49 resultados para Stress (Psychology)


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Atherosclerosis is the main underlying pathology of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a serious health problem in Finland, and it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Psychological stress correlates with coronary heart disease events – myocardial infarction and sudden death, which are the most common clinical syndromes of atherosclerotic narrowing of arteries. The present series of studies examines the interaction between stress and endothelial function in relation to atherosclerosis. The study also aims to give new information on the mechanisms through which stress has its effect on atherosclerosis progression, focusing on possible relations between psychological stress and the functioning of the endothelium. Our project is based on data from one of the largest national epidemiological studies, the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, which has monitored the development of risk factors for coronary heart disease in 3596 young adults since 1980. The present study combines experimental stress research with epidemiology and uses an advanced method for examining atherosclerosis development in healthy subjects (intima-media thickness ultrasound measurement). The physiological parameters used were heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia and pre-ejection period. Chronic stress was assessed by vital exhaustion. The ultrasound measurements that served as the indexes of preclinical atherosclerosis were carotid intima-media thickness, brachial flow-mediated dilatation and carotid artery compliance. The effects of cardiovascular risk factors found to be important were taken into account: serum cholesterols level, triglyceride level, serum insulin level and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There were 69, 1596, 81 and 1721 participants in studies I-IV, respectively. The results showed that both chronic and acute stress may exert an effect on atherosclerosis in subjects with impaired endothelial responses. The findings are consistent with the idea that risk factors are more harmful if the endothelium is not working properly. Chronic stress was found to be a risk if it has resulted in ineffective cardiac stress reactivity or delayed recovery. Men were shown to be at increased risk for atherosclerotic progression in early life, which suggests men’s decreased stress coping ability in relation to stressful psychosocial coronary risk factors. Autonomic imbalance may be the common mechanism of the stress influence on atherosclerosis development. The results of the present study contain background information for the identification the first stages of atherosclerosis, and they may be useful for preventive medicine programs for young adults and could help to improve cardiovascular health in Finland as well as in other countries.


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The study examined immigrants´ attitudes towards acculturation, in other words the social and cultural changes that take place in the adaptation process. The perspective of acculturation studies was also expanded by examining immigrants´ cultural values and their experiences of majority´s expectations. In addition, special interest was directed to the relations between acculturation attitudes and values and both factors´ relevance on psychological well-being. Indian born immigrants were selected as subjects as they are one of the fastest growing ethnic minorities in Finland. This minority has not been included in immigration studies previously. The seventy-five immigrants that participated as subjects represent a highly educated subgroup of Indian born immigrants. The study was carried out with posted questionnaires. Most of the subjects received an inquiry of their motivation to participate by e-mail or phone before the postal questionnaire. The results were in line with previous studies in Finland as the attitudes emphasising cultural integration were dominant. However, attitudes towards marriage, reflecting deeper and less flexible parts of culture, were dominated by separation motives. Immigrants´ perceptions of majority´s expectations reflected partly the real assimilation wishes demonstrated in previous studies. Against hypotheses, discrepancies between acculturation attitudes and experiences of majority´s expectations did not predict immigrants´ psychological well-being in a clear way. The highly educated Indian born immigrants emphasised self-direction and universalism in their values. This separates them from the traditional cultural values of India. The hypotheses made of the predictive relations between values and acculturation attitudes were partly confirmed. Also, the assumptions concerning both the stress buffering role of collectivistic values and the positive effect of achievement values on feelings of mastery were confirmed. Despite the limitations in the data, this study strengthens the view that cultural and personal values play a significant role in immigrants´ adaptation process. Information about values can benefit individuals making hard decisions and coping with cultural change as well as officials modifying Finnish immigration policy and planning the support system for immigrants.


