121 resultados para suomalaiset pk-yritykset
The common focus of the studies brought together in this work is the prosodic segmentation of spontaneous speech. The theoretically most central aspect is the introduction and further development of the IJ-model of intonational chunking. The study consists of a general introduction and five detailed studies that approach prosodic chunking from different perspectives. The data consist of recordings of face-to-face interaction in several spoken varieties of Finnish and Finland Swedish; the methodology is usage-based and qualitative. The term “speech prosody” refers primarily to the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of speech. Both speaking and understanding speech require the ability to segment the flow of speech into suitably sized prosodic chunks. In order to be usage-based, a study of spontaneous speech consequently needs to be based on material that is segmented into prosodic chunks of various sizes. The segmentation is seen to form a hierarchy of chunking. The prosodic models that have so far been developed and employed in Finland have been based on sentences read aloud, which has made it difficult to apply these models in the analysis of spontaneous speech. The prosodic segmentation of spontaneous speech has not previously been studied in detail in Finland. This research focuses mainly on the following three questions: (1) What are the factors that need to be considered when developing a model of prosodic segmentation of speech, so that the model can be employed regardless of the language or dialect under analysis? (2) What are the characteristics of a prosodic chunk, and what are the similarities in the ways chunks of different languages and varieties manifest themselves that will make it possible to analyze different data according to the same criteria? (3) How does the IJ-model of intonational chunking introduced as a solution to question (1) function in practice in the study of different varieties of Finnish and Finland Swedish? The boundaries of the prosodic chunks were manually marked in the material according to context-specific acoustic and auditory criteria. On the basis of the data analyzed, the IJ-model was further elaborated and implemented, thus allowing comparisons between different language varieties. On the basis of the empirical comparisons, a prosodic typology is presented for the dialects of Swedish in Finland. The general contention is that the principles of the IJ-model can readily be used as a methodological tool for prosodic analysis irrespective of language varieties.
Background Contemporary Finnish, spoken and written, reveals loanwords or foreignisms in the form of hybrids: a mixture of Finnish and foreign syllables (alumiinivalua). Sometimes loanwords are inserted into the Finnish sentence in their raw form just as they are found in the source language (pulp, after sales palvelu). Again, sometimes loanwords are calques, which appear Finnish but are spelled and pronounced in an altogether foreign manner (Protomanageri, Promenadi kampuksella). Research Questions What role does Finnish business translation play in the migration of foreignisms into Finnish if we consider translation "as a construct of solutions determined by the ideological constraints and conflicts characterizing the target culture" (Robyns 1992: 212)? What attitudes do the Finns display toward the presence of foreignisms in their language? What socio-economic or ideological conditions (Bassnett 1994: 321) are responsible for these attitudes? Are these conditions dynamic? What tools can be used to measure such attitudes? This dissertation set out to answer these and similar questions. Attitudes are imperialist (where otherness is both denied and transformed), defensive (where otherness is acknowledged, transformed, and vilified), transdiscursive (a neutral attitude to both otherness and transformation), or finally defective (where alien migration is acknowledged and "stimulated") (Robyns 1994: 60). Methodology The research method follows Rose's schema (1984: 8): (a) take an existing theory, (b) develop from it a proposition specific enough to be tested, (c) devise a scheme that tests this proposition, (d) carry through the scheme in practice, (e) draw up results and discuss conclusions in relation to the original theory. In other words, the method attempts an explanation of a Finnish social phenomenon based on systematic analyses of translated evidence (Lewins 1992: 4) whereby what really matters is the logical sequence that connects the empirical data to the initial research questions raised above and, ultimately to its conclusion (Yin 1984: 29). Results This research found that Finnish translators of the Nokia annual reports used a foreignism whenever possible such as komponentin instead of rakenneosa, or investoida instead of sijoittaa, and often without any apparent justification (Pryce 2003: 203-12) more than the translator's personal preference. In the old documents (minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors of Osakeyhtio H. Saastamoinen, Ltd. dated 5 July 1912-1917, a NOPSA booklet (1932), Enzo-Gutzeit-Tornator Oy document (1938), Imatra Steel Oy Annual Report 1964, and Nokia Oy Annual Report 1946), foreignisms under Haugen's (1950: 210-31) Classification #1 occurred an average of 0.6 times, while in the new documents (Nokia 1998 translated Annual Reports) they occurred an average of 6.5 times. That big difference, suggests transdiscursive and defective attitudes in Finnish society toward the other. In the 1850s, Finnish attitudes toward alien persons and cultures were hardened, intolerant and prohibitive because