65 resultados para Recombinant expression


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Accumulating evidence show that kinins, notably bradykinin (BK) and kallidin, have cardioprotective effects. To these include reduction of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and progression of heart failure. The effects are mediated through two G protein-coupled receptors- bradykinin type-2 receptor (BK-2R) and bradykinin type -1 receptor (BK-1R). The widely accepted cardioprotective effects of BK-receptors relate to triggering the production and release of vasodilating nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial cells. They also exert anti-proliferative effects on fibroblasts and anti-hypertrophic effects on myocytes, and thus may play an essential role in the cardioprotective response to myocardial injury. The role for BK-1Rs in HF is based on experimental animal models, where the receptors have been linked to cardioprotective- but also to cardiotoxic -effects. The BK-1Rs are induced under inflammatory and ischemic conditions, shown in animal models; no previous reports, concerning BK-1Rs in human heart failure, have been presented. The expression of BK-2Rs is down-regulated in human end-stage heart failure. Present results showed that, in these patients, the BK-1Rs were up-regulated, suggesting that also BK-1Rs are involved in the pathogenesis of human heart failure. The receptors were localized mainly in the endothelium of intramyocardial coronary vessels, and correlated with the increased TNF-α expression in the myocardial coronary vessels. Moreover, in cultured endothelial cells, TNF-α was a potent trigger of BK-1Rs. These results suggest that cytokines may be responsible for the up-regulation of BK-1Rs in human heart failure. A linear relationship between BK-2R mRNA and protein expression in normal and failing human left ventricles implies that the BK-2Rs are regulated on the transcriptional level, at least in human myocardium. The expression of BK-2Rs correlated positively with age in normal and dilated hearts (IDC). The results suggest that human hearts adapts to age-related changes, by up-regulating the expression of cardioprotective BK-2Rs. Also, in the BK-2R promoter polymorphism -58 T/C, the C-allele was accumulated in cardiomyopathy patients which may partially explain the reduced number of BK-2Rs. Statins reduce the level of plasma cholesterol, but also exert several non-cholesterol-dependent effects. These effects were studied in human coronary arterial endothelial cells (hCAEC) and incubation with lovastatin induced both BK-1 and BK-2Rs in a time and concentration-dependent way. The induced BK-2Rs were functionally active, thus NO production and cGMP signaling was increased. Induction was abrogated by mevalonate, a direct HMG-CoA metabolite. Lovastatin is known to inhibit Rho activation, and by a selective RhoA kinase inhibitor (Y27632), a similar induction of BK-2R expression as with lovastatin. Interestingly a COX-2-inhibitor (NS398) inhibited this lovastatin-induction of BK-2Rs, suggesting that COX-2 inhibitors may affect the endothelial BK-2Rs, in a negative fashion. Hypoxia is a common denominator in HF but also in other cardiovascular diseases. An induction of BK-2Rs in mild hypoxic conditions was shown in cultured hCAECs, which was abolished by a specific BK-2R inhibitor Icatibant. These receptors were functionally active, thus BK increased and Icatibant inhibited the production of NO. In rat myocardium the expression of BK-2R was increased in the endothelium of vessels, forming at the border zone, between the scar tissue and the healthy myocardium. Moreover, in in vitro wound-healing assay, endothelial cells were cultured under hypoxic conditions and BK significantly increased the migration of these cells and as Icatibant inhibited it. These results show, that mild hypoxia triggers a temporal expression of functionally active BK-2Rs in human and rat endothelial cells, supporting a role for BK-2Rs, in hypoxia induced angiogenesis. Our and previous results show, that BK-Rs have an impact on the cardiovascular diseases. In humans, at the end stage of heart failure, the BK-2Rs are down-regulated and BK-1Rs induced. Whether the up-regulation of BK-1Rs, is a compensatory mechanism against the down-regulation of BK-2Rs, or merely reflects the end point of heart failure, remains to bee seen. In a clinical point of view, the up-regulation of BK-2Rs, under hypoxic conditions or statin treatment, suggests that, the induction of BK-2Rs is protective in cardiovascular pathologies and those treatments activating BK-2Rs, might give additional tools in treating heart failure.


