96 resultados para Physiological mechanisms


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan toimintaa ja sen mahdollista roolia neuronaalisten kantasolujen migraatiossa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tehtävän kehittyneissä aivoissa tiedetään olevan elektroenkefalografisten oskillaatioiden tuottaminen. Nämä taas ovat eräiden fysiologisten ja patofysiologisten tapahtumien säätelyssä avainasemassa. Tällaisia tapahtumia ovat uni, muisti, oppiminen ja epileptiset poissaolokohtaukset. Näiden lisäksi T-tyypin kalsiumkanavalla on myös periferaalisia vaikutuksia, mutta tämä tutkielma keskittyy sen neuronaalisiin toimintoihin. Tämän matalan jännitteen säätelemän kanavan toiminta neurogeneesin aikana on vähemmän tutkittua ja tunnettua kuin sen vaikutukset kehittyneissä aivoissa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tiedetään edistävän kantasolujen proliferaatiota ja erilaistumista neurogeneesiksen aikana, mutta vaikutukset niiden migraatioon ovat vähemmän tunnetut. Tämä tutkimus näyttää T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan todennäköisesti osallistuvan neuronaaliseen migraatioon hiiren alkion subventrikkeli alueelta eristetyillä kanta- tai progeniittorisoluilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Selektiiviset T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan antagonistit, etosuksimidi, nikkeli ja skorpionitoksiini, kurtoxin hidastivat migraatiota erilaistuvissa progeniittorisoluissa. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Tämän tutkimuksen toinen tarkoitus oli esitellä vaihtoehtoinen lähestymistapa invasiiviselle kantasoluterapialle, joka vaatii kantasolujen viljelyä ja siirtämistä ihmiseen. Tämä toinen tapa on endogeenisten kantasolujen eiinvasiivinen stimulointi, jolla ne saadaan migratoitumaan kohdekudokseen, erilaistumaan siellä ja tehtävänsä suoritettuaan lopettamaan jakaantumisen. Non-invasiivinen kantasoluterapia on vasta tiensä alussa, ja tarvitsee farmakologista osaamista kehittyäkseen. Joitain onnistuneita ei-invasiivisia hoitoja on jo tehty selkärangan vaurioiden korjaamisessa. Vastaavanlaisia menetelmiä voitaisiin käyttää myös keskushermoston vaurioiden ja neurodegeneratiivisten sairauksien hoidossa. Näiden menetelmien kehittäminen vaatii endogeenisten kantasoluja inhiboivien ja indusoivien mekanismien tuntemista. Yksi tärkeä kantasolujen erilaistumista stimuloiva tekijä on kalsiumioni. Jänniteherkät kalsiumkanavat osallistuvat kaikkiin neurogeneesiksen eri vaiheisiin. T-tyypin kalsiumkanava, joka ekspressoituu suuressa määrin keskushermoston kehityksen alkuvaiheessa ja vähenee neuronaalisen kehityksen edetessä, saattaa olla oleellisessa asemassa progeniittorisolujen ohjaamisessa.


