20 resultados para Ulrich Beck


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Introduction. We estimate the total yearly volume of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles published world-wide as well as the share of these articles available openly on the Web either directly or as copies in e-print repositories. Method. We rely on data from two commercial databases (ISI and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory) supplemented by sampling and Google searches. Analysis. A central issue is the finding that ISI-indexed journals publish far more articles per year (111) than non ISI-indexed journals (26), which means that the total figure we obtain is much lower than many earlier estimates. Our method of analysing the number of repository copies (green open access) differs from several earlier studies which have studied the number of copies in identified repositories, since we start from a random sample of articles and then test if copies can be found by a Web search engine. Results. We estimate that in 2006 the total number of articles published was approximately 1,350,000. Of this number 4.6% became immediately openly available and an additional 3.5% after an embargo period of, typically, one year. Furthermore, usable copies of 11.3% could be found in subject-specific or institutional repositories or on the home pages of the authors. Conclusions. We believe our results are the most reliable so far published and, therefore, should be useful in the on-going debate about Open Access among both academics and science policy makers. The method is replicable and also lends itself to longitudinal studies in the future.


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Symptomatic hypertrophic breasts cause a health burden with physical and psychosocial morbidity. The value of reduction mammaplasty in the treatment of symptomatic breast hypertrophy has been consistently reported by patients and has been well recognised by plastic surgeons for a long time. However, the scientific evidence of the effects of reduction mammaplasty has been weak or lacking. During the design of this study most of the previous studies were retrospective and the few prospective studies had methodological limitations. Therefore, an obvious need for prospective randomised studies was present. Nevertheless, practical and ethical considerations seemed to make this study design impossible, because the waiting time for the operation was several years. The legislation and subsequent introduction of the uniform criteria for access to non-emergency treatment in Finland removed these obstacles, as all patients received their treatment within a reasonable time. As a result, a randomised controlled trial with a six-month follow-up time was designed and conducted. In addition, a follow-up study with two to five years follow-up was also carried out later. The effects of reduction mammaplasty on the patients breast-related symptoms, psychological symptoms, pain and quality of life was assessed. In addition, factors affecting the outcome were investigated. This study was carried out in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Finland. Eighty-two out of the approximately 300 patients on the waiting list in 2004 agreed to participate in the study. Patients were randomised either to be operated (40 patients) on or to be followed up (42 patients). The follow-up time for both groups was six months. The patients were operated on by plastic surgeons or trainees at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Helsinki University Central Hospital or at the Department of Surgery at Hyvinkää Hospital. The patients completed five questionnaires: the SF-36 and the 15D quality of life questionnaires, the Finnish Breast-Associated Symptoms questionnaire (FBAS), a mood questionnaire (Raitasalo s modification of the short form of the Beck Depression Inventory, RBDI), and a pain questionnaire (The Finnish Pain Questionnaire, FPQ). Sixty-two out of the original 82 patients agreed to participate in the prospective follow-up study. In this study, patients completed the 15D quality of life questionnaire, the Finnish Breast-Associated Symptoms questionnaire, and the RBDI mood questionnaire. After six months follow-up, patients who had undergone reduction mammaplasty had a significantly better quality of life, fewer breast-associated symptoms and less pain, and they were less depressed or anxious when compared to patients who had not undergone surgery. The change in quality of life was more than two times the minimal clinically important difference. The patients preoperative quality of life was significantly inferior when compared to the age-standardised general population. This health burden was removed with reduction mammaplasty. The health loss related to symptomatic breast hypertrophy was comparable to that of patients with major joint arthrosis. In terms of change in quality of life, the intervention effect of reduction mammaplasty was comparable to that of hip joint replacement and more pronounced than that of knee joint replacement surgery. The outcome of reduction mammaplasty was affected more by preoperative psychosocial factors than by changes in breast dimensions. The effects of reduction mammaplasty remained stable at two to five years follow-up. In terms of quality of life, symptomatic breast hypertrophy causes a considerable health loss comparable to that of major joint arthrosis. Patients who undergo surgery have fewer breast-associated symptoms and less pain, and they are less depressed or anxious and have an improved quality of life. The intervention effect is comparable to that of major joint replacement surgery, and it remains stable at two to five years follow-up. The outcome of reduction mammaplasty is affected by preoperative psychosocial factors.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Ronald Inglehartin hiljaisen arvovallankumouksen teoriaa refleksiivisen modernisaatioteorian piiristä johdettujen vaihtoehtoisten yhteiskunnallisen epävarmuuden kasvuun liitty-vien selitysmallien kautta. Inglehartin teoria antaa ymmärtää, että modernisaation myötä käynnissä on ollut hiljainen prosessi, jossa aineellisen hyvinvoinnin ja turvallisuuden parissa kasvavat sukupolvet omaksuvat edeltäjiään jälkimaterialistisempia arvoja. Tutkimuksessa johdetaan Inglehartin teorialle kaksi rinnakkaista selitysmallia, jotka perustuvat Ulrich Beckin ja Anthony Giddensin modernisaatioteoretisoin-teihin. Ensimmäisessä mallissa Inglehartin määrittämää jälkimaterialismia pyritään selittämään Giddensin teorian avulla modernisaation myötä tapahtuvan traditioiden purkautumisen myötä yksilötasolla ilmenevän uudenlaisen autonomian kokemisen kautta, jolloin jälkimaterialismin oletetaan olevan yleisempää sellais-ten ihmisten keskuudessa, jotka traditioista irtautuessaan kykenevät onnistuneeseen itsereflektioon. Empiiristä mallinnusta varten koostetaan faktorianalyysillä kaksi Giddensin teoriaan perustuvaa jälkima-terialismia selittävää muuttujaa, joiden välinen yhteisvaikutus on tilastollisen analyysin keskiössä. Toinen malli perustuu Beckin riskiyhteiskuntateoretisointiin ja perustuu pitkälle kehittyneen modernisaa-tion mukanaan tuomien uudenlaisten riskien ja epävarmuuksien kokemiseen ja olettaa, että huolestunei-suus uudenlaisten riskien ja epävarmuuksien suhteen näkyy suurempana materialististen arvojen omak-sumisena. Selitysmalleja testataan empiirisesti ordinaalisella regression- sekä kovarianssianalyysillä World Values Survey 2005:n, European Values Study 2008:n sekä saksalaisen Political Attitudes, Political Participati-on and Voter Conduct in United Germany –surveyn vuosien 1994-2002 aineistoilla. Empiirisen analyysin perusteella kumpaakaan mallia ei kuitenkaan voida näyttää toteen käytettävissä olevilla aineistoilla. Tut-kimuksessa pyritään siten vielä problematisoimaan tutkimusasetelman operationalisointiin liittyviä on-gelmakohtia survey-aineistojen suhteen mahdollisten jatkotutkimuksien kannalta.


