52 resultados para Allergy and Immunology


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Human body is in continuous contact with microbes. Although many microbes are harmless or beneficial for humans, pathogenic microbes possess a threat to wellbeing. Antimicrobial protection is provided by the immune system, which can be functionally divided into two parts, namely innate and adaptive immunity. The key players of the innate immunity are phagocytic white blood cells such as neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs), which constantly monitor the blood and peripheral tissues. These cells are armed for rapid activation upon microbial contact since they express a variety of microbe-recognizing receptors. Macrophages and DCs also act as antigen presenting cells (APCs) and play an important role in the development of adaptive immunity. The development of adaptive immunity requires intimate cooperation between APCs and T lymphocytes and results in microbe-specific immune responses. Moreover, adaptive immunity generates immunological memory, which rapidly and efficiently protects the host from reinfection. Properly functioning immune system requires efficient communication between cells. Cytokines are proteins, which mediate intercellular communication together with direct cell-cell contacts. Immune cells produce inflammatory cytokines rapidly following microbial contact. Inflammatory cytokines modulate the development of local immune response by binding to cell surface receptors, which results in the activation of intracellular signalling and modulates target cell gene expression. One class of inflammatory cytokines chemokines has a major role in regulating cellular traffic. Locally produced inflammatory chemokines guide the recruitment of effector cells to the site of inflammation during microbial infection. In this study two key questions were addressed. First, the ability of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria to activate inflammatory cytokine and chemokine production in different human APCs was compared. In these studies macrophages and DCs were stimulated with pathogenic Steptococcus pyogenes or non-pathogenic Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The second aim of this thesis work was to analyze the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the regulation of microbe-induced chemokine production. In these studies bacteria-stimulated macrophages and influenza A virus-infected lung epithelial cells were used as model systems. The results of this study show that although macrophages and DCs share several common antimicrobial functions, these cells have significantly distinct responses against pathogenic and non-pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria. Macrophages were activated in a nearly similar fashion by pathogenic S. pyogenes and non-pathogenic L. rhamnosus. Both bacteria induced the production of similar core set of inflammatory chemokines consisting of several CC-class chemokines and CXCL8. These chemokines attract monocytes, neutrophils, dendritic cells and T cells. Thus, the results suggest that bacteria-activated macrophages efficiently recruit other effector cells to the site of inflammation. Moreover, macrophages seem to be activated by all bacteria irrespective of their pathogenicity. DCs, in contrast, were efficiently activated only by pathogenic S. pyogenes, which induced DC maturation and production of several inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In contrast, L. rhamnosus-stimulated DCs matured only partially and, most importantly, these cells did not produce inflammatory cytokines or chemokines. L. rhamnosus-stimulated DCs had a phenotype of "semi-mature" DCs and this type of DCs have been suggested to enhance tolerogenic adaptive immune responses. Since DCs have an essential role in the development of adaptive immune response the results suggest that, in contrast to macrophages, DCs may be able to discriminate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria and thus mount appropriate inflammatory or tolerogenic adaptive immune response depending on the microbe in question. The results of this study also show that pro-inflammatory cytokines can contribute to microbe-induced chemokine production at multiple levels. S. pyogenes-induced type I interferon (IFN) was found to enhance the production of certain inflammatory chemokines in macrophages during bacterial stimulation. Thus, bacteria-induced chemokine production is regulated by direct (microbe-induced) and indirect (pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced) mechanisms during inflammation. In epithelial cells IFN- and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) were found to enhance the expression of PRRs and components of cellular signal transduction machinery. Pre-treatment of epithelial cells with these cytokines prior to virus infection resulted in markedly enhanced chemokine response compared to untreated cells. In conclusion, the results obtained from this study show that pro-inflammatory cytokines can enhance microbe-induced chemokine production during microbial infection by providing a positive feedback loop. In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokines can render normally low-responding cells to high chemokine producers via enhancement of microbial detection and signal transduction.


