76 resultados para 1995_01121419 TM-16 4300708


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Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important bacteria that cause disease in humans, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has become the most commonly identified antibiotic-resistant pathogen in many parts of the world. MRSA rates have been stable for many years in the Nordic countries and the Netherlands with a low MRSA prevalence in Europe, but in the recent decades, MRSA rates have increased in those low-prevalence countries as well. MRSA has been established as a major hospital pathogen, but has also been found increasingly in long-term facilities (LTF) and in communities of persons with no connections to the health-care setting. In Finland, the annual number of MRSA isolates reported to the National Infectious Disease Register (NIDR) has constantly increased, especially outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. Molecular typing has revealed numerous outbreak strains of MRSA, some of which have previously been associated with community acquisition. In this work, data on MRSA cases notified to the NIDR and on MRSA strain types identified with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in Finland from 1997 to 2004 were analyzed. An increasing trend in MRSA incidence in Finland from 1997 to 2004 was shown. In addition, non-multi-drug resistant (NMDR) MRSA isolates, especially those resistant only to methicillin/oxacillin, showed an emerging trend. The predominant MRSA strains changed over time and place, but two internationally spread epidemic strains of MRSA, FIN-16 and FIN-21, were related to the increase detected most recently. Those strains were also one cause of the strikingly increasing invasive MRSA findings. The rise of MRSA strains with SCCmec types IV or V, possible community-acquired MRSA was also detected. With questionnaires, the diagnostic methods used for MRSA identification in Finnish microbiology laboratories and the number of MRSA screening specimens studied were reviewed. Surveys, which focused on the MRSA situation in long-term facilities in 2001 and on the background information of MRSA-positive persons in 2001-2003, were also carried out. The rates of MRSA and screening practices varied widely across geographic regions. Part of the NMDR MRSA strains could remain undetected in some laboratories because of insufficient diagnostic techniques used. The increasing proportion of elderly population carrying MRSA suggests that MRSA is an emerging problem in Finnish long-term facilities. Among the patients, 50% of the specimens were taken on a clinical basis, 43% on a screening basis after exposure to MRSA, 3% on a screening basis because of hospital contact abroad, and 4% for other reasons. In response to an outbreak of MRSA possessing a new genotype that occurred in a health care ward and in an associated nursing home of a small municipality in Northern Finland in autumn 2003, a point-prevalence survey was performed six months later. In the same study, the molecular epidemiology of MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strains were also assessed, the results to the national strain collection compared, and the difficulties of MRSA screening with low-level oxacillin-resistant isolates encountered. The original MRSA outbreak in LTF, which consisted of isolates possessing a nationally new PFGE profile (FIN-22) and internationally rare MLST type (ST-27), was confined. Another previously unrecognized MRSA strain was found with additional screening, possibly indicating that current routine MRSA screening methods may be insufficiently sensitive for strains possessing low-level oxacillin resistance. Most of the MSSA strains found were genotypically related to the epidemic MRSA strains, but only a few of them had received the SCCmec element, and all those strains possessed the new SCCmec type V. In the second largest nursing home in Finland, the colonization of S. aureus and MRSA, and the role of screening sites along with broth enrichment culture on the sensitivity to detect S. aureus were studied. Combining the use of enrichment broth and perineal swabbing, in addition to nostrils and skin lesions swabbing, may be an alternative for throat swabs in the nursing home setting, especially when residents are uncooperative. Finally, in order to evaluate adequate phenotypic and genotypic methods needed for reliable laboratory diagnostics of MRSA, oxacillin disk diffusion and MIC tests to the cefoxitin disk diffusion method at both +35°C and +30°C, both with or without an addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) to the Müller Hinton test medium, and in-house PCR to two commercial molecular methods (the GenoType® MRSA test and the EVIGENETM MRSA Detection test) with different bacterial species in addition to S. aureus were compared. The cefoxitin disk diffusion method was superior to that of oxacillin disk diffusion and to the MIC tests in predicting mecA-mediated resistance in S. aureus when incubating at +35°C with or without the addition of NaCl to the test medium. Both the Geno Type® MRSA and EVIGENETM MRSA Detection tests are usable, accurate, cost-effective, and sufficiently fast methods for rapid MRSA confirmation from a pure culture.