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Research reveals that more than every fourth Finn experiences work-related exhaustion to some degree. Stress and exhaustion have psychological and physical expressions. The main physical factor in stress is the overloading of the autonomic nervous system, which can be measured for instance by variations of heart rate. Studies show that the work field, management and authority of the work, skill developmental possibilities, and social support inhibit stress overload. The practising of self-relaxation techniques possible inhibits working stress and exhaustion. In this study of preventive rehabilitation, the focus was on the effects of the training of applied relaxation on psychological and physiological variables of stress and empowerment of resources. Participants (n=73) were basically healthy and capable of working, 25-40 of age, workers from the field of mental work. They practised applied relaxation under group conduction for seven weeks. The aim was to learn to relax easily even in everyday occasions. The subjects were tested thirdly. After the first measurement, they were grouped into two groups, of which the first group started the relaxation training. The second group began practising half a year after the second measurement. The third measurement was done one year after the beginning of the study. It was hypothesised that the training of applied relaxation would significantly reduce stress on both psychological and physiological variables and that these variables would correlate positively. Results revealed that the training of applied relaxation reduced psychological stress symptoms rather modestly. The changes were more significant in women, who experienced a slight increase in self-directivity. Physical changes were slight decreases of the sympathetic activation. The correlations of psychological and physiological variables were modest. Some changes were reduced after the active training. There was a positive interrelation between experienced work-related demands of efficiency, insufficient social support and exhaustion. There was a tendency to significance between skill developmental possibilities and psychological stress symptoms. Further implications of the results were discussed.


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Personal goals offer an important aspect of personality and motivation. Personal goals are conscious and subjectively motivated objectives by which a person directs his or her life over time. Personal goals are related to adolescents' subjective well-being. The aim of the present research was to find out, what kinds of groups of adolescents can be formed by the content of personal goals and how these groups differ in goal appraisals, meaningful life events and subjective well-being. The second aim of the study was to detect gender differences and differences between vocational and high school students in goal appraisals, meaningful life events and subjective well-being. Adolescents in upper secondary education (N=1144) were grouped together by the content of their personal goals using a person oriented approach and a cluster analysis. Clusters found in the analysis were named by the centre goal as (1) a property group, (2) a vocation group, (3) a future education and personal relationships group and (4) a selffocused group. Adolescents in the property group put a little effort into their career goal, they were not exhausted in school work and their subjective well-being was average. Adolescents in the vocation group felt progress in their career goal and put effort into it. They had goals related to life-style. They did not feel exhausted and their subjective well-being was average. The future education and personal relationships group put effort into their career goal and considered progressing in it. Personal relationships were important in their lives. They were exhausted in their school work but they did not feel cynicism. Their own health was one of their goals and they felt satisfaction in their life. Adolescents in the self-focused group did not put effort into their career goal nor considered progressing in it. They were exhausted and especially cynical in their school work. They suffered from almost clinically significant depression. They had low life-satisfaction and low self-esteem. The following gender and educational differences were found. Compared with boys, girls felt their career goal was more important and stressful, and girls also put more effort into it. Girls were more exhausted, depressed and they had lower selfesteem than boys. High school students felt more stress with their career goal than vocational school students. High school students were more exhausted, but still they felt more satisfaction with their lives. In practice, to cover adolescents' personal goals is a possibility to find distressed individuals who might be in need for extra support.


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Functional loss of tumor suppressor protein p53 is a common feature in diverse human cancers. The ability of this protein to sense cellular damage and halt the progression of the cell cycle or direct the cells to apoptosis is essential in preventing tumorigenesis. Tumors having wild-type p53 also respond better to current chemotherapies. The loss of p53 function may arise from TP53 mutations or dysregulation of factors controlling its levels and activity. Probably the most significant inhibitor of p53 function is Mdm2, a protein mediating its degradation and inactivation. Clearly, the maintenance of a strictly controlled p53-Mdm2 route is of great importance in preventing neoplastic transformation. Moreover, impairing Mdm2 function could be a nongenotoxic way to increase p53 levels and activity. Understanding the precise molecular mechanisms behind p53-Mdm2 relationship is thus essential from a therapeutic point of view. The aim of this thesis study was to discover factors affecting the negative regulation of p53 by Mdm2, causing activation of p53 in stressed cells. As a model of cellular damage, we used UVC radiation, inducing a complex cellular stress pathway. Exposure to UVC, as well as to several chemotherapeutic drugs, causes robust transcriptional stress in the cells and leads to activation of p53. By using this model of cellular stress, our goal was to understand how and by which proteins p53 is regulated. Furthermore, we wanted to address whether these pathways affecting p53 function could be altered in human cancers. In the study, two different p53 pathway proteins, nucleophosmin (NPM) and promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), were found to participate in the p53 stress response following UV stress. Subcellular translocations of these proteins were discovered rapidly after exposure to UV. The alterations in the cellular localizations were connected to transient interactions with p53 and Mdm2, implicating their significance in the regulation of p53 stress response. NPM was shown to control Mdm2-p53 interface and mediate p53 stabilization by blocking the ability of Mdm2 to promote p53 degradation. Furthermore, NPM mediated p53 stabilization upon viral insult. We further detected a connection between cellular pathways of NPM and PML, as PML was found to associate with NPM in UV-radiated cells. The observed temporal UV-induced interactions strongly imply existence of a multiprotein complex participating in the p53 response. In addition, PML controlled the UV response of NPM, its localization and complex formation with chromatin associated factors. The relevance of the UV-promoted interactions was demonstrated in studies in a human leukemia cell line, being under abnormal transcriptional repression due to expression of oncogenic PML-RARa fusion protein. Reversing the leukemic phenotype with a therapeutically significant drug was associated with similar complex formation between p53 and its partners as following UV. In conclusion, this thesis study identifies novel p53 pathway interactions associated with the recovery from UV-promoted as well as oncogenic transcriptional repression.


