37 resultados para Selective Catalytic-reduction
Organocatalysis, the use of organic molecules as catalysts, is attracting increasing attention as one of the most modern and rapidly growing areas of organic chemistry, with countless research groups in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry around the world working on this subject. The literature review of this thesis mainly focuses on metal-free systems for hydrogen activation and organocatalytic reduction. Since these research topics are relatively new, the literature review also highlights the basic principles of the use of Lewis acid-Lewis base pairs, which do not react irreversibly with each other, as a trap for small molecules. The experimental section progresses from the first observation of the facile heterolytical cleavage of hydrogen gas by amines and B(C6F5)3 to highly active non-metal catalysts for both enantioselective and racemic hydrogenation of unsaturated nitrogen-containing compounds. Moreover, detailed studies of structure-reactivity relationships of these systems by X-ray, neutron diffraction, NMR methods and quantum chemical calculations were performed to gain further insight into the mechanism of hydrogen activation and hydrogenation by boron-nitrogen compounds.
Selective attention refers to the process in which certain information is actively selected for conscious processing, while other information is ignored. The aim of the present studies was to investigate the human brain mechanisms of auditory and audiovisual selective attention with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). The main focus was on attention-related processing in the auditory cortex. It was found that selective attention to sounds strongly enhances auditory cortex activity associated with processing the sounds. In addition, the amplitude of this attention-related modulation was shown to increase with the presentation rate of attended sounds. Attention to the pitch of sounds and to their location appeared to enhance activity in overlapping auditory-cortex regions. However, attention to location produced stronger activity than attention to pitch in the temporo-parietal junction and frontal cortical regions. In addition, a study on bimodal attentional selection found stronger audiovisual than auditory or visual attention-related modulations in the auditory cortex. These results were discussed in light of Näätänen s attentional-trace theory and other research concerning the brain mechanisms of selective attention.
Kasvainten, ajatellaan syntyvän yksittäisen solun perimän mutaatioista, jonka seurauksena tuon solun kasvu häiriintyy. Ruoansulatuskanavan polyyppien syntyä käytetään usein mallina siitä, miten nämä epiteelisoluun kerääntyvät mutaatiot aiheuttavat asteittain pahenevan kasvuhäiriön. Peutz–Jeghersin oireyhtymä (PJS) on perinnöllinen polypoosisyndrooma, jossa oireita aiheuttavat erityisesti maha-suolikanavan hamartomatoottiset polyypit. Noin puolella PJS potilaista havaitaan mutaatioita LKB1 kasvunrajoite geenissä. Hiirille joilta toinen Lkb1 alleeli on poistettu (Lkb1+/-) kehittyy PJS-tyypin maha-suolikanavan polyyppeja, joissa on epiteelin liikakasvun lisäksi merkittävä sileälihaskomponentti, aivan kuten PJS polyypeissa. Kuten myös muissa ruoansulatuskanavan polypooseissa, sekä PJS että hiirten polyypeissa Cyclo-oxygenaasi-2:n (COX-2) määrä on usein kohonnut. PJS-polyyppien kehittymisen molekulaarinen mekanismi on kuitenkin selvittämättä. Koska vain osa PJS potilaista kantaa LKB1 mutaatioita, mutaatiot jossakin toisessa lokuksessa saattaisivat selittää osan PJS tapauksista. Jotta PJS:n geneettinen tausta selviäisi, seulottiin kolmen LKB1:n kanssa interaktoivan proteiinin (BRG1, STRADα ja MO25α) geenit PJS potilaista joilla ei ole havaittu LKB1 mutaatioita. Yhdessäkään tutkituista geeneistä ei havaittu tautia aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Näiden kolmen geenin pois sulkeminen, ja uusien menetelmien ansiosta kasvanut havaittujen Lkb1 mutaatioden määrä viittaavat LKB1:n olevan useimpien PJS tapausten taustalla. COX-2:n estäjien käyttö on tehokkaasti vähentänyt polyyppien määrää familiaarisessa adenomatoottisessa polypoosissa. Tästä johtuen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin PJS polypoosissa. PJS-tyypin polypoosin havaittin pienenevän merkittävästi Lkb1+/- hiirissä, joilta oli lisäksi poistettu toinen tai molemmat COX-2:n alleeleista. Lisäksi farmakologinen COX-2:n esto Celecoxib:lla vähensi polypoosia tehokkaasti. Näin ollen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin seuraavaksi PJS potilaissa. Kuuden kuukauden Celecoxib hoidon jälkeen polypoosin havaittiin vähentyneen merkittävästi osalla potilaista (2/6). Nämä tulokset osoittavat COX-2:n roolin PJS-polyyppien kehityksessä, ja viittaavat COX-2:n eston vähentävän polypoosia. Kasvunrajoitegeenin klassisen määritelmän mukaan kasvaimen kehitys vaatii perinnöllisen mutaation lisäksi geenin toisenkin alleelin mutaation, mutta PJS-polyyppien häiriintyneestä epiteelistä ei kuitenkaan systemaattisesti löydy toista LKB1:n mutaatiota. Havainto johti tutkimukseen, jossa selvitettiin voisiko LKB1:n kasvun rajoitus välittyäkin epäsuorasti tukikudokseksi ajatelluista sileälihassoluista. Tätä tutkittiin kehittämällä poistogeeninen hiirimalli jossa Lkb1 on mutatoitunut vain sileälihassoluissa. Näille hiirille kehittyi polyyppeja, jotka ovat kaikin tavoin PJS-polyyppien kaltaisia. Lkb1:n menettäneiden solujen havaittiin tuottavan vähemmän transformoivaa kasvutekijä beetaa (TGFß), joka aiheutti solujen välisen viestinnän heikentymisen ja mahdollisesti viereisten epiteelisolujen liikakasvun. Vastaava häiriö havaittiin myös PJS-potilaiden polyypeissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että potilaillakin sileälihassolujen häiriö on polyyppien taustalla. Havainto suuntaa täten hoitokohteiden etsintää ja osoittaa että LKB1 toimii kasvunrajoittajana epätyypillisellä tavalla pitäen naapurisolujen kasvun kurissa.