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The circulatory system consists of the blood and lymphatic vessels. While blood vessels transport oxygen, cells, and nutrients to tissues, the lymphatic vessels collect fluid, cells, and plasma proteins from tissues to return back to the blood circulation. Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is an important process involved in several physiological conditions such as inflammation, wound healing, and embryonic development. Furthermore, angiogenesis is found in many pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis and the growth and differentiation of solid tumors. Many tumor types spread via lymphatic vessels to form lymph node metastasis. The elucidation of the molecular players coordinating development of the vascular system has provided an array of tools for further insight of the circulatory system. The discovery of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) family members and their tyrosine kinase receptors (VEGFRs) has facilitated the understanding of the vasculature in different physiological and pathological situations. The VEGFRs are expressed on endothelial cells and mediate the growth and maintenance of both the blood and lymphatic vasculatures. This study was undertaken to address the role of VEGFR-2 specific signaling in maturation of blood vessels during neoangiogenesis and in lymphangiogenesis. We also wanted to differentiate between VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 specific signaling in lymphangiogenesis. We found that specific VEGFR-2 stimulation alone by gene therapeutic methods is not sufficient for production of mature blood vessels. However, VEGFR-2 stimulation in combination with expression of platelet-derived growth factor D (PDGF-D), a recently identified member of the PDGF growth factor family, was capable of stabilizing these newly formed vessels. Signaling through VEGFR-3 is crucial during developmental lymphangiogenesis, but we showed that the lymphatic vasculature becomes independent of VEGFR-3 signaling after the postnatal period. We also found that VEGFR-2 specific stimulation cannot rescue the loss of lymphatic vessels when VEGFR-3 signaling is blocked and that VEGFR-2 specific signals promote lymphatic vessel enlargement, but are not involved in vessel sprouting to generate new lymphatic vessels in vivo, in contrast to the VEGFR-2 dependent sprouting observed in blood vessels. In addition, we compared the inhibitory effects of a small molecular tyrosine kinase inhibitor of VEGFR-2 vs. VEGFR-3 specific signaling in vitro and in vivo. Our results showed that the tyrosine kinase inhibitor could equally affect physiological and pathological processes dependent on VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 driven angiogenesis or lymphangiogenesis. These results provide new insights into the VEGFR specific pathways required for pre- and postnatal angiogenesis as well as lymphangiogenesis, which could provide important targets and therapies for treatment of diseases characterized by abnormal angiogenesis or lymphangiogenesis.


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The highly dynamic remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is responsible for most motile and morphogenetic processes in all eukaryotic cells. In order to generate appropriate spatial and temporal movements, the actin dynamics must be under tight control of an array of actin binding proteins (ABPs). Many proteins have been shown to play a specific role in actin filament growth or disassembly of older filaments. Very little is known about the proteins affecting recycling i.e. the step where newly depolymerized actin monomers are funneled into new rounds of filament assembly. A central protein family involved in the regulation of actin turnover is cyclase-associated proteins (CAP, called Srv2 in budding yeast). This 50-60 kDa protein was first identified from yeast as a suppressor of an activated RAS-allele and a factor associated with adenylyl cyclase. The CAP proteins harbor N-terminal coiled-coil (cc) domain, originally identified as a site for adenylyl cyclase binding. In the N-terminal half is also a 14-3-3 like domain, which is followed by central proline-rich domains and the WH2 domain. In the C-terminal end locates the highly conserved ADP-G-actin binding domain. In this study, we identified two previously suggested but poorly characterized interaction partners for Srv2/CAP: profilin and ADF/cofilin. Profilins are small proteins (12-16 kDa) that bind ATP-actin monomers and promote the nucleotide exchange of actin. The profilin-ATP-actin complex can be directly targeted to the growth of the filament barbed ends capped by Ena/VASP or formins. ADF/cofilins are also small (13-19 kDa) and highly conserved actin binding proteins. They depolymerize ADP-actin monomers from filament pointed ends and remain bound to ADP-actin strongly inhibiting nucleotide exchange. We revealed that the ADP-actin-cofilin complex is able to directly interact with the 14-3-3 like domain at the N-terminal region of Srv2/CAP. The C-terminal high affinity ADP-actin binding site of Srv2/CAP competes with cofilin for an actin monomer. Cofilin can thus be released from Srv2/CAP for the subsequent round of depolymerization. We also revealed that profilin interacts with the first proline-rich region of Srv2/CAP and that the binding occurs simultaneously with ADP-actin binding to C-terminal domain of Srv2/CAP. Both profilin and Srv2/CAP can promote nucleotide exchange of actin monomer. Because profilin has much higher affinity to ATP-actin than Srv2/CAP, the ATP-actin-profilin complex is released for filament polymerization. While a disruption of cofilin binding in yeast Srv2/CAP produces a severe phenotype comparable to Srv2/CAP deletion, an impairment of profilin binding from Srv2/CAP results in much milder phenotype. This suggests that the interaction with cofilin is essential for the function of Srv2/CAP, whereas profilin can also promote its function without direct interaction with Srv2/CAP. We also show that two CAP isoforms with specific expression patterns are present in mice. CAP1 is the major isoform in most tissues, while CAP2 is predominantly expressed in muscles. Deletion of CAP1 from non-muscle cells results in severe actin phenotype accompanied with mislocalization of cofilin to cytoplasmic aggregates. Together these studies suggest that Srv2/CAP recycles actin monomers from cofilin to profilin and thus it plays a central role in actin dynamics in both yeast and mammalian cells.


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The actin cytoskeleton is required, in all eukaryotic organisms, for several key cellular functions such as cell motility, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. In cells, actin exists either in a monomeric state (G-actin) or in a filamentous form (F-actin). F-actin is the functional form, which can assemble into various structures and produce direct pushing forces that are required for different motile processes. The assembly of actin monomers into complicated three-dimensional structures is tightly regulated by a large number of actin regulating proteins. One central actin regulating protein is twinfilin. Twinfilin consists of two actin depolymerizing-factor homology (ADF-H) domains, which are capable of binding actin, and is conserved from yeast to mammals. Previously it has been shown that twinfilin binds to and sequesters G-actin, and interacts with the heterodimeric capping protein. More recently it has been found that twinfilin also binds to the fast growing actin filament ends and prevents their growth. However, the cellular role of twinfilin and the molecular mechanisms of these interactions have remained unclear. In this study we characterized the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of twinfilin. We demonstrated that twinfilin forms a high-affinity complex with ADP-bound actin monomers (ADP-G-actin). Both ADF-H domains are capable of binding G-actin, but the C-terminal domain contains the high-affinity binding site. Our biochemical analyses identified twinfilin s C-terminal tail region as the interaction site for capping protein. Contrary to G-actin binding, both ADF-H domains of twinfilin are required for the actin filament barbed end capping activity. The C-terminal domain is structurally homologous to ADF/cofilin and binds to filament sides in a similar manner, providing the main affinity for F-actin during barbed end capping. The structure of the N-terminal domain is more distant from ADF/cofilin, and thus it can only associate with G-actin or the terminal actin monomer at the filament barbed end, where it regulates twinfilin s affinity for barbed ends. These data suggest that the mechanism of barbed end capping is similar for twinfilin and gelsolin family proteins. Taken together, these studies revealed how twinfilin interacts with G-actin, filament barbed ends, and capping protein, and also provide a model for how these activities evolved through a duplication of an ancient ADF/cofilin-like domain.


