16 resultados para Muscular dystrophy
The striated muscle sarcomere is a force generating and transducing unit as well as an important sensor of extracellular cues and a coordinator of cellular signals. The borders of individual sarcomeres are formed by the Z-disks. The Z-disk component myotilin interacts with Z-disk core structural proteins and with regulators of signaling cascades. Missense mutations in the gene encoding myotilin cause dominantly inherited muscle disorders, myotilinopathies, by an unknown mechanism. In this thesis the functions of myotilin were further characterized to clarify the molecular biological basis and the pathogenetic mechanisms of inherited muscle disorders, mainly caused by mutated myotilin. Myotilin has an important function in the assembly and maintenance of the Z-disks probably through its actin-organizing properties. Our results show that the Ig-domains of myotilin are needed for both binding and bundling actin and define the Ig domains as actin-binding modules. The disease-causing mutations appear not to change the interplay between actin and myotilin. Interactions between Z-disk proteins regulate muscle functions and disruption of these interactions results in muscle disorders. Mutations in Z-disk components myotilin, ZASP/Cypher and FATZ-2 (calsarcin-1/myozenin-2) are associated with myopathies. We showed that proteins from the myotilin and FATZ families interact via a novel and unique type of class III PDZ binding motif with the PDZ domains of ZASP and other Enigma family members and that the interactions can be modulated by phosphorylation. The morphological findings typical of myotilinopathies include Z-disk alterations and aggregation of dense filamentous material. The causes and mechanisms of protein aggregation in myotilinopathy patients are unknown, but impaired degradation might explain in part the abnormal protein accumulation. We showed that myotilin is degraded by the calcium-dependent, non-lysosomal cysteine protease calpain and by the proteasome pathway, and that wild type and mutant myotilin differ in their sensitivity to degradation. These studies identify the first functional difference between mutated and wild type myotilin. Furthermore, if degradation of myotilin is disturbed, it accumulates in cells in a manner resembling that seen in myotilinopathy patients. Based on the results, we propose a model where mutant myotilin escapes proteolytic breakdown and forms protein aggregates, leading to disruption of myofibrils and muscular dystrophy. In conclusion, the main results of this study demonstrate that myotilin is a Z-disk structural protein interacting with several Z-disk components. The turnover of myotilin is regulated by calpain and the ubiquitin proteasome system and mutations in myotilin seem to affect the degradation of myotilin, leading to protein accumulations in cells. These findings are important for understanding myotilin-linked muscle diseases and designing treatments for these disorders.
Myotonic dystrophies type 1 (DM1) and type 2 (DM2) are the most common forms of muscular dystrophy affecting adults. They are autosomal dominant diseases caused by microsatellite tri- or tetranucleotide repeat expansion mutations in transcribed but not translated gene regions. The mutant RNA accumulates in nuclei disturbing the expression of several genes. The more recently identified DM2 disease is less well known, yet more than 300 patients have been confirmed in Finland thus far, and the true number is believed to be much higher. DM1 and DM2 share some features in general clinical presentation and molecular pathology, yet they show distinctive differences, including disease severity and differential muscle and fiber type involvement. However, the molecular differences underlying DM1 and DM2 muscle pathology are not well understood. Although the primary tissue affected is muscle, both DMs show a multisystemic phenotype due to wide expression of the mutation-carrying genes. DM2 is particularly intriguing, as it shows an incredibly wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. For this reason, it constitutes a real diagnostic challenge. The core symptoms in DM2 include proximal muscle weakness, muscle pain, myotonia, cataracts, cardiac conduction defects and endocrinological disturbations; however, none of these is mandatory for the disease. Myalgic pains may be the most disabling symptom for decades, sometimes leading to incapacity for work. In addition, DM2 may cause major socio-economical consequences for the patient, if not diagnosed, due to misunderstanding and false stigmatization. In this thesis work, we have (I) improved DM2 differential diagnostics based on muscle biopsy, and (II) described abnormalities in mRNA and protein expression in DM1 and DM2 patient skeletal muscles, showing partial differences between the two diseases, which may contribute to muscle pathology in these diseases. This is the first description of histopathological differences between DM1 and DM2, which can be used in differential diagnostics. Two novel high-resolution applications of in situ -hybridization have been described, which can be used for direct visualization of the DM2 mutation in muscle biopsy sections, or mutation size determination on extended DNA-fibers. By measuring protein and mRNA expression in the samples, differential changes in expression patterns affecting contractile proteins, other structural proteins and calcium handling proteins in DM2 compared to DM1 were found. The dysregulation at mRNA level was caused by altered transciption and abnormal splicing. The findings reported here indicate that the extent of aberrant splicing is higher in DM2 compared to DM1. In addition, the described abnormalities to some extent correlate to the differences in fiber type involvement in the two disorders.