language politics were both nascent and emerging, and Finns adopted a defensive stance (Paloposki 2002: 102 ff) to protect their cultural and national treasures such as language and folklore. Innovation The innovation here is that no prior doctoral level research measured Finnish attitudes toward foreignisms using a business translation approach. This is the first time that Haugen's classification has been modified and applied in target language analysis. It is hoped that this method would be replicated in similar research in the future. Applications For practical applications, researchers with interest in languages, language development, language influences, language ideologies, and power structures that affect national language policies will find this thesis useful, especially the model for collecting, grouping, and analyzing foreignisms that has been demonstrated here. It is intended to document for posterity current attitudes of Finns toward the other as revealed in business translations from 1912-1964, and in 1998. This way, future language researchers would be able to explore a time-line of Finnish language development and attitudes toward the other. Communication firms may also find this research interesting. In future, could the model we adopted be used to analyze literary texts or religious texts for example? Future Trends Though business documents show transdiscursive attitudes, other segments of Finnish society may show defensive or imperialist attitudes. When the ideology of industrialization changes in the future, will Finnish attitudes toward the other change as well? Will it then be possible to use the same kind of analytical tools to measure Finnish attitudes? More broadly, will linguistic change continue in the same direction of transdiscursive attitudes, or will the change slow down or even reverse into xenophobic attitudes? Is this our model culture-specific or can it be used in the context of other cultures? Conclusion There is anger against foreignisms in Finland as newspaper publications and television broadcasts show, but research shows that a majority of Finns consider foreignisms and the languages from which they come as sources of enrichment for Finnish culture (Laitinen 2000, Eurobarometer series 41 of July 1994, 44 of Spring 1996, 50 of Autumn 1998). Ideologies of industrialization and globalization in Finland have facilitated transdiscursive tendencies. When Finland's political ideology was intolerant toward foreign influences in the 1850s because Finland was in the process of consolidating her nascent country and language, attitudes toward the importation of loanwords also became intolerant. Presently, when industrialization and globalization became the dominant ideologies, we see a shift in attitudes toward transdiscursive tendencies. Ideology is usually unseen and too often ignored by translation researchers. However, ideology reveals itself as the most powerful factor affecting language attitudes in a target culture. Key words Finnish, Business Translation, Ideology, Foreignisms, Imperialist Attitudes, Defensive Attitudes, Transdiscursive Attitudes, Defective Attitudes, the Other, Old Documents, New Documents.
The theme of this doctoral thesis is the Finnish printmaking in the years 1930-1939. During this decade, there were approximately 100 artists making prints in Finland. Indeed, the period was an especially important one for printmaking. Associations for printmakers were founded in Helsinki and Turku, training in the field was launched, and the number of printmaking exhibitions increased considerably. Through their national organisations, Finnish printmakers participated in many exhibitions abroad, interaction with Nordic printmakers being especially intense. Thus, a firm basis for post-war developments was created. However, printmakers' activity- which had continued throughout the 1930s - declined notably after the Winter War broke out in the autumn of 1939. As a result, the period 1930-1939 forms a coherent and distinct unity in Finnish printmaking history. The study consists of two parts: the main text and an appendix in which the production of each printmaking artist active in the 1930s is examined separately. The study also includes a comprehensive list of the prints made in the course of the decade. One of the central themes is the printmakers' relationship to "Finnish nationalist" art and concepts of art in the 1930s. I analyse the various manifestations of this way of thinking in the visual arts of the period. Finnish fine art in the period between the world wars has usually been characterised as conservative, introverted and spiritually isolated from the modern European trends of the time. On the basis of this study, such a view is too simple. Many artists and printmakers adopted a modernistic notion of art that approached the newest in European modernism, including such trends as avant-garde classicism and general European new Objective Realism (Die neue Sachlichkeit). On the other hand, choosing Finnish nationalist motifs did not necessarily mean that the artist was opposed to modernism: modernist artists could still be interested in national themes. The relationship of 1930s printmaking to the world of nationalist ideas is examined in this doctoral thesis from several perspectives. Towards the end of the main text, I examine the issue from the point of view of selected artists. Another feature that emerged during the study and turned out to be surprisingly widespread was the close relationship of many artists to religious, theosophical and pantheistic views. I deal with this issue in greater detail through a few representative printmakers.
