200 resultados para Situated Display, Internet Technologies, Interaction, Urban Screen


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sellaisia kausatiivisia lauserakenteita, joissa kausaation osapuolet ovat ei-inhimillisiä olioita. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella eri kausatiivirakenteiden yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia sen suhteen, miten ne kausaatiota kuvaavat, sekä luoda tämän analyysin pohjalta jonkinlainen kokonaiskuva siitä, miten suomen kielessä käsitteistetään kausaatiota. Työn aineistona on valikoima terveysaiheisia artikkeleita verkkosivuilta www.tohtori.fi ja www.verkkoklinikka.fi. Tästä tekstimassasta poimittiin käsin kaikki sellaiset lauseet, jotka kuvasivat kahden ei-inhimillisen olion välistä kausaaliyhteyttä. Tämä lauseaineisto jaoteltiin eri kausaatiorakenteisiin sen mukaan, mikä oli kunkin esiintymän kausaaliyhteyttä kuvaava keskusargumentti. Kausatiiviset rakennetyypit ovat seuraavat: aineistossa keskeiset AIHEUTTAA-rakenne, MUUTTAA-rakenne, VAIKUTTAA-rakenne, AIHEUTUA-rakenne ja LIITTYÄ-rakenne sekä esiintymämäärältään edellämainittuja harvinaisemmat JOHTAA-rakenne, ESTÄÄ/MAHDOLLISTAA-rakenne, EDISTÄÄ-rakenne, RIIPPUArakenne, OLLA SYYNÄ/SEURAUKSENA -rakenne ja OLLA TAUSTALLA -rakenne. Rakenteita analysoidaan kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen ja konstruktiokieliopin metodein. Kielitieteellisistä kausaation tutkimuksista tärkeimpinä teorialähteinä ovat Talmy (1976) sekä Kemmer ja Verhagen (1994). Aineiston rakenteista tarkastellaan erityisesti perussyntaksia, predikaation osallistujien semanttisia rooleja sekä rakenteen avulla kuvatun kausaalisuhteen luonnetta ja sen osapuolten ominaisuuksia. Näin tuodaan ilmi, miten eri tavat kielellistää kausaatiota eroavat toisistaan. Päätelminä todetaan, että kausaation kielellistämiskeinot ovat monipuolisia ja tarkastellut rakenteet eroavat toisistaan monessa suhteessa. Kausatiivirakenteita voi luokitella mm. sillä perusteella, onko niiden keskusargumenttina predikaattiverbi vai nomini ja kopula, ovatko ne aineistossa yleisiä vai marginaalisia ja kuvaavatko ne vahvaa vai heikkoa kausaalisuhdetta. Kaikkiaan on tuloksena, että aineiston kausatiivirakenteet ovat joko transitiivisia lauserakenteita tai käyttävät hyväkseen spatiaalisuutta syy seuraus-suhteen ilmaisemisen keinona. Työstä nousee esiin monenlaisia jatkotutkimusaiheita: Ovatko kausatiivisuuden keinot samanlaisia myös muissa kirjallisissa tekstilajeissa ja puhutussa kielessä? Miten suomen ilmaisukeinot vertautuvat muihin kieliin? Etenkin esiintymämäärältään vähäisistä rakenteista voisi lisäksi löytää uusia ominaisuuksia tutkimalla niitä tätä työtä laajemmasta aineistosta.


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Participation is located in a living and complex environment. Traditional means of participation are only partially able to meet the new environmental requirements. In need are forms of participation which take into account the new opportunities of the environment and residents expertise. Internet map applications are an important channel of participation which potential is in many respects as unexplored and unutilized. They are commonly in inventory the perspectives, bringing out the concerns of the area, and only little for discussing about solutions. Interpretation is usually made by designer. This study focuses on evaluation and development of Internet map applications in strategic land use planning. Subject matter is dealt from designer and the inhabitants point of view. City Planning Department of Helsinki s Esikau-punkien Renessanssi -project and the associated SoftGIS survey acts as the case study. In the beginning of the study I tried to recognize the new environment in which the Internet map applications are placed. The research question is, what kind of challenges and opportunities the e-participation confronts in information society, and what kind of requirements the environmental creates for development of an application. In chapter three I evaluate how successfully these requirements are met in Esikau-punkien Renessanssi -project. I m trying to examine how the application would look like if the environment and the characteristics of the project are met better. The approach is experimental and I try to find new ways to take advantage of Internet maps. I try not to be too limited to current projects and studies. For example, I try to examine how social media and Web 2.0 opportunities can be utilized, and how the learning and shaping nature of planning may be reached in Internet map environment. In chapter four I have developed a new concept for the Esikaupunkien Renessanssi map application, and made images to visualize its operation in practice. I collect all the data in the research and gather it into a new service. The aim is to create a better application for Esikaupunkien Renessanssi -project, which takes into account the living and complex environment of participation and responds to threats and opportunities arising from it. The presented outcome is in many respects different from the current query. In the new service the role of residents is to interact and learn. The traditional standing of the Internet maps and the position of resident as one-sided information donor are questioned. In the concept, the residents innovate and make interpretations too. Influences are taken from a number of modern applications and for example services that make use of social media. The user experience is intended to be interactive, fast and easy. The idea is that the service keeps you up to date with planning matters, not the other way around. Service guides inhabitants, striving to achieve a deeper knowledge of the project's objectives as well as the dynamics and realities that different individuals experience.