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The first part of this work investigates the molecular epidemiology of a human enterovirus (HEV), echovirus 30 (E-30). This project is part of a series of studies performed in our research team analyzing the molecular epidemiology of HEV-B viruses. A total of 129 virus strains had been isolated in different parts of Europe. The sequence analysis was performed in three different genomic regions: 420 nucleotides (nt) in the VP4/VP2 capsid protein coding region, the entire VP1 capsid protein coding gene of 876 nt, and 150 nt in the VP1/2A junction region. The analysis revealed a succession of dominant sublineages within a major genotype. The temporally earlier genotypes had been replaced by a genetically homogenous lineage that has been circulating in Europe since the late 1970s. The same genotype was found by other research groups in North America and Australia. Globally, other cocirculating genetic lineages also exist. The prevalence of a dominant genotype makes E-30 different from other previously studied HEVs, such as polioviruses and coxsackieviruses B4 and B5, for which several coexisting genetic lineages have been reported. The second part of this work deals with molecular epidemiology of human rhinoviruses (HRVs). A total of 61 field isolates were studied in the 420-nt stretch in the capsid coding region of VP4/VP2. The isolates were collected from children under two years of age in Tampere, Finland. Sequences from the clinical isolates clustered in the two previously known phylogenetic clades. Seasonal clustering was found. Also, several distinct serotype-like clusters were found to co-circulate during the same epidemic season. Reappearance of a cluster after disappearing for a season was observed. The molecular epidemiology of the analyzed strains turned out to be complex, and we decided to continue our studies of HRV. Only five previously published complete genome sequences of HRV prototype strains were available for analysis. Therefore, all designated HRV prototype strains (n=102) were sequenced in the VP4/VP2 region, and the possibility of genetic typing of HRV was evaluated. Seventy-six of the 102 prototype strains clustered in HRV genetic group A (HRV-A) and 25 in group B (HRV-B). Serotype 87 clustered separately from other HRVs with HEV species D. The field strains of HRV represented as many as 19 different genotypes, as judged with an approximate demarcation of a 20% nt difference in the VP4/VP2 region. The interserotypic differences of HRV were generally similar to those reported between different HEV serotypes (i.e. about 20%), but smaller differences, less than 10%, were also observed. Because some HRV serotypes are genetically so closely related, we suggest that the genetic typing be performed using the criterion "the closest prototype strain". This study is the first systematic genetic characterization of all known HRV prototype strains, providing a further taxonomic proposal for classification of HRV. We proposed to divide the genus Human rhinoviruses into HRV-A and HRV-B. The final part of the work comprises a phylogenetic analysis of a subset (48) of HRV prototype strains and field isolates (12) in the nonstructural part of the genome coding for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D). The proposed division of the HRV strains in the species HRV-A and HRV-B was also supported by 3D region. HRV-B clustered closer to HEV species B, C, and also to polioviruses than to HRV-A. Intraspecies variation within both HRV-A and HRV-B was greater in the 3D coding region than in the VP4/VP2 coding region, in contrast to HEV. Moreover, the diversity of HRV in 3D exceeded that of HEV. One group of HRV-A, designated HRV-A', formed a separate cluster outside other HRV-A in the 3D region. It formed a cluster also in the capsid region, but located within HRV-A. This may reflect a different evolutionary history of distinct genomic regions among HRV-A. Furthermore, the tree topology within HRV-A in the 3D region differed from that in the VP4/VP2, suggesting possible recombination events in the evolution of the strains. No conflicting phylogenies were observed in any of the 12 field isolates. Possible recombination was further studied using the Similarity and Bootscanning analyses of the complete genome sequences of HRV available in public databases. Evidence for recombination among HRV-A was found, as HRV2 and HRV39 showed higher similarity in the nonstructural part of the genome. Whether HRV2 and HRV39 strains - and perhaps also some other HRV-A strains not yet completely sequenced - are recombinants remains to be determined.


