18 resultados para CELL-CULTURES


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Neural stem cell characteristics affected by oncogenic pathways and in a human motoneuron disease Stem cells provide the self-renewing cell pool for developing or regenerating organs. The mechanisms underlying the decisions of a stem or progenitor cell to either self-renew and maintain multipotentiality or alternatively to differentiate are incompletely understood. In this thesis work, I have approached this question by investigating the role of the proto-oncogene Myc in the regulatory functions of neural progenitor cell (NPC) self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation. By using a retroviral transduction technique to create overexpression models in embryonic NPCs cultured as neurospheres, I show that activated levels of Myc increase NPC self-renewal. Furthermore, several mechanisms that regulate the activity of Myc were identified. Myc induced self-renewal is signalled through binding to the transcription factor Miz-1 as shown by the inhibited capacity of a Myc mutant (MycV394D), deficient in binding to Miz-1, to increase self-renewal in NPCs. Furthermore, overexpression of the newly identified proto-oncogene CIP2A recapitulates the effects of Myc overexpression in NPCs. Also the expression levels and in vivo expression patterns of Myc and CIP2A were linked together. CIP2A stabilizes Myc protein levels in several cancer types by inhibiting its degradation and our results suggest the same function for CIP2A in NPCs. Our results also support the conception of self-renewal and proliferation being two separately regulated cellular functions. Finally, I suggest that Myc regulates NPC self-renewal by influencing the way stem and progenitor cells react to the environmental cues that normally dictate the cellular identity of tissues containing self-renewing cells. Neurosphere cultures were also utilised in order to characterise functional defects in a human disease. Neural stem cell cultures obtained post-mortem from foetuses of lethal congenital contracture syndrome (LCCS) were used to reveal possible cell autonomous differentiation defects of patient NPCs. However, LCCS derived NPCs were able to differentiate normally in vitro although several transcriptional differences were identified by using microarray analysis. Proliferation rate of the patient NPCs was also increased as compared to NPCs of age-matched control foetuses.


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The equilibrium between cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in epithelial tissues. In order for the epithelium to function properly, individual cells must gain normal structural and functional polarity. The junctional proteins have an important role both in binding the cells together and in taking part in cell signaling. Cadherins form adherens junctions. Cadherins initiate the polarization process by first recognizing and binding the neighboring cells together, and then guiding the formation of tight junctions. Tight junctions form a barrier in dividing the plasma membranes to apical and basolateral membrane domains. In glandular tissues, single layered and polarized epithelium is folded into tubes or spheres, in which the basal side of the epithelial layer faces the outer basal membrane, and the apical side the lumen. In carcinogenesis, the differentiated architecture of an epithelial layer is disrupted. Filling of the luminal space is a hallmark of early epithelial tumors in tubular and glandular structures. In order for the transformed tumor cells to populate the lumen, enhanced proliferation as well as inhibition of apoptosis is required. Most advances in cancer biology have been achieved by using two-dimensional (2D) cell culture models, in which the cells are cultured on flat surfaces as monolayers. However, the 2D cultures are limited in their capacity to recapitulate the structural and functional features of tubular structures and to represent cell growth and differentiation in vivo. The development of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture methods enables the cells to grow and to be studied in a more natural environment. Despite the wide use of 2D cell culture models and the development of novel 3D culture methods, it is not clear how the change of the dimensionality of culture conditions alters the polarization and transformation process and the molecular mechanisms behind them. Src is a well-known oncogene. It is found in focal and adherens junctions of cultured cells. Active src disrupts cell-cell junctions and interferes with cell-matrix binding. It promotes cell motility and survival. Src transformation in 2D disrupts adherens junctions and the fibroblastic phenotype of the cells. In 3D, the adherens junctions are weakened, and in glandular structures, the lumen is filled with nonpolarized vital cells. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are an epithelial cell type commonly used as a model for cell polarization. Its-src-transformed variants are useful model systems for analyzing the changes in cell morphology, and they play a role in src-induced malignant transformation. This study investigates src-transformed cells in 3D cell cultures as a model for malignant transformation. The following questions were posed. Firstly: What is the role of the composition and stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on the polarization and transformation of ts v-src MDCK cells in 3D cell cultures? Secondly: How do the culture conditions affect gene expression? What is the effect of v-src transformation in 2D and in 3D cell models? How does the shift from 2D to 3D affect cell polarity and gene expression? Thirdly: What is the role of survivin and its regulator phosphatase and tensin homolog protein (PTEN) in cell polarization and transformation, and in determining cell fate? How does their expression correlate with impaired mitochondrial function in transformed cells? In order to answer the above questions, novel methods of culturing and monitoring cells had to be created: novel 3D methods of culturing epithelial cells were engineered, enabling real time monitoring of a polarization and transformation process, and functional testing of 3D cell cultures. Novel 3D cell culture models and imaging techniques were created for the study. Attention was focused especially on confocal microscopy and live-cell imaging. Src-transformation disturbed the polarization of the epithelium by disrupting cell adhesion, and sensitized the cells to their environment. With active src, the morphology of the cell cluster depended on the composition and stiffness of the matrix. Gene expression studies revealed a broader impact of src transformation than mere continuous activity of src-kinase. In 2D cultures, src transformation altered the expression of immunological, actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (ECM). In 3D, the genes regulating cell division, inhibition of apoptosis, cell metabolism, mitochondrial function, actin cytoskeleton and mechano-sensing proteins were altered. Surprisingly, changing the culture conditions from 2D to 3D affected also gene expression considerably. The microarray hit survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis, played a crucial role in the survival and proliferation of src-transformed cells.