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Autoimmune diseases are a major health problem. Usually autoimmune disorders are multifactorial and their pathogenesis involves a combination of predisposing variations in the genome and other factors such as environmental triggers. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, recessively inherited, autoimmune disease caused by mutations in a single gene. Patients with APECED suffer from several organ-specific autoimmune disorders, often affecting the endocrine glands. The defective gene, AIRE, codes for a transcriptional regulator. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) protein controls the expression of hundreds of genes, representing a substantial subset of tissue-specific antigens which are presented to developing T cells in the thymus and has proven to be a key molecule in the establishment of immunological tolerance. However, the molecular mechanisms by which AIRE mediates its functions are still largely obscure. The aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the functions of AIRE by studying the molecular interactions it is involved in by utilizing different cultured cell models. A potential molecular mechanism for exceptional, dominant, inheritance of APECED in one family, carrying a glycine 228 to tryptophan (G228W) mutation, was described in this thesis. It was shown that the AIRE polypeptide with G228W mutation has a dominant negative effect by binding the wild type AIRE and inhibiting its transactivation capacity in vitro. The data also emphasizes the importance of homomultimerization of AIRE in vivo. Furthermore, two novel protein families interacting with AIRE were identified. The importin alpha molecules regulate the nuclear import of AIRE by binding to the nuclear localization signal of AIRE, delineated as a classical monopartite signal sequence. The interaction of AIRE with PIAS E3 SUMO ligases, indicates a link to the sumoylation pathway, which plays an important role in the regulation of nuclear architecture. It was shown that AIRE is not a target for SUMO modification but enhances the localization of SUMO1 and PIAS1 proteins to nuclear bodies. Additional support for the suggestion that AIRE would preferably up-regulate genes with tissue-specific expression pattern and down-regulate housekeeping genes was obtained from transactivation studies performed with two models: human insulin and cystatin B promoters. Furthermore, AIRE and PIAS activate the insulin promoter concurrently in a transactivation assay, indicating that their interaction is biologically relevant. Identification of novel interaction partners for AIRE provides us information about the molecular pathways involved in the establishment of immunological tolerance and deepens our understanding of the role played by AIRE not only in APECED but possibly also in several other autoimmune diseases.


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In this thesis the role played by expansive and introduced species in the phytoplankton ecology of the Baltic Sea was investigated. The aims were threefold. First, the studies investigated the resting stages of dinoflagellates, which were transported into the Baltic Sea via shipping and were able to germinate under the ambient, nutrient-rich, brackish water conditions. The studies also estimated which factors favoured the occurrence and spread of P. minimum in the Baltic Sea and discussed the identification of this morphologically variable species. In addition, the classification of phytoplankton species recently observed in the Baltic Sea was discussed. Incubation of sediments from four Finnish ports and 10 ships ballast tanks revealed that the sediments act as sources of living dinoflagellates and other phytoplankton. Dinoflagellates germinated from all ports detected and from 90% of ballast tanks. The concentrations of cells germinating from ballast tank sediments were mostly low compared with the acceptable cell concentrations set by the International Maritime Organization s (IMO s) International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments. However, the IMO allows such high concentrations of small cells in the discharged ballast water that the total number of cells in large ballast water tanks can be very high. Prorocentrum minimum occurred in the Baltic Sea annually but with no obvious trend in the 10-year timespan from 1993 to 2002. The species occurred under wide ranges of temperatures and salinities and the abundance of the species was positively related especially to the presence of organic nitrogen and phosphorus. This indicated that the species was favoured by increased organic nutrient loading and runoff from land and rivers. The cell shape of P. minimum varied from triangular to oval-round, but morphological fine details indicated that only one morphospecies was present. P. minimum also is, according to present knowledge, the only potentially harmful phytoplankton species that has recently expanded widely into new areas of the Baltic Sea.