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The glomerular epithelial cells and their intercellular junctions, termed slit diaphragms, are essential components of the filtration barrier in the kidney glomerulus. Nephrin is a transmembrane adhesion protein of the slit diaphragm and a signalling molecule regulating podocyte physiology. In congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type, mutation of nephrin leads to disruption of the permeability barrier and leakage of plasma proteins into the urine. This doctoral thesis hypothesises that novel nephrin-associated molecules are involved in the function of the filtration barrier in health and disease. Bioinformatics tools were utilized to identify novel nephrin-like molecules in genomic databases, and their distribution in the kidney and other tissues was investigated. Filtrin, a novel nephrin homologue, is expressed in the glomerular podocytes and, according to immunoelectron microscopy, localizes at the slit diaphragm. Interestingly, the nephrin and filtrin genes, NPHS1 and KIRREL2, locate in a head-to-head orientation on chromosome 19q13.12. Another nephrin-like molecule, Nphs1as was cloned in mouse, however, no expression was detected in the kidney but instead in the brain and lymphoid tissue. Notably, Nphs1as is transcribed from the nephrin locus in an antisense orientation. The glomerular mRNA and protein levels of filtrin were measured in kidney biopsies of patients with proteinuric diseases, and marked reduction of filtrin mRNA levels was detected in the proteinuric samples as compared to controls. In addition, altered distribution of filtrin in injured glomeruli was observed, with the most prominent decrease of the expression in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The role of the slit diaphragm-associated genes for the development of diabetic nephropathy was investigated by analysing single nucleotide polymorphisms. The genes encoding filtrin, densin-180, NEPH1, podocin, and alpha-actinin-4 were analysed, and polymorphisms at the alpha-actinin-4 gene were associated with diabetic nephropathy in a gender-dependent manner. Filtrin is a novel podocyte-expressed protein with localization at the slit diaphragm, and the downregulation of filtrin seems to be characteristic for human proteinuric diseases. In the context of the crucial role of nephrin for the glomerular filter, filtrin appears to be a potential candidate molecule for proteinuria. Although not expressed in the kidney, the nephrin antisense Nphs1as may regulate the expression of nephrin in extrarenal tissues. The genetic association analysis suggested that the alpha-actinin-4 gene, encoding an actin-filament cross-linking protein of the podocytes, may contribute to susceptibility for diabetic nephropathy.


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Even though mortality among preterm infants has decreased, their risk for chronic complications such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and neurological disability remains significant. One common risk factor for these is exposure to inflammation. The fetus may be exposed prenatally during maternal chorioamnionitis. Pre-eclampsia is also associated with low-grade maternal inflammation. Postnatally, local and systemic inflammation is present during respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Furthermore, septic infections in the preterm infant are an important source of inflammatory stimuli and can lead to death in only a few hours. The diagnosis of septic infection is difficult, since reliable diagnostic markers are unavailable. This thesis evaluates peri- and postnatal systemic inflammation in preterm infants in septic infections, in RDS treated with mechanical ventilation and surfactant treatment, and in preterm infants prenatally exposed to chorioamnionitis and pre-eclampsia. Surface expressions of the activation markers CD11b, CD54, and CD62L, determined by flow cytometry on circulating phagocytes and T lymphocytes, serve as indicators of systemic inflammation. The main findings: I) In preterm infants with developing late-onset sepsis and fulminant necrotizing enterocolitis, a significant increase in CD11b expression on circulating phagocytes is already present on the day of onset of clinical symptoms. II) In preterm infants with RDS, circulating phagocytes become activated within hours after start of mechanical ventilation. In preterm infants treated for RDS with nasal continuous positive airway pressure, no such activation occurs. III) In preterm infants, RDS is associated during the first days of life with fewer circulating helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, of which the greater proportions are activated. Even greater proportions of circulating T cells are activated in infants subsequently developing BPD. IV) In preterm infants born after maternal pre-eclampsia, RDS-associated phagocyte CD11b up-regulation is greater than in preterm infants not exposed to pre-eclampsia during the first week of life. These findings suggest that I) an increase in CD11b expression on circulating phagocytes can identify preterm infants with late-onset sepsis as early as at sampling for blood culture and may thus aid in the diagnosis. II) In preterm infants with RDS, initiation of mechanical ventilation, but not the use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure, promotes a systemic inflammatory reaction; exogenous surfactant does not seem to promote inflammation. III) In addition to activation of circulating cells of the innate immunity in preterm infants with RDS, the circulating cells of the adaptive immunity are activated. The activation of adaptive immunity may link acute inflammation and development of chronic inflammation-associated problems such as BPD. IV) Maternal pre-eclampsia may prime neonatal immunity to react more strongly to postnatal stimuli. In conclusion, the preterm infant is exposed to numerous potentially injurious events such as intrauterine inflammation, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and systemic infections, all evoking systemic inflammation. Due to ongoing development of the lung and the brain, this may, in addition to acute injury, lead to aberrant lung and brain development and to clinical syndromes of BPD and neurologic sequelae.


