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The study analyses the prevention or endorsing of the crime of infanticide in Finland 1702 1807, rather than the result. Also the impacts of the female body, biology of childbirth and experiences of pregnancy are examined, together with insights from modern medical research. Circumstances are reconstructed by a critical reading of judicial records on all levels of the judicial system. In all 269 cases of infanticide and 142 accessory crimes within the jurisdiction of the Turku court of appeal are studied, with particular focus on exceptionally well recorded cases of 83 accused women and 41 women and men accused of being party to the crime. Secondary sources are medical and jurisprudential writings, the public debate on infanticide, broadsheets and letters asking the King for pardon. Infanticide was considered murder by law. Unmarried women were predetermined as the main culprits. Nevertheless, deliberate infanticides were rare and committed mostly in accomplice. The majority of the infanticides studied were cases where inexperienced and unmarried women accidentally had given birth alone and usually to a dead child. Unaware that the pain they were experiencing was in fact a labour, the accused women instinctively sought solitude to push out the child. Some misunderstood the birth as an urgent need to defecate. The unexpected delivery ended in hiding the baby without remorse. This crime was promoted by several factors in Finnish rural culture, amongst others that also married women hid their pregnancy. The immediate household members did not necessarily know about the childbirth and failed to help the woman. This typical pattern in most cases of infanticide in 18th century Finland is also recorded in modern cases of unknown pregnancies. Fear of accountability prevented witnesses testifying to the actual course of events. The truth remained elusive. With only a few exceptions, the women were sentenced to death or imprisonment. The majority of those accused of accomplice were acquitted. However, too harsh sentences for accidents affected the reporting of the crime. Criminal politics failed to curtail infanticide as the crime was unsatisfactorily addressed by law, society and the judicial system.
Research on cross-cultural and intercultural aspects in organizations has been traditionally conducted from an objectivist, functionalist perspective, with culture treated as an independent variable, and often the key explanatory factor. In order to do justice to the ontological relativity of the phenomena studied, more subjectivist research on intercultural interactions, and especially on their relationships with the dynamics of cultural identity construction, is needed. The present research seeks to address this gap by focusing on bicultural interactions in organizations, as they are experienced by the involved individuals. It is argued that such bicultural situations see the emergence of a space of hybridity, which is here called a ‘third space’, and which can be understood as providing ‘occasions for sensemaking’: it is this individual sensemaking that is of particular interest in the empirical narrative study. A first overall aim of the study is to reach an understanding of the dynamics of bicultural interactions in organizations; an understanding not only of the potential for learning and emancipatory sensemaking, but also of the possibility of conflict and alienatory ordering (this is mainly addressed in the theoretical essays 1 and 2). Further, a second overall aim of the study is to analyze the reflexive identity construction of four young French expatriates involved in such bicultural interactions in organizations in Finland, in order to examine the extent to which their expatriation experiences have allowed for an emancipatory opportunity in their cases (in essays 3 and 4). The primary theoretical contribution in this study lies in its new articulation of the dynamics of bicultural interactions in organizations. The ways in which the empirical material is analyzed bring about methodological contributions: since the expatriates’ accounts are bound to be some kind of construction, the analysis is made from angles that point to how the self-narratives construct reality. There are two such angles here: a ‘performative’ one and a ‘spatial’ one. The most important empirical contributions lie in the analysis of, on the one hand, the alternative uses that the young expatriates made of the notion of ‘national culture’ in their self-narratives, and, on the other hand, their ‘narrative practices of the third space’: their politics of escape or stabilization, their exploration of space or search for place, their emancipation from their origin or return to home as only horizon.
The purpose of this paper is to test for the effect of uncertainty in a model of real estate investment in Finland during the hihhly cyclical period of 1975 to 1998. We use two alternative measures of uncertainty. The first measure is the volatility of stock market returns and the second measure is the heterogeneity in the answers of the quarterly business survey of the Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers. The econometric analysis is based on the autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model and the paper applies a 'general-to-specific' modelling approach. We find that the measure of heterogeneity is significant in the model, but the volatility of stock market returns is not. The empirical results give some evidence of an uncertainty-induced threshold slowing down real estate investment in Finland.
Vanhurskautta, oikeutta vai uskollisuutta? : ṣdq -sanue vuoden 1992 Kirkkoraamatun Psalmien kirjassa
Righteousness, justice or faithfulness? The Hebrew Root ṣdq in the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 This study attempts to answer three questions. Firstly, what do the derivates of the root ṣdq mean in the Hebrew Psalter? Secondly, with which equivalents are these Hebrew words translated in the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 and why? And thirdly, how is the translation of the root ṣdq in the Psalter placed in comparison with the translations of the root ṣdq in certain ancient and modern Bible translations? The root ṣdq has a very wide semantic field in Biblical Hebrew. The basic meaning of the root ṣdq is ‘right’ or ‘to be in the right’. The traditional English equivalent of the root ṣdq is righteousness. In many European languages the equivalent of the root ṣdq has some connection with the word ‘right’, but this is not the case in Finnish. The Finnish word vanhurskaus has been present since the first Finnish Bible translation by Mikael Agricola in 1548. However, this word has nothing to do with the Finnish word for ‘right’. The word vanhurskaus has become a very specific religious and theological word in Finnish, and it can be a word that is not obvious or at all understandable even to a native Finnish speaker. In the Psalter of the earlier Finnish Church Bible of 1938 almost every derivate of the root ṣdq (132/139) was translated as vanhurskaus. In the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 less than half of these derivates (67/139) are translated as that. Translators have used 20 different equivalents of the Hebrew derivates of the root ṣdq. But this type of translation also has its own problems. The most disputed is the fact that in it the Bible reader finds no connections between many Bible verses that have obvious connections with each other in the Hebrew Bible. For example, in verse Ps. 118, 15 one finds a Finnish word for ‘saved’ and in verse Ps. 142, 8 one finds another Finnish word for ‘friends’, while in the Hebrew Bible the same word is used in both verses, ṣaddîqīm. My study will prove that it is very challenging to compare or fit together the semantics of these two quite different languages. The theoretical framework for the study consists of biblical semantic theories and Bible translation theories. Keywords: religious language, Bible translations, Book of Psalms.