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Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a 56 kD homodimeric protein which was originally identified in bony fish, where it regulates calcium/phosphate homeostasis and protects against toxic hypercalcemia. STC-1 was considered unique to fish until the cloning of cDNA for human STC-1 in 1995 and mouse Stc-1 in 1996. STC-1 is conserved through evolution with human and salmon STC-1 sharing 60% identity and 80% similarity. The surprisingly high homology between mammalian and fish STC-1 and the protective actions of STC-1 in terminally differentiated neurons, originally reported by my colleagues, prompted me to further study the role of STC-1 in cell stress and differentiation. One purpose was to determine whether there is an inter-relationship between terminally differentiated cells and STC-1 expression. The study revealed an accumulation of STC-1 in mature megakaryocytes and adipocytes, i.e. postmitotic cells with limited or lost proliferative capacity. Still proliferating uninduced cells were negative for STC-1 mRNA and protein, whereas differentiating cells accumulated STC-1 in their cytoplasm. Interestingly, in liposarcomas the grade inversely correlated with STC-1 expression. Another aim was to study how STC-1 gene expression is regulated. Given that IL-6 is a cytokine with neuroprotective actions, by unknown mechanisms, we examined whether IL-6 regulates STC-1 gene expression. Treatment of human neural Paju cells with IL-6 induced a dose-dependent upregulation of STC-1 mRNA levels. This induction of STC-1 expression by IL-6 occurred mainly through the MAPK signaling pathway. Furthermore, I studied the role of IL-6-mediated STC-1 expression as a mechanism of cytoprotection conferred by hypoxic preconditioning (HOPC) in brain and heart. My findings show that Stc-1 was upregulated in brain after hypoxia treatment. In the brain of IL-6 deficient mice, however, no upregulation of Stc-1 expression was evident. After induced brain injury the STC-1 response in brains of IL-6 transgenic mice, with IL-6 overexpression in astroglial cells, was stronger than in brains of WT mice. These results indicate that IL-6-mediated expression of STC-1 is one molecular mechanism of HOPC-induced tolerance to brain ischemia. The protection conferred by HOPC in heart occurs during a bimodal time course comprising early and delayed preconditioning. Interestingly, my results showed that the expression of Stc-1 in heart was upregulated in a biphasic manner during HOPC. IL-6 deficient mice did not, however, show a similar biphasic manner of Stc-1 upregulation as did WT mice. Instead, only an early upregulation of Stc-1 expression was evident. The results suggest that the upregulation of Stc-1 during the delayed preconditioning is IL-6-dependent. The upregulated expression of Stc-1 during the early preconditioning, however, is only partly IL-6-dependent and possibly also directly mediated by HIF-1. These findings suggest that STC-1 is a pro-survival protein for terminally differentiated cells and that STC-1 expression may in fact be regulated by stress. In addition, I show that STC-1 gene upregulation, mediated in part by IL-6, is a new mechanism of protection conferred by HOPC in brain and heart. Because of its importance for fundamental biological processes, such as differentiation and cytoprotection, STC-1 may have therapeutic implications for management of stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and obesity.