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Poor pharmacokinetics is one of the reasons for the withdrawal of drug candidates from clinical trials. There is an urgent need for investigating in vitro ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) properties and recognising unsuitable drug candidates as early as possible in the drug development process. Current throughput of in vitro ADME profiling is insufficient because effective new synthesis techniques, such as drug design in silico and combinatorial synthesis, have vastly increased the number of drug candidates. Assay technologies for larger sets of compounds than are currently feasible are critically needed. The first part of this work focused on the evaluation of cocktail strategy in studies of drug permeability and metabolic stability. N-in-one liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) methods were developed and validated for the multiple component analysis of samples in cocktail experiments. Together, cocktail dosing and LC/MS/MS were found to form an effective tool for increasing throughput. First, cocktail dosing, i.e. the use of a mixture of many test compounds, was applied in permeability experiments with Caco-2 cell culture, which is a widely used in vitro model for small intestinal absorption. A cocktail of 7-10 reference compounds was successfully evaluated for standardization and routine testing of the performance of Caco-2 cell cultures. Secondly, cocktail strategy was used in metabolic stability studies of drugs with UGT isoenzymes, which are one of the most important phase II drug metabolizing enzymes. The study confirmed that the determination of intrinsic clearance (Clint) as a cocktail of seven substrates is possible. The LC/MS/MS methods that were developed were fast and reliable for the quantitative analysis of a heterogenous set of drugs from Caco-2 permeability experiments and the set of glucuronides from in vitro stability experiments. The performance of a new ionization technique, atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), was evaluated through comparison with electrospray ionization (ESI), where both techniques were used for the analysis of Caco-2 samples. Like ESI, also APPI proved to be a reliable technique for the analysis of Caco-2 samples and even more flexible than ESI because of the wider dynamic linear range. The second part of the experimental study focused on metabolite profiling. Different mass spectrometric instruments and commercially available software tools were investigated for profiling metabolites in urine and hepatocyte samples. All the instruments tested (triple quadrupole, quadrupole time-of-flight, ion trap) exhibited some good and some bad features in searching for and identifying of expected and non-expected metabolites. Although, current profiling software is helpful, it is still insufficient. Thus a time-consuming largely manual approach is still required for metabolite profiling from complex biological matrices.


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Nicotine, the addictive compound of tobacco products, exerts its effects in the brain by binding to neuronal acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). The aim of the present study was to increase the knowledge of nicotine s complex effects, the focus being on homomeric alpha7-nAChRs that are widely expressed in the brain. Nicotinic regulation of differential signalling molecules including transcriptional regulators was also studied. We found that the number of alpha7-nAChRs is increased in specific brain regions in mice, in a time-dependent manner after chronic oral nicotine administration. Our results suggest that in addition to alpha4beta2-nAChRs, the other major nAChR subtype expressed in the brain, the number of alpha7-nAChRs is affected by chronic presence of nicotine. We suggest that when studying the long-term effects of nicotine, the duration on administration is of great importance. Next, we observed that nicotine exposure induces accumulation of cAMP in cell cultures expressing nAChRs. Furthermore, nicotine-induced alpha7-nAChR upregulation was potentiated by treatments enhancing cAMP-signalling, suggesting a role for cAMP in the upregulation process. Protein kinase C (PKC) was found essential for the basal regulation of alpha7-nAChR number. The nicotine-evoked alpha7-nAChR upregulation could be further increased by PKC overexpression. Thirdly, the effects of nicotine on dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) were characterised in rat brain. The results show that DARPP-32 is regulated by both acute and long-term nicotine treatment in the striatal subdivisions. The effect of acute nicotine is dose-dependent and the three striatal regions display differential sensitivities to nicotine. Chronic nicotine is also able to regulate DARPP-32 signalling with prominent effect seen in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), suggesting a role for DARPP-32 in the mediation of long-term effects of nicotine. Finally, the regulation of transcription factors Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB by nicotine was investigated. We found that Elk-1 is activated by acute nicotine selectively in the NAc core and hippocampal area CA1, whereas acute nicotine does not affect FosB/deltaFosB. Long-term intermittent or continuous nicotine increases the level of total Elk-1 in the same brain regions as acute nicotine. FosB/deltaFosB is also affected by chronic nicotine. Thus, similarly to other drugs of abuse, nicotine regulates transcriptional regulators Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB. These results bring further support for a common mechanism underlying the development of addiction. Nicotine s positive effects on learning and memory might involve the transcription factor Elk-1 based on the changes seen in the hippocampus, the key area in cognitive functions.