Skeletal muscle cells are highly specialised in order to accomplish their function. During development, the fusion of hundreds of immature myoblasts creates large syncytial myofibres with a highly ordered cytoplasm filled with packed myofibrils. The assembly and organisation of contractile myofibrils must be tightly controlled. Indeed, the number of proteins involved in sarcomere building is impressive, and the role of many of them has only recently begun to be elucidated. Myotilin was originally identified as a high affinity a-actinin binding protein in yeast twohybrid screen. It was then found to interact also with filamin C, actin, ZASP and FATZ-1. Human myotilin is mainly expressed in striated muscle and induces efficient actin bundling in vitro and in cells. Moreover, mutations in myotilin cause different forms of muscle disease, now collectively known as myotilinopathies. In this thesis, consisting of three publications, the work on the mouse orthologue is presented. First, the cloning and molecular characterisation of the mouse myotilin gene showed that human and mouse myotilin share high sequence homology and a similar expression pattern and gene regulation. Functional analysis of the mouse promoter revealed the myogenic factor-binding elements that are required for myotilin gene transcription. Secondly, expression of myotilin was studied during mouse embryogenesis. Surprisingly, myotilin was expressed in a wide array of tissues at some stages of development; its expression pattern became more restricted at perinatal stages and in adult life. Immunostaining of human embryos confirmed broader myotilin expression compared to the sarcomeric marker titin. Finally, in the third article, targeted deletion of myotilin gene in mice revealed that it is not essential for muscle development and function. These data altogether indicate that the mouse can be used as a model for human myotilinopathy and that loss of myotilin does not alter significantly muscle structure and function. Therefore, disease-associated mutant myotilin may act as a dominant myopathic factor.
Poikkijuovaisen luuranko- ja sydänlihaksen supistumisyksikkö, sarkomeeri, koostuu tarkoin järjestyneistä aktiini- ja myosiinisäikeistä. Rakenne eroaa muista solutyypeistä, joissa aktiinisäikeistö muovautuu jatkuvasti ja sen järjestyminen säätelee solun muotoa, solujakautumista, soluliikettä ja solunsisäisten organellien kuljetusta. Myotilin, palladin ja myopalladin kuuluvat proteiiniperheeseen, jonka yhteispiirteenä ovat immunoglobuliinin kaltaiset (Igl) domeenit. Proteiinit liittyvät aktiinitukirankaan ja niiden arvellaan toimivan solutukirangan rakenne-elementteinä ja säätelijöinä. Myotilinia ja myopalladinia ilmennetään poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa. Sen sijaan palladinin eri silmukointimuotoja tavataan monissa kudostyypeissä kuten hermostossa, ja eri muodoilla saattaa olla solutyypistä riippuvia tehtäviä. Poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa kaikki perheen jäsenet sijaitsevat aktiinisäikeitä yhdistävässä Z-levyssä ja ne sitovat Z-levyn rakenneproteiinia, -aktiniinia. Myotilingeenin pistemutaatiot johtavat periytyviin lihastauteihin, kun taas palladinin mutaatioiden on kuvattu liittyvän periytyvään haimasyöpään ja lisääntyneeseen sydäninfarktin riskiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettin myotilinin ja pallainin toimintaa. Kokeissa löydettiin uusia palladinin 90-92kDa alatyyppiin sitoutuvia proteiineja. Yksi niistä on aktiinidynamiikkaa säätelevä profilin. Profilinilla on kahdenlaisia tehtäviä; se edesauttaa aktiinisäikeiden muodostumista, mutta se voi myös eristää yksittäisiä aktiinimolekyylejä ja edistää säikeiden hajoamista. Solutasolla palladinin ja profilinin sijainti on yhtenevä runsaasti aktiinia sisältävillä solujen reuna-alueilla. Palladinin ja profilinin sidos on heikko ja hyvin dynaaminen, joka sopii palladinin tehtävään aktiinisäideiden muodostumisen koordinoijana. Toinen palladinin sitoutumiskumppani on aktiinisäikeitä yhteensitova -aktiniini. -Aktiniini liittää solutukirangan solukalvon proteiineihin ja ankkuroi solunsisäisiä viestintämolekyylejä. Sitoutumista välittävä alue on hyvin samankaltainen palladinissa ja myotilinissa. Luurankolihaksen liiallinen toistuva venytys muuttaa Z-levyjen rakennetta ja muotoa. Prosessin aikana syntyy uusia aktiinifilamenttejä sisältäviä tiivistymiä ja lopulta uusia sarkomeereja. Löydöstemme perusteella myotilinin uudelleenjärjestyminen noudattaa aktiinin muutoksia. Tämä viittaa siihen, että myotilin liittää yhteen uudismuodostuvia aktiinisäikeitä ja vakauttaa niitä. Myotilin saattaa myös ankkuroida viesti- tai rakennemolekyylejä, joiden