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Stem cells are responsible for tissue turnover throughout lifespan. Only highly controlled specific environment, the stem cell niche , can sustain undifferentiated stem cell-pool. The balance between maintenance and differentiation is crucial for individual s health: uncontrolled stem cell self-renewal or proliferation can lead to hyperplasia and mutations that further provoke malignant transformation of the cells. On the other hand, uninhibited differentiation may result in diminished stem cell population, which is unable to maintain tissue turnover. The mechanisms that control the switch from maintenance to differentiation in stem cells are not well known. The same mechanisms that direct the self-renewal and proliferation in normal stem cells are likely to be also involved in maintenance of cancer stem cell . Cancer stem cells exhibit stem cell like properties such as self-renewal- and differentiation capacity and they can also regenerate the tumor tissue. In this thesis, I have investigated the effect of classical oncogenes E6/E7 and c-Myc, tumor suppressors p53 and retinoblastoma (pRb) family, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) subfamily and glial cell line-derived neurothropic factor (GDNF) family ligands on behavior of embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) and progenitors. The study includes also the characterization of cytoskeletal tumor suppressor neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) protein merlin and ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) protein ezrin expression in neural progenitors cells and their progeny. This study reveals some potential mechanisms regarding to NSCs maintenance. In summary, the studied molecules are able to shift the balance either towards stem cell maintenance or differentiation; tumor suppressor p53 represses whereas E6/E7 oncogenes and c-Myc increase the proportion of self-renewing and proliferating NSCs or progenitors. The data suggests that active MEK-ERK signaling is critical for self-renewal of normal and oncogene expressing NSCs. In addition, the results indicate that expression of cytoskeletal tumor suppressor merlin and ERM protein ezrin in central nervous system (CNS) tissue and progenitors indicates their role in cell differentiation. Furthermore, the data suggests that VEGF-C a factor involved in lymphatic system development, angiogenesis, neovascularization and metastasis but also in maintenance of some neural populations in brain is a novel thropic factor for progenitors in early sympathetic nervous system (SNS). It seems that VEGF-C dose dependently through ERK-pathway supports the proliferation and survival of early sympathetic progenitor cells, and the effect is comparable to that of GDNF family ligands.


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With transplant rejection rendered a minor concern and survival rates after liver transplantation (LT) steadily improving, long-term complications are attracting more attention. Current immunosuppressive therapies, together with other factors, are accompanied by considerable long-term toxicity, which clinically manifests as renal dysfunction, high risk for cardiovascular disease, and cancer. This thesis investigates the incidence, causes, and risk factors for such renal dysfunction, cardiovascular risk, and cancer after LT. Long-term effects of LT are further addressed by surveying the quality of life and employment status of LT recipients. The consecutive patients included had undergone LT at Helsinki University Hospital from 1982 onwards. Data regarding renal function – creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) – were recorded before and repeatedly after LT in 396 patients. The presence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and overweight/obesity before and 5 years after LT was determined among 77 patients transplanted for acute liver failure. The entire cohort of LT patients (540 patients), including both children and adults, was linked with the Finnish Cancer Registry, and numbers of cancers observed were compared to site-specific expected numbers based on national cancer incidence rates stratified by age, gender, and calendar time. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL), measured by the 15D instrument, and employment status were surveyed among all adult patients alive in 2007 (401 patients). The response rate was 89%. Posttransplant cardiovascular risk factor prevalence and HRQoL were compared with that in the age- and gender-matched Finnish general population. The cumulative risk for chronic kidney disease increased from 10% at 5 years to 16% at 10 years following LT. GFR up to 10 years after LT could be predicted by the GFR at 1 year. In patients transplanted for chronic liver disease, a moderate correlation of pretransplant GFR with later GFR was also evident, whereas in acute liver failure patients after LT, even severe pretransplant renal dysfunction often recovered. By 5 years after LT, 71% of acute liver failure patients were receiving antihypertensive medications, 61% were exhibiting dyslipidemia, 10% were diabetic, 32% were overweight, and 13% obese. Compared with the general population, only hypertension displayed a significantly elevated prevalence among patients – 2.7-fold – whereas patients exhibited 30% less dyslipidemia and 71% less impaired fasting glucose. The cumulative incidence of cancer was 5% at 5 years and 13% at 10. Compared with the general population, patients were subject to a 2.6-fold cancer risk, with non-melanoma skin cancer (standardized incidence ratio, SIR, 38.5) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR 13.9) being the predominant malignancies. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma was associated with male gender, young age, and the immediate posttransplant period, whereas old age and antibody induction therapy raised skin-cancer risk. HRQoL deviated clinically unimportantly from the values in the general population, but significant deficits among patients were evident in some physical domains. HRQoL did not seem to decrease with longer follow-up. Although 87% of patients reported improved working capacity, data on return to working life showed marked age-dependency: Among patients aged less than 40 at LT, 70 to 80% returned to work, among those aged 40 to 50, 55%, and among those above 50, 15% to 28%. The most common cause for unemployment was early retirement before LT. Those patients employed exhibited better HRQoL than those unemployed. In conclusion, although renal impairment, hypertension, and cancer are evidently common after LT and increase with time, patients’ quality of life remains comparable with that of the general population.