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Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries; its characteristic features include chronic inflammation, extra- and intracellular lipid accumulation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and an increase in extracellular matrix volume. The underlying mechanisms in the pathogenesis of advanced atherosclerotic plaques, that involve local acidity of the extracellular fluid, are still incompletely understood. In this thesis project, my co-workers and I studied the different mechanisms by which local extracellular acidity could promote accumulation of the atherogenic apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100)-containing plasma lipoprotein particles in the inner layer of the arterial wall, the intima. We found that lipolysis of atherogenic apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles (LDL, IDL, and sVLDL) by the secretory phospholipase A2 group V (sPLA2-V) enzyme, was increased at acidic pH. Also, the binding of apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles to human aortic proteoglycans was dramatically enhanced at acidic pH. Additionally, lipolysis by sPLA2-V enzyme further increased this binding. Using proteoglycan-affinity chromatography, we found that sVLDL lipoprotein particles consist of populations, differing in their affinities toward proteoglycans. These populations also contained different amounts of apolipoprotein E (apoE) and apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III); the amounts of apoC-III and apoE per particle were highest in the population with the lowest affinity toward proteoglycans. Since PLA2-modification of LDL particles has been shown to change their aggregation behavior, we also studied the effect of acidic pH on the monolayer structure covering lipoprotein particles after PLA2-induced hydrolysis. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we found that, in acidity, the monolayer is more tightly packed laterally; moreover, its spontaneous curvature is negative, suggesting that acidity may promote lipoprotein particles fusion. In addition to extracellular lipid accumulation, the apoB-100-containing plasma lipoprotein particles can be taken up by inflammatory cells, namely macrophages. Using radiolabeled lipoprotein particles and cell cultures, we showed that sPLA2-V-modification of LDL, IDL, and sVLDL lipoproteins particles, at neutral or acidic pH, increased their uptake by human monocyte-derived macrophages.


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The role of the immune system is to protect an organism against pathogens while maintaining tolerance against self. T cells are an essential component of the immune system and they develop in the thymus. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) gene product plays an important role in T cell development, as it promotes expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus. Developing T cells, thymocytes, which recognize self-antigens with high affinity are deleted. However, this deletion process is not perfect and not all autoreactive T cells are destroyed. When the distinction between self and non-self fails, tolerance breaks and the immune system attacks the host s own tissues. This results in autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells contribute to the maintenance of self-tolerance. They can actively suppress the function of autoreactive cells. Several populations of cells with regulatory properties have been described, but the best characterized population is the natural regulatory T cells (Treg cells), which develop in the thymus and express the transcription factor FOXP3. The thymic development of Treg cells in humans is the subject of this thesis. Thymocytes at different developmental stages were analyzed using flow cytometry. The CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes are the earliest T cell precursors in the T cell lineage. My results show that the Treg cell marker FOXP3 is up-regulated already in a subset of these DN thymocytes. FOXP3+ cells were also found among the more mature CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) cells and among the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes. The different developmental stages of the FOXP3+ thymocytes were isolated and their gene expression examined by quantitative PCR. T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis was used to compare these different thymocyte populations. My data show that in humans commitment to the Treg cell lineage is an early event and suggest that the development of Treg cells follows a linear developmental pathway, FOXP3+ DN precursors evolving through the DP stage to become mature CD4+ Treg cells. Most T cells have only one kind of TCR on their cell surface, but a small fraction of cells expresses two different TCRs. My results show that the expression of two different TCRs is enriched among Treg cells. Furthermore, both receptors were capable of transmitting signals when bound by a ligand. By extrapolating flow cytometric data, it was estimated that the majority of peripheral blood Treg cells are indeed dual-specific. The high frequency of dual-specific cells among human Treg cells suggests that dual-specificity has a role in directing these cells to the Treg cell lineage. It is known that both genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of autoimmunity. It is also known that the dysfunction or absence of Treg cells leads to the development of autoimmune manifestations. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare monogenic autoimmune disease, caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In the absence of AIRE gene product, deletion of self-specific T cells is presumably disturbed and autoreactive T cells escape to the periphery. I examined whether Treg cells are also affected in APECED. I found that the frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells and the level of FOXP3 expression were significantly lower in APECED patients than in controls. Additionally, when studied in cell cultures, the suppressive capacity of the patients' Treg cells was impaired. Additionally, repertoire analysis showed that the TCR repertoire of Treg cells was altered. These results suggest that AIRE contributes to the development of Treg cells in humans and the selection of Treg cells is impaired in APECED patients. In conclusion, my thesis elucidates the developmental pathway of Treg cells in humans. The differentiation of Tregs begins early during thymic development and both the cells dual-specificity and AIRE probably affect the final commitment of Treg cells.