tehtävänä on edesauttaa Z-levyjen uudismuodostusta. Tulostemme perusteella arvelemme, että myotilin toimii Z-levyjen rakenteen vakaajana ja aktiinisäikeiden säätelijänä. Palladinin puute johtaa sikiöaikaiseen kuolemaan hiirillä, mutta myotilinin puutoksella ei ole samanlaisia vaikutuksia. Tuotettujen myotilin poistogeenisten hiirten todetiin syntyvän ja kehittyvän normaalisti eikä niillä esiintynyt rakenteellisia tai toiminnallisia häiriöitä. Toisaalta aiemmissa kokeissa, joissa hiirille on siirretty ihmisen lihastautia aikaansaava myotilingeeni, nähdään samankaltaisia kuin sairailla ihmisillä. Näin ollen muuntunut myotilin näyttä olevan lihaksen toiminnalle haitallisempi kuin myotilinin puute. Myotilinin ja palladinin yhteisvaikutusta selvittääksemme risteytimme myotilin poistegeenisen hiiren ja hiirilinjan, joka ilmentää puutteellisesti palladinin 200 kDa muotoa. Puutteellisesti 200 kDa palladinia ilmentävien hiirten sydänlihaksessa todettiin vähäisiä hienorakenteen muutoksia, mutta risteytetyillä hiirillä tavattiin rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia muutoksia myös luurankolihaksessa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että palladinin 200 kDa muoto säätelee sydänlihassolujen rakennetta. Luurankolihaksessa sen sijaan myotilinilla ja palladinilla näyttäisi olevan päällekkäisiä tehtäviä.
Inherited retinal diseases are the most common cause of vision loss among the working population in Western countries. It is estimated that ~1 of the people worldwide suffer from vision loss due to inherited retinal diseases. The severity of these diseases varies from partial vision loss to total blindness, and at the moment no effective cure exists. To date, nearly 200 mapped loci, including 140 cloned genes for inherited retinal diseases have been identified. By a rough estimation 50% of the retinal dystrophy genes still await discovery. In this thesis we aimed to study the genetic background of two inherited retinal diseases, X-linked cone-rod dystrophy and Åland Island eye disease. X-linked cone-rod dystrophy (CORDX) is characterized by progressive loss of visual function in school age or early adulthood. Affected males show reduced visual acuity, photophobia, myopia, color vision defects, central scotomas, and variable changes in fundus. The disease is genetically heterogeneous and two disease loci, CORDX1 and CORDX2, were known prior to the present thesis work. CORDX1, located on Xp21.1-11.4, is caused by mutations in the RPGR gene. CORDX2 is located on Xq27-28 but the causative gene is still unknown. Åland Island eye disease (AIED), originally described in a family living in Åland Islands, is a congenital retinal disease characterized by decreased visual acuity, fundus hypopigmentation, nystagmus, astigmatism, red color vision defect, myopia, and defective night vision. AIED shares similarities with another retinal disease, congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB2). Mutations in the L-type calcium channel α1F-subunit gene, CACNA1F, are known to cause CSNB2, as well as AIED-like disease. The disease locus of the original AIED family maps to the same genetic interval as the CACNA1F gene, but efforts to reveal CACNA1F mutations in patients of the original AIED family have been unsuccessful. The specific aims of this study were to map the disease gene in a large Finnish family with X-linked cone-rod dystrophy and to identify the disease-causing genes in the patients of the Finnish cone-rod dystrophy family and the original AIED family. With the help of linkage and haplotype analyses, we could localize the disease gene of the Finnish cone-rod dystrophy family to the Xp11.4-Xq13.1 region, and thus establish a new genetic X-linked cone-rod dystrophy locus, CORDX3. Mutation analyses of candidate genes revealed three novel CACNA1F gene mutations: IVS28-1 GCGTC>TGG in CORDX3 patients, a 425 bp deletion, comprising exon 30 and flanking intronic regions in AIED patients, and IVS16+2T>C in an additional Finnish patient with a CSNB2-like phenotype. All three novel mutations altered splice sites of the CACNA1F gene, and resulted in defective pre-mRNA splicing suggesting altered or absent channel function as a disease mechanism. The analyses of CACNA1F mRNA also revealed novel alternative wt splice variants, which may enhance channel diversity or regulate the overall expression level of the channel. The results of our studies may be utilized in genetic counseling of the families, and they provide a basis for studies on the pathogenesis of these diseases. In the future, the knowledge of the genetic defects may be used in the identification of specific therapies for the patients.