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Background: Mulibrey nanism (MUL; Muscle-liver-brain-eye nanism; OMIM 253250) is an autosomal recessive growth disorder more prevalent in Finland than elsewhere in the world. Clinical characteristics include severe prenatal onset growth restriction, cardiopathy, multiple organ manifestations but no major neurological handicap. MUL is caused by mutations in the TRIM37 gene on chromosome 17q22-23, encoding a peroxisomal protein TRIM37 with ubiquitin E3-ligase activity. Nineteen different mutations have been detected, four of them present in the Finnish patients. Objective: This study aimed to characterize clinical and histopathological features of MUL in the national cohort of Finnish patients. Patients and methods: A total of 92 Finnish patients (age 0.7 to 77 years) participated in the clinical follow-up study. Patients hospital records and growth charts were reviewed. Physical, radiographic and laboratory examinations were performed according to a clinical protocol. Thirty patients (18 females) were treated with recombinant human GH for a median period of 5.7 years. Biopsies and autopsy samples were used for the histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses. Results: MUL patients were born small for gestational age (SGA) with immature craniofacial features after prenatal-onset growth restriction. They experienced a continuous deceleration in both height SDS and weight-for-height (WFH) postnatally. In infancy feeding difficulties and frequent pneumonias were common problems. At the time of diagnosis (median age 2.1 years) characteristic craniofacial, radiological and ocular features were the most constant findings. MUL patients showed a dramatic change in glucose metabolism with increasing age. While the children had low fasting glucose and insulin levels, 90% of the adults were insulin resistant, half had type 2 diabetes and an additional 42% showed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Seventy percent fulfilled the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III criteria for metabolic syndrome as adults. GH therapy improved pre-pubertal growth but had only minor impact on adult height (+5 cm). Interestingly, treated subjects were slimmer and had less frequent metabolic concerns as young adults. MUL patients displayed histologically a disturbed architecture with ectopic tissues and a high frequency of both benign and malignant tumours present in several internal organs. A total of 232 tumorous lesions were detected in our patient cohort. The majority of the tumours showed strong expression of endothelial cell marker CD34 as well as α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Fifteen of the tumours were malignant and seven of them (five Wilms tumours) occurred in the kidney. Conclusions: MUL patients present a distinct postnatal growth pattern. Short-term response of GH treatment is substantial but the long-term impact remains modest. Although MUL patients form a distinct clinical and diagnostic entity, their clinical findings vary considerably from infancy to adulthood. While failure to thrive dominates early life, MUL adults develop metabolic syndrome and have a tendency for malignancies and vascular lesions in several organs. This speaks for a central role of TRIM37 in regulation of key cellular functions, such as proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and insulin signalling.


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Some leucine-rich repeat (LRR) -containing membrane proteins are known regulators of neuronal growth and synapse formation. In this work I characterize two gene families encoding neuronal LRR membrane proteins, namely the LRRTM (leucine-rich repeat, transmembrane neuronal) and NGR (Nogo-66 receptor) families. I studied LRRTM and NGR family member's mRNA tissue distribution by RT-PCR and by in situ hybridization. Subcellular localization of LRRTM1 protein was studied in neurons and in non-neuronal cells. I discovered that LRRTM and NGR family mRNAs are predominantly expressed in the nervous system, and that each gene possesses a specific expression pattern. I also established that LRRTM and NGR family mRNAs are expressed by neurons, and not by glial cells. Within neurons, LRRTM1 protein is not transported to the plasma membrane; rather it localizes to endoplasmic reticulum. Nogo-A (RTN4), MAG, and OMgp are myelin-associated proteins that bind to NgR1 to limit axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury. To better understand the functions of NgR2 and NgR3, and to explore the possible redundancy in the signaling of myelin inhibitors of neurite growth, I mapped the interactions between NgR family and the known and candidate NgR1 ligands. I identified high-affinity interactions between RTN2-66, RTN3-66 and NgR1. I also demonstrate that Rtn3 mRNA is expressed in the same glial cell population of mouse spinal cord white matter as Nogo-A mRNA, and thus it could have a role in myelin inhibition of axonal growth. To understand how NgR1 interacts with multiple structurally divergent ligands, I aimed first to map in more detail the nature of Nogo-A:NgR1 interactions, and then to systematically map the binding sites of multiple myelin ligands in NgR1 by using a library of NgR1 expression constructs encoding proteins with one or multiple surface residues mutated to alanine. My analysis of the Nogo-A:NgR1 -interactions revealed a novel interaction site between the proteins, suggesting a trivalent Nogo-A:NgR1-interaction. Our analysis also defined a central binding region on the concave side of NgR1's LRR domain that is required for the binding of all known ligands, and a surrounding region critical for binding MAG and OMgp. To better understand the biological role of LRRTMs, I generated Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 knock out mice. I show here that reporter genes expressed from the targeted loci can be used for maping the neuronal connections of Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 expressing neurons in finer detail. With regard to LRRTM1's role in humans, we found a strong association between a 70 kb-spanning haplotype in the proposed promoter region of LRRTM1 gene and two possibly related phenotypes: left-handedness and schizophrenia. Interestingly, the responsible haplotype was linked to phenotypic variability only when paternally inherited. In summary, I identified two families of neuronal receptor-like proteins, and mapped their expression and certain protein-protein interactions. The identification of a central binding region in NgR1 shared by multiple ligands may facilitate the design and development of small molecule therapeutics blocking binding of all NgR1 ligands. Additionally, the genetic association data suggests that allelic variation upstream of LRRTM1 may play a role in the development of left-right brain asymmetry in humans. Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm3 knock out mice developed as a part of this study will likely be useful for schizophrenia and Alzheimer s disease research.