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Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare, usually incurable, disease mainly caused by former exposure to asbestos. Even though MM has a strong etiological link, genetic factors may play a role, since not all cases can be linked to former asbestos exposure. This thesis focuses on lung diseases, mainly malignant mesothelioma (MM), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which resembles asbestosis. The specific asbestos-related pathways associated with malignant as well as non-malignant lung diseases, still need to be clarified. Since most patients diagnosed with MM or asbestosis/fibrosis have a dismal prognosis and few therapeutic options are available, early diagnosis and better understanding of the disease pathogenesis are of the utmost importance. The first objective of this thesis was to identify asbestos specific differentially expressed genes. This was approached by using high-resolution gene expression arrays, and three different human lung cell lines, as well as with three different bioinformatics approaches. Since the first study aimed to elucidate potential early changes, the second study was used to screen DNA copy number changes in MM tumour samples. This was performed using genome wide microarrays for identification of DNA copy number changes characterstic for MM. Study III focused on the role of gremlin in the regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMPs) in IPF. Further studies were conducted in asbestos-exposed cell cultures as well as in an asbestos-induced mouse model. Furthermore, GATA-6 was studied in MM and metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma. The GATA transcription factors are important during embryonic development, but their role in cancer is still unclear. GATA-6 is a co-factor/target of thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1), which is used in differential diagnostics of pleural MM and adenocarcinoma. Bioinformatics probed the genes and biological processes ordered in terms of significance, clusters, and highly enriched chromosomal regions. The study revealed several already identified targets, produced new ideas about genes which are central for asbestos exposure, as well as provided supplementary data for researchers to check their own novel findings or ideas. The analysis revealed DNA copy number changes characteristic for MM tumors. The most common regions of loss were detected in 1p, 3p, 6q, 9p, 13, 14, and 22, and gains at 17q. The histological features in asbestosis and IPF are very similar, wherefore IPF can be studied in asbestos models. The BMP antagonist gremlin was up-regulated by asbestos exposure in human epithelial cell lines, which was also observed in Study I. The transforming growth factor (TGF) -β and BMP expression and signaling activities were measured from murine and human fibrotic lungs. BMP-7 signaling was down-regulated in response to up-regulation of gremlin, and restoration of BMP-7 signaling prevented progression of fibrosis in mice. Therefore, the study suggests that the restoration of BMP-7 signaling in fibrotic lung could potentially aid in the treatment of IPF patients. Study IV revealed that GATA-6 was strongly expressed in the majority of the MM cases, and correlated statistically significant with longer survival in subgroups of MM.


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In every cell, actin is a key component involved in migration, cytokinesis, endocytosis and generation of contraction. In non-muscle cells, actin filaments are very dynamic and regulated by an array of proteins that interact with actin filaments and/or monomeric actin. Interestingly, in non-muscle cells the barbed ends of the filaments are the predominant assembly place, whereas in muscle cells actin dynamics was reported to predominate at the pointed ends of thin filaments. The actin-based thin filament pointed (slow growing) ends extend towards the middle of the sarcomere's M-line where they interact with the thick filaments to generate contraction. The actin filaments in muscle cells are organized into a nearly crystalline array and are believed to be significantly less dynamic than the ones in other cell types. However, the exact mechanisms of the sarcomere assembly and turnover are largely unknown. Interestingly, although sarcomeric actin structures are believed to be relatively non-dynamic, many proteins promoting actin dynamics are expressed also in muscle cells (e.g ADF/cofilin, cyclase-associated protein and twinfilin). Thus, it is possible that the muscle-specific isoforms of these proteins promote actin dynamics differently from their non-muscle counterparts, or that actin filaments in muscle cells are more dynamic than previously thought. To study protein dynamics in live muscle cells, I used primary cell cultures of rat cardiomyocytes. My studies revealed that a subset of actin filaments in cardiomyocyte sarcomeres displays rapid turnover. Importantly, I discovered that the turnover of actin filaments depends on contractility of the cardiomyocytes and that the contractility-induced actin dynamics plays an important role in sarcomere maturation. Together with previous studies those findings suggest that sarcomeres undergo two types of actin dynamics: (1) contractility-dependent turnover of whole filaments and (2) regulatory pointed end monomer exchange to maintain correct thin filament length. Studies involving an actin polymerization inhibitor suggest that the dynamic actin filament pool identified here is composed of filaments that do not contribute to contractility. Additionally, I provided evidence that ADF/cofilins, together with myosin-induced contractility, are required to disassemble non-productive filaments in developing cardiomyocytes. In addition, during these studies we learned that isoforms of actin monomer binding protein twinfilin, Twf-1 and Twf-2a localise to myofibrils in cardiomyocytes and may thus contribute to actin dynamics in myofibrils. Finally, in collaboration with Roberto Dominguez s laboratory we characterized a new actin nucleator in muscle cells - leiomodin (Lmod). Lmod localises towards actin filament pointed ends and its depletion by siRNA leads to severe sarcomere abnormalities in cardiomyocytes. The actin filament nucleation activity of Lmod is enhanced by interactions with tropomyosin. We also revealed that Lmod expression correlates with the maturation of myofibrils, and that it associates with sarcomeres only at relatively late stages of myofibrillogenesis. Thus, Lmod is unlikely to play an important role in myofibril formation, but rather might be involved in the second step of the filament arrangement and/or maintenance through its ability to promote tropomyosin-induced actin filament nucleation occurring at the filament pointed ends. The results of these studies provide valuable new information about the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle sarcomere assembly and turnover. These data offer important clues to understanding certain physiological and pathological behaviours of muscle cells. Better understanding of the processes occurring in muscles might help to find strategies for determining, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in heart and skeletal muscles diseases.