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The dissertation consists of four essays and a comprehensive introduction that discusses the topics, methods, and most prominent theories of philosophical moral psychology. I distinguish three main questions: What are the essential features of moral thinking? What are the psychological conditions of moral responsibility? And finally, what are the consequences of empirical facts about human nature to normative ethics? Each of the three last articles focuses on one of these issues. The first essay and part of the introduction are dedicated to methodological questions, in particular the relationship between empirical (social) psychology and philosophy. I reject recent attempts to understand the nature of morality on the basis of empirical research. One characteristic feature of moral thinking is its practical clout: if we regard an action as morally wrong, we either refrain from doing it even against our desires and interests, or else feel shame or guilt. Moral views seem to have a conceptual connection to motivation and emotions – roughly speaking, we can’t conceive of someone genuinely disapproving an action, but nonetheless doing it without any inner motivational conflict or regret. This conceptual thesis in moral psychology is called (judgment) internalism. It implies, among other things, that psychopaths cannot make moral judgments to the extent that they are incapable of corresponding motivation and emotion, even if they might say largely the words we would expect. Is internalism true? Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in so-called experimental philosophy, which is a methodological view according to which claims about conceptual truths that appeal to our intuitions should be tested by way of surveys presented to ordinary language users. One experimental result is that the majority of people are willing to grant that psychopaths make moral judgments, which challenges internalism. In the first article, ‘The Rise and Fall of Experimental Philosophy’, I argue that these results pose no real threat to internalism, since experimental philosophy is based on a too simple conception of the relationship between language use and concepts. Only the reactions of competent users in pragmatically neutral and otherwise conducive circumstances yield evidence about conceptual truths, and such robust intuitions remain inaccessible to surveys for reasons of principle. The epistemology of folk concepts must still be based on Socratic dialogue and critical reflection, whose character and authority I discuss at the end of the paper. The internal connection between moral judgment and motivation led many metaethicists in the past century to believe along Humean lines that judgment itself consists in a pro-attitude rather than a belief. This expressivist view, as it is called these days, has far-reaching consequences in metaethics. In the second essay I argue that perhaps the most sophisticated form of contemporary expressivism, Allan Gibbard’s norm-expressivism, according to which moral judgments are decisions or contingency plans, is implausible from the perspective of the theory of action. In certain circumstances it is possible to think that something is morally required of one without deciding to do so. Morality is not a matter of the will. Instead, I sketch on the basis of Robert Brandom’s inferentialist semantics a weak form of judgment internalism, according to which the content of moral judgment is determined by a commitment to a particular kind of practical reasoning. The last two essays in the dissertation emphasize the role of mutual recognition in the development and maintenance of responsible and autonomous moral agency. I defend a compatibilist view of autonomy, according to which agents who are unable to recognize right and wrong or act accordingly are not responsible for their actions – it is not fair to praise or blame them, since they lacked the relevant capacity to do otherwise. Conversely, autonomy demands an ability to recognize reasons and act on them. But as a long tradition in German moral philosophy whose best-known contemporary representative is Axel Honneth has it, both being aware of reasons and acting on them requires also the right sort of higher-order attitudes toward the self. Without self-respect and self-confidence we remain at the mercy of external pressures, even if we have the necessary normative competence. These attitudes toward the self, in turn, are formed through mutual recognition – we value ourselves when those who we value value us. Thus, standing in the right sort of relations of recognition is indirectly necessary for autonomy and moral responsibility. Recognition and valuing are concretely manifest in actions and institutions, whose practices make possible participation on an equal footing. Seeing this opens the way for a kind of normative social criticism that is grounded in the value of freedom and automomy, but is not limited to defending negative rights. It thus offers a new way to bridge the gap between liberalism and communitarianism.