A wide range of biotic and abiotic factors, operating over different time perspectives and intensities, cause defoliation and a rapid decrease in the crown size of trees. Scleroderris canker disease [Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet] has caused widespread crown reduction and tree mortality in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) in forests in Scandinavia during the last three decades. In the 1980's, attempts were made to show, on the basis of the higher foliar N and S concentrations of affected pines in the diseased area, that sulphur and nitrogen deposition predispose trees to G. abietina. Unfortunately, in many studies on defoliated trees, exceptionally high or low needle mineral nutrient concentrations are still often interpreted as one of the causes of tree injury and not, conversely, as the result. In this thesis, three different field experiments, with foliar analysis as the main study method, were conducted in order to asses the possible long-term effects of living crown reduction on the needle nutrient concentrations of Scots pine trees in southern Finland. The crown ratio and length of the living crown were used to estimate the amount of defoliation in the reduced canopies. The material for the partial studies was collected and a total of 968 foliar samples were analysed individually (15-17 elements/sample) on a total of 488 sample trees (140 diseased, 116 pruned and 232 control trees) during the years 1987-1996 in 13 Scots pine stands. All the three experiments of this thesis provided significant evidence that severe, disease-induced defoliation or artificial pruning of the living branches can induce long-lasting nutritional changes in the foliage of the recovering trees under the typical growing conditions for Scots pine. The foliar concentrations of all the 17 mineral nutrients/elements analysed were affected, to a varying degree, by artificial pruning during the following three years. Although Scots pine, as an evergreen conifer, is considered to have low induced chemical responses to defoliation, this study proved experimentally under natural forest conditions that severe artificial pruning or disease-induced defoliation of Scots pine trees may induce biologically significant changes in the concentrations of most of the important macro- and micronutrients, as well as of carbon, in refoliated needles. Concerning the studies in this thesis, I find the results significant in providing new information about the long-term effects of rapid living crown reduction on the foliar nutrient and element status of Scots pine trees. Key words: Foliar analysis, defoliation, needle loss, pruning, nutrients, Pinus sylvestris, Gremmeniella abietina
White-rot fungi are wood degrading organisms that are able to decompose all wood polymers; lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Especially the selective white-rot fungi that decompose preferentially wood lignin are promising for biopulping applications. In biopulping the pretreatment of wood chips with white-rot fungi enhances the subsequent pulping step and substantially reduces the refining energy consumption in mechanical pulping. Because it is not possible to carry out biopulping in industrial scale as a closed process it has been necessary to search for new selective strains of white-rot fungi which naturally occur in Finland and cause selective white-rot of Finnish wood raw-material. In a screening of 300 fungal strains a rare polypore, Physisporinus rivulosus strain T241i isolated from a forest burn research site, was found to be a selective lignin degrader and promising for the use in biopulping. Since selective lignin degradation is apparently essential for biopulping, knowledge on lignin-modifying enzymes and the regulation of their production by a biopulping fungus is needed. White-rot fungal enzymes that participate in lignin degradation are laccase, lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), versatile peroxidase (VP) and hydrogen peroxide forming enzymes. In this study, P. rivulosus was observed to produce MnP, laccase and oxalic acid during growth on wood chips. In liquid cultures manganese and veratryl alcohol increased the production of acidic MnP isoforms detected also in wood chip cultures. Laccase production by P. rivulosus was low unless the cultures were supplemented with sawdust and charred wood, the components of natural growth environment of the fungus. In white-rot fungi the lignin-modifying enzymes are typically present as multiple isoforms. In this study, two MnP encoding genes, mnpA and mnpB, were cloned and characterized from P. rivulosus T241i. Analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of two purified MnPs and putative amino acid sequence of the two cloned mnp genes suggested that P. rivulosus possesses at least four mnp genes. The genes mnpA and mnpB markedly differ from each other by the gene length, sequence and intron-exon structure. In addition, their expression is differentially affected by the addition of manganese and veratryl alcohol. P. rivulosus produced laccase as at least two isoforms. The results of this study revealed that the production of MnP and laccase was differentially regulated in P. rivulosus, which ensures the efficient lignin degradation under a variety of environmental conditions.