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The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer is increasing worldwide. Basal cell carcinoma followed by squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma are the most frequent skin tumors. Immunosuppressed patients have an increased risk of neoplasia, of which non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that collectively are capable of degrading virtually all components of the extracellular matrix. MMPs can also process substrates distinct from extracellular matrix proteins and influence cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. MMP activity is regulated by their natural inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metallopro-teinases (TIMPs). In this study, the expression patterns of MMPs, TIMPs, and certain cancer-related molecules were investigated in premalignant and malignant lesions of the human skin. As methods were used immunohistochemisty, in situ hybridization, and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from the cell cultures. Our aim was to evaluate the expression pattern of MMPs in extramammary Paget's disease in order to find markers for more advanced tumors, as well as to shed light on the origin of this rare neoplasm. Novel MMPs -21, -26, and -28 were studied in melanoma cell culture, in primary cutaneous melanomas, and their sentinel nodes. The MMP expression profile in keratoacanthomas and well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas was analyzed to find markers to differentiate benign keratinocyte hyperproliferation from malignantly transformed cells. Squamous cell carcinomas of immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients were compared to squamous cell carcinomas of matched immunocompetent controls to investigate the factors explaining their more aggressive nature. We found that MMP-7 and -19 proteins are abundant in extramammary Paget's disease and that their presence may predict an underlying adenocarcinoma in these patients. In melanomas, MMP-21 was upregulated in early phases of melanoma progression, but disappeared from the more aggressive tumors with lymph node metastases. The presence of MMP-13 in primary melanomas and lymph node metastases may relate to more aggressive disease. In keratoacanthomas, the expression of MMP-7 and -9 is rare and therefore should raise a suspicion of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas. Furthermore, MMP-19 and p16 were observed in benign keratinocyte hyperproliferation of keratoacanthomas, whereas they were generally lost from malignant keratinocytes of SCCs. MMP-26 staining was significantly stronger in squamous cell carcinomas and Bowen s disease samples of organ transplant recipients and it may contribute to the more aggressive nature of squamous cell carcinomas in immunosuppressed patients. In addition, the staining for MMP-9 was significantly stronger in macrophages surrounding the tumors of the immunocompetent group and in neutrophils of those patients on cyclosporin medication. In conclusion, based on our studies, MMP-7 and -19 might serve as biomarkers for more aggressive extramammary Paget's disease and MMP-21 for malignant transformation of melanocytes. MMP -7, -9, and -26, however, could play an important role in the pathobiology of keratinocyte derived malignancies.