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This thesis clarifies important molecular pathways that are activated during the cell death observed in Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s disease is one of the most common inherited neurodegenerative diseases, which is primarily inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. HD is caused by an expansion of CAG repeats in the first exon of the IT15 gene. IT15 encodes the production of a Huntington’s disease protein huntingtin. Mutation of the IT15 gene results in a long stretch of polyQ residues close to the amino-terminal region of huntingtin. Huntington’s disease is a fatal autosomal neurodegenerative disorder. Despite the current knowledge of HD, the precise mechanism behind the selective neuronal death, and how the disease propagates, still remains an enigma. The studies mainly focused on the control of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress triggered by the mutant huntingtin proteins. The ER is a delicate organelle having essential roles in protein folding and calcium regulation. Even the slightest perturbations on ER homeostasis are effective enough to trigger ER stress and its adaptation pathways, called unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR is essential for cellular homeostasis and it adapts ER to the changing environment and decreases ER stress. If adaptation processes fail and stress is excessive and prolonged; irreversible cell death pathways are engaged. The results showed that inhibition of ER stress with chemical agents are able to decrease cell death and formation of toxic cell aggregates caused by mutant huntingtin proteins. The study concentrated also to the NF-κB (nuclear factor-kappaB) pathway, which is activated during ER stress. NF-κB pathway is capable to regulate the levels of important cellular antioxidants. Cellular antioxidants provide a first line of defence against excess reactive oxygen species. Excess accumulation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent activation of oxidative stress damages motley of vital cellular processes and induce cell degeneration. Data showed that mutant huntingtin proteins downregulate the expression levels of NF-κB and vital antioxidants, which was followed by increased oxidative stress and cell death. Treatment with antioxidants and inhibition of oxidative stress were able to counteract these adverse effects. In addition, thesis connects ER stress caused by mutant huntingtin to the cytoprotective autophagy. Autophagy sustains cellular balance by degrading potentially toxic cell proteins and components observed in Huntington’s disease. The results revealed that cytoprotective autophagy is active at the early points (24h) of ER stress after expression of mutant huntingtin proteins. GADD34 (growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene 34), which is previously connected to the regulation of translation during cell stress, was shown to control the stimulation of autophagy. However, GADD34 and autophagy were downregulated at later time points (48h) during mutant huntingtin proteins induced ER stress, and subsequently cell survival decreased. Overexpression GADD34 enhanced autophagy and decreased cell death, indicating that GADD34 plays a critical role in cell protection. The thesis reveales new interesting data about the neuronal cell death pathways seen in Huntington’s disease, and how cell degeneration is partly counteracted by various therapeutic agents. Expression of mutant huntingtin proteins is shown to alter signaling events that control ER stress, oxidative stress and autophagy. Despite that Huntington’s disease is mainly an untreatable disorder; these findings offer potential targets and neuroprotective strategies in designing novel therapies for Huntington’s disease.


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As the resistance of bacteria to conventional antibiotics has become an increasing problem, new antimicrobial drugs are urgently needed. One possible source of new antibacterial agents is a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) produced by practically all living organisms. These peptides are typically small, amphipathic and positively charged and contain well defined a-helical or b-sheet secondary structures. The main antibacterial action mechanism of CAMPs is considered to be disruption of the cell membrane, but other targets of CAMPs also exist. Some bacterial species have evolved defence mechanisms against the harmful effects of CAMPs. One of the most effective defence mechanisms is reduction of the net negative charge of bacterial cell surfaces. Global analysis of gene expression of two Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, was used to further study the stress responses induced by different types of CAMPs. B. subtilis cells were treated with sublethal concentrations of a-helical peptide LL-37, b-sheet peptide protegrin 1 or synthetic analogue poly-L-lysine, and the changes in gene expression were studied using DNA macroarrays. In the case of S. aureus, three different a-helical peptides were selected for the transcriptome analyses: temporin L, ovispirin-1 and dermaseptin K4-S4(1-16). Transcriptional changes caused by peptide stress were examined using oligo DNA microarrays. The transcriptome analysis revealed two main cell signalling mechanisms mediating CAMP stress responses in Gram-positive bacteria: extracytoplasmic function (ECF)sigma factors and two-component systems (TCSs). In B. subtilis, ECF sigma factors sigW and sigM as well as TCS LiaRS responded to the cell membrane disruption caused by CAMPs. In S. aureus, CAMPs caused a similar stress response to antibiotics interfering in cell wall synthesis, and TCS VraSR was strongly activated. All of these transcriptional regulators are known to respond to several compounds other than CAMPs interfering with cell envelope integrity, suggesting that they sense cell envelope stress in general. Among the most strongly induced genes were yxdLM (in B. subtilis) and vraDE (in S. aureus) encoding homologous ABC transporters. Transcription of yxdLM and vraDE operons is controlled by TCSs YxdJK and ApsRS, respectively. These TCSs seemed to be responsible for the direct recognition of CAMPs. The yxdLM operon was specifically induced by LL-37, but its role in CAMP resistance remained unclear. VraDE was proven to be a bacitracin transporter. We also showed that the net positive charge of the cell wall affects the signalrecognition of different TCSs responding to cell envelope stress. Inactivation of the Dlt system responsible for the D-alanylation of teichoic acids had a strong and differential effect on the activity of the studied TCSs, depending on their functional role in cells and the stimuli they sense.