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Alternative pathway (AP) of complement can be activated on any surface, self or non-self. In atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) the AP regulation on self surfaces is insufficient and leads to complement attack against self-cells resulting usually in end-stage renal disease. Factor H (FH) is one of the key regulators of AP activation on the self surfaces. The domains 19 and 20 (FH19-20) are critical for the ability of FH to discriminate between C3b-opsonized self and non-self surfaces and are a hot-spot for mutations that have been described from aHUS patients. FH19-20 contains binding sites for both the C3d part of C3b and self surface polyanions that are needed for efficient C3b inactivation. To study the dysfunction of FH19-20, crystallographic structures of FH19-20 and FH19-20 in complex with C3d (FH19-20:C3d) were solved and aHUS-associated and structurally interesting point mutations were induced to FH19-20. Functional defects caused by these mutations were studied by analyzing binding of the FH19-20 mutant proteins to C3d, C3b, heparin, and mouse glomerular endothelial cells (mGEnCs). The results revealed two independent binding interfaces between FH19-20 and C3d - the FH19 site and the FH20 site. Superimposition of the FH19-20:C3d complex on the previously published C3b and FH1-4:C3b structures showed that the FH20 site on C3d is partially occluded, but the FH19 site is fully available. Furthermore, binding of FH19-20 via the FH19 site to C3b did not block binding of the functionally important FH1-4 domains and kept the FH20 site free to bind heparin or an additional C3d. Binding assays were used to show that FH20 domain can bind to heparin while FH19-20 is bound to C3b via the FH19 site, and that both the FH19 site and FH20 are necessary for recognition of non-activator surfaces. Simultaneous binding of FH19 site to C3b and FH20 to anionic self structures are the key interactions in self-surface recognition by FH and thereby enhanced avidity of FH explains how AP discriminates between self and non-self. The aHUS-associated mutations on FH19-20 were found to disrupt binding of the FH19 or FH20 site to C3d/C3b, or to disrupt binding of FH20 to heparin or mGEnC. Any of these dysfunctions leads to loss of FH avidity to C3b bearing self surfaces explaining the molecular pathogenesis of the aHUS-cases where mutations are found within FH19-20.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a normal inhabitant of the human nasopharynx. Symptoms occur in only a small proportion of those who become carriers, but the ubiquity of the organism in the human population results in a large burden of disease. S. pneumoniae is the leading bacterial cause of pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis worldwide, causing the death of a million children each year. Middle-ear infection is the most common clinical manifestation of mucosal pneumococcal infections. In invasive disease, S. pneumoniae gains access to the bloodstream and spreads to normally sterile parts of the body. The progression from asymptomatic colonization to disease depends on factors characteristic of specific pneumococcal strains as well as the status of host defenses. The polysaccharide capsule surrounding the bacterium is considered to be the most important factor affecting the virulence of pneumococci. It protects pneumococci from phagocytosis and also may determine its affinity to the respiratory epithelium. S. pneumoniae as a species comprises more than 90 different capsular serotypes, but not all of them are equally prevalent in human diseases. Invasive serotypes are rarely isolated from healthy carriers, but relatively often cause invasive disease. Serotypes that are carried asymptomatically for a long time behave like opportunistic pathogens, causing disease in patients who have impaired immune defenses. The complement system is a collection of blood and cell surface proteins that act as a major primary defense against invading microbes. Phagocytic cells with receptors for complement proteins can engulf and destroy pneumococcal cells opsonized with these proteins. S. pneumoniae has evolved a number of ways to subvert mechanisms of innate immunity, and this is likely to contribute to its pathogenicity. The capsular serotype, proteins essential for virulence, as well the genotype, may all influence the ability of pneumococcus to resist complement and its potential to cause disease. Immunization with conjugate vaccines produces opsonic antibodies, which enhance complement deposition and clearance of the bacteria. The pneumococcal vaccine included in the Finnish national immunization program in 