Natural selection generally operates at the level of the individual, or more specifically at the level of the gene. As a result, individual selection does not always favour traits which benefit the population or species as a whole. The spread of an individual gene may even act to the detriment of the organism in which it finds. Thus selection at the level of the individual can affect processes at the level of the organism, group or even at the level of the species. As most behaviours ultimately affect births, deaths and the distribution of individuals, it seems inevitable that behavioural decisions will have an impact on population dynamics and population densities. Behavioural decisions can often involve costs through allocation of energy into behavioural strategies, such as the investment into armaments involved in fighting over resources or increased mortality due to injury or increased predation risk. Similarly, behaviour may act o to benefit the population, in terms of higher survival and increased fecundity. Examples include increased investment through parental care, choosing a mate based on the nuptial gifts they may supply and choosing territories in the face of competition. Investigating the impact of behaviour on population ecology may seem like a trivial task, but it is likely to have important consequences at different levels. For example, antagonistic behaviour may occasionally become so extreme that it increases the risk of extinction, and such extinction risk may have important implications for conservation. As a corollary, any such behaviour may also act as a macroevolutionary force, weeding out populations with traits which, whilst beneficial to the individuals in the short term, ultimately result in population extinction. In this thesis, I examine how behaviours, specifically conflict and competition over a resource and aspects of behaviour involved in sexual selection, can affect population densities, and what the implications are for the evolution and ecology of the populations in question. It is found that both behaviours related to individual conflict and mating strategies can have an effect at the level of the population, but that various factors, such as a feedback between selection and population densities or macroevolution caused by species extinctions, may act to limit the intensity of conflicts that we observe in nature.
The respiratory chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane of higher organisms and in the plasma membrane of many bacteria. It consists of several membrane-spanning enzymes, which conserve the energy that is liberated from the degradation of food molecules as an electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. The proton gradient can later be utilized by the cell for different energy requiring processes, e.g. ATP production, cellular motion or active transport of ions. The difference in proton concentration between the two sides of the membrane is a result of the translocation of protons by the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from the negatively charged (N-side) to the positively charged side (P-side) of the lipid bilayer, against the proton concentration gradient. The endergonic proton transfer is driven by the flow of electrons through the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from low redox-potential electron donors to acceptors of higher potential, and ultimately to oxygen. Cytochrome c oxidase is the last enzyme in the respiratory chain and catalyzes the reduction of dioxygen to water. The redox reaction is coupled to proton transport across the membrane by a yet unresolved mechanism. Cytochrome c oxidase has two proton-conducting pathways through which protons are taken up to the interior part of the enzyme from the N-side of the membrane. The K-pathway transfers merely substrate protons, which are consumed in the process of water formation at the catalytic site. The D-pathway transfers both substrate protons and protons that are pumped to the P-side of the membrane. This thesis focuses on the role of two conserved amino acids in proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase, glutamate 278 and tryptophan 164. Glu278 is located at the end of the D-pathway and is thought to constitute the branching point for substrate and pumped protons. In this work, it was shown that although Glu278 has an important role in the proton transfer mechanism, its presence is not an obligatory requirement. Alternative structural solutions in the area around Glu278, much like the ones present in some distantly related heme-copper oxidases, could in the absence of Glu278 support the formation of a long hydrogen-bonded water chain through which proton transfer from the D-pathway to the catalytic site is possible. The other studied amino acid, Trp164, is hydrogen bonded to the ∆-propionate of heme a3 of the catalytic site. Mutation of this amino acid showed that it may be involved in regulation of proton access to a proton acceptor, a pump site, from which the proton later is expelled to the P-side of the membrane. The ion pair that is formed by the ∆-propionate of heme a3 and arginine 473 is likely to form a gate-like structure, which regulates proton mobility to the P-side of the membrane. The same gate may also be part of an exit path through which water molecules produced at the catalytically active site are removed towards the external side of the membrane. Time-resolved optical and electrometrical experiments with the Trp164 to phenylalanine mutant revealed a so far undetected step in the proton pumping mechanism. During the A to PR transition of the catalytic cycle, a proton is transferred from Glu278 to the pump site, located somewhere in the vicinity of the ∆-propionate of heme a3. A mechanism for proton pumping by cytochrome c oxidase is proposed on the basis of the presented results and the mechanism is discussed in relation to some relevant experimental data. A common proton pumping mechanism for all members of the heme-copper oxidase family is moreover considered.