51 resultados para iodine deficiency disorders


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Childhood-onset mitochondrial diseases comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders, which may manifest with almost any symptom and affect any tissue or organ. Due to challenging diagnostics, most children still lack a specific aetiological diagnosis. The aim of this thesis was to find molecular causes for childhood-onset mitochondrial disorders in Finland. We identified the underlying cause for 25 children, and found three new diseases, which had not been diagnosed in Finland before. These diseases caused severe progressive infantile-onset encephalomyopathies, and were due to defects in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance. Furthermore, the thesis provides the molecular background of Finnish patients with ‘leukoencephalopathy with brain stem and spinal cord involvement and elevated brain lactate’ (LBSL). A new phenotype was identified to be due to mutations in Twinkle, resembling ‘infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia’ (IOSCA). These mutations caused mtDNA depletion in the liver, thus confirming the essential role of Twinkle in mtDNA maintenance, and expanding the molecular background of mtDNA depletion syndromes. The major aetiology for infantile mitochondrial myopathy in Finland was discovered to be due to mutations in thymidine kinase 2 (TK2). A novel mutation with Finnish ancestry was identified, and a genotype-phenotype correlation with mutation-specific distribution of tissue involvement was found, thus proving that deficient TK2 may cause multi-tissue depletion and impair neuronal function. This work established the molecular diagnosis and advanced the knowledge of phenotypes among paediatric patients with polymerase gamma (POLG) mutations. The patients showed severe early-onset encephalopathy with intractable epilepsy. POLG mutations are not a prevalent cause of children’s ataxias, although ataxia is a major presenting symptom among adults. Our findings indicate that POLG mutations should be investigated even if typical MRI, histochemical or biochemical abnormalities are lacking. LBSL patients showed considerable variation in phenotype despite identical mutations. A common, most likely European, ancestry, and a relative high carrier frequency of these mutations in Finland were discovered; suggesting that LBSL may be a quite common leukoencephalopathy in other populations as well. The results suggest that MRI findings are so unique that the diagnosis of LBSL is possible to make without genetic studies. This thesis work has resulted in identification of new mitochondrial disorders in Finland, enhancing the understanding of the clinical variability and the importance of tissue-specificity of these disorders. In addition to providing specific diagnosis to the patients, these findings give light to the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms of childhood-onset mitochondrial disorders.


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This study is part of an ongoing collaborative bipolar research project, the Jorvi Bipolar Study (JoBS). The JoBS is run by the Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, and the Department of Psychiatry, Jorvi Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH), Espoo, Finland. It is a prospective, naturalistic cohort study of secondary level care psychiatric in- and outpatients with a new episode of bipolar disorder (BD). The second report also included 269 major depressive disorder (MDD) patients from the Vantaa Depression Study (VDS). The VDS was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry of the Peijas Medical Care District. Using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), all in- and outpatients at the Department of Psychiatry at Jorvi Hospital who currently had a possible new phase of DSM-IV BD were sought. Altogether, 1630 psychiatric patients were screened, and 490 were interviewed using a semistructured interview (SCID-I/P). The patients included in the cohort (n=191) had at intake a current phase of BD. The patients were evaluated at intake and at 6- and 18-month interviews. Based on this study, BD is poorly recognized even in psychiatric settings. Of the BD patients with acute worsening of illness, 39% had never been correctly diagnosed. The classic presentations of BD with hospitalizations, manic episodes, and psychotic symptoms lead clinicians to correct diagnosis of BD I in psychiatric care. Time of follow-up elapsed in psychiatric care, but none of the clinical features, seemed to explain correct diagnosis of BD II, suggesting reliance on cross- sectional presentation of illness. Even though BD II was clearly less often correctly diagnosed than BD I, few other differences between the two types of BD were detected. BD I and II patients appeared to differ little in terms of clinical picture or comorbidity, and the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity was strongly related to the current illness phase in both types. At the same time, the difference in outcome was clear. BD II patients spent about 40% more time depressed than BD I patients. Patterns of psychiatric comorbidity of BD and MDD differed somewhat qualitatively. Overall, MDD patients were likely to have more anxiety disorders and cluster A personality disorders, and bipolar patients to have more cluster B personality disorders. The adverse consequences of missing or delayed diagnosis are potentially serious. Thus, these findings strongly support the value of screening for BD in psychiatric settings, especially among the major depressive patients. Nevertheless, the diagnosis must be based on a clinical interview and follow-up of mood. Comorbidity, present in 59% of bipolar patients in a current phase, needs concomitant evaluation, follow-up, and treatment. To improve outcome in BD, treatment of bipolar depression is a major challenge for clinicians.