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Useiden lääkkeiden yhtäaikainen käyttö on nykyään hyvin yleistä, mikä lisää lääkeaineiden haitallisten yhteisvaikutusten riskiä. Lääkeaineiden poistumisessa elimistöstä ovat tärkeässä osassa niitä hajottavat (metaboloivat) maksan sytokromi P450 (CYP) entsyymit. Vasta aivan viime vuosina on havaittu, että CYP2C8-entsyymillä voi olla tärkeä merkitys mm. lääkeaineyhteisvaikutuksissa. Eräät lääkeaineet voivat estää (inhiboida) CYP2C8-entsyymin kautta tapahtuvaa metaboliaa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden vaikutusta sellaisten lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksiin, joiden aikaisemman tiedon perusteella arveltiin metaboloituvan CYP2C8-välitteisesti. Näiden lääkeaineiden metaboliaa tutkittiin myös koeputkiolosuhteissa (in vitro -menetelmillä). Lisäksi CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävän lipidilääke gemfibrotsiilin yhteisvaikutusmekanismia tutkittiin selvittämällä interaktion säilymistä koehenkilöillä gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen. Yhteisvaikutuksia tutkittiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla koehenkilöillä käyttäen vaihtovuoroista koeasetelmaa. Koehenkilöille annettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävää lääkitystä muutaman päivän ajan ja tämän jälkeen kerta-annos tutkimuslääkettä. Koehenkilöiltä otettiin useita verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin lääkepitoisuudet nestekromatografisilla tai massaspektrometrisillä menetelmillä. Gemfibrotsiili nosti ripulilääke loperamidin pitoisuudet keskimäärin kaksinkertaiseksi. Gemfibrotsiili lisäsi, mutta vain hieman, kipulääke ibuprofeenin pitoisuuksia, eikä sillä ollut mitään vaikutusta unilääke tsopiklonin pitoisuuksiin toisin kuin aiemman kirjallisuuden perusteella oli odotettavissa. Toinen CYP2C8-estäjä, mikrobilääke trimetopriimi, nosti diabeteslääke pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia keskimäärin noin 40 %. Gemfibrotsiili nosti diabeteslääke repaglinidin pitoisuudet 7-kertaiseksi ja tämä yhteisvaikutus säilyi lähes yhtä voimakkaana vielä 12 tunnin päähän viimeisestä gemfibrotsiiliannoksesta. Tehdyt havainnot ovat käytännön lääkehoidon kannalta merkittäviä ja ne selvittävät CYP2C8-entsyymin merkitystä useiden lääkkeiden metaboliassa. Gemfibrotsiilin tai muiden CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö loperamidin kanssa voi lisätä loperamidin tehoa tai haittavaikutuksia. Toisaalta CYP2C8-entsyymin osuus tsopiklonin ja ibuprofeenin metaboliassa näyttää olevan pieni. Trimetopriimi nosti kohtalaisesti pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia, ja kyseisten lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö voi lisätä pioglitatsonin annosriippuvaisia haittavaikutuksia. Gemfibrotsiili-repaglinidi-yhteisvaikutuksen päämekanismi in vivo näyttää olevan CYP2C8-entsyymin palautumaton esto. Tämän vuoksi gemfibrotsiilin estovaikutus ja yhteisvaikutusriski säilyvät pitkään gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon käytettäessä sitä CYP2C8-välitteisesti metaboloituvien lääkkeiden kanssa.


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Acts of violence lays a great burden on humankind. The negative effects of violence could be relieved by accurate prediction of violent recidivism. However, prediction of violence has been considered an inexact science hampered by scare knowledge of its causes. The study at hand examines risk factors of violent reconvictions and mortality among 242 Finnish male violent offenders exhibiting severe alcoholism and severe externalizing personality disorders. The violent offenders were recruited during a court-ordered 2-month inpatient mental status examination between 1990—1998. Controls were 1210 individuals matched by sex-, age-, and place of birth. After a 9-year non-incarcerated follow-up criminal register and mortality data were obtained from national registers. Risk analyses were applied to estimate odds and relative risk for recidivism and mortality. Risk variables that were included in the analyses were antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), a comorbidity of ASPD and BPD, childhood adversities, alcohol consumption, age, and monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) genotype. In addition to risk analyses, temperament dimensions (Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire [TPQ]) were assessed. The prevalence of recidivistic acts of violence (32%) and mortality (16%) was high among the offenders. Severe personality disorders and childhood adversities increased the risk for recidivism and mortality both among offenders (OR 2.0–10.4) and in comparison between offenders and controls (RR 4.3–53.0). Offenders having BPD and a history of childhood maltreatment emerged as a group with a particularly poor prognosis. MAOA altered the effects of alcohol consumption and ageing. Alcohol consumption (+2.3%) and age (–7.3%) showed significant effects on the risk for violent reconvictions among the high activity MAOA (MAOA-H) offenders, but not among the low activity MAOA (MAOA-L) offenders. The offenders featured temperament dimensions of high novelty seeking, high harm avoidance, and low reward dependence matching Cloninger’s definition of explosive personality. The fact that the risk for recidivistic acts of violence and mortality accumulated into clearly defined subgroups supports future efforts to provide for evidence based violence prevention and risk assessments among violent offenders.