Autoimmune diseases affect 5 % of the population and come in many forms, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and MS. However, how and why autoimmune diseases arise are not yet fully resolved. In this thesis, the onset of autoimmunity was investigated using both patient samples and a mouse model of autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases are usually complex, due to a number of different causative genes and environmental factors. However, a few monogenic autoimmune diseases have been described, which are caused by mutations in only one gene per disease. One of such disease is called APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) and is enriched in the Finnish population. The causative gene behind APECED is named AIRE from AutoImmune REgulator. How malfunction of just one gene product can cause the multitude of disease components found in APECED is not yet resolved. This thesis sought out to find out more about the functions of AIRE, in order to reveal why APECED and other autoimmune diseases arise and what goes wrong? Usually, immune cells are taught to distinguish between self and non-self during their development. That way, immune cells can fight off bacteria and microbes while leaving the tissues and organs of the host organism itself unharmed. In APECED, the development of immune cells called αβ T cells is incomplete. The cells are not able to fully distinguish between self and non-self. This leads to autodestruction of self tissues and autoimmune disease. One of the achievements of this thesis was the finding that the development of another set of T cells called γδ T cells is not affected by AIRE in mice or in men. Instead, we found that another type of immune cell important in tolerance, called the dendritic cell is defective in APECED patients and is not able to respond to microbial stimulus in a normal fashion. Finally, we studied Aire-deficient mice and found that autoantibodies expressed in the mice were not targeted against the same molecules as those found in APECED patients. This indicates differences in the autoimmune pathology in mice and men. More work is still required before we understand the mechanisms of tolerance and autoimmunity well enough to be able to cure APECED, let alone the more complex autoimmune diseases. Yet altogether, the findings of this thesis work bring us one step closer to finding out why and how APECED and common autoimmune diseases arise.
The role of the immune system is to protect an organism against pathogens while maintaining tolerance against self. T cells are an essential component of the immune system and they develop in the thymus. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) gene product plays an important role in T cell development, as it promotes expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus. Developing T cells, thymocytes, which recognize self-antigens with high affinity are deleted. However, this deletion process is not perfect and not all autoreactive T cells are destroyed. When the distinction between self and non-self fails, tolerance breaks and the immune system attacks the host s own tissues. This results in autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells contribute to the maintenance of self-tolerance. They can actively suppress the function of autoreactive cells. Several populations of cells with regulatory properties have been described, but the best characterized population is the natural regulatory T cells (Treg cells), which develop in the thymus and express the transcription factor FOXP3. The thymic development of Treg cells in humans is the subject of this thesis. Thymocytes at different developmental stages were analyzed using flow cytometry. The CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes are the earliest T cell precursors in the T cell lineage. My results show that the Treg cell marker FOXP3 is up-regulated already in a subset of these DN thymocytes. FOXP3+ cells were also found among the more mature CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) cells and among the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes. The different developmental stages of the FOXP3+ thymocytes were isolated and their gene expression examined by quantitative PCR. T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis was used to compare these different thymocyte populations. My data show that in humans commitment to the Treg cell lineage is an early event and suggest that the development of Treg cells follows a linear developmental pathway, FOXP3+ DN precursors evolving through the DP stage to become mature CD4+ Treg cells. Most T cells have only one kind of TCR on their cell