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The Vantaa Primary Care Depression Study (PC-VDS) is a naturalistic and prospective cohort study concerning primary care patients with depressive disorders. It forms a collaborative research project between the Department of Mental and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, and the Primary Health Care Organization of the City of Vantaa. The aim is to obtain a comprehensive view on clinically significant depression in primary care, and to compare depressive patients in primary care and in secondary level psychiatric care in terms of clinical characteristics. Consecutive patients (N=1111) in three primary care health centres were screened for depression with the PRIME-MD, and positive cases interviewed by telephone. Cases with current depressive symptoms were diagnosed face-to-face with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I/P). A cohort of 137 patients with unipolar depressive disorders, comprising all patients with at least two depressive symptoms and clinically significant distress or disability, was recruited. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (SCID-II), medical records, rating scales, interview and a retrospective life-chart were used to obtain comprehensive cross-sectional and retrospective longitudinal information. For investigation of suicidal behaviour the Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI), patient records and the interview were used. The methodology was designed to be comparable to The Vantaa Depression Study (VDS) conducted in secondary level psychiatric care. Comparison of major depressive disorder (MDD) patients aged 20-59 from primary care in PC-VDS (N=79) was conducted with new psychiatric outpatients (N =223) and inpatients (N =46) in VDS. The PC-VDS cohort was prospectively followed up at 3, 6 and 18 months. Altogether 123 patients (90%) completed the follow-up. Duration of the index episode and the timing of relapses or recurrences were examined using a life-chart. The retrospective investigation revealed current MDD in most (66%), and lifetime MDD in nearly all (90%) cases of clinically significant depressive syndromes. Two thirds of the “subsyndromal” cases had a history of major depressive episode (MDE), although they were currently either in partial remission or a potential prodromal phase. Recurrences and chronicity were common. The picture of depression was complicated by Axis I co-morbidity in 59%, Axis II in 52% and chronic Axis III disorders in 47%; only 12% had no co-morbidity. Within their lifetimes, one third (37%) had seriously considered suicide, and one sixth (17%) had attempted it. Suicidal behaviour clustered in patients with moderate to severe MDD, co-morbidity with personality disorders, and a history of treatment in psychiatric care. The majority had received treatment for depression, but suicidal ideation had mostly remained unrecognised. The comparison of patients with MDD in primary care to those in psychiatric care revealed that the majority of suicidal or psychotic patients were receiving psychiatric treatment, and the patients with the most severe symptoms and functional limitations were hospitalized. In other clinical aspects, patients with MDD in primary care were surprisingly similar to psychiatric outpatients. Mental health contacts earlier in the current MDE were common among primary care patients. The 18-month prospective investigation with a life-chart methodology verified the chronic and recurrent nature of depression in primary care. Only one-quarter of patients with MDD achieved and maintained full remission during the follow-up, while another quarter failed to remit at all. The remaining patients suffered either from residual symptoms or recurrences. While severity of depression was the strongest predictor of recovery, presence of co-morbid substance use disorders, chronic medical illness and cluster C personality disorders all contributed to an adverse outcome. In clinical decision making, beside severity of depression and co-morbidity, history of previous MDD should not be ignored by primary care doctors while depression there is usually severe enough to indicate at least follow-up, and concerning those with residual symptoms, evaluation of their current treatment. Moreover, recognition of suicidal behaviour among depressed patients should also be improved. In order to improve outcome of depression in primary care, the often chronic and recurrent nature of depression should be taken into account in organizing the care. According to literature management programs of a chronic disease, with enhancement of the role of case managers and greater integration of primary and specialist care, have been successful. Optimum ways of allocating resources between treatment providers as well as within health centres should be found.