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Nisäkkäillä keskushermoston uudistuminen on rajallista. Keskushermostovamman jälkeen aktivoituu monien paranemista edistävien tekijöiden lisäksi myös estäviä tekijöitä. Monella molekyylillä, kuten laminiinilla, on keskushermoston paranemista tehostava vaikutus. Laminiinit ovat myös kehon tyvikalvojen oleellisia rakennuskomponentteja. Keskushermoston laminiinit ovat tärkeitä sikiökehityksen aikana, esimerkiksi hermosäikeiden ohjauksessa. Myöhemmin ne osallistuvat veriaivoesteen ylläpitoon sekä vammojen jälkeiseen kudosreaktioon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessani olen selvittänyt lamiiniinien, erityisesti γ1 laminiinin ja sen KDI peptidin, ekspressiota keskushermoston vammatilanteissa. Kokeellisessa soluviljelmäasetelmassa, joka simuloi vammautunutta keskushermostoympäristöä, osoitimme että KDI peptidi voimistaa sekä hermosolujen selviytymistä että hermosäikeiden kasvua. Kainihappo on glutamaattianalogi, ja glutamaattitoksisuudella uskotaan olevan tärkeä merkitys keskushermoston eri vamma- ja sairaustilanteissa tapahtuvassa hermosolukuolemassa. Toisessa väitöskirjani osatyössä osoitimme eläinmallissa KDI peptidin suojaavan rotan aivojen hippokampuksen hermosoluja kainihapon aiheuttamalta solutuholta. Elektrofysiologisilla mittauksilla osoitimme kolmannessa osatyössäni, että KDI peptidi estää glutamaattireseptorivirtoja ja suojaa siten glutamaattitoksisuudelta. Aivoveritulpan aiheuttama aivovaurio on yleinen syy aivohalvaukseen. Viimeisessä osatyössäni tutkimme eläinmallissa laminiinien ekspressiota iskemian vaurioittamassa aivokudoksessa. Laminiiniekspression todettiin voimistuvan vaurion jälkeen sekä tyvikalvo- että soluväliainerakenteissa. Vaurion ympärillä havaittiin astrosyyttejä, jotka jo melko aikaisessa vaiheessa vamman jälkeen ekspressoivat γ1 laminiinia ja KDI peptidiä. Tästä voidaan päätellä laminiinien osallistuvan aivoiskeemisen vaurion patofysiologiaan. Yleisesti väitöskirjatyöni kartoitti laminiinien ekspressiota sekä terveessä että vammautuneessa keskushermostossa. Väitöskirjatyöni tukee hypoteesia, jonka mukaan KDI peptidi suojaa keskushermostoa vaurioilta.


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Neuroblastoma has successfully served as a model system for the identification of neuroectoderm-derived oncogenes. However, in spite of various efforts, only a few clinically useful prognostic markers have been found. Here, we present a framework, which integrates DNA, RNA and tissue data to identify and prioritize genetic events that represent clinically relevant new therapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers for neuroblastoma.


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Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) transport lactate and protons across cell membranes. During intense exercise, lactate and protons accumulate in the exercising muscle and are transported to the plasma. In the horse, MCTs are responsible for the majority of lactate and proton removal from exercising muscle, and are therefore also the main mechanism to hinder the decline in pH in muscle cells. Two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT4, which need an ancillary protein CD147, are expressed in equine muscle. In the horse, as in other species, MCT1 is predominantly expressed in oxidative fibres, where its likely role is to transport lactate into the fibre to be used as a fuel at rest and during light work, and to remove lactate during intensive exercise when anaerobic energy production is needed. The expression of CD147 follows the fibre type distribution of MCT1. These proteins were detected in both the cytoplasm and sarcolemma of muscle cells in the horse breeds studied: Standardbred and Coldblood trotters. In humans, training increases the expression of both MCT1 and MCT4. In this study, the proportion of oxidative fibres in the muscle of Norwegian-Swedish Coldblood trotters increased with training. Simultaneously, the expression of MCT1 and CD147, measured immunohistochemically, seemed to increase more in the cytoplasm of oxidative fibres than in the fast fibre type IIB. Horse MCT4 antibody failed to work in immunohistochemistry. In the future, a quantitative method should be introduced to examine the effect of training on muscle MCT expression in the horse. Lactate can be taken up from plasma by red blood cells (RBCs). In horses, two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT2, and the ancillary protein CD147 are expressed in RBC membranes. The horse is the only species studied in which RBCs have been found to express MCT2, and the physiological role of this protein in RBCs is unknown. The majority of horses express all three proteins, but 10-20% of horses express little or no MCT1 or CD147. This leads to large interindividual variation in the capacity to transport lactate into RBCs. Here, the expression level of MCT1 and CD147 was bimodally distributed in three studied horse breeds: Finnhorse, Standardbred and Thoroughbred. The level of MCT2 expression was distributed unimodally. The expression level of lactate transporters could not be linked to performance markers in Thoroughbred racehorses. In the future, better performance indexes should be developed to better enable the assessment of whether the level of MCT expression affects athletic performance. In human subjects, several mutations in MCT1 have been shown to cause decreased lactate transport activity in muscle and signs of myopathy. In the horse, two amino acid sequence variations, one of which was novel, were detected in MCT1 (V432I and K457Q). The mutations found in horses were in different areas compared to mutations found in humans. One mutation (M125V) was detected in CD147. The mutations found could not be linked with exercise-induced myopathy. MCT4 cDNA was sequenced for the first time in the horse, but no mutations could be detected in this protein.