In Finland the period 1880 -1914 constituted an essential phase in the creation of the great national project as well as it was a golden time of Francophilia. With Francophilia, i.e. French-mindedness, is here understood a collectively upheld strong sympathy towards France and French culture. However, the Francophilia of late nineteenth century Finland was free from apparent political intentions and remained a chosen disposition. The strength of its drive was not only based on the older European admiration of everything French, but also on the growing fascination for a novelty emerging besides the traditional influences of the Germanic culture. In Finnish society Francophilia mostly worked as an opposite force to the most confined conceptions of what was considered national ; as a consequence France came to denote more than a country and Francophilia contained an important symbolical meaning in the construction of the Finnish nation. The main tasks of the study are to introduce as the first large historical presentation of the subject a covering examination of the many descriptions of Paris-phases of assorted artists, authors, and intellectuals, to clarify the mental relationship of the Finnish intelligentsia to France prior to national independence, and finally to provide these developments with case studies of certain life paths. However, the examination is not biographical, because the starting point remains within the rhetoric arguments of Francophilia and patriotism as these appeared within the public sphere. Historical persons have thus been dealt with primarily as reflectors of the then-current French-minded mentality. Such Francophiles in Finland were first and foremost Werner Söderhjelm, Juhani Aho, L. Onerva and V. A. Koskenniemi. The networks of the Finnish cultural field are mostly displayed through these examples. In previous research the intensive relationship of Finnish artists and authors with France has not been connected with actual concepts of nationalism. The respective periods of the intellectuals in Paris have simply been viewed as devoid of ideological links with the contemporary advancement of the fatherland, or even as opposites to the patriotic pursuits in Finland. From the viewpoint of this study these now canonized creators of a Finnish culture are primarily seen as patriots and fellow countrymen, and only secondly as artists and artist s colleagues. The dissertation is constructed as both a regional survey of the idealization of France and a study of Finnish history through the mirror of Francophilia. As such France only held an instrumental role for the receiving culture, i.e. for the construction of Finland, as no "objective truths" were sought for in France. Keywords: France, francophilia, Finnishness, national project, Paris
Approximately 125 prehistoric rock paintings have been found in the modern territory of Finland. The paintings were done with red ochre and are almost without exception located on steep lakeshore cliffs associated with ancient water routes. Most of the sites are found in the central and eastern parts of the country, especially on the shores of Lakes Päijänne and Saimaa. Using shore displacement chronology, the art has been dated to ca. 5000 – 1500 BC. It was thus created mainly during the Stone Age and can be associated with the so-called ‘Comb Ware’ cultures of the Subneolithic period. The range of motifs is rather limited, consisting mainly of schematic depictions of stick-figure humans, elks, boats, handprints and geometric signs. Few paintings include any evidence of narrative scenes, making their interpretation a rather difficult task. In Finnish archaeological literature, the paintings have traditionally been associated with ’sympathetic’ hunting magic, or the belief that the ritual shooting of the painted animals would increase hunting luck. Some writers have also suggested totemistic and shamanistic readings of the art. This dissertation is a critical review of the interpretations offered of Finnish rock art and an exploration of the potentials of archaeological and ethnographic research in increasing our knowledge of its meaning. Methods used include ’formal’ approaches such as archaeological excavation, landscape analysis and the application of neuropsychological research to the study of rock art, as well as ethnographically ’informed’ approaches that make use of Saami and Baltic Finnish ethnohistorical sources in interpretation. In conclusion, it is argued that although North European hunter-gatherer rock art is often thought to lie beyond the reach of ‘informed’ knowledge, the exceptional continuity of prehistoric settlement in Finland validates the informed approach in the interpretation of Finnish rock paintings. The art can be confidently associated with shamanism of the kind still practiced by the Saami of Northern Fennoscandia in the historical period. Evidence of similar shamanistic practices, concepts and cosmology are also found in traditional Finnish-Karelian epic poetry. Previous readings of the art based on ‘hunting magic’ and totemism are rejected. Most of the paintings appear to depict experiences of falling into a trance, of shamanic metamorphosis and trance journeys, and of ‘spirit helper’ beings comparable to those employed by the Saami shaman (noaidi). As demonstrated by the results of an excavation at the rock painting of Valkeisaari, the painted cliffs themselves find a close parallel in the Saami cult of the 'sieidi', or sacred cliffs and boulders worshipped as expressing a supernatural power. Like the Saami, the prehistoric inhabitants of the Finnish Lake Region seem to have believed that certain cliffs were ’alive’ and inhabited by the spirit helpers of the shaman. The rock paintings can thus be associated with shamanic vision quests, and the making of ‘art’ with an effort to socialize the other members of the community, especially the ritual specialists, with trance visions. However, the paintings were not merely to be looked at. The red ochre handprints pressed on images of elks, as well as the fact that many paintings appear ’smeared’, indicate that they were also to be touched – perhaps in order to tap into the supernatural potency inherent in the cliff and in the paintings of spirit animals.
What are the musical features that turn a song into a hit? The aim of this research is to explore the musical features of hit tunes by studying the 224 most popular Finnish evergreens from the 1930s to the 1990s. It is remarkable, that 80-90% of Finnish oldies are in a minor key, though parallel major keys have also been widely employed within single pieces through, for example, modulations. Furthermore, melodies are usually diatonic, staying mostly in the same key. Consequently, chromatically altered tones in the melody and short modulations in the bridge sections become more prominent. I have concentrated in particular on the melodic lines in order to find the most typical melodic formulas from the data. These analyzed melodic formulas play an important role, because they serve as leading phrases and punchlines in songs. Analysis has revealed three major melodic formulas, which most often appear in the melodic lines of hit tunes. All of these formulas share common thematic ground, because they originate from the triadic tonic chord. Because the tonic chord is the most conventional opening chord in the verse parts, it is logical that these formulas occur most often in verses. The strong dominance of these formulas is very much a result of the rhythmic flexibility they possess; for instance, they can be found in every musical style from waltz to foxtrot. Alongside the major formulas lies a miscellaneous group of other tonic-related melodic formulas. One group of melodic formulas consists of melodic quotations. These quotations appear in a different musical context, for instance in a harmonically altered form, and are therefore often difficult to recognize as such. Yet despite the contextual manipulation, the distinctive character of the cited melody usually remains the same. Composers have also made use of certain popular chord-progressions in order to create new but familiar-sounding melodies. The most important individual progression in this case is what is known as a "circle of fifths" and its shortened, prolonged and altered versions. Because that progression is harmonically strong, it is also a contrastive tool used especially in chorus parts and middle sections (AABA). I have also paid attention to ragtime and jazz influences, which can be found in harmony parts and certain melody notes, which extend, suspend or alter the accompaning chords. Other influences from jazz and ragtime in the Finnish evergreen are evident in the use of typical Tin Pan Alley popular song forms. The most important is the AABA form, which dominates over the data along with the verse/chorus-type popular song form. To briefly illustrate the main results, the basic concept of the hit tune can be traced back to Tin Pan Alley songs, whereas the major stylistic aspects, such as minor keys and musical styles, bear influences from Russian, Western European, and Finnish traditions.
