77 resultados para filologia,varianti,editor


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Tutkielma keskittyy tarkastelemaan, kuinka Helsingin erilaiset paikannimet on välitetty kaunokirjallisuuden saksannoksissa kohdekieliselle lukijalle. Helsingin paikannimiin lukeutuvat tutkielmassa mm. Helsingissä tai pääkau-punkiseudulla sijaitsevien katujen, kaupunginosien, tunnettujen tavaratalojen ja ravintoloiden, julkisten rakennusten ja patsaiden nimet. Tutkimusmateriaalina on kolme suomenkielistä romaania ja niiden saksankieliset käännökset: Joel Haahtelan Perhoskerääjä (Der Schmetterlingssammler), Kari Hotakaisen Juoksuhaudantie (Aus dem Leben eines unglücklichen Mannes) ja Outi Pakkasen Punainen pallotuoli (Der rote Sessel). Yhteistä näille kolmelle kaunokirjalliselle teokselle on, että niiden tapahtumat sijoittuvat Helsinkiin. Tutkimusmateriaalin keskeisenä valintakriteerinä on ollut, että kunkin romaanin on saksantanut eri kääntäjä. Tutkielman tarkoitus on havainnollistaa esimerkein deskriptiivis-kvalitatiivisesti, kuinka kääntäjä voi toimia, kun lähtöteksti sisältää pulmia tuottavia kulttuurisidonnaisia paikannimiä. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan paikannimiä kulttuurisidonnaisina käännösongelmina sekä esitellään, millaisia funktioita paikannimillä voi olla kaunokirjallisessa teoksessa. Teoriaosuudessa pohditaan myös aiempien teorioiden avulla, ovatko paikannimet ylipäätään käännettävissä vieraalle kielelle. Lisäksi esitetään käännöstieteellisiä näkemyksiä siitä, kuinka kääntäjän olisi välitettävä kaunokirjallisen lähtötekstin paikannimet kohdekieleen. Helsingin katujen nimeämisperiaatteita esitellään lyhyesti historian ja nykyajan valossa keskittyen tutkielman kannalta relevantteihin nimiin. Tutkimusmateriaalin analyysin yhtenä perustana on Bödekerin ja Freesen (1987) luoma prototypologia, jossa käännösratkaisuja tarkastellaan ensin leksikaalisella tasolla ja sitten lähtö- ja kohdekielen välisenä etäisyytenä. Kujamäki (1998) on omassa tutkimuksessaan kehittänyt tätä prototypologiaa eteenpäin sulauttamalla yhteen nämä molemmat ulottuvuudet. Samalla hän on jakanut käännösstrategiat yksityiskohtaisempiin luokkiin: vieras-sanalaina (Fremdwortübernahme), käännöslaina (Lehnübersetzung), selittävä kääntäminen (erklärendes Übersetzen), analogia (Anwendung einer Analogie in der Zielsprache), hyperonyyminen käännös (hyperonymische Übersetzung), kohyponyyminen käännös (kohyponymische Übersetzung), assosioiva käännös (assoziative Übersetzung), poisto (Auslassung) ja lisäys (Hinzufügung), jotka toimivat tässä tutkielmassa käännösratkaisujen tarkastelun lähtökohtana. Kujamäen (1998) luokituksesta poiketen lisään luokitukseen puolittaisen käännöslainan (Halblehnübersetzung), määrittelen selittävän kääntämisen luokan siten, että siihen sisältyvät sekä eksplikaatio (Explikation) että kiertoilmaus (Umschreibung), ja jätän Kujamäen käyttämän lisäyksen pois. Analyysissä pyritään esittelemään kulloisenkin paikannimen funktio tekstiympäristössään, minkä pohjalta tarkastellaan kääntäjien tekemiä ratkaisuja. Edellä mainitun luokituksen ohella tuon jokaisen käännösratkaisun kohdalla esiin Bödekerin ja Freesen (1987) luokituksen mukaisen luokkayhdistelmän, jota kulloinenkin kääntäjän tekemä valinta edustaa. Lopputuloksena on pääteltävissä, että ensisijaisesti paikannimen funktio tekstissä vaikuttaa siihen, kuinka nimi välitetään käännöksessä kohdekieliselle lukijalle. Lopuksi todetaan vielä, ettei tämän tutkielman perusteella voi antaa suosituksia, kuinka tulisi toimia välitettäessä kaunokirjallisen tekstin paikannimiä kohdekieleen, vaan tarkoitus havainnollistaa, mitä mahdollisuuksia kääntäjällä on, ja jokainen ratkaisu on punnittava kontekstissaan.