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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is a common sports injury of the knee. Arthroscopic reconstruction using autogenous graft material is widely used for patients with ACL instability. The grafts most commonly used are the patellar and the hamstring tendons, by various fixation techniques. Although clinical evaluation and conventional radiography are routinely used in follow-up after ACL surgery, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in the diagnosis of complications after ACL surgery. The aim of this thesis was to study the clinical outcome of patellar and hamstring tendon ACL reconstruction techniques. In addition, the postoperative appearance of the ACL graft was evaluated using several MRI sequences. Of the 175 patients who underwent an arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction, 99 patients were randomized into patellar tendon (n=51) or hamstring tendon (n=48) groups. In addition, 62 patients with hamstring graft ACL reconstruction were randomized into either cross-pin (n=31) or interference screw (n=31) fixation groups. Follow-up evaluation determined knee laxity, isokinetic muscle performance and several knee scores. Lateral and anteroposterior view radiographs were obtained. Several MRI sequences were obtained with a 1.5-T imager. The appearance and enhancement pattern of the graft and periligamentous tissue, and the location of bone tunnels were evaluated. After MRI, arthroscopy was performed on 14 symptomatic knees. The results revealed no significant differences in the 2-year outcome between the groups. In the hamstring tendon group, the average femoral and tibial bone tunnel diameter increased during 2 years follow-up by 33% and 23%, respectively. In the asymptomatic knees, the graft showed homogeneous and low signal intensity with periligamentous streaks of intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images. In the symptomatic knees, arthroscopy revealed 12 abnormal grafts and two meniscal tears, each with an intact graft. Among 3 lax grafts visible on arthroscopy, MRI showed an intact graft and improper bone tunnel placement. For diagnosing graft failure, all MRI findings combined gave a specificity of 90% and a sensitivity of 81%. In conclusion, all techniques appeared to improve patients' performance, and were therefore considered as good choices for ACL reconstruction. In follow-up, MRI permits direct evaluation of the ACL graft, the bone tunnels, and additional disorders of the knee. Bone tunnel enlargement and periligamentous tissue showing contrast enhancement were non-specific MRI findings that did not signify ACL deficiency. With an intact graft and optimal femoral bone tunnel placement, graft deficiency is unlikely, and the MRI examination should be carefully scrutinized for possible other causes for the patients symptoms.


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The systemic autoinflammatory disorders are a group of rare diseases characterized by periodically recurring episodes of acute inflammation and a rise in serum acute phase proteins, but with no signs of autoimmunity. At present eight hereditary syndromes are categorized as autoinflammatory, although the definition has also occasionally been extended to other inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn s disease. One of the autoinflammatory disorders is the autosomally dominantly inherited tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), which is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the tumour necrosis factor type 1 receptor (TNFRSF1A). In patients of Nordic descent, cases of TRAPS and of three other hereditary fevers, hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with periodic fever syndrome (HIDS), chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous and articular syndrome (CINCA) and familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), have been reported, TRAPS being the most common of the four. Clinical characteristics of TRAPS are recurrent attacks of high spiking fever, associated with inflammation of serosal membranes and joints, myalgia, migratory rash and conjunctivitis or periorbital cellulitis. Systemic AA amyloidosis may occur as a sequel of the systemic inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic background of hereditary periodically occurring fever syndromes in Finnish patients, to explore the reliability of determining serum concentrations of soluble TNFRSF1A and metalloproteinase-induced TNFRSF1A shedding as helpful tools in differential diagnostics, as well as to study intracellular NF-κB signalling in an attempt to widen the knowledge of the pathomechanisms underlying TRAPS. Genomic sequencing revealed two novel TNFRSF1A mutations, F112I and C73R, in two Finnish families. F112I was the first TNFRSF1A mutation to be reported in the third extracellular cysteine-rich domain of the gene and C73R was the third novel mutation to be reported in a Finnish family, with only one other TNFRSF1A mutation having been reported in the Nordic countries. We also presented a differential diagnostic problem in a TRAPS patient, emphasizing for the clinician the importance of differential diagnostic vigiliance in dealing with rare hereditary disorders. The underlying genetic disease of the patient both served as a misleading factor, which possibly postponed arrival at the correct diagnosis, but may also have predisposed to the pathologic condition, which led to a critical state of the patient. Using a method of flow cytometric analysis modified for the use on fresh whole blood, we studied intracellular signalling pathways in three Finnish TRAPS families with the F112I, C73R and the previously reported C88Y mutations. Evaluation of TNF-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB and p38, revealed low phosphorylation profiles in nine out of ten TRAPS patients in comparison to healthy control subjects. This study shows that TRAPS is a diagnostic possibility in patients of Nordic descent, with symptoms of periodically recurring fever and inflammation of the serosa and joints. In particular in the case of a family history of febrile episodes, the possibility of TRAPS should be considered, if an etiology of autoimmune or infectious nature is excluded. The discovery of three different mutations in a population as small as the Finnish, reinforces the notion that the extracellular domain of TNFRSF1A is prone to be mutated at the entire stretch of its cysteine-rich domains and not only at a limited number of sites, suggesting the absence of a founder effect in TRAPS. This study also demonstrates the challenges of clinical work in differentiating the symptoms of rare genetic disorders from those of other pathologic conditions and presents the possibility of an autoinflammatory disorder as being the underlying cause of severe clinical complications. Furthermore, functional studies of fresh blood leukocytes show that TRAPS is often associated with a low NF-κB and p38 phosphorylation profile, although low phosphorylation levels are not a requirement for the development of TRAPS. The aberrant signalling would suggest that the hyperinflammatory phenotype of TRAPS is the result of compensatory NF-κB-mediated regulatory mechanisms triggered by a deficiency of the innate immune response.