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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous group of childhood chronic arthritides, associated with chronic uveitis in 20% of cases. For JIA patients responding inadequately to conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologic therapies, anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agents are available. In this retrospective multicenter study, 258 JIA-patients refractory to DMARDs and receiving biologic agents during 1999-2007 were included. Prior to initiation of anti-TNFs, growth velocity of 71 patients was delayed in 75% and normal in 25%. Those with delayed growth demonstrated a significant increase in growth velocity after initiation of anti-TNFs. Increase in growth rate was unrelated to pubertal growth spurt. No change was observed in skeletal maturation before and after anti-TNFs. The strongest predictor of change in growth velocity was growth rate prior to anti-TNFs. Change in inflammatory activity remained a significant predictor even after decrease in glucocorticoids was taken into account. In JIA-associated uveitis, impact of two first-line biologic agents, etanercept and infliximab, and second-line or third-line anti-TNF agent, adalimumab, was evaluated. In 108 refractory JIA patients receiving etanercept or infliximab, uveitis occurred in 45 (42%). Uveitis improved in 14 (31%), no change was observed in 14 (31%), and in 17 (38%) uveitis worsened. Uveitis improved more frequently (p=0.047) and frequency of annual uveitis flares was lower (p=0.015) in those on infliximab than in those on etanercept. In 20 patients taking adalimumab, 19 (95%) had previously failed etanercept and/or infliximab. In 7 patients (35%) uveitis improved, in one (5%) worsened, and in 12 (60%) no change occurred. Those with improved uveitis were younger and had shorter disease duration. Serious adverse events (AEs) or side-effects were not observed. Adalimumab was effective also in arthritis. Long-term drug survival (i.e. continuation rate on drug) with etanercept (n=105) vs. infliximab (n=104) was at 24 months 68% vs. 68%, and at 48 months 61% vs. 48% (p=0.194 in log-rank analysis). First-line anti-TNF agent was discontinued either due to inefficacy (etanercept 28% vs. infliximab 20%, p=0.445), AEs (7% vs. 22%, p=0.002), or inactive disease (10% vs. 16%, p=0.068). Females, patients with systemic JIA (sJIA), and those taking infliximab as the first therapy were at higher risk for treatment discontinuation. One-third switched to the second anti-TNF agent, which was discontinued less often than the first. In conclusion, in refractory JIA anti-TNFs induced enhanced growth velocity. Four-year treatment survival was comparable between etanercept and infliximab, and switching from first-line to second-line agent a reasonable therapeutic option. During anti-TNF treatment, one-third with JIA-associated anterior uveitis improved.


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Crohn s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), are characterised by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. IBD prevalence in Finland is approximately 3-4 per 1000 inhabitants with a peak incidence in adolescence. The symptoms of IBD include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, and weight loss. The precise aetiology of IBD is unknown but interplay of environmental risk factors and immunologic changes trigger the disease in a genetically susceptible individual. Twin and family studies have provided strong evidence for genetic factors in IBD susceptibility, and genetic factors may be more prominent in CD than UC. The first CD susceptibility gene was identified in 2001. Three common mutations R702W, G908R, and 1007fs of the CARD15/NOD2 gene are shown to associate independently with CD but the magnitude of association varies between different populations. The present study aimed at identifying mutations and genetic variations in IBD susceptibility and candidate genes. In addition, correlation to phenotype was also assessed. One of the main objectives of this study was to evaluate the role of CARD15 in a Finnish CD cohort. 271 CD patients were studied for the three common mutations and the results showed a lower mutation frequency than in other Caucasian populations. Only 16% of the patients carried one of the three mutations. Ileal location as well as stricturing and penetrating behaviour of the disease were associated with occurrence of the mutations. The whole protein coding region of CARD15 was screened for possible Finnish founder mutations. In addition to several sequence variants, five novel mutations (R38M, W355X, P727L, W907R, and R1019X) were identified in five patients. Functional consequences of these novel variants were studied in vitro, and these studies demonstrated a profound impairment of MDP response. Investigation of CARD15 mutation frequency in healthy people across three continents showed a large geographic fluctuation. No simple correlation between mutation frequency and disease incidence was seen in populations studied. The occurrence of double mutant carriers in healthy controls suggested that the penetrance of risk alleles is low. Other main objectives aimed at identifying other genetic variations that are involved in the susceptibility to IBD. We investigated the most plausible IBD candidate genes including TRAF6, SLC22A4, SLC22A5, DLG5, TLR4, TNFRSF1A, ABCB1/MDR1, IL23R, and ATG16L1. The marker for a chromosome 5 risk haplotype and the rare HLA-DRB1*0103 allele were also studied. The study cohort consisted of 699 IBD patients (240 CD and 459 UC), of which 23% had a first-degree relative with IBD. Of the several candidate genes studied, IL23R was associated with CD susceptibility, and TNFRSF1A as well as the HLA-DRB1*0103 allele with UC susceptibility. IL23R variants also showed association with the stricturing phenotype and longer disease duration in CD patients. In addition, TNFRSF1A variants were more common among familial UC and ileocolonic CD. In conclusion, the common CARD15 mutations were shown to account for 16% of CD cases in Finland. Novel CARD15 variants identified in the present study are most likely disease-causing mutations, as judged by the results of in vitro studies. The present study also confirms the IL23R association with CD susceptibility and, in addition, TNFRSF1A and HLA-DRB1*0103 allele association with UC of specific clinical phenotypes.