2010 contains the most common serotypes causing invasive disease. Clinical data suggest that protection from middle-ear infection and possibly also from invasive disease depends largely on the capsular serotype, for reasons hitherto unknown. The general aim of this thesis is to assess the relative roles of the pneumococcal capsule and virulence proteins in complement evasion and subsequent opsonophagocytic killing. The main question is whether differences between serotypes to resist complement explain the different abilities of serotypes to cause disease. The importance of particular virulence factors to the complement resistance of a strain may vary depending on its genotype. Prior studies have evaluated the effect of the capsule and virulence proteins on complement resistance of S. pneumoniae by comparing only a few strains. In this thesis, the role of pneumococcal virulence factors in the complement resistance of the bacterium was studied in several genotypically different strains. The ability of pneumococci to inhibit deposition of the complement protein C3 on the bacterial surface was found to depend on the capsular serotype as well as on other features of the bacteria. The results suggest that pneumococcal histidine triad (Pht) proteins may play a role in complement inhibition, but their contribution depends on the bacterial genotype. The capsular serotype was found to influence complement resistance more than the bacterial genotype. A higher concentration of anticapsular antibodies was required for the opsonophagocytic killing of serotypes resistant to C3 deposition. The invasive serotypes were more resistant to C3 deposition than the opportunistic serotypes, suggesting that the former are better adapted to resist immune mechanisms controlling the development of invasive disease. The different susceptibilities of serotypes to complement deposition, opsonophagocytosis, and resultant antibody-mediated protection should be taken into account when guidelines for serological correlates for vaccine efficacy evaluations are made. The results of this thesis suggest that antibodies in higher quantity or quality are needed for efficient protection against the invasive serotypes.


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Innate immunity and host defence are rapidly evoked by structurally invariant molecular motifs common to microbial world, called pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). In addition to PAMPs, endogenous molecules released in response to inflammation and tissue damage, danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), are required for eliciting the response. The most important PAMPs of viruses are viral nucleic acids, their genome or its replication intermediates, whereas the identity and characteristics of virus infection-induced DAMPs are poorly defined. PAMPs and DAMPs engage a limited set of germ-line encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in immune and non-immune cells. Membrane-bound Toll-like receptors (TLRs), cytoplasmic retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NLRs) are important PRRs involved in the recognition of the molecular signatures of viral infection, such as double-stranded ribonucleic acids (dsRNAs). Engagement of PRRs results in local and systemic innate immune responses which, when activated against viruses, evoke secretion of antiviral and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and programmed cell death i.e., apoptosis of the virus-infected cell. Macrophages are the central effector cells of innate immunity. They produce significant amounts of antiviral cytokines, called interferons (IFNs), and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. IL-1β and IL-18 are synthesized as inactive precursors, pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18, that are processed by caspase-1 in a cytoplasmic multiprotein complex, called the inflammasome. After processing, these cytokines are biologically active and will be secreted. The signals and secretory routes that activate inflammasomes and the secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 during virus infections are poorly characterized. The main goal of this thesis was to characterize influenza A virus-induced innate immune responses and host-virus interactions in human primary macrophages during an infection. Methodologically, various techniques of cellular and molecular biology, as well as proteomic tools combined with bioinformatics, were utilized. Overall, the thesis provides interesting insights into inflammatory and antiviral innate immune responses, and has characterized host-virus interactions during influenza A virus-infection in human primary macrophages.