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Nisäkkäillä keskushermoston uudistuminen on rajallista. Keskushermostovamman jälkeen aktivoituu monien paranemista edistävien tekijöiden lisäksi myös estäviä tekijöitä. Monella molekyylillä, kuten laminiinilla, on keskushermoston paranemista tehostava vaikutus. Laminiinit ovat myös kehon tyvikalvojen oleellisia rakennuskomponentteja. Keskushermoston laminiinit ovat tärkeitä sikiökehityksen aikana, esimerkiksi hermosäikeiden ohjauksessa. Myöhemmin ne osallistuvat veriaivoesteen ylläpitoon sekä vammojen jälkeiseen kudosreaktioon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessani olen selvittänyt lamiiniinien, erityisesti γ1 laminiinin ja sen KDI peptidin, ekspressiota keskushermoston vammatilanteissa. Kokeellisessa soluviljelmäasetelmassa, joka simuloi vammautunutta keskushermostoympäristöä, osoitimme että KDI peptidi voimistaa sekä hermosolujen selviytymistä että hermosäikeiden kasvua. Kainihappo on glutamaattianalogi, ja glutamaattitoksisuudella uskotaan olevan tärkeä merkitys keskushermoston eri vamma- ja sairaustilanteissa tapahtuvassa hermosolukuolemassa. Toisessa väitöskirjani osatyössä osoitimme eläinmallissa KDI peptidin suojaavan rotan aivojen hippokampuksen hermosoluja kainihapon aiheuttamalta solutuholta. Elektrofysiologisilla mittauksilla osoitimme kolmannessa osatyössäni, että KDI peptidi estää glutamaattireseptorivirtoja ja suojaa siten glutamaattitoksisuudelta. Aivoveritulpan aiheuttama aivovaurio on yleinen syy aivohalvaukseen. Viimeisessä osatyössäni tutkimme eläinmallissa laminiinien ekspressiota iskemian vaurioittamassa aivokudoksessa. Laminiiniekspression todettiin voimistuvan vaurion jälkeen sekä tyvikalvo- että soluväliainerakenteissa. Vaurion ympärillä havaittiin astrosyyttejä, jotka jo melko aikaisessa vaiheessa vamman jälkeen ekspressoivat γ1 laminiinia ja KDI peptidiä. Tästä voidaan päätellä laminiinien osallistuvan aivoiskeemisen vaurion patofysiologiaan. Yleisesti väitöskirjatyöni kartoitti laminiinien ekspressiota sekä terveessä että vammautuneessa keskushermostossa. Väitöskirjatyöni tukee hypoteesia, jonka mukaan KDI peptidi suojaa keskushermostoa vaurioilta.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an interstitial lung disease with unknown aetiology and poor prognosis. IPF is characterized by alveolar epithelial damage that leads tissue remodelling and ultimately to the loss of normal lung architecture and function. Treatment has been focused on anti-inflammatory therapies, but due to their poor efficacy new therapeutic modalities are being sought. There is a need for early diagnosis and also for differential diagnostic markers for IPF and other interstitial lung diseases. The study utilized patient material obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), diagnostic biopsies or lung transplantation. Human pulmonary fibroblast cell cultures were propagated and asbestos-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice was used as an experimental animal model of IPF. The possible markers for IPF were scanned by immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, ELISA and western blot. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that participate in tissue remodelling. Microarray studies have introduced potential markers that could serve as additional tools for the assessment of IPF and one of the most promising was MMP 7. MMP-7 protein levels were measured in the BAL fluid of patients with idiopathic interstitial lung diseases or idiopathic cough. MMP-7 was however similarly elevated in the BAL fluid of all these disorders and thus cannot be used as a differential diagnostic marker for IPF. Activation of transforming growth factor (TGF)-ß is considered to be a key element in the progression of IPF. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are negative regulators of intracellular TGF-ß signalling and BMP-4 signalling is in turn negatively regulated by gremlin. Gremlin was found to be highly upregulated in the IPF lungs and IPF fibroblasts. Gremlin was detected in the thickened IPF parenchyma and endothelium of small capillaries, whereas in non-specific interstitial pneumonia it localized predominantly in the alveolar epithelium. Parenchymal gremlin immunoreactivity might indicate IPF-type interstitial pneumonia. Gremlin mRNA levels were higher in patients with end-stage fibrosis suggesting that gremlin might be a marker for more advanced disease. Characterization of the fibroblastic foci in the IPF lungs showed that immunoreactivity to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor-α and PDGF receptor-β was elevated in IPF parenchyma, but the fibroblastic foci showed only minor immunoreactivity to the PDGF receptors or the antioxidant peroxiredoxin II. Ki67 positive cells were also observed predominantly outside the fibroblastic foci, suggesting that the fibroblastic foci may not be composed of actively proliferating cells. When inhibition of profibrotic PDGF-signalling by imatinib mesylate was assessed, imatinib mesylate reduced asbestos-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice as well as human pulmonary fibroblast migration in vitro but it had no effect on the lung inflammation.