surface, but a small fraction of cells expresses two different TCRs. My results show that the expression of two different TCRs is enriched among Treg cells. Furthermore, both receptors were capable of transmitting signals when bound by a ligand. By extrapolating flow cytometric data, it was estimated that the majority of peripheral blood Treg cells are indeed dual-specific. The high frequency of dual-specific cells among human Treg cells suggests that dual-specificity has a role in directing these cells to the Treg cell lineage. It is known that both genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of autoimmunity. It is also known that the dysfunction or absence of Treg cells leads to the development of autoimmune manifestations. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare monogenic autoimmune disease, caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In the absence of AIRE gene product, deletion of self-specific T cells is presumably disturbed and autoreactive T cells escape to the periphery. I examined whether Treg cells are also affected in APECED. I found that the frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells and the level of FOXP3 expression were significantly lower in APECED patients than in controls. Additionally, when studied in cell cultures, the suppressive capacity of the patients' Treg cells was impaired. Additionally, repertoire analysis showed that the TCR repertoire of Treg cells was altered. These results suggest that AIRE contributes to the development of Treg cells in humans and the selection of Treg cells is impaired in APECED patients. In conclusion, my thesis elucidates the developmental pathway of Treg cells in humans. The differentiation of Tregs begins early during thymic development and both the cells dual-specificity and AIRE probably affect the final commitment of Treg cells.
Autoimmune diseases are a major health problem. Usually autoimmune disorders are multifactorial and their pathogenesis involves a combination of predisposing variations in the genome and other factors such as environmental triggers. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, recessively inherited, autoimmune disease caused by mutations in a single gene. Patients with APECED suffer from several organ-specific autoimmune disorders, often affecting the endocrine glands. The defective gene, AIRE, codes for a transcriptional regulator. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) protein controls the expression of hundreds of genes, representing a substantial subset of tissue-specific antigens which are presented to developing T cells in the thymus and has proven to be a key molecule in the establishment of immunological tolerance. However, the molecular mechanisms by which AIRE mediates its functions are still largely obscure. The aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the functions of AIRE by studying the molecular interactions it is involved in by utilizing different cultured cell models. A potential molecular mechanism for exceptional, dominant, inheritance of APECED in one family, carrying a glycine 228 to tryptophan (G228W) mutation, was described in this thesis. It was shown that the AIRE polypeptide with G228W mutation has a dominant negative effect by binding the wild type AIRE and inhibiting its transactivation capacity in vitro. The data also emphasizes the importance of homomultimerization of AIRE in vivo. Furthermore, two novel protein families interacting with AIRE were identified. The importin alpha molecules regulate the nuclear import of AIRE by binding to the nuclear localization signal of AIRE, delineated as a classical monopartite signal sequence. The interaction of AIRE with PIAS E3 SUMO ligases, indicates a link to the sumoylation pathway, which plays an important role in the regulation of nuclear architecture. It was shown that AIRE is not a target for SUMO modification but enhances the localization of SUMO1 and PIAS1 proteins to nuclear bodies. Additional support for the suggestion that AIRE would preferably up-regulate genes with tissue-specific expression pattern and down-regulate housekeeping genes was obtained from transactivation studies performed with two models: human insulin and cystatin B promoters. Furthermore, AIRE and PIAS activate the insulin promoter concurrently in a transactivation assay, indicating that their interaction is biologically relevant. Identification of novel interaction partners for AIRE provides us information about the molecular pathways involved in the establishment of immunological tolerance and deepens our understanding of the role played by AIRE not only in APECED but possibly also in several other autoimmune diseases.