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Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is the gene mutated in the human polyglandular autoimmune disease called Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) that belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. Murine Aire has been shown to be important in the generation of the T cell central tolerance in the thymus by promoting the expression of ectopic tissue-specific antigens in the thymic medulla. Aire is also involved in the thymus tissue organization during organogenesis. In addition to the thymus, AIRE/Aire is expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs. Accordingly, a role for AIRE/Aire in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been suggested. Peripheral tolerance involves mechanisms that suppress immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an important suppressive T cell population mediating the peripheral tolerance. Tregs are generated in the thymus but also in the peripheral immune system T cells can acquire the Treg-phenotype. The aim of this study was to characterize Tregs in APECED patients and in the APECED mouse model (Aire-deficient mice). In the mouse model, it was possible to separate Aire expression in the thymus and in the secondary lymphoid organs. The relative importance of thymic and peripheral Aire expression in the maintenance of immunological tolerance was studied in an experimental model that was strongly biased towards autoimmunity, i.e. lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of lymphocytes. This experimental model was also utilised to study the behaviour of T cells with dual-specific T cell receptors (TCR) during the proliferation. The Treg phenotype was studied by flow cytometry and relative gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction. TCR repertoires of the Tregs isolated from APECED patients and healthy controls were also compared. The dual-specific TCRs were studied with the TCR repertoire analysis that was followed with sequencing of the chosen TCR genes in order to estimate changes in the dual-specific TCR diversity. The Treg function was tested with an in vitro suppression assay. The APECED patients had normal numbers of Tregs but the phenotype and suppressive functions of the Tregs were impaired. In order to separate Aire functions in the thymus from its yet unknown role in the secondary lymphoid organs, the phenomenon of LIP was utilised. In this setting, the lymphocytes that are adoptively transferred to a lymphopenic recipient proliferate to stimuli from self-originating antigens. This proliferation can result in autoimmunity if peripheral tolerance is not fully functional. When lymphocytes that had matured without Aire in the thymus were transferred to lymphopenic Aire-sufficient recipients, no clinical autoimmunity followed. The Aire-deficient donor-originating lymphocytes hyperproliferated, and other signs of immune dysregulation were also found in the recipients. Overt autoimmunity, however, was prevented by the Aire-deficient donor-originating Tregs that hyperproliferated in the recipients. Aire-deficient lymphopenic mice were used to study whether peripheral loss of Aire had an impact on the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. When normal lymphocytes were transferred to these Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients, the majority of recipients developed a clinically symptomatic colitis. The colitis was confirmed also by histological analysis of the colon tissue sections. In the Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients Tregs were proliferating significantly less than in the control group s recipients that had normal Aire expression in their secondary lymphoid organs. This study shows that Aire is not only important in the central tolerance but is also has a significant role in the maintenance of the peripheral tolerance both in mice and men. Aire expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs is involved in the functions of Tregs during an immune response. This peripheral expression appears to be relatively more important in some situations since only those lymphopenic recipients that had lost peripheral expression of Aire developed a symptomatic autoimmune disease. This AIRE-related Treg defect could be clinically important in understanding the pathogenesis of APECED.