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Analisi contrastiva delle modalità di traduzione in finnico dei Tempi verbali e delle perifrasi aspettuali dell italiano (Italian Philology) The topic of this research is a contrastive study of tenses and aspect in Italian and in Finnish. The study aims to develop a research method for analyzing translations and comparable texts (non-translation) written in a target language. Thus, the analysis is based on empirical data consisting of translations of novels from Italian to Finnish and vice versa. In addition to this, for the section devoted to solutions adopted in Finnish for translating the Italian tenses Perfetto Semplice and Perfetto Composto, 39 Finnish native speakers were asked to answer questions concerning the choice of Perfekti and Imperfekti in Finnish. The responses given by the Finnish informants were compared to the choices made by translators in the target language, and in this way it was possible both to benefit from the motivation provided by native speakers to explain the selection of a tense (Imperfekti/Perfekti) in a specific context compared with the Italian formal equivalents (Perfetto Composto/Perfetto Semplice), and to define the specific features of the Finnish verb tenses. The research aims to develop a qualitative method for the analysis of formal equivalents and translational changes ( shifts ). Although, as the choice of Italian and Finnish progressive forms is optional and related to speaker preferences, besides the qualitative analysis, I also considered it necessary to operate a quantitative one in order to find out whether the two items share the same degree of correspondence in frequency of use. In this study I explain translation choices in light of cognitive grammar, suggesting that particular translation relationships derive from so-called construal operations. I use the concepts of cognitive linguistics not only to analyze the convergences and divergences of the two aspectual systems, but also to redefine some general procedures related to the phenomenon of translation. For the practical analysis of the corpus were for the most part employed theoretical categories developed in a framework proposed by Pier Marco Bertinetto. Following this approach, the notions of aspect (the morphologic or morphosyntactic, subjective level) and actionality (the lexical aspect or objective level, traditionally Aktionsart) are carefully distinguished. This also allowed me to test the applicability of these distinctions to two languages typologically different from each other. The data allowed both the analysis of the semantic and pragmatic features that determine tense and aspect choices in these two languages, and to discover the correspondences between the two language systems and the strategies that translators are forced to resort to in particular situations. The research provides not only a detailed and analytically argued inventory about possible solutions for translating Italian tenses and aspectual devices in Finnish that could be of pedagogical relevance, but also new contributions about the specific uses of time-aspectual devices in the two languages in question.


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The habit of "drinking smoke" , meaning tobacco smoking, caused a true controversy in early modern England. The new substance was used both for its alleged therapeutic properties as well as its narcotic effects. The dispute over tobacco continues the line of written controversies which were an important means of communication in the sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe. The tobacco controversy is special among medical controversies because the recreational use of tobacco soon spread and outweighed its medicinal use, ultimately causing a social and cultural crisis in England. This study examines how language is used in polemic discourse and argumentation. The material consists of medical texts arguing for and against tobacco in early modern England. The texts were compiled into an electronic corpus of tobacco texts (1577 1670) representing different genres and styles of writing. With the help of the corpus, the tobacco controversy is described and analyzed in the context of early modern medicine. A variety of methods suitable for the study of conflict discourse were used to assess internal and external text variation. The linguistic features examined include personal pronouns, intertextuality, structural components, and statistically derived keywords. A common thread in the work is persuasive language use manifested, for example, in the form of emotive adjectives and the generic use of pronouns; the latter is especially pronounced in the dichotomy between us and them. Controversies have not been studied in this manner before but the methods applied have supplemented each other and proven their suitability in the study of conflictive discourse. These methods can also be applied to present-day materials.