Thesis focuses on mutations of POLG1 gene encoding catalytic subunit polγ-α of mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma holoenzyme (polG) and the association of mutations with different clinical phenotypes. In addition, particular defective mutant variants of the protein were characterized biochemically in vitro. PolG-holoenzyme is the sole DNA polymerase found in mitochondria. It is involved in replication and repair of the mitochondrial genome, mtDNA. Holoenzyme also includes the accessory subunit polγ-β, which is required for the enhanced processivity of polγ-α. Defective polγ-α causes accumulation of secondary mutations on mtDNA, which leads to a defective oxidative phosphorylation system. The clinical consequences of such mutations are variable, affecting nervous system, skeletal muscles, liver and other post-mitotic tissues. The aims of the studies included: 1) Determination of the role of POLG1 mutations in neurological syndromes with features of mitochondrial dysfunction and an unknown molecular cause. 2) Development and set up of diagnostic tests for routine clinical purposes. 3) Biochemical characterization of the functional consequences of the identified polγ-α variants. Studies describe new neurological phenotypes in addition to PEO caused by POLG1 mutations, including parkinsonism, premature amenorrhea, ataxia and Parkinson s disease (PD). POLG1 mutations and polymorphisms are both common and/or potential genetic risk factors at least among the Finnish population. The major findings and applications reported here are: 1) POLG1 mutations cause parkinsonism and premature menopause in PEO families in either a recessive or a dominant manner. 2) A common recessive POLG1 mutations (A467T and W748S) in the homozygous state causes severe adult or juvenile-onset ataxia without muscular symptoms or histological or mtDNA abnormalities in muscles. 3) A common recessive pathogenic change A467T can also cause a mild dominant disease in heterozygote carriers. 4) The A467T variant shows reduced polymerase activity due to defective template binding. 5) Rare polyglutamine tract length variants of POLG1 are significantly enriched in Finnish idiopathic Parkinson s disease patients. 6) Dominant mutations are clearly restricted to the highly conserved polymerase domain motifs, whereas recessive ones are more evenly distributed along the protein. The present results highlight and confirm the new role of mitochondria in parkinsonism/Parkinson s disease and describe a new mitochondrial ataxia. Based on these results, a POLG1 diagnostic routine has been set up in Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUSLAB).
This study identified the molecular defects underlying three lethal fetal syndromes. Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 1 (LCCS1, MIM 253310) and Lethal Arthrogryposis with Anterior Horn Cell Disease (LAAHD, MIM 611890) are fetal motor neuron diseases. They affect the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement, and eventually result in severe atrophy of spinal cord motor neurons and fetal immobility. Both LCCS1 and LAAHD are caused by mutations in the GLE1 gene, which encodes for a multifunctional protein involved in posttranscriptional mRNA processing. LCCS2 and LCCS3, two syndromes that are clinically similar to LCCS1, are caused by defective proteins involved in the synthesis of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), an essential cofactor of GLE1. This suggests a common mechanism behind these fetal motor neuron diseases, and along with accumulating evidence from genetic studies of more late-onset motor neuron diseases such as Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), implicates mRNA processing as a common mechanism in motor neuron disease pathogenesis. We also studied gle1-/- zebrafish in order to investigate whether they would be a good model for studying the pathogenesis of LCCS1 and LAAHD. Mutant zebrafish exhibit cell death in their central nervous system at two days post fertilization, and the distribution of mRNA within the cells of mutant zebrafish differs from controls, encouraging further studies. The third lethal fetal syndrome is described in this study for the first time. Cocoon syndrome (MIM 613630) was discovered in a Finnish family with two affected individuals. Its hallmarks are the encasement of the limbs under the skin, and severe craniofacial abnormalities, including the lack of skull bones. We showed that Cocoon syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase CHUK, also known as IκB kinase α (IKKα). The mutation results in the complete lack of CHUK protein expression. CHUK is a subunit of the IκB kinase enzyme that inhibits NF-κB transcription factors, but in addition, it has an essential, independent role in controlling keratinocyte differentiation, as well as informing morphogenetic events such as limb and skeletal patterning. CHUK also acts as a tumor suppressor, and is frequently inactivated in cancer. This study has brought significant new information about the molecular background of these three lethal fetal syndromes, as well as provided knowledge about the prerequisites of normal human development.
Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS1) is an autoimmune disease caused by a loss-of function mutation in the autoregulator gene (AIRE). Patients with APECED suffer from chronic mucocutaneous candidosis (CMC) of the oral cavity and oesophagus often since early childhood. The patients are mainly colonized with Candida albicans and decades of exposure to antifungal agents have lead to the development of clinical and microbiological resistance in the treatment of CMC in the APECED patient population in Finland. A high incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma is associated with oral CMC lesions in the APECED patients over the age of 25. The overall aim of this study was firstly, to investigate the effect of long-term azole exposure on the metabolism of oral C. albicans isolates from APECED patients with CMC and secondly, to analyse the specific molecular mechanisms that are responsible for these changes. The aim of the first study was to examine C. albicans strains from APECED patients and the level of cross-resistance to miconazole, the recommended topical compound for the treatment of oral candidosis. A total of 16% of the strains had decreased susceptibility to miconazole and all of these isolates had decreased susceptibility to fluconazole. Miconazole MICs also correlated with MICs to voriconazole and posaconazole. A significant positive correlation between the years of miconazole exposure and the MICs to azole antifungal agents was also found. These included azoles the patients had not been exposed to. The aim of our second study was to determine if the APECED patients are continuously colonized with the same C. albicans strains despite extensive antifungal treatment and to gain a deeper insight into the genetic changes leading to azole resistance. The strains were typed using MLST and our results confirmed that all patients were persistently colonized with the same or a genetically related strain despite antifungal treatment between isolations. No epidemic strains were found. mRNA expression was analysed by Northern blotting, protein level by western blotting, and TAC1 and ERG11 genes were sequenced. The main molecular mechanisms resulting in azole resistance were gain-of-function mutations in TAC1 leading to over expression of CDR1 and CDR2, genes linked to azole resistance. Several strains had also developed point mutations in ERG11, another gene linked to azole resistance. In the third study we used gas chromatography to test whether the level of carcinogenic acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans strains isolated from APECED patients were different from the levels produced by strains isolated from healthy controls and oral carcinoma patients. Acetaldehyde is a carcinogenic product of alcohol fermentation and metabolism in microbes associated with cancers of the upper digestive tract. In yeast, acetaldehyde is a by-product of the pyruvate bypass that converts pyruvate into acetyl-CoA during fermentation. Our results showed that strains isolated from APECED patients produced mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of glucose (100mM, 18g/l) and the levels produced were significantly higher than those from strains isolated from controls and oral carcinoma patients. All strains in the study, however, were found to produce mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of ethanol (11mM). The glucose and ethanol levels used in this study are equivalent to those found in food and beverages and our results highlight the role of dietary sugars and ethanol on carcinogenesis. The aims of our fourth study were to research the effect of growth conditions in the levels of acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans and to gain deeper insight into the role of different genes in the pyruvate-bypass in the production of high acetaldehyde levels. Acetaldehyde production in the presence of glucose increased by 17-fold under moderately hypoxic conditions compared to the levels produced under normoxic conditions. Under moderately hypoxic conditions acetaldehyde levels did not correlate with the expression of ADH1 and ADH2, genes catalyzing the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde, or PDC11, the gene catalyzing the oxidation of pyruvate to acetaldehyde but correlated with the expression of down-stream genes ALD6 and ACS1. Our results highlight a problem where indiscriminate use of azoles may influence azole susceptibility and lead to the development of cross-resistance. Despite clinically successful treatment leading to relief of symptoms, colonization by C. albicans strains is persistent within APECED patients. Microevolution and point mutations that occur in strains may lead to the development of azole-resistant isolates and metabolic changes leading to increased production of carcinogenic acetaldehyde.
Although improved outcomes for children on peritoneal dialysis (PD) have been seen in recent years, the youngest patients continue to demonstrate inferior growth, more frequent infections, more neurological sequelae, and higher mortality compared to older children. Also, maintain-ing normal intravascular volume status, especially in anuric patients, has proven difficult. This study was designed to treat and monitor these youngest PD patients, which are relatively many due to the high prevalence of congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF, NPHS1) in Finland, with a strict protocol, to evaluate the results and to improve metabolic balance, growth, and development. A retrospective analysis of 23 children under two years of age at onset of PD, treated between 1995 and 2000, was performed to obtain a control population for our prospective PD study. Respectively, 21 patients less than two years of age at the beginning of PD were enrolled in prospective studies between 2001 and 2005. Medication for uremia and nutrition were care-fully adjusted during PD. Laboratory parameters and intravascular volume status were regu-larly analyzed. Growth was analyzed and compared with midparental height. In a prospective neurological study, the risk factors for development and the neurological development was determined. Brain images were surveyed. Hearing was tested. In a retrospective neurological study, the data of six NPHS1 patients with a congruent neurological syndrome was analyzed. All these patients had a serious dyskinetic cerebral palsy-like syndrome with muscular dysto-nia and athetosis (MDA). They also had a hearing defect. Metabolic control was mainly good in both PD patient groups. Hospitalization time shortened clearly. The peritonitis rate diminished. Hypertension was a common problem. Left ventricular hypertrophy decreased during the prospective study period. None of the patients in either PD group had pulmonary edema or dialysis-related seizures. Growth was good and catch-up growth was documented in most patients in both patient groups during PD. Mortality was low (5% in prospective and 9% in retrospective PD patients). In the prospective PD patient group 11 patients (52%) had some risk factor for their neuro-development originating from the predialysis period. The neurological problems, detected be-fore PD, did not worsen during PD and none of the patients developed new neurological com-plications during PD. Brain infarcts were detected in four (19%) and other ischemic lesions in three patients (14%). At the end of this study, 29% of the prospectively followed patients had a major impairment of their neurodevelopment and 43% only minor impairment. In the NPHS1+MDA patients, no clear explanation for the neurological syndrome was found. The brain MRI showed increased signal intensity in the globus pallidus area. Kernic-terus was contemplated to be causative in the hypoproteinemic newborns but it could not be proven. Mortality was as high as 67%. Our results for young PD patients were promising. Metabolic control was acceptable and growth was good. However, the children were significantly smaller when compared to their midparental height. Although many patients were found to have neurological impairment at the end of our follow-up period, PD was a safe treatment whereby the neurodevelopment did not worsen during PD.
Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is the gene mutated in the human polyglandular autoimmune disease called Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) that belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. Murine Aire has been shown to be important in the generation of the T cell central tolerance in the thymus by promoting the expression of ectopic tissue-specific antigens in the thymic medulla. Aire is also involved in the thymus tissue organization during organogenesis. In addition to the thymus, AIRE/Aire is expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs. Accordingly, a role for AIRE/Aire in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been suggested. Peripheral tolerance involves mechanisms that suppress immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an important suppressive T cell population mediating the peripheral tolerance. Tregs are generated in the thymus but also in the peripheral immune system T cells can acquire the Treg-phenotype. The aim of this study was to characterize Tregs in APECED patients and in the APECED mouse model (Aire-deficient mice). In the mouse model, it was possible to separate Aire expression in the thymus and in the secondary lymphoid organs. The relative importance of thymic and peripheral Aire expression in the maintenance of immunological tolerance was studied in an experimental model that was strongly biased towards autoimmunity, i.e. lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of lymphocytes. This experimental model was also utilised to study the behaviour of T cells with dual-specific T cell receptors (TCR) during the proliferation. The Treg phenotype was studied by flow cytometry and relative gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction. TCR repertoires of the Tregs isolated from APECED patients and healthy controls were also compared. The dual-specific TCRs were studied with the TCR repertoire analysis that was followed with sequencing of the chosen TCR genes in order to estimate changes in the dual-specific TCR diversity. The Treg function was tested with an in vitro suppression assay. The APECED patients had normal numbers of Tregs but the phenotype and suppressive functions of the Tregs were impaired. In order to separate Aire functions in the thymus from its yet unknown role in the secondary lymphoid organs, the phenomenon of LIP was utilised. In this setting, the lymphocytes that are adoptively transferred to a lymphopenic recipient proliferate to stimuli from self-originating antigens. This proliferation can result in autoimmunity if peripheral tolerance is not fully functional. When lymphocytes that had matured without Aire in the thymus were transferred to lymphopenic Aire-sufficient recipients, no clinical autoimmunity followed. The Aire-deficient donor-originating lymphocytes hyperproliferated, and other signs of immune dysregulation were also found in the recipients. Overt autoimmunity, however, was prevented by the Aire-deficient donor-originating Tregs that hyperproliferated in the recipients. Aire-deficient lymphopenic mice were used to study whether peripheral loss of Aire had an impact on the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. When normal lymphocytes were transferred to these Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients, the majority of recipients developed a clinically symptomatic colitis. The colitis was confirmed also by histological analysis of the colon tissue sections. In the Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients Tregs were proliferating significantly less than in the control group s recipients that had normal Aire expression in their secondary lymphoid organs. This study shows that Aire is not only important in the central tolerance but is also has a significant role in the maintenance of the peripheral tolerance both in mice and men. Aire expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs is involved in the functions of Tregs during an immune response. This peripheral expression appears to be relatively more important in some situations since only those lymphopenic recipients that had lost peripheral expression of Aire developed a symptomatic autoimmune disease. This AIRE-related Treg defect could be clinically important in understanding the pathogenesis of APECED.