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Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP, prolyl endopeptidase, EC is a serine-type peptidase (family S9 of clan SC) hydrolyzing peptides shorter than 30 amino acids. POP has been found in various mammalian and bacterial sources and it is widely distributed throughout different organisms. In human and rat, POP enzyme activity has been detected in most tissues, with the highest activity found mostly in the brain. POP has gained scientific interest as being involved in the hydrolyzis of many bioactive peptides connected with learning and memory functions, and also with neurodegenerative disorders. In drug or lesion induced amnesia models and in aged rodents, POP inhibitors have been able to revert memory loss. POP may have a fuction in IP3 signaling and it may be a possible target of mood stabilizing substances. POP may also have a role in protein trafficking, sorting and secretion. The role of POP during ontogeny has not yet been resolved. POP enzyme activity and expression have shown fluctuation during development. Specially high enzyme activities have been measured in the brain during early development. Reduced neuronal proliferation and differentation in presence of POP inhibitor have been reported. Nuclear POP has been observed in proliferating peripheral tissues and in cell cultures at the early stage of development. Also, POP coding mRNA is abundantly expressed during brain ontogeny and the highest levels of expression are associated with proliferative germinal matrices. This observation indicates a special role for POP in the regulation of neurogenesis during development. For the experimental part, the study was undertaken to investigate the expression and distribution of POP protein and enzymatic activity of POP in developing rat brain (from embryonic day 14 to post natal day 7) using immunohistochemistry, POP enzyme activity measurements and western blot-analysis. The aim was also to find in vivo confirmation of the nuclear colocalization of POP during early brain ontogeny. For immunohistochemistry, cryosections from the brains of the fetuses/rats were made and stained using specific antibody for POP and fluorescent markers for POP and nuclei. The enzyme activity assay was based on the fluorescence of 7- amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) generated from the fluorogenic substrate succinyl-glycyl-prolyl-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (Suc-Gly-Pro-AMC) by POP. The amounts of POP protein and the specifity of POP antibody in rat embryos was confirmed by western blot analysis. We observed that enzymatic activity of POP is highest at embryonic day 18 while the protein amounts reach their peak at birth. POP was widely present throughout the developmental stages from embryonic day 14 to parturition day, although the POP-immunoreactivity varied abundantly. At embryonic days 14 and 18 notably amounts of POP was distributed at proliferative germinal zones. Furthermore, POP was located in the nucleus early in the development but is transferred to cytosol before birth. At P0 and P7 the POP-immunoreactivity was also widely observed, but the amount of POP was notably reduced at P7. POP was present in cytosol and in intercellular space, but no nuclear POP was observed. These findings support the idea of POP being involved in specific brain functions, such as neuronal proliferation and differentation. Our results in vivo confirm the previous cell culture results supporting the role of POP in neurogenesis. Moreover, an inconsistency of POP protein amounts and enzymatic activity late in the development suggests a strong regulation of POP activity and a possible non-hydrolytic role at that stage.


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Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is an indolent and clinically heterogeneous disease, which is generally considered incurable. Currently, immunochemotherapy has significantly improved the outcome of FL patients. This is based on the combination of rituximab, a monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody, with chemotherapy, and is used at present as a standard first-line therapy in FL. Thus far, however, patients have been selected for treatment based on clinical risk factors and indices that were developed before the rituximab era. Therefore, there is a growing need to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease, which would not only provide information to predict survival in the rituximab era, but also enable the design of more targeted therapeutic strategies. In this study, our aim was to identify genes predicting the outcome in FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. Thus, we performed a cDNA microarray with 24 FL patients. When gene expression differences from diagnostic tumour samples were related to the clinical outcome, we identified novel genes with a prognostic impact on survival. The expression of selected genes was further characterized with quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Interestingly, the prognostic influence of these genes was often associated with their expression in non-malignant cells instead of tumour cells. Based on the observed gene expression patterns, we analyzed the abundance and prognostic value of non-malignant immune cells in 95-98 FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. We observed that a high content of tumour-associated macrophages was a marker of a favourable prognosis. In contrast, the accumulation of mast cells correlated with a poor outcome and was further associated with tumour vascularity. Increased microvessel density also correlated with an inferior outcome. In addition, we used the same microarray data with a systems biology approach to identify signalling pathways or groups of genes capable of separating patients with favourable or adverse outcomes. Among the transcripts, there were many genes associated with signal transducers and activators of the transcription (STAT5a) pathway. When IHC was used as validation, STAT5a expression was mostly observed in T-cells and follicular dendritic cells, and expression was found to predict a favourable outcome. In cell cultures, rituximab was observed to induce the expression of STAT5a-associated interleukins in human lymphoma cell lines, which might provide a possible link for the cross-talk between rituximab-induced FL cells and their microenvironment. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the microenvironment has a prognostic role in FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. The results also address the importance of re-evaluating the prognostic markers in the rituximab era of lymphoma therapies.