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Pediatric renal transplantation (TX) has evolved greatly during the past few decades, and today TX is considered the standard care for children with end-stage renal disease. In Finland, 191 children had received renal transplants by October 2007, and 42% of them have already reached adulthood. Improvements in treatment of end-stage renal disease, surgical techniques, intensive care medicine, and in immunosuppressive therapy have paved the way to the current highly successful outcomes of pediatric transplantation. In children, the transplanted graft should last for decades, and normal growth and development should be guaranteed. These objectives set considerable requirements in optimizing and fine-tuning the post-operative therapy. Careful optimization of immunosuppressive therapy is crucial in protecting the graft against rejection, but also in protecting the patient against adverse effects of the medication. In the present study, the results of a retrospective investigation into individualized dosing of immunosuppresive medication, based on pharmacokinetic profiles, therapeutic drug monitoring, graft function and histology studies, and glucocorticoid biological activity determinations, are reported. Subgroups of a total of 178 patients, who received renal transplants in 1988 2006 were included in the study. The mean age at TX was 6.5 years, and approximately 26% of the patients were <2 years of age. The most common diagnosis leading to renal TX was congenital nephrosis of the Finnish type (NPHS1). Pediatric patients in Finland receive standard triple immunosuppression consisting of cyclosporine A (CsA), methylprednisolone (MP) and azathioprine (AZA) after renal TX. Optimal dosing of these agents is important to prevent rejections and preserve graft function in one hand, and to avoid the potentially serious adverse effects on the other hand. CsA has a narrow therapeutic window and individually variable pharmacokinetics. Therapeutic monitoring of CsA is, therefore, mandatory. Traditionally, CsA monitoring has been based on pre-dose trough levels (C0), but recent pharmacokinetic and clinical studies have revealed that the immunosuppressive effect may be related to diurnal CsA exposure and blood CsA concentration 0-4 hours after dosing. The two-hour post-dose concentration (C2) has proved a reliable surrogate marker of CsA exposure. Individual starting doses of CsA were analyzed in 65 patients. A recommended dose based on a pre-TX pharmacokinetic study was calculated for each patient by the pre-TX protocol. The predicted dose was clearly higher in the youngest children than in the older ones (22.9±10.4 and 10.5±5.1 mg/kg/d in patients <2 and >8 years of age, respectively). The actually administered oral doses of CsA were collected for three weeks after TX and compared to the pharmacokinetically predicted dose. After the TX, dosing of CsA was adjusted according to clinical parameters and blood CsA trough concentration. The pharmacokinetically predicted dose and patient age were the two significant parameters explaining post-TX doses of CsA. Accordingly, young children received significantly higher oral doses of CsA than the older ones. The correlation to the actually administered doses after TX was best in those patients, who had a predicted dose clearly higher or lower (> ±25%) than the average in their age-group. Due to the great individual variation in pharmacokinetics standardized dosing of CsA (based on body mass or surface area) may not be adequate. Pre-Tx profiles are helpful in determining suitable initial CsA doses. CsA monitoring based on trough and C2 concentrations was analyzed in 47 patients, who received renal transplants in 2001 2006. C0, C2 and experienced acute rejections were collected during the post-TX hospitalization, and also three months after TX when the first protocol core biopsy was obtained. The patients who remained rejection free had slightly higher C2 concentrations, especially very early after TX. However, after the first two weeks also the trough level was higher in the rejection-free patients than in those with acute rejections. Three months after TX the trough level was higher in patients with normal histology than in those with rejection changes in the routine biopsy. Monitoring of both the trough level and C2 may thus be warranted to guarantee sufficient peak concentration and baseline immunosuppression on one hand and to avoid over-exposure on the other hand. Controlling of rejection in the early months after transplantation is crucial as it may contribute to the development of long-term allograft nephropathy. Recently, it has become evident that immunoactivation fulfilling the histological criteria of acute rejection is possible in a well functioning graft with no clinical sings or laboratory perturbations. The influence of treatment of subclinical rejection, diagnosed in 3-month protocol biopsy, to graft function and histology 18 months after TX was analyzed in 22 patients and compared to 35 historical control patients. The incidence of subclinical rejection at three months was 43%, and the patients received a standard rejection treatment (a course of increased MP) and/or increased baseline immunosuppression, depending on the severity of rejection and graft function. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 18 months was significantly better in the patients who were screened and treated for subclinical rejection in comparison to the historical patients (86.7±22.5 vs. 67.9±31.9 ml/min/1.73m2, respectively). The improvement was most remarkable in the youngest (<2 years) age group (94.1±11.0 vs. 67.9±26.8 ml/min/1.73m2). Histological findings of chronic allograft nephropathy were also more common in the historical patients in the 18-month protocol biopsy. All pediatric renal TX patients receive MP as a part of the baseline immunosuppression. Although the maintenance dose of MP is very low in the majority of the patients, the well-known steroid-related adverse affects are not uncommon. It has been shown in a previous study in Finnish pediatric TX patients that steroid exposure, measured as area under concentration-time curve (AUC), rather than the dose correlates with the adverse effects. In the present study, MP AUC was measured in sixteen stable maintenance patients, and a correlation with excess weight gain during 12 months after TX as well as with height deficit was found. A novel bioassay measuring the activation of glucocorticoid receptor dependent transcription cascade was also employed to assess the biological effect of MP. Glucocorticoid bioactivity was found to be related to the adverse effects, although the relationship was not as apparent as that with serum MP concentration. The findings in this study support individualized monitoring and adjustment of immunosuppression based on pharmacokinetics, graft function and histology. Pharmacokinetic profiles are helpful in estimating drug exposure and thus identifying the patients who might be at risk for excessive or insufficient immunosuppression. Individualized doses and monitoring of blood concentrations should definitely be employed with CsA, but possibly also with steroids. As an alternative to complete steroid withdrawal, individualized dosing based on drug exposure monitoring might help in avoiding the adverse effects. Early screening and treatment of subclinical immunoactivation is beneficial as it improves the prospects of good long-term graft function.