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This study approaches the problem of poverty in the hinterlands of Northeast Brazil through the concept of structural violence, linking the environmental threats posed by climate change, especially those related to droughts, to the broader social struggles in the region. When discussions about potentials and rights are incorporated into the problematic of poverty, a deeper insight is obtained regarding the various factors behind the phenomenon. It is generally believed that climate change is affecting the already marginalized and poor more than those of higher social standing, and will increasingly do so in the future. The data for this study was collected during a three month field work in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba in Northeast Brazil. The main methods used were semi-structured interviews and participant observation, including attending seminars concerning climate change on the field. The focus of the work is to compare both layman and expert perceptions on what climate change is about, and question the assumptions about its effects in the future, mainly that of increased numbers of ‘climate refugees’ or people forced to migrate due to changes in climate. The focus on droughts, as opposed to other manifestations of climate change, arises from the fact that droughts are not only phenomena that develop over a longer time span than floods or hurricanes, but is also due to the historical persistence of droughts in the region, and both the institutional and cultural linkages that have evolved around it. The instances of structural violence that are highlighted in this study; the drought industry, land use, and the social and power relations present in the region, including those between the civil society, the state and the private agribusiness sector, all work against a backdrop of symbolic and moral realms of value production, where relations between the different actors are being negotiated anew with the rise of the climate change discourse. The main theoretical framework of the study consists of Johan Galtung’s and Paul Farmer’s theory of structural violence, Ulrich Beck’s theory of the risk society, and James Scott’s theory of everyday peasant resistance.