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Individuals with inherited deficiency in DNA mismatch repair(MMR) (Lynch syndrome) LS are predisposed to different cancers in a non-random fashion. Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common extracolonic malignancy in LS. LS represents the best characterized form of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC). Other forms of familial non-polyposis colon cancer exist, including familial colorectal cancer type X (FCCX). This syndrome resembles LS, but MMR gene defects are excluded and the predisposition genes are unknown so far. To address why different organs are differently susceptible to cancer development, we examined molecular similarities and differences in selected cancers whose frequency varies in LS individuals. Tumors that are common (colorectal, endometrial, gastric) and less common (brain, urological) in LS were characterized for MMR protein expression, microsatellite instability (MSI), and by altered DNA methylation. We also studied samples of histologically normal endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia,and cancer for molecular alterations to identify potential markers that could predict malignant transformation in LS and sporadic cases. Our results suggest that brain and kidney tumors follow a different pathway for cancer development than the most common LS related cancers.Our results suggest also that MMR defects are detectable in endometrial tissues from a proportion of LS mutation carriers prior to endometrial cancer development. Traditionally (complex) atypical hyperplasia has been considered critical for progression to malignancy. Our results suggest that complex hyperplasia without atypia is equally important as a precursor lesion of malignancy. Tumor profiles from Egypt were compared with colorectal tumors from Finland to evaluate if there are differences specific to the ethnic origin (East vs.West). Results showed for the first time a distinct genetic and epigenetic signature in the Egyptian CRC marked by high methylation of microsatellite stable tumors associated with advanced stage, and low frequency of Wnt signaling activation, suggesting a novel pathway. DNA samples from FCCX families were studied with genome wide linkage analysis using microsatellite markers. Selected genes from the linked areas were tested for possible mutations that could explain predisposition to a large number of colon adenomas and carcinomas seen in these families. Based on the results from the linkage analysis, a number of areas with tentative linkage were identified in family 20. We narrowed down these areas by additional microsatellite markers to found a mutation in the BMPR1A gene. Sequencing of an additional 17 FCCX families resulted in a BMPR1A mutation frequency of 2/18 families (11%). Clarification of the mechanisms of the differential tumor susceptibility in LS increases the understanding of gene and organ specific targets of MMR deficiency. While it is generally accepted that widespread MMR deficiency and consequent microsatellite instability (MSI) drives tumorigenesis in LS, the timing of molecular alterations is controversial. In particular, it is important to know that alterations may occur several years before cancer formation, at stages that are still histologically regarded as normal. Identification of molecular markers that could predict the risk of malignant transformation may be used to improve surveillance and cancer prevention in genetically predisposed individuals. Significant fractions of families with colorectal and/or endometrial cancer presently lack molecular definition altogether. Our findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BMPR1A mutations and, for the first time, link FCCX families to the germline mutation of a specific gene. In particular, our observations encourage screening of additional families with FCCX for BMPR1A mutation, which is necessary in obtaining a reliable estimate of the share of BMPR1A-associated cases among all FCCX families worldwide. Clinically, the identification of predisposing mutations enables targeted cancer prevention in proven mutation carriers and thereby reduces cancer morbidity and mortality in the respective families.


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Transcription factors play a key role in tumor development, in which dysfunction of genes regulating tissue growth and differentiation is a central phenomenon. The GATA family of transcription factors consists of six members that bind to a consensus DNA sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) in gene promoters and enhancers. The two GATA factors expressed in the adrenal cortex are GATA-4 and GATA-6. In both mice and humans, GATA-4 can be detected only during the fetal period, whereas GATA-6 expression is abundant both throughout development and in the adult. It is already established that GATA factors are important in both normal development and tumorigenesis of several endocrine organs, and expression of GATA-4 and GATA-6 is detected in adrenocortical tumors. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these factors in adrenocortical tumor growth. In embryonal development, the adrenocortical cells arise and differentiate from a common pool with gonadal steroidogenic cells, the urogenital ridge. As the adult adrenal cortex undergoes constant renewal, it is hypothesized that undifferentiated adrenocortical progenitor cells reside adjacent to the adrenal capsule and give rise to daughter cells that differentiate and migrate centripetally. A diverse array of hormones controls the differentiation, growth and survival of steroidogenic cells in the adrenal gland and the gonads. Factors such as luteinizing hormone and inhibins, traditionally associated with gonadal steroidogenic cells, can also influence the function of adrenocortical cells in physiological and pathophysiological states. Certain inbred strains of mice develop subcapsular adrenocortical tumors in response to gonadectomy. In this study, we found that these tumors express GATA-4, normally absent from the adult adrenal cortex, while GATA-6 expression is downregulated. Gonadal markers such as luteinizing hormone receptor, anti-Müllerian hormone and P450c17 are also expressed in the neoplastic cells, and the tumors produce gonadal hormones. The tumor cells have lost the expression of melanocortin-2 receptor and the CYP enzymes necessary for the synthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone. By way of xenograft studies utilizing NU/J nude mice, we confirmed that chronic gonadotropin elevation is sufficient to induce adrenocortical tumorigenesis in susceptible inbred strains. Collectively, these studies suggest that subcapsular adrenocortical progenitor cells can, under certain conditions, adopt a gonadal fate. We studied the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation in endocrine cells in order to elucidate the role of GATA factors in endocrine tissues. Ovarian granulosa cells express both GATA-4 and GATA-6, and the TGF-β signaling pathway is active in these cells. Inhibin-α is both a target gene for, and an atypical or antagonistic member of the TGF-β growth factor superfamily. In this study, we show that GATA-4 is required for TGF-β-mediated inhibin-α promoter activation in granulosa cells, and that GATA-4 physically interacts with Smad3, a TGF-β downstream protein. Apart from the regulation of steroidogenesis and other events in normal tissues, TGF-β signaling is implicated in tumors of multiple organs, including the adrenal cortex. Another signaling pathway found often to be aberrantly active in adrenocortical tumors is the Wnt pathway. As both of these pathways regulate the expression of inhibin-α, a transcriptional target for GATA-4 and GATA-6, we wanted to investigate whether GATA factors are associated with the components of these signaling cascades in human adrenocortical tumors. We found that the expression of Wnt co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6, Smad3, GATA-6 and SF-1 was diminished in adrenocortical carcinomas with poor outcome. All of these factors drive inhibin-α expression, and their expression in adrenocortical tumors correlated with that of inhibin-α. The results support a tumor suppressor role previously suggested for inhibin-α in the mouse adrenal cortex, and offer putative pathways associated with adrenocortical tumor aggressiveness. Unraveling the role of GATA factors and associated molecules in human and mouse adrenocortical tumors could ultimately contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and future therapies for these diseases.


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Biological membranes are tightly linked to the evolution of life, because they provide a way to concentrate molecules into partially closed compartments. The dynamic shaping of cellular membranes is essential for many physiological processes, including cell morphogenesis, motility, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and secretion. It is therefore essential to understand the structure of the membrane and recognize the players that directly sculpt the membrane and enable it to adopt different shapes. The actin cytoskeleton provides the force to push eukaryotic plasma membrane in order to form different protrusions or/and invaginations. It has now became evident that actin directly co-operates with many membrane sculptors, including BAR domain proteins, in these important events. However, the molecular mechanisms behind BAR domain function and the differences between the members of this large protein family remain largely unresolved. In this thesis, the structure and functions of the I-BAR domain family members IRSp53 and MIM were thoroughly analyzed. By using several methods such as electron microscopy and systematic mutagenesis, we showed that these I-BAR domain proteins bind to PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes, generate negative membrane curvature and are involved in the formation of plasma membrane protrusions in cells e.g. filopodia. Importantly, we characterized a novel member of the BAR-domain superfamily which we named Pinkbar. We revealed that Pinkbar is specifically expressed in kidney and epithelial cells, and it localizes to Rab13-positive vesicles in intestinal epithelial cells. Remarkably, we learned that the I-BAR domain of Pinkbar does not generate membrane curvature but instead stabilizes planar membranes. Based on structural, mutagenesis and biochemical work we present a model for the mechanism of the novel membrane deforming activity of Pinkbar. Collectively, this work describes the mechanism by which I-BAR domain proteins deform membranes and provides new information about the biological roles of these proteins. Intriguingly, this work also gives evidence that significant functional plasticity exists within the I-BAR domain family. I-BAR proteins can either generate negative membrane curvature or stabilize planar membrane sheets, depending on the specific structural properties of their I-BAR domains. The results presented in this thesis expand our knowledge on membrane sculpting mechanisms and shows for the first time how flat membranes can be generated in cells.