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Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common of all types of arthritis and despite of intensive research etiology of the disease remains unclear. Distinctive features of rheumatic arthritis comprise continuous inflammation of synovium, in which synovial membrane expands on cartilage leading to pannus tissue formation. Pannus formation, appearance of proteolytic enzymes and osteoclast formation cause articular cartilage and bone destruction, which lead to erosions and permanent joint damage. Proteolytic pathways play major roles in the development of tissue lesions in rheumatoid arthritis. Degradation of extracellular matrix proteins is essential to pannus formation and invasion. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) form a large proteolytic enzyme family and in rheumatoid arthritis they contribute to pannus invasion by degrading extracellular matrix and to joint destruction by directly degrading the cartilage. MMP-1 and MMP-3 are shown to be increased during cell invasion and also involved in cartilage destruction. Increase of many cytokines has been observed in rheumatoid arthritis, especially TNF-α and IL-1β are studied in synovial tissue and are involved in rheumatoid inflammation and degradation of cartilage. Underlying bone resorption requires first demineralization of bone matrix with acid secreted by osteoclasts, which exposes the collagen-rich matrix for degradation. Cathepsin K is the best known enzyme involved in bone matrix degradation, however deficiency of this protein in pycnodysostosis patient did not prevent bone erosion and on the contrary pannus tissue invading to bone did not expressed much cathepsin K. These indicate that other proteinases are involved in bone degradation, perhaps also via their capability to replace the role of other enzymes especially in diseases like pycnodysostosis or during medication e.g. using cathepsin K inhibitors. Multinuclear osteoclasts are formed also in pannus tissue, which enable the invasion into underlying bone matrix. Pannus tissue express a receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), an essential factor for osteoclast differentiation and a disintegrin and a metalloproteinase 8 (ADAM8), an osteoclast-activating factors, involved in formation of osteoclast-like giant cells by promoting fusion of mononuclear precursor cells. The understanding of pannus invasion and degradation of extracellular matrix in rheumatic arthritis will open us new more specific methods to prevent this destructive joint disease.


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Quality of life (QoL) and Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are becoming one of the key outcomes of health care due to increased respect for the subjective valuations and well-being of patients and an increasing part of the ageing population living with chronic, non-fatal conditions. Preference-based HRQoL measures enable estimation of health utility, which can be useful for rational rationing, evidence-based medicine and health policy. This study aimed to compare the individual severity and public health burden of major chronic conditions in Finland, including and focusing on reliably diagnosed psychiatric conditions. The study is based on the Health 2000 survey, a representative general population survey of 8028 Finns aged 30 and over. Depressive, anxiety and alcohol use disorders were diagnosed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). HRQoL was measured with the 15D and the EQ-5D, with 83% response rate. This study found that people with psychiatric disorders had the lowest 15D HRQoL scores at all ages, in comparison to other main groups of chronic conditions. Considering 29 individual conditions, three of the four most severe (on 15D) were psychiatric disorders; the most severe was Parkinson s disease. Of the psychiatric disorders, chronic conditions that have sometimes been considered relatively mild - dysthymia, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia - were found to be the most severe. This was explained both by the severity of the impact of these disorders on mental health domains of HRQoL, and also by the fact that decreases were widespread on most dimensions of HRQoL. Considering the public health burden of conditions, musculoskeletal disorders were associated with the largest burden, followed by psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric disorders were associated with the largest burden at younger ages. Of individual conditions, the largest burden found was for depressive disorders, followed by urinary incontinence and arthrosis of the hip and knee. The public health burden increased greatly with age, so the ageing of the Finnish population will mean that the disease burden caused by chronic conditions will increase by a quarter up to year 2040, if morbidity patterns do not change. Investigating alcohol consumption and HRQoL revealed that although abstainers had poorer HRQoL than moderate drinkers, this was mainly due to many abstainers being former drinkers and having the poorest HRQoL. Moderate drinkers did not have significantly better HRQoL than abstainers who were not former drinkers. Psychiatric disorders are associated with a large part of the non-fatal disease burden in Finland. In particular anxiety disorders appear to be more severe and have a larger public health burden than previously thought.