Like an Icebreaker: The Finnish Seamen s Union as collective bargaining maverick and champion of sailors social safety 1944-1980. The Finnish Seamen's Union (FSU), which was established on a national basis in 1920, was one of the first Finnish trade unions to succeed in collective bargaining. In the early 1930s, the gains made in the late 1920s were lost, due to politically based internal rivalries, the Great Depression, and a disastrous strike. Unexpectedly the FSU survived and went on promoting the well-being of its members even during World War II. After the war the FSU was in an exceptionally favorable position to exploit the introduction of coordinated capitalism, which was based on social partnership between unions, employers and government. Torpedoes, mines and confiscations had caused severe losses to the Finnish merchant marine. Both ship-owners and government alike understood the crucial importance of using the remaining national shipping capacity effectively. The FSU could no longer be crushed, and so, in 1945, the union was allowed to turn all ocean-going Finnish ships into closed shops. The FSU also had another source of power. After the sailors of the Finnish icebreaker fleet also joined its ranks, the FSU could, in effect, block Finnish foreign trade in wintertime. From the late 1940s to the 1960s the union started and won numerous icebreaker strikes. Finnish seamen were thus granted special pension rights, reductions on income taxes and import duties, and other social privileges. The FSU could neither be controlled by union federations nor intimidated by employers or governments. The successful union and its tactically clever chairperson, Niilo Välläri, were continuously but erroneously accused of syndicalism. Välläri did not aim for socialism but wanted the Finnish seamen to get all the social benefits that capitalism could possibly offer. Välläri s policy was successfully followed by the FSU until the late 1980s when Finnish ship-owners were allowed to flag their vessels outside the national registry. Since then the FSU has been on the defensive and has yielded to pay cuts. The FSU members have not lost their social benefits, but they are under constant fear of losing their jobs to cheap foreign labor.
Salaiset aseveljet deals with the relations and co-operation between Finnish and German security police authorities, the Finnish valtiollinen poliisi and the German Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) and its predecessors. The timeframe for the research stretches from the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 to the end of German-Finnish co-belligerency in 1944. The Finnish Security Police was founded in 1919 to protect the young Finnish Republic from the Communists both in Finland and in Soviet Russia. Professional ties to German colleagues were maintained during the 1920 s, and quickly re-established after the Nazis rose to power in Germany. Typical forms of co-operation concentrated on the fight against both domestic and international Communism, a concern particularly acute in Finland because of her exposed position as a neighbour to the Soviet Union. The common enemy proved to be a powerful unifying concept. During the 1930 s the forms of co-operation developed from regular and routine exchanges of information into personal acquaintancies between the Finnish Security Police top personnel and the highest SS-leadership. The critical period of German-Finnish security police co-operation began in 1941, as Finland joined the German assault on the Soviet Union. Together with the Finnish Security Police, the RSHA set up a previously unknown special unit, the Einsatzkommando Finnland, entrusted with the destruction of the perceived ideological and racial enemies on the northernmost part of the German Eastern Front. Joint actions in northern Finland led also members of the Finnish Security Police to become participants in mass murders of Communists and Jews. Post-war criminal investigations into war crimes cases involving former security police personnel were invariably stymied because of the absence of usually both the suspects and the evidence. In my research I have sought to combine the evidence gathered through an exhaustive study of Finnish Security Police archival material with a wide selection of foreign sources. Important new evidence has been gathered from archives in Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden and the United States. Piece by piece, it has become possible to draw a comprehensive picture of the ultimately fateful relationship of the Finnish Security Police to its mighty German colleague.
In the research on the Continuation War, interest in the events themselves had exceeded the interest in military planning. Careful consideration has not been given to the planning process and the options that were available. This study shows how the planning of these operations was carried out and identifies the persons responsible. Contrary to earlier research this study shows that persons other than Field-Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim and Quartermaster-General Aksel Airo took part in the planning. Furthermore, the plan was to carry out the operations further east than was ultimately done. The operation plans were coordinated by the Operations Department of Headquarters, which had the opportunity to influence on both Mannerheim and Airo. Part of the actual planning was made outside Headquarters, but final decisions were taken at Headquarters. It is worth observing that many times Mannerheim asked President Risto Ryti for his opinion concerning these operations. The Germans tried to influence the Finnish plans, but the Finns took their decisions independently, although they took German requests into account. It is well-known that the attack by the Finnish forces was stopped at the end of the year 1941. It is less well-known that the Finns planned new attacks until the autumn of 1942. At that point the Finns were convinced that the Germans would lose the war. The Finns were thus prepared to keep advancing should the Germans progress in the direction of Leningrad. This study shows that the Finnish military leaders worked for Finland s own plans and their cooperation with the Germans was directed to achieving this goal. In other words, Finland tried expand eastward with the help of the Germans. This purpose was particularly evident in the planning of the operations in the Hanko district and the Karelian Isthmus in the summer and autumn of 1941, in the Sorokka district in the spring of 1942 and around Lake Ladoga in the summer and autumn of 1942. The Finns reduced their activities when Germans took over responsibility for the operations. However, at the same time the Finns tried to support Germans in passive ways. The Finns justified the decrease in their activities with lack of Finnish forces and numerous defeats. Earlier research has shown that Finland was an active operator in the Continuation War and tried to take back the areas lost in the Winter War. In this study that view becomes more precise and clear especially with regard to Field-Marshal Mannerheim and other high military leaders. There is clear indication that the Finns would have attacked much further east had a German success made such an attack possible.
Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, miten suomalaisten taidekonservaattoreiden rooli on muuttunut nykytaiteen vaikutuksesta. Aiemmin taidekonservaattoreiden työhön ovat kuuluneet perinteiset taideteokset, kuten esimerkiksi kankaalle maalatut öljymaalaukset. Nykytaide on laajentanut käsitystä taiteesta. Lähes mitä tahansa kuviteltavissa olevia materiaaleja saatetaan käyttää taideteoksissa. Konservaattorin yhtenä päätehtävänä on perinteisesti ollut varmistaa, että taideteokset säilyvät museoiden kokoelmissa muuttumattomina tuleville sukupolville. Nykytaiteen yksi erityispiirre on, että sen säilyvyys ei aina ole tarkoituksellista. Taiteilija on saattanut tehdä teoksen tuhoutuvaksi. Taidekonservaattorin on erityisen tärkeä tietää, mikä on taiteilijan alkuperäinen ajatus teoksesta, sillä jos taidekonservaattori on ymmärtänyt väärin taiteilijan intention, saattaa teoksen alkuperäinen idea muuttua. Tarkasteltavina kohteina ovat suomalaiset taidekonservaattorit, jotka työskentelevät nykytaiteen parissa suomalaisissa taidemuseoissa. Nykytaiteella tarkoitetaan tutkimuksessa 1960-luvun jälkeistä taidetta, jossa hyödynnetään taiteessa aiemmin tuntemattomia materiaaleja, kuten elintarvikkeita ja muoveja. Tutkimuksen lähteet muodostuivat suomalaisten taidekonservaattoreiden haastatteluista sekä nykytaidetta ja taidekonservointia käsittelevästä lähdekirjallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmään kuului 12 suomalaista taidekonservaattoria, joista tutkimukseen osallistui 11. Nykytaiteella näyttää olleen suuri merkitys sellaisten taidekonservaattoreiden rooliin, jotka ovat aktiivisesti tekemisissä nykytaiteen kanssa. Erityisesti uudet materiaalit, taiteilijan intention selvittämisen ongelmat, vuorovaikutuksen korostuminen taiteilijaan ja muihin asiantuntijoihin sekä painopisteen siirtyminen kohti ennaltaehkäisevää konservointia näyttävät olleen tärkeimmät pääkohdat konservaattoreiden roolin muutoksessa. Avainsanat: taidekonservointi, nykytaide, materiaalit
Opinnäytetyöni tarkastelee eurooppalaisen kulttuurin kannalta keskeistä kommunikaatiovälinettä, painettua kirjaa, ja sen kansainvälistä luonnetta ja liikkumista. Teemaan perehdytään helsinkiläisen Gustaf Otto Waseniuksen (1789-1852) kirjakaupan toiminnan avulla keskittyen tarkastelemaan ulkomaisen kirjallisuuden tuomista Suomeen 1800-luvun alkupuolella. Tutkielma käsittelee ensisijaisesti itse kauppiastoimintaa: mitä kirjakauppayhteyksiä Waseniuksella oli sekä miten ja keiden ehdoilla ne toimivat. Näiden kysymysten ohessa pohdin myös itse kirjojen välityksellä tapahtunutta tiedonvälitystä. Työn tavoitteena on paljastaa, minkälaisia suomalaisten kirjakauppiaiden ja lukijoiden kirjallisuudenhankinnan sekä lukemisen kontekstit ja resurssit olivat 1800-luvun alkupuolella. Tutkielman lähteinä on käytetty Waseniuksen kirjakaupan kirjeitä ja kuitteja sekä sensuuriviranomaisten arkistoja. Tutkielmani jakautuu kolmeen osaan. Ensiksi paneudun Waseniuksen kauppaverkoston syntyyn ja sen esittelyyn: Waseniuksen kansainväliset yhteydet keskittyivät kolmelle kulttuurialueelle. Ruotsista hän sai kirjoja kaikilta merkittäviltä kustantajilta, kauppiailta sekä itsenäisesti toimivilta kirjailijoilta. Saksankielisen kulttuurin tarjontaa Wasenius pystyi hankkimaan Leipzigin kansainvälisten kirjakauppiaiden avulla. Ranskalaisen kirjallisuuden osalta Wasenius omasi toimivat yhteydet Pariisin kirjakauppiaisiin. Sen sijaan Brittein saaret jäivät vielä Waseniuksen kontaktiverkoston ulkopuolelle, samoin myös Pietarin huomattava kulttuurikeskus. Tämän jälkeen keskityn yhteyksien toimintaan. Wasenius solmi kauppakumppaniensa kanssa yleiseurooppalaisen