 1 ml/kg Iohexolia annosteltiin 10 % -liuoksena nenämahaletkulla suoraan mahaan ja verinäytteet otettiin 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 ja 360 minuuttia annostelun jälkeen. Iohexolin pitoisuus määritettiin käyttämällä korkean erotuskyvyn nestekromatografiaa. Iohexolin pitoisuuksista tietyillä ajanhetkillä muodostettiin kuvaaja. Hevosilla ei havaittu maha-suolikanavan sairauksia. Kaikki hevoset olivat hyvässä kuntoluokassa ja mahalaukun tähystyksessä ei havaittu merkittäviä muutoksia. Verinäytteiden tulokset olivat viiterajoissa. Kaikki hevoset sietivät iohexolia hyvin ja haittavaikutuksia ei havaittu. Iohexol oli havaittavissa seerumissa 60 minuutin kuluttua annostelusta. Kuvaajassa voitiin havaita kaksi huippua. Statistiset menetelmät tukivat löydöksiä. Iohexol testi oli yksinkertainen suorittaa ja siihen ei liittynyt haittavaikutuksia. Annos 1ml/kg oli havaittavissa seerumissa. Iohexolin pitoisuuskuvaaja muodosti kaksi huippua, ja tämänkaltainen ilmiö on kuvattu kirjallisuudessa aikaisemmin useiden lääkkeiden tapauksessa. Hevosella ilmiö liittyy todennäköisesti maha-suolikanavan rakenteellisiin ja fysiologisiin eroavaisuuksiin ja lisätutkimuksia ilmiön varmistamiseksi tarvitaan. Iohexol näyttää olevan potentiaalinen merkkiaine suoliston läpäisevyyden arviointiin ja lisätutkimuksia IBD:tä sairastavien hevosten seerumin iohexolin pitoisuuksista verrattuna terveiden hevosten seerumin iohexolin pitoisuuksiin on suunnitteilla.