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The subject and methodology of biblical scholarship has expanded immense-ly during the last few decades. The traditional text-, literary-, source- and form-critical approaches, labeled historical-critical scholarship , have faced the challenge of social sciences. Various new literary, synchronic readings, sometimes characterized with the vague term postmodernism, have in turn challenged historicalcritical, and social-scientific approaches. Widened limits and diverging methodologies have caused a sense of crisis in biblical criticism. This metatheoretical thesis attempts to bridge the gap between philosophical discussion about the basis of biblical criticism and practical academic biblical scholarship. The study attempts to trace those epistemological changes that have produced the wealth of methods and results within biblical criticism. The account of the cult reform of King Josiah of Judah as reported in 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 serves as the case study because of its importance for critical study of the Hebrew Bible. Various scholarly approaches embracing 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 are experimentally arranged around four methodological positions: text, author, reader, and context. The heuristic model is a tentative application of Oliver Jahraus s model of four paradigms in literary theory. The study argues for six theses: 1) Our knowledge of the world is con-structed, fallible and theory-laden. 2) Methodological plurality is the neces-sary result of changes in epistemology and culture in general. 3) Oliver Jahraus s four methodological positions in regard to literature are also an applicable model within biblical criticism to comprehend the methodological plurality embracing the study of the Hebrew Bible. 4) Underlying the methodological discourse embracing biblical criticism is the epistemological ten-sion between the natural sciences and the humanities. 5) Biblical scholars should reconsider and analyze in detail concepts such as author and editor to overcome the dichotomy between the Göttingen and Cross schools. 6) To say something about the historicity of 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 one must bring together disparate elements from various disciplines and, finally, admit that though it may be possible to draw some permanent results, our conclusions often remain provisional.


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This study is a pragmatic description of the evolution of the genre of English witchcraft pamphlets from the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the seventeenth century. Witchcraft pamphlets were produced for a new kind of readership semi-literate, uneducated masses and the central hypothesis of this study is that publishing for the masses entailed rethinking the ways of writing and printing texts. Analysis of the use of typographical variation and illustrations indicates how printers and publishers catered to the tastes and expectations of this new audience. Analysis of the language of witchcraft pamphlets shows how pamphlet writers took into account the new readership by transforming formal written source materials trial proceedings into more immediate ways of writing. The material for this study comes from the Corpus of Early Modern English Witchcraft Pamphlets, which has been compiled by the author. The multidisciplinary analysis incorporates both visual and linguistic aspects of the texts, with methodologies and theoretical insights adopted eclectically from historical pragmatics, genre studies, book history, corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics and cognitive psychology. The findings are anchored in the socio-historical context of early modern publishing, reading, literacy and witchcraft beliefs. The study shows not only how consideration of a new audience by both authors and printers influenced the development of a genre, but also the value of combining visual and linguistic features in pragmatic analyses of texts.


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Since begging East European Roma became a common view in the streets of larger Nordic cities, vivid discussions about their presence and activities have been carried out in the mass media. This thesis examines the public debates in Finland and Norway through a discursive analysis and comparison of press content from the two countries. The aim of the study is firstly to identify the prominent discourses which construct certain images of the beggars, as well as the elements and internal logics that these discourses are constructed around. But in addition to scrutinizing representations of the Roma, also an opposite perspective is applied. In accordance with the theoretical concept of ‘othering’, debates about ‘them’ are assumed to simultaneously reveal something significant about ‘us’. The second research question is thus what kind of images of the ideal Finnish and Norwegian societies are reflected in the data, and which societal values are salient in these images. The analysis comprises 79 texts printed in the main Finnish and Norwegian quality newspapers; Helsingin Sanomat and Aftenposten. The data consists of news articles, editorials, columns and letters to the editor from a three-month period in the summer of 2010. The analysis was carried out within the theoretical and methodological framework of critical discourse analysis as outlined by Norman Fairclough. A customized nine-step coding scheme was developed in order to reach the most central dimensions of the texts. Seven main discourses were identified; the Deprivation-solidarity, Human rights, Order, Crime, Space and majority reactions, Authority control, and Authority critique discourse. These were grouped into two competing normative stances on what an ideal society looks like; the exclusionary and the inclusionary stance. While the exclusionary stance places the begging Roma within a frame of crime, illegitimate use of public space and threat to the social order, the other advocates an attitude of solidarity and humanitarian values. The analysis points to a dominance of the former, although it is challenged by the latter. The Roma are “individualized” by quoting and/or presenting them by name in a fair part of the Finnish news articles. In Norway, the opposite is true; there the beggars are dominantly presented as anonymous and passive. Overall, the begging Roma are subjected to a double bind as they are faced with simultaneous expectations of activity and passivity. Theories relating to moral panics and ‘the good enemy’ provide for a deepened understanding of the intensity of the debates. Keywords: East European Roma, begging, media, newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat, Aftenposten, critical discourse analysis, Norman Fairclough, othering, ideal society, moral panics, good enemy, double bind, Finland, Norway