komissionääri-sopimuksen, jonka valtuuttamana hän sai myydä kunkin ulkomaisen kauppiaan tuotteita liikkeessään. Ensiksi tarkastelen kauppiaiden välisten etäisyyksien ylittämistä. Aikakauden kuljetustavat huomioonottaen suuret etäisyydet eivät Waseniuksen kirjojen hankintaa juuri haitanneet, vaan suurkauppiaana hän pystyi käyttämään aikansa parhaat resurssit lähetystensä kuljettamiseen. Toiseksi pohdin aikakauden kauppiastoimintojen ja kulttuuripiirteiden vaikutusta kirjakauppaan. Waseniuksen toiminta kirjakauppiaana perustui taloudellisen voiton tavoittelulle, mikä tarkoitti mm. sitä, että lähetysten sisältö määrättiin etukäteen hyvin tarkasti. Ennen Suomeen saapumistaan kirjoilla piti olla varma ostaja, minkä Wasenius useimmiten varmisti ennakkotilausluetteloin ja etumaksuin. Kolmanneksi esiin nousevat 1800-luvun alun poliittiset tapahtumat, jotka osaltaan, kauppiaan silmiin kaikkein näkyvimmin, vaikuttivat kirjojen tuontiin. Sensuurin piti periaatteessa estää useiden satojen vaarallisena pidetyn kirjan levittäminen ja lukeminen Suomessa, mutta Wasenius ei suinkaan lopettanut kiellettyjen kirjojen tuontia, vaan salakuljetti sensuroitavia teoksia jatkuvasti liikkeeseensä myytäväksi. Suomalaiset viranomaiset hyväksyivät usein tämänkaltaisen toiminnan, joten venäläistä sensuuriasetusta tai hallintoa ei juuri kunnioitettu. Vertailu eurooppalaiseen kirjakauppatoimintaan osoittaa Waseniuksen omanneen erittäin hyvät kansainväliset suhteet. Tämä kuitenkin johtui niin kirjakauppatoiminnan keskittymisestä harvojen kauppiaiden käsiin kuin myös oman kustannustoiminnan vähyydestä. Tiedonvälityksen kehityksen ja kulttuurihistorian kannalta Waseniuksen kansainvälinen toiminta osoittautuu noudattelevan vielä vanhan eliittikulttuurin muotoja, mutta kirjakauppainstituution kehittyminen aivan uudenlaiseen kukoistukseen valmisteli jo kansallisen kulttuurin nousemista lähivuosikymmeninä.
Työssä tutkitaan erilaisin tekstintutkimuksen keinoin suomalaisen Helsingin Sanomat -lehden ja virolaisen Postimees-lehden internet-julkaisuissa ilmestyneisiin uutisiin liittyviä mielipidekirjoituksia. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella eroja suomalaisten ja virolaisten kirjoittajien retoriikassa, argumentaatiossa ja roolivalinnoissa. Työn aineisto koostuu Helsingin Sanomien ja Postimees´in internet-sivuilla tammikuussa 2008 ilmestyneiden uutisten saamista mielipiteistä eli kommenteista. Molemmista lehdistä on valittu mukaan kymmenen uutista, jotka kaikki ovat saaneet keskimäärin 30 kommenttia. Uutiset ovat molemmissa maissa kotimaan uutisia ja ne on valittu satunnaisesti, joskin muutamien uutisten aiheet ovat lehdissä samankaltaisia. Työn neljännessä luvussa aineistoa analysoidaan rekisterien, tekstityyppien ja retoriikan näkökulmista. Rekistereistä puhuttaessa tarkoitetaan erilaisia tapoja kirjoittaa erilaisissa tilanteissa. Internetistä löytyvät mielipidekirjoitukset vaihtelevat virallisen kirjakielen ja arkisen puhekielen, jopa slangin, käytön välillä. Mielipidekirjoitukset kuuluvat argumentoivaan tekstityyppiin. Niiden tehtävä ei ole kertoa asioista neutraalisti, vaan kirjoittaja ilmaisee tekstissään omia arvojaan, mielipiteitään ja käsityksiään. Viidennessä luvussa aineistoa tutkitaan retorisen diskurssianalyysin keinoin, eli analysoidaan millaisia retorisia keinoja kirjoittajat käyttävät argumentaationsa vahvistamiseen. Retorisia keinoja esitellään työssä Arja Jokisen esittämän jaotuksen mukaisesti. Argumentaatiota voidaan jaotella myös sen mukaan, onko kyseessä hyökkäävä, puolustava, fakta- tai tunnepohjainen retoriikka. Kuudennessa luvussa analysoidaan mielipidekirjoitusten kohteita eli adressaatteja sekä