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Congestion of traffic is one of the biggest challenges for urban cities in global perspective. Car traffic and traffic jams are causing major problems and the congestion is predicted to worsen in the future. The greenhouse effect has caused a severe threat to the environment globally. On the other hand from the point of view of companies and other economic parties time and money has been lost because of the congestion of traffic. This work studies some possible traffic payment systems for the Helsinki Metropolitan area introducing three optional models and concentrating on the point of view of the economic parties. Central part of this work is formed by a research questionnaire, which was conducted among companies located in the Helsinki area and where more than 1000 responses were gained. The study researches the approaches of the respondents to the area s current traffic system, its development and urban congestion pricing and the answers are analyzed according to the size, industry and location of the companies. The economic aspect is studied by economic theory of industrial location and by emphasizing the meaning of smoothly running traffic for the economic world. Chapter three presents detailed information about traffic congestion, how today s car-centered society has been formed, what concrete things congestion means for economic life and how traffic congestion can be limited. Theoretically it is examined how urban traffic payment systems are working using examples from London and Stockholm where successful traffic payment experiences exist. The literature review analyzes urban development, increasing car traffic and Helsinki Metropolitan area on a structural point of view. The fourth chapter introduces a case study, which concentrates on Helsinki Metropolitan area s different structures, the congestion situation in Helsinki and the introduction of the traffic payment system clarification. Currently the region is experiencing a phase where big changes are happening in the planning of traffic. The traffic systems are being unified to consider the whole region in the future. Also different advices for the increasing traffic congestion problems are needed. Chapter five concentrates on the questionnaire and theme interviews and introduces the research findings. The respondents overall opinion of the traffic payments is quite skeptical. There were some regional differences found and especially taxi, bus and cargo and transit enterprises shared the most negative opinion. Economic parties were worried especially because of the traffic congestion is causing harm for the business travel and the employees traveling to and from work. According to the respondents the best option from the traffic payment models was the ring model where the payment places would be situated inside the Ring Road III. Both the company representatives and other key decision makers see public transportation as a good and powerful tool to decrease traffic congestion. The only question, which remains, is where to find investors willing to invest in public transportation if economic representatives do not believe in pricing the traffic by for example traffic payment systems.


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The aim of this masters thesis was to examine subjective wellbeing and personal happiness. Empirical study of happiness is part of broader wellbeing reseach and is based on an idea that the best experts of personal wellbeing are the individuals themselves. In addition to perceptions of personal happiness, the aim was also to acquire knowledge about personal values and components personal happiness is based on. In this study, moving into certain community and the charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing happiness, were defined to represent these values. The object was, through comparative casestudy, to obtain knowledge about subjective wellbeing of the inviduals in two different residental areas inside metropolitan area of Helsinki. In comparative case study the intention usually is that the examined units represent spesific "cases" from something broader and therefore the results can be somehow generalized. Consequently the chosen cases in this study were selected due to their image of "urban village" and thus the juxtapositioning was constructed between secluded post-suburban village and more heterogeneous urban village better attached to excisting urban structure. The researh questins were formed as follows: Are there any differencies between the areas regarding the components personal happines is based on? Are there any differencies between the areas regarding the level of residents subjective wellbeing? Based on the residents assesments, what are the most important charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing personal happiness? The data used in order to gain aswers to these questions was obtained from internet-based survey questionnaire. Based on the data residents of post-suburban village Sundsberg seem to share highly family oriented set of values and actualizing these values is ensured with high income, wealth and secure work situation. Insteadt in Kumpula the components of happiness seem place more towards learning and personal developement, interesting leisure and hobbies and specially having an influence regarding communal decisions. Conserning subjective wellbeing of residents there can be seen some differencies as well. Personal life is experienced a bit more happier in Sundsberg than in Kumpula. People are more satified with their personal health and job satisfaction in Sundsberg and additionally feelings of loneliness, inadequancy and frustration are bit more common in Kumpula. Regarding the charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing happiness data suggests that key charesteristics of area are peacefulness and safely, good location and connections and proximity of parks and recreational areas. These charesteristics were concidered highly significant in both areas but they were experienced to actualize better in Kumpula. In addition to these components the residents in Kumpula were overall more satisfied with various charecteristics contiburing happiness in their residental area. Besides these attributes mentioned above residents in Kumpula emphasize also some "softer" elements connecting into social, functional and communal side of area. From Sundsberg point of view residental area best contributing happiness is child friendly and safe community based on likeminded people who share the same sosioeconomical situation. The results of this study can be linked back into the society and metropolitan area, which they were chosen from as a cases to be studied. The results can thereby be seen as an example of differentation of conditions of personal happiness between certain population segments. It is possible to detect an spatial dimetion to this process as well and thereby the results suggests that regional segmentation affects between high-ranking residental areas as well. Thereby the results of this reseach contributes to the debate on innovative, diverse and dynamic urban area and as well cohesion of metropolitan area and the society in whole.