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae can cause acute respiratory infections including pneumonia. Repeated and persistent Chlamydia infections occur and persistent C. pneumoniae infection may have a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and may also contribute to the development of chronic inflammatory lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. In this thesis in vitro models for persistent C. pneumonia infection were established in epithelial and monocyte/macrophage cell lines. Expression of host cell genes in the persistent C. pneumoniae infection model of epithelial cells was studied by microarray and RT-PCR. In the monocyte/macrophage infection model expression of selected C. pneumoniae genes were studied by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Chlamydia is able to modulate host cell gene expression and apoptosis of host cells, which may assist Chlamydia to evade the host cells' immune responses. This, in turn, may lead to extended survival of the organism inside epithelial cells and promote the development of persistent infection. To simulate persistent C. pneumoniae infection in vivo, we set up a persistent infection model exposing the HL cell cultures to IFN-gamma. When HL cell cultures were treated with moderate concentration of IFN-gamma, the replication of C. pneumoniae DNA was unaffected while differentiation into infectious elementary bodies (EB) was strongly inhibited. By transmission electron microscopy small atypical inclusions were identified in IFN-gamma treated cultures. No second cycle of infection was observed in cells exposed to IFN-gamma , whereas C. pneumoniae was able to undergo a second cycle of infection in unexposed HL cells. Although monocytic cells can naturally restrict chlamydial growth, IFN-gamma further reduced production of infectious C. pneumoniae in Mono Mac 6 cells. Under both studied conditions no second cycle of infection could be detected in monocytic cell line suggesting persistent infection in these cells. As a step toward understanding the role of host genes in the development and pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection, modulation of host cell gene expression during IFN-gamma induced persistent infection was examined and compared to that seen during active C. pneumoniae infection or IFN-gamma treatment. Total RNA was collected at 6 to 150 h after infection of an epithelial cell line (HL) and analyzed by a cDNA array (available at that time) representing approximately 4000 human transcripts. In initial analysis 250 of the 4000 genes were identified as differentially expressed upon active and persistent chlamydial infection and IFN-gamma treatment. In persistent infection more potent up-regulation of many genes was observed in IFN-gamma induced persistent infection than in active infection or in IFN-gamma treated cell cultures. Also sustained up-regulation was observed for some genes. In addition, we could identify nine host cell genes whose transcription was specifically altered during the IFN-gamma induced persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Strongest up-regulation in persistent infection in relation to controls was identified for insulin like growth factor binding protein 6, interferon-stimulated protein 15 kDa, cyclin D1 and interleukin 7 receptor. These results suggest that during persistent infection, C. pneumoniae reprograms the host transcriptional machinery regulating a variety of cellular processes including adhesion, cell cycle regulation, growth and inflammatory response, all of which may play important roles in the pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection. C. pneumoniae DNA can be detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells indicating that the bacterium can also infect monocytic cells in vivo and thereby monocytes can assist the spread of infection from the lungs to other anatomical sites. Persistent infection established at these sites could promote inflammation and enhance pathology. Thus, the mononuclear cells are in a strategic position in the development of persistent infection. To investigate the intracellular replication and fate of C. pneumoniae in mononuclear cells we analyzed the transcription of 11 C. pneumoniae genes in Mono Mac 6 cells during infection by real time RT-PCR. Our results suggest that the transcriptional profile of the studied genes in monocytes is different from that seen in epithelial cells and that IFN-gamma has a less significant effect on C. pneumoniae transcription in monocytes. Furthermore, our study shows that type III secretion system (T3SS) related genes are transcribed and that Chlamydia possesses a functional T3SS during infection in monocytes. Since C. pneumoniae infection in monocytes has been implicated to have reduced antibiotic susceptibility, this creates opportunities for novel therapeutics targeting T3SS in the management of chlamydial infection in monocytes.


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Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a debilitating age-related neurological disorder that affects various motor skills and can lead to a loss of cognitive functions. The motor symptoms are the result of the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra. The factors that influence the pathogenesis and the progression of the neurodegeneration remain mostly unclear. This study investigated the role of various programmed cell death (PCD) pathways, oxidative stress, and glial cells both in dopaminergic neurodegeneration and in the protective action of various drugs. To this end, we exposed dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y cells) to 6-OHDA, which produces oxidative stress and activates various PCD modalities that result in neuronal degeneration. Additionally, to explore the role of glia, we prepared rat midbrain primary mixed-cell cultures containing both neurons and glial cell types such as microglia and astroglia and then exposed the cultures to either MPP plus or lipopolysaccharide. Our results revealed that 6-OHDA activated several PCD pathways including apoptosis, autophagic stress, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, and perhaps paraptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, we found that minocycline protected SH-SY5Y cells from 6-OHDA by inhibiting both apoptotic and non-apoptotic PCD modalities. We also observed an inconsistent neuroprotective effect of various dietary anti-oxidant compounds against 6-OHDA toxicity in vitro in SH-SY5Y cells. Specifically, quercetin and curcumin exerted neuroprotection only within a narrow concentration range and a limited time frame, whereas resveratrol and epigallocatechin 3-gallate provided no protection whatsoever. Lastly, we found that molecules such as amantadine may delay or even halt the neurodegeneration in primary cell cultures by inhibiting the release of neurotoxic factors from overactivated microglia and by enhancing the pro-survival actions of astroglia. Together these data suggest that the strategy of dampening oxidative species with anti-oxidants is less effective than preventing the production of toxic factors such as oxidative and pro-inflammatory molecules by pathologically activated microglia. This would subsequently prevent the activation of various PCD modalities that cause neuronal degeneration.