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My work describes two sectors of the human bacterial environment: 1. The sources of exposure to infectious non-tuberculous mycobacteria. 2. Bacteria in dust, reflecting the airborne bacterial exposure in environments protecting from or predisposing to allergic disorders. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) transmit to humans and animals from the environment. Infection by NTM in Finland has increased during the past decade beyond that by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among the farm animals, porcine mycobacteriosis is the predominant NTM disease in Finland. Symptoms of mycobacteriosis are found in 0.34 % of slaughtered pigs. Soil and drinking water are suspected as sources for humans and bedding materials for pigs. To achieve quantitative data on the sources of human and porcine NTM exposure, methods for quantitation of environmental NTM are needed. We developed a quantitative real-time PCR method, utilizing primers targeted at the 16S rRNA gene of the genus of Mycobacterium. With this method, I found in Finnish sphagnum peat, sandy soils and mud high contents of mycobacterial DNA, 106 to 107 genome equivalents per gram. A similar result was obtained by a method based on the Mycobacterium-specific hybridization of 16S rRNA. Since rRNA is found mainly in live cells, this result shows that the DNA detected by qPCR mainly represented live mycobacteria. Next, I investigated the occurrence of environmental mycobacteria in the bedding materials obtained from 5 pig farms with high prevalence (>4 %) of mycobacteriosis. When I used for quantification the same qPCR methods as for the soils, I found that piggery samples contained non-mycobacterial DNA that was amplified in spite of several mismatches with the primers. I therefore improved the qPCR assay by designing Mycobacterium-specific detection probes. Using the probe qPCR assay, I found 105 to 107 genome equivalents of mycobacterial DNA in unused bedding materials and up to 1000 fold more in the bedding collected after use in the piggery. This result shows that there was a source of mycobacteria in the bedding materials purchased by the piggery and that mycobacteria increased in the bedding materials during use in the piggery. Allergic diseases have reached epidemic proportions in urbanized countries. At the same time, childhood in rural environment or simple living conditions appears to protect against allergic disorders. Exposure to immunoreactive microbial components in rural environments seems to prevent allergies. I searched for differences in the bacterial communities of two indoor dusts, an urban house dust shown to possess immunoreactivity of the TH2-type and a farm barn dust with TH1-activity. The immunoreactivities of the dusts were revealed by my collaborators, in vitro in human dendritic cells and in vivo in mouse. The dusts accumulated >10 years in the respiratory zone (>1.5 m above floor), thus reflecting the long-term content of airborne bacteria at the two sites. I investigated these dusts by cloning and sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes from dust contained DNA. From the TH2-active urban house dust, I isolated 139 16S rRNA gene clones. The most prevalent genera among the clones were Corynebacterium (5 species, 34 clones), Streptococcus (8 species, 33 clones), Staphylococcus (5 species, 9 clones) and Finegoldia (1 species, 9 clones). Almost all of these species are known as colonizers of the human skin and oral cavity. Species of Corynebacterium and Streptococcus have been reported to contain anti-inflammatory lipoarabinomannans and immunmoreactive beta-glucans respectively. Streptococcus mitis, found in the urban house dust is known as an inducer of TH2 polarized immunity, characteristic of allergic disorders. I isolated 152 DNA clones from the TH1-active farm barn dust and found species quite different from those found from the urban house dust. Among others, I found DNA clones representing Bacillus licheniformis, Acinetobacter lwoffii and Lactobacillus each of which was recently reported to possess anti-allergy immunoreactivity. Moreover, the farm barn dust contained dramatically higher bacterial diversity than the urban house dust. Exposure to this dust thus stimulated the human dendritic cells by multiple microbial components. Such stimulation was reported to promote TH1 immunity. The biodiversity in dust may thus be connected to its immunoreactivity. Furthermore, the bacterial biomass in the farm barn dust consisted of live intact bacteria mainly. In the urban house dust only ~1 % of the biomass appeared as intact bacteria, as judged by microscoping. Fragmented microbes may possess bioactivity different from that of intact cells. This was recently shown for moulds. If this is also valid for bacteria, the different immunoreactivities of the two dusts may be explained by the intactness of dustborne bacteria. Based on these results, we offer three factors potentially contributing to the polarized immunoreactivities of the two dusts: (i) the