kirjoittajien itselleen ottamia rooleja. Kirjoittajat voivat osoittaa roolivalintaansa useiden retoristen keinojen avulla. Rooleista yleisimmät ovat opettaja, asiantuntija ja kriitikko, marginaalisempia puolestaan kysyjä ja kannattaja/tukija. Aineiston analysointi on nostanut esille useita eroja suomalaisten ja virolaisten mielipidekirjoitusten välillä. Suomalaiset kirjoitukset kirjoitetaan usein yleis- tai kirjakielellä ja neutraalilla sävyllä. Virolaisissa mielipidekirjoituksissa on enemmän puhekielisyyttä ja kirjoitusvirheitä. Kirjoitusten sävy on jyrkempi ja arvoja tai arvioita välittävät sanat usein hyvin affektisia. Suomalaisissa mielipidekirjoituksissa kirjoittajat käyttävät argumentaationsa vahvistamiseen paljon oman asiantuntijuutensa korostamista tai vahvistamista konsensuksella, oma pätevyys myös perustellaan koulutuksen tai ammatin avulla. Suomalaisissa kirjoituksissa mielipiteet ovat myös pääasiassa faktoihin ja puolustavaan retoriikkaan perustuvia. Virolaisissa mielipiteissä kirjoittajat esittävät väitteensä tosiasioina ilman erityisiä perusteita. Argumentaatio rakentuu pääasiallisesti hyökkäävän ja tunnepohjaisen retoriikan päälle. Myös roolivalintojen välillä on eroja: suomalaismielipiteet esitetään useimmiten opettajan tai asiantuntijan roolista, virolaisissa mielipiteissä kirjoittaja on yleensä kriitikko tai asiantuntija.
Helsingin ja Tallinnan välillä liikennöinyt Copterlinen helikopteri putosi mereen 10.8.2005. Tarkastelen aiheen uutisointia Viron ja Suomen lehdistössä ja siitä mediapalstoilla käytyä “sotaa”. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaisin keinoin mediasotaa käydään. Analysoin lähemmin yhden artikkelin Iltasanomista, Iltalehdestä, Turun Sanomista, Helsingin Sanomista ja Õhtuleht- ja Postimees-lehdistä. Teoreettisena pohjana käytän Norman Faircloughin teoksessa Language and Power esitettyä kriittistä diskurssianalyysiä. Käytän lisäksi mm. Tiit Hennosten kirjaa Uudise käsiraamat ja Reet Kasikin artikkeleita tekstianalyysistä. Mediasotaan osallistuvat laatulehdiksi luokiteltavat Turun Sanomat, Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees ja Turun Sanomat ja iltapäivälehdiksi luokiteltavat Iltalehti, Iltasanomat ja Õhtuleht. Helsingin Sanomat ei osallistunut mediasotaan, vaan keskittyy objektiiviseen uutisointiin. Keskeisin keino luoda sukellussota on vastakkainasettelu. Suhteet virolaisten ja suomalaisten välillä luodaan kansalaisuussanoilla suomalaiset ja virolaiset. Lukijoille kategorisoidaan maailma virolaiseksi ja suomalaiseksi. Positiivisia ja negatiivisia seikkoja asetetaan vastakkain luomalla tekstin sisäisiä antonyymipareja kuten nopea/ hidas, pieni ryhmä/ suuri ryhmä. Toimittajat luovat lähteilleen ja osallistujille auktoriteettia antamalla heille vastakkain matalan tai korkean statuksen kuten ministeri/ kadunmies. --- Suomalaiset lehdet käyttävät toimittajien itse keksimiä metaforia. Ekspressiivisiä sanoja käytetään välittämään tunteita, asenteita ja ajatuksia. Artikkeleissa hämärretään agentit kieliopin avulla. Käyttämällä passiivia, refleksiivisiä verbejä ja subjektittomia lauseita, esitetään prosesseja toisenlaisina kuin ne ovat ja jätetään näin aktiiviset tekijät mainitsematta. Artikkeleiden alku- ja loppulauseita vertaillessa voi havaita, että syytöksiä, spekulaatioita ja väitteitä esiintyy artikkeleiden otsikoissa ja ensimmäisissä lauseissa. Suomalaiset puolustautuvat huonojen pelastustyöntekijöiden leimaa vastaan ja virolaiset puolestaan oppipojan leimaa vastaan. Vasta-argumentteja tuodaan vain vähän ja ne sijoitetaan viimeisiksi. Molempien maiden lehdistöt kritisoivat viranomaisia. Artikkelit eivät noudata ideaaliuutisen kriteerejä.