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Drug-drug interactions may cause serious, even fatal clinical consequences. Therefore, it is important to examine the interaction potential of new chemical entities early in drug development. Mechanism-based inhibition is a pharmacokinetic interaction type, which causes irreversible loss of enzyme activity and can therefore lead to unusually profound and long-lasting consequences. The in vitro in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of drug-drug interactions caused by mechanism-based inhibition is challenging. Consequently, many of these interactions have remained unrecognised for many years. The concomitant use of the fibrate-class lipid-lowering agent gemfibrozil increases the concentrations of some drugs and their effects markedly. Even fatal cases of rhabdomyolysis occurred in patients administering gemfibrozil and cerivastatin concomitantly. One of the main mechanisms behind this effect is the mechanism-based inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C8 enzyme by a glucuronide metabolite of gemfibrozil leading to increased cerivastatin concentrations. Although the clinical use of gemfibrozil has clearly decreased during recent years, gemfibrozil is still needed in some special cases. To enable safe use of gemfibrozil concomitantly with other drugs, information concerning the time and dose relationships of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil should be known. This work was carried out as four in vivo clinical drug-drug interaction studies to examine the time and dose relationships of the mechanism-based inhibitory effect of gemfibrozil on CYP2C8. The oral antidiabetic drug repaglinide was used as a probe drug for measuring CYP2C8 activity in healthy volunteers. In this work, mechanism-based inhibition of the CYP2C8 enzyme by gemfibrozil was found to occur rapidly in humans. The inhibitory effect developed to its maximum already when repaglinide was given 1-3 h after gemfibrozil intake. In addition, the inhibition was shown to abate slowly. A full recovery of CYP2C8 activity, as measured by repaglinide metabolism, was achieved 96 h after cessation of gemfibrozil treatment. The dose-dependency of the mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 by gemfibrozil was shown for the first time in this work. CYP2C8 activity was halved by a single 30 mg dose of gemfibrozil or by twice daily administration of less than 30 mg of gemfibrozil. Furthermore, CYP2C8 activity was decreased over 90% by a single dose of 900 mg gemfibrozil or twice daily dosing of approximately 100 mg gemfibrozil. In addition, with the application of physiological models to the data obtained in the dose-dependency studies, the major role of mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 in the interaction between gemfibrozil and repaglinide was confirmed. The results of this work enhance the proper use of gemfibrozil and the safety of patients. The information related to time-dependency of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil may also give new insights in order to improve the IVIVE of the drug-drug interactions of new chemical entities. The information obtained by this work may be utilised also in the design of clinical drug-drug interaction studies in the future.


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Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is a probiotic bacterium that is known worldwide. Since its discovery in 1985, the health effects and biology of this health-promoting strain have been researched at an increasing rate. However, knowledge of the molecular biology responsible for these health effects is limited, even though research in this area has continued to grow since the publication of the whole genome sequence of L. rhamnosus GG in 2009. In this thesis, the molecular biology of L. rhamnosus GG was explored by mapping the changes in protein levels in response to diverse stress factors and environmental conditions. The proteomics data were supplemented with transcriptome level mapping of gene expression. The harsh conditions of the gastro-intestinal tract, which involve acidic conditions and detergent-like bile acids, are a notable challenge to the survival of probiotic bacteria. To simulate these conditions, L. rhamnosus GG was exposed to a sudden bile stress, and several stress response mechanisms were revealed, among others various changes in the cell envelope properties. L. rhamnosus GG also responded in various ways to mild acid stress, which probiotic bacteria may face in dairy fermentations and product formulations. The acid stress response of L. rhamnosus GG included changes in central metabolism and specific responses related to the control of intracellular pH. Altogether, L. rhamnosus GG was shown to possess a large repertoire of mechanisms for responding to stress conditions, which is a beneficial character of a probiotic organism. Adaptation to different growth conditions was studied by comparing the proteome level responses of L. rhamnosus GG to divergent growth media and to different phases of growth. Comparing different growth phases revealed that the metabolism of L. rhamnosus GG is modified markedly during shift from the exponential to the stationary phase of growth. These changes were seen both at proteome and transcriptome levels and in various different cellular functions. When the growth of L. rhamnosus GG in a rich laboratory medium and in an industrial whey-based medium was compared, various differences in metabolism and in factors affecting the cell surface properties could be seen. These results led us to recommend that the industrial-type media should be used in laboratory studies of L. rhamnosus GG and other probiotic bacteria to achieve a similar physiological state for the bacteria as that found in industrial products, which would thus yield more relevant information about the bacteria. In addition, an interesting phenomenon of protein phosphorylation was observed in L. rhamnosus GG. Phosphorylation of several proteins of L. rhamnosus GG was detected, and there were hints that the degree of phosphorylation may be dependent on the growth pH.