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Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. Vision in the affected eye is threatened by both the tumor and side-effects from the treatments currently available. Poor prognosis for saving vision increases with tumor size and, consequently, enucleation has been the treatment of choice for large uveal melanomas in most centers. However, increasing evidence suggests that no survival benefit is gained (nor lost) by enucleation as compared to eye-conserving methods. The Helsinki University Eye Hospital has since 1990 offered episcleral iodine-125 plaque brachytherapy (IBT) for all patients unwilling to undergo enucleation for a large uveal melanoma. The primary aim of this study was to assess survival, local tumor recurrence and preservation of the eye and vision after IBT in a population-based series of 97 patients with uveal melanomas classified as large by the Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) criteria. Further aims included reporting the incidence of side-effects and assessing the role of intraocular dose distribution and clinical risk factors in their development. Finally, means to improve the current treatment were investigated by using computer models to compare existing plaques with collimating ones and by comparing the outcome of a subgroup of 54 IBT patients with very thick tumors with 33 patients with similarly-sized tumors managed with transscleral local resection (TSR) in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Kaplan-Meier estimates of all-cause and melanoma-specific survival at 5 years after IBT were 62% and 65%, respectively, and visually comparable with the survival experience of patients reported after enucleation by the COMS. Local recurrence developed in 6% of eyes and 84% of eyes were conserved at 5 years. Visual prognosis was guarded with 11% avoiding loss of 20/70 vision and 26% avoiding loss of 20/400 vision in the tumor eye at 2 years. Large tumor height and short distance from the posterior pole were independently associated with loss of vision. Using cumulative incidence analysis to account for competing risks, such as enucleation and metastatic death, the 5-year incidence of cataract after IBT was 79%, glaucoma 60%, optic neuropathy 46%, maculopathy 52%, persistent or recurring retinal detachment (RD) 25%, and vitreous hemorrhage 36%. In multivariate competing risks regression models, increasing tumor height was associated with cataract, iris neovascularization and RD. Maculopathy and optic neuropathy were associated with distance from the tumor to the respective structure. Median doses to the tumor apex, macula and optic disc were 81 Gy (range, 40-158), 79 Gy (range, 12-632), and 83 Gy (range, 10-377), respectively. Dose to the optic disc was independently associated with optic neuropathy, and both dose to the optic disc and dose to the macula predicted vision loss after IBT. Simulated treatment using collimating plaques resulted in clinically meaningful reduction in both optic disc (median reduction, 30 Gy) and macular (median reduction, 36 Gy) doses as compared to the actual treatment with standard plaques. In the subgroup of patients with uveal melanomas classified as large because of tumor height, cumulative incidence analysis revealed that while long-term preservation of 20/70 vision was rare after both IBT and TSR, preservation of 20/400 vision was better after TSR (32% vs. 5% at 5 years). In multivariate logistic regression models, TSR was independently associated with better preservation of 20/400 vision (OR 0.03 at 2 years, P=0.005) No cases of secondary glaucoma were observed after TSR and optic neuropathy was rare. However, local tumor recurrence was more common after TSR than it was after IBT (Cumulative incidence 41% vs. 7% at 5 years, respectively). In terms of survival, IBT seems to be a safe alternative to enucleation in managing large uveal melanomas. Local tumor control is no worse than with medium-sized tumors and the chances of avoiding secondary enucleation are good. Unfortunately, side-effects from radiotherapy are frequent, especially in thick tumors, and long-term prognosis of saving vision is consequently guarded. Some complications can be limited by using collimating plaques and by managing uveal melanomas that are large because of tumor height with TSR instead of IBT. However, the patient must be willing to accept a substantial risk of local tumor recurrence after TSR and it is best suited for cases in which the preservation of vision in the tumor eye is critical.