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Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) with an estimated prevalence of 1:2000-1:10 000 manifests with prolonged QT interval on electrocardiogram and risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. Several ion channel genes and hundreds of mutations in these genes have been identified to underlie the disorder. In Finland, four LQTS founder mutations of potassium channel genes account for up to 40-70% of genetic spectrum of LQTS. Acquired LQTS has similar clinical manifestations, but often arises from usage of QT-prolonging medication or electrolyte disturbances. A prolonged QT interval is associated with increased morbidity and mortality not only in clinical LQTS but also in patients with ischemic heart disease and in the general population. The principal aim of this study was to estimate the actual prevalence of LQTS founder mutations in Finland and to calculate their effect on QT interval in the Finnish background population. Using a large population-based sample of over 6000 Finnish individuals from the Health 2000 Survey, we identified LQTS founder mutations KCNQ1 G589D (n=8), KCNQ1 IVS7-2A>G (n=1), KCNH2 L552S (n=2), and KCNH2 R176W (n=16) in 27 study participants. This resulted in a weighted prevalence estimate of 0.4% for LQTS in Finland. Using a linear regression model, the founder mutations resulted in a 22- to 50-ms prolongation of the age-, sex-, and heart rate-adjusted QT interval. Collectively, these data suggest that one of 250 individuals in Finland may be genetically predisposed to ventricular arrhythmias arising from the four LQTS founder mutations. A KCNE1 D85N minor allele with a frequency of 1.4% was associated with a 10-ms prolongation in adjusted QT interval and could thus identify individuals at increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias at the population level. In addition, the previously reported associations of KCNH2 K897T, KCNH2 rs3807375, and NOS1AP rs2880058 with QT interval duration were confirmed in the present study. In a separate study, LQTS founder mutations were identified in a subgroup of acquired LQTS, providing further evidence that congenital LQTS gene mutations may underlie acquired LQTS. Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is characterized by exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias in a structurally normal heart and results from defects in the cardiac Ca2+ signaling proteins, mainly ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2). In a patient population of typical CPVT, RyR2 mutations were identifiable in 25% (4/16) of patients, implying that noncoding variants or other genes are involved in CPVT pathogenesis. A 1.1 kb RyR2 exon 3 deletion was identified in two patients independently, suggesting that this region may provide a new target for RyR2-related molecular genetic studies. Two novel RyR2 mutations showing a gain-of-function defect in vitro were identified in three victims of sudden cardiac death. Extended pedigree analyses revealed some surviving mutation carriers with mild structural abnormalities of the heart and resting ventricular arrhythmias suggesting that not all RyR2 mutations lead to a typical CPVT phenotype, underscoring the relevance of tailored risk stratification of a RyR2 mutation carrier.


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Background: Congenital heart defects include a wide range of inborn malformations. Depending on the defect, the life expectancy of a newborn with cardiac anomaly varies from a few days to a normal life span. In most instances surgery, is the only treatment available. The late results of surgery have not been comprehensively investigated. Aims: Mortality, morbidity and the life situation of all Finnish patients who had been operated on for congenital heart defect during childhood were investigated. Methods: Patient and surgical data were gathered from all hospitals that had performed heart surgeries on children. Late mortality and survival data were obtained from the population registry, and the causes of deaths from Statistics Finland. Morbidity of patients operated on during 1953-1989 was assessed by the usage of medicines. The pharmacotherapy data of patients and controls were obtained from the Social Insurance Institute. The life situation of patients was surveyed by mailed questionnaire. Survival, causes of deaths and life situation of patients were compared with those of the general population. Results: A total of 7240 cardiac operations were performed on 6461 children during the first 37 years of cardiac surgery (1953-1989). The number of procedures constantly rose during this period, and the increase continued in later years. The patient material varied over time, as more defects became surgically treatable. During 1953-1989 the operative mortality (death within 30 days of surgery) was 6.9%. In the 1990s a slight rise occurred in early mortality, as increasingly complicated patients were surgically treated. During 2000-2003 practically no defects were beyond the operative range. Thus, the operative mortality of 4.4% was excellent, decreasing even further to 2.0% in 2004-2007. The overall 45-year survival of patients operated on in 1953-1989 was 78%, and the corresponding figure for the general population was 93%. Survival depended on the defect, being worst among patients with univentricular heart. Late survival was also better during the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century. Of the 6028 early survivors, 592 died late (>30 days) after surgery. A total of 397 deaths (67%) were related and 185 (31%) unrelated to congenital heart defect. The cause of death was unknown in 10 cases. Of those 5774 patients who survived their first operation and had complete follow-up, 16% were operated on several times. Seventeen percent of patients used medicines for cardiac symptoms (heart failure, arrhythmia, hypertension and coronary disease). Patients risk of using cardiac medicines was 2.16 (Cl 1.97-2.37) times higher than that of controls. Patients also had more genetic syndromes and mental retardation and more often used medicines for asthma and epilepsy. Adult patients who had been operated on as children had coped surprisingly well with their defects. Their level of education was similar and their employment level even higher than expected, and they were living in a steady relationship as often as the general population. Conclusions: Cardiac surgery developed rapidly, and nowadays practically all defects can be treated. The overall survival of all operated patients was 78%, 16% less than that of the general population. However, it was significantly better than the anticipated natural survival. However, many patients had health problems; 16% needed reoperations and 17% cardiac medicines to maintain their condition. Most of the patients assessed their general health as good and lived a normal life.