The little bustard Tetrax tetrax is a bird of agro-pastoral landscapes rapidly disappearing from most of Western Europe due to agricultural intensification. In Italy, the species is virtually extinct from the mainland but still occurs in Sardinia, where four Special Protection Areas (SPAs) have been designated in 2007 to protect the bustard and related habitat. In this note, we document a steep decline (between 50 and 87,5%) of the species during the last decade in one of those four SPAs, Plains of Semestene, Bonorva, Macomer and Bortigali. However, during summer 2009, a group of 17 individuals was found within the SPA, confirming that the species, although at low numbers (5-15 displaying males), still breeds successfully in the area. Potential limiting factors are also discussed. We urge to undertake conservation measures based on solid scientific evidence if the local population is to be saved from probable extinction in the near future.
Tilakohtaiset tekijät voivat vaikuttaa niin, että säilörehu korjataan nykyisiä korjuuaikasuosituksia myöhemmin. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, paljonko väkirehua tarvitaan kompensoimaan säilörehun erittäin heikkoa sulavuutta. Lisäksi selvitettiin voiko säilörehun huonoa sulavuutta kompensoida väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuutta lisäämällä, eli onko väkirehun valkuaispitoisuudella ja säilörehun D-arvolla (sulavan orgaanisen aineen pitoisuus kuiva-aineessa) yhdysvaikutusta. Yhtenä näkökulmana oli myös pohtia säilörehun sadonmuodostusta. Kokeessa oli 36 lehmää ja 6 ensikkoa. Väkirehuna oli teollista täysrehua 9 kg ja 12 kg päivässä. Väkirehujen raakavalkuaispitoisuudet olivat 142 (RV14), 183 (RV18) ja 210 (RV21) g/kg ka. Säilörehuina olivat ensimmäisen sadon nurmisäilörehut, joiden D-arvot olivat 692 (D69) ja 654 (D65) g/kg ka. D-arvo heikkeni korjuuaikojen välillä nyt tehdyssä kokeessa 2,6 g/kg ka päivässä. Säilörehun kuiva-ainesato ei juuri lisääntynyt korjuuaikaa myöhästytettäessä. Säilörehun D-arvon pienentyessä 10 g/kg ka säilörehun syönti väheni 0,42 kg ka. Väkirehun määrän lisääminen vähensi säilörehun syöntiä säilörehun sulavuudesta riippumatta 0,49 kg/kg väkirehun kuiva-ainetta. Väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuuden lisääntyminen lisäsi säilörehun syöntiä 0,12 kg ka per10 g/kg ka väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuudessa. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos (ekm) pieneni 0,59 kg säilörehun D-arvon pienentyessä 10 g/kg ka. Säilörehun sulavuuden heikentyessä maidon rasva- ja valkuaispitoisuudet eivät muuttuneet, mutta valkuais-, rasva- ja laktoosituotokset pienenivät. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos lisääntyi 0,76 kg per lisätty väkirehun kuiva-ainekilo. D65-säilörehun huonompi sulavuus D69-säilörehuun verrattuna kompensoitiin lisäämällä 3,7 kg ka väkirehua. D-arvo ei vaikuttanut väkirehun maitotuotosvasteeseen. Väkirehun valkuaispitoisuuden lisääntyessä 10 g/kg ka ekm-tuotos lisääntyi 0,26 kg, mutta säilörehun sulavuus ei vaikuttanut vasteeseen. Typen hyväksikäyttö parani väkirehun valkuaispitoisuutta ja väkirehun määrää vähennettäessä ja säilörehun sulavuuden heikentyessä. Muuntokelpoisen energian hyväksikäyttö sitä vastoin tehostui, kun väkirehun määrä väheni ja säilörehun sulavuus heikkeni. Tutkimuksen mukaan väkirehun määrän lisääminen kompensoi D-arvon pienenemistä, kun säilörehun sulavuus pieneni D69:sta D65:een karjan ekm:n vuosituotoksen ollessa noin 9000 kg. Säilörehun D-arvon pienenemistä ei tässä tapauksessa voitu korvata väkirehun valkuaispitoisuutta lisäämällä. Tämän kokeen erittäin myöhään korjatun ensimmäisen niiton sulavuus jäi huomattavan korkeaksi verrattuna nurmen kasvua ennustavaan malliin eikä sato kehittynyt lineaarisesti.