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Autism is a childhood-onset developmental disorder characterized by deficits in reciprocal social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and dependence on routines and rituals. It belongs to a spectrum of disorders (autism spectrum disorders, ASDs) which share core symptoms but show considerable variation in severity. The whole spectrum affects 0.6-0.7% of children worldwide, inducing a substantial public health burden and causing suffering to the affected families. Despite having a very high heritability, ASDs have shown exceptional genetic heterogeneity, which has complicated the identification of risk variants and left the etiology largely unknown. However, recent studies suggest that rare, family-specific factors contribute significantly to the genetic basis of ASDs. In this study, we investigated the role of DISC1 (Disrupted-in-schizophrenia-1) in ASDs, and identified association with markers and haplotypes previously associated with psychiatric phenotypes. We identified four polymorphic micro-RNA target sites in the 3 UTR of DISC1, and showed that hsa-miR-559 regulates DISC1 expression in vitro in an allele-specific manner. We also analyzed an extended autism pedigree with genealogical roots in Central Finland reaching back to the 17th century. To take advantage of the beneficial characteristics of population isolates to gene mapping and reduced genetic heterogeneity observed in distantly related individuals, we performed a microsatellite-based genome-wide screen for linkage and linkage disequilibrium in this pedigree. We identified a putative autism susceptibility locus on chromosome 19p13.3 and obtained further support for previously reported loci at 1q23 and 15q11-q13. To follow-up these findings, we extended our study sample from the same sub-isolate and initiated a genome-wide analysis of homozygosity and allelic sharing using high-density SNP markers. We identified a small number of haplotypes shared by different subsets of the genealogically connected cases, along with convergent biological pathways from SNP and gene expression data, which highlighted axon guidance molecules in the pathogenesis of ASDs. In conclusion, the results obtained in this thesis show that multiple distinct genetic variants are responsible for the ASD phenotype even within single pedigrees from an isolated population. We suggest that targeted resequencing of the shared haplotypes, linkage regions, and other susceptibility loci is essential to identify the causal variants. We also report a possible micro-RNA mediated regulatory mechanism, which might partially explain the wide-range neurobiological effects of the DISC1 gene.


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Autoimmune diseases are more common in dogs than in humans and are already threatening the future of some highly predisposed dog breeds. Susceptibility to autoimmune diseases is controlled by environmental and genetic factors, especially the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene region. Dogs show a similar physiology, disease presentation and clinical response as humans, making them an excellent disease model for autoimmune diseases common to both species. The genetic background of canine autoimmune disorders is largely unknown, but recent annotation of the dog genome and subsequent development of new genomic tools offer a unique opportunity to map novel autoimmune genes in various breeds. Many autoimmune disorders show breed-specific enrichment, supporting a strong genetic background. Furthermore, the presence of hundreds of breeds as genetic isolates facilitates gene mapping in complex autoimmune disorders. Identification of novel predisposing genes establishes breeds as models and may reveal novel candidate genes for the corresponding human disorders. Genetic studies will eventually shed light on common biological functions and interactions between genes and the environment. This study aimed to identify genetic risk factors in various autoimmune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-related diseases, comprising immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) and steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis (SMRA) as well as Addison s disease (AD) in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (NSDTRs) and chronic superficial keratitis (CSK) in German Shepherd dogs (GSDs). We used two different approaches to identify genetic risk factors. Firstly, a candidate gene approach was applied to test the potential association of MHC class II, also known as a dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) in canine species. Secondly, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed to identify novel risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD in NSDTRs. We identified DLA risk haplotypes for an IMRD subphenotype of SLE-related disease, AD and CSK, but not in SMRA, and show that the MHC class II gene region is a major genetic risk factor in canine autoimmune diseases. An elevated risk was found for IMRD in dogs that carried the DLA-DRB1*00601/DQA1*005011/DQB1*02001 haplotype (OR = 2.0, 99% CI = 1.03-3.95, p = 0.01) and for ANA-positive IMRD dogs (OR = 2.3, 99% CI = 1.07-5.04, p-value 0.007). We also found that DLA-DRB1*01502/DQA*00601/DQB1*02301 haplotype was significantly associated with AD in NSDTRs (OR = 2.1, CI = 1.0-4.4, P = 0.044) and the DLA-DRB1*01501/DQA1*00601/DQB1*00301 haplotype with the CSK in GSDs (OR=2.67, CI=1.17-6.44, p= 0.02). In addition, we found that homozygosity for the risk haplotype increases the risk for each disease phenotype and that an overall homozygosity for the DLA region predisposes to CSK and AD. Our results have enabled the development of genetic tests to improve breeding practices by avoiding the production of puppies homozygous for risk haplotypes. We also performed the first successful GWAS for a complex disease in dogs. With less than 100 cases and 100 controls, we identified five risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD and found strong candidate genes involved in a novel T-cell activation pathway. We show that an inbred dog population has fewer risk factors, but each of them has a stronger genetic risk. Ongoing studies aim to identify the causative mutations and bring new knowledge to help diagnostics, treatment and understanding of the aetiology of SLE-related diseases.