species-composition, (ii) the biodiversity and (iii) the intactness of the dustborne bacterial biomass. The risk of childhood atopic diseases is 4-fold lower in the Russian compared with the Finnish Karelia. This difference across the country border is not explainable by different geo-climatic factors or genetic susceptibilities of the two populations. Instead, the explanation must be lifestyle-related. It has already been reported that the microbiological quality of drinking water differs on the two sides of the borders. In collaboration with allergists, I investigated dusts collected from homes in the Russian Karelia and in the Finnish Karelia. I found that bacterial 16S rRNA genes cloned from the Russian Karelian dusts (10 homes, 234 clones) predominantly represented Gram-positive taxa (the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, 67%). The Russian Karelian dusts contained nine-fold more of muramic acid (60 to 70 ng mg-1) than the Finnish Karelian dusts (3 to 11 ng mg-1). Among the DNA clones isolated from the Finnish side (n=231), Gram-negative taxa (40%) outnumbered the Gram-positives (34%). Out of the 465 DNA clones isolated from the Karelian dusts, 242 were assigned to cultured validly described bacterial species. In Russian Karelia, animal-associated species e.g. Staphylococcus and Macrococcus were numerous (27 clones, 14 unique species). This finding may connect to the difference in the prevalence of allergy, as childhood contacts with pets and farm animals have been connected with low allergy risk. Plant-associated bacteria and plant-borne 16S rRNA genes (chloroplast) were frequent among the DNA clones isolated from the Finnish Karelia, indicating components originating from plants. In conclusion, my work revealed three major differences between the bacterial communtites in the Russian and in the Finnish Karelian homes: (i) the high prevalence of Gram-positive bacteria on the Russian side and of Gram-negative bacteria on the Finnish side and (ii) the rich presence of animal-associated bacteria on the Russian side whereas (iii) plant-associated bacteria prevailed on the Finnish side. One or several of these factors may connect to the differences in the prevalence of allergy.


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The basis of this work was the identification of a genomic region on chromosome 7p14-p15 that strongly associated with asthma and high serum total immunoglobulin E in a Finnish founder population from Kainuu. Using a hierarchical genotyping approach the linkage region was narrowed down until an evolutionary collectively inherited 133-kb haplotype block was discovered. The results were confirmed in two independent data sets: Asthma families from Quebec and allergy families from North-Karelia. In all the three cohorts studied, single nucleotide polymorphisms tagging seven common gene variants (haplotypes) were identified. Over half of the asthma patients carried three evolutionary closely related susceptibility haplotypes as opposed to approximately one third of the healthy controls. The risk effects of the gene variants varied from 1.4 to 2.5. In the disease-associated region, there was one protein-coding gene named GPRA (G Protein-coupled Receptor for Asthma susceptibility also known as NPSR1) which displayed extensive alternative splicing. Only the two isoforms with distinct intracellular tail sequences, GPRA-A and -B, encoded a full-length G protein-coupled receptor with seven transmembrane regions. Using various techniques, we showed that GPRA is expressed in multiple mucosal surfaces including epithelial cells throughout the respiratory tract. GPRA-A has additional expression in respiratory smooth muscle cells. However, in bronchial biopsies with unknown haplotypes, GPRA-B was upregulated in airways of all patient samples in contrast to the lack of expression in controls. Further support for GPRA as a common mediator of inflammation was obtained from a mouse model of ovalbumin-induced inflammation, where metacholine-induced airway hyperresponsiveness correlated with elevated GPRA mRNA levels in the lung and increased GPRA immunostaining in pulmonary macrophages. A novel GPRA agonist, Neuropeptide S (NPS), stimulated phagocytosis of Esterichia coli bacteria in a mouse macrophage cell line indicating a role for GPRA in the removal of inhaled allergens. The suggested GPRA functions prompted us to study, whether GPRA haplotypes associate with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in infants sharing clinical symptoms with asthma. According to the results, near-term RDS and asthma may also share the same susceptibility and protective GPRA haplotypes. As in asthma, GPRA-B isoform expression was induced in bronchial smooth muscle cells in RDS and BPD suggesting a role for GPRA in bronchial hyperresponsiveness. In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the dysregulation of the GPRA/NPS pathway may not only be limited to the individuals carrying the risk variants of the gene but is also involved in the regulation of immune functions of asthma.