Fatigue and sleepiness are major causes of road traffic accidents. However, precise data is often lacking because a validated and reliable device for detecting the level of sleepiness (cf. the breathalyzer for alcohol levels) does not exist, nor does criteria for the unambiguous detection of fatigue/sleepiness as a contributing factor in accident causation. Therefore, identification of risk factors and groups might not always be easy. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to incorporate fatigue in operationalized terms into either traffic or criminal law. The main aims of this thesis were to estimate the prevalence of fatigue problems while driving among the Finnish driving population, to explore how VALT multidisciplinary investigation teams, Finnish police, and courts recognize (and prosecute) fatigue in traffic, to identify risk factors and groups, and finally to explore the application of the Finnish Road Traffic Act (RTA), which explicitly forbids driving while tired in Article 63. Several different sources of data were used: a computerized database and the original folders of multidisciplinary teams investigating fatal accidents (VALT), the driver records database (AKE), prosecutor and court decisions, a survey of young male military conscripts, and a survey of a representative sample of the Finnish active driving population. The results show that 8-15% of fatal accidents during 1991-2001 were fatigue related, that every fifth Finnish driver has fallen asleep while driving at some point during his/her driving career, and that the Finnish police and courts punish on average one driver per day on the basis of fatigued driving (based on the data from the years 2004-2005). The main finding regarding risk factors and risk groups is that during the summer months, especially in the afternoon, the risk of falling asleep while driving is increased. Furthermore, the results indicate that those with a higher risk of falling asleep while driving are men in general, but especially young male drivers including military conscripts and the elderly during the afternoon hours and the summer in particular; professional drivers breaking the rules about duty and rest hours; and drivers with a tendency to fall asleep easily. A time-of-day pattern of sleep-related incidents was repeatedly found. It was found that VALT teams can be considered relatively reliable when assessing the role of fatigue and sleepiness in accident causation; thus, similar experts might be valuable in the court process as expert witnesses when fatigue or sleepiness are suspected to have a role in an accident’s origins. However, the application of Article 63 of the RTA that forbids, among other things, fatigued driving will continue to be an issue that deserves further attention. This should be done in the context of a needed attitude change towards driving while in a state of extreme tiredness (e.g., after being awake for more than 24 hours), which produces performance deterioration comparable to illegal intoxication (BAC around 0.1%). Regarding the well-known interactive effect of increased sleepiness and even small alcohol levels, the relatively high proportion (up to 14.5%) of Finnish drivers owning and using a breathalyzer raises some concern. This concern exists because these drivers are obviously more focused on not breaking the “magic” line of 0.05% BAC than being concerned about driving impairment, which might be much worse than they realize because of the interactive effects of increased sleepiness and even low alcohol consumption. In conclusion, there is no doubt that fatigue and sleepiness problems while driving are common among the Finnish driving population. While we wait for the invention of reliable devices for fatigue/sleepiness detection, we should invest more effort in raising public awareness about the dangerousness of fatigued driving and educate drivers about how to recognize and deal with fatigue and sleepiness when they ultimately occur.
Distraction in the workplace is increasingly more common in the information age. Several tasks and sources of information compete for a worker's limited cognitive capacities in human-computer interaction (HCI). In some situations even very brief interruptions can have detrimental effects on memory. Nevertheless, in other situations where persons are continuously interrupted, virtually no interruption costs emerge. This dissertation attempts to reveal the mental conditions and causalities differentiating the two outcomes. The explanation, building on the theory of long-term working memory (LTWM; Ericsson and Kintsch, 1995), focuses on the active, skillful aspects of human cognition that enable the storage of task information beyond the temporary and unstable storage provided by short-term working memory (STWM). Its key postulate is called a retrieval structure an abstract, hierarchical knowledge representation built into long-term memory that can be utilized to encode, update, and retrieve products of cognitive processes carried out during skilled task performance. If certain criteria of practice and task processing are met, LTWM allows for the storage of large representations for long time periods, yet these representations can be accessed with the accuracy, reliability, and speed typical of STWM. The main thesis of the dissertation is that the ability to endure interruptions depends on the efficiency in which LTWM can be recruited for maintaing information. An observational study and a field experiment provide ecological evidence for this thesis. Mobile users were found to be able to carry out heavy interleaving and sequencing of tasks while interacting, and they exhibited several intricate time-sharing strategies to orchestrate interruptions in a way sensitive to both external and internal demands. Interruptions are inevitable, because they arise as natural consequences of the top-down and bottom-up control of multitasking. In this process the function of LTWM is to keep some representations ready for reactivation and others in a more passive state to prevent interference. The psychological reality of the main thesis received confirmatory evidence in a series of laboratory experiments. They indicate that after encoding into LTWM, task representations are safeguarded from interruptions, regardless of their intensity, complexity, or pacing. However, when LTWM cannot be deployed, the problems posed by interference in long-term memory and the limited capacity of the STWM surface. A major contribution of the dissertation is the analysis of when users must resort to poorer maintenance strategies, like temporal cues and STWM-based rehearsal. First, one experiment showed that task orientations can be associated with radically different patterns of retrieval cue encodings. Thus the nature of the processing of the interface determines which features will be available as retrieval cues and which must be maintained by other means. In another study it was demonstrated that if the speed of encoding into LTWM, a skill-dependent parameter, is slower than the processing speed allowed for by the task, interruption costs emerge. Contrary to the predictions of competing theories, these costs turned out to involve intrusions in addition to omissions. Finally, it was learned that in rapid visually oriented interaction, perceptual-procedural expectations guide task resumption, and neither STWM nor LTWM are utilized due to the fact that access is too slow. These findings imply a change in thinking about the design of interfaces. Several novel principles of design are presented, basing on the idea of supporting the deployment of LTWM in the main task.