76 resultados para Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Chemistry::Biochemistry
Acknowledgements This work was supported by funding of the Academy of Finland (259505), Helsinki University Research grant (490085) and ESCMID grant (4720572) to D.P.F., University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund to X.L., Technology Strategy Board grant (131181) to W.H., M.J. and J.H.N. National Programme of Sustainability I of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic I grant (LO1416) to T.G.
We would like to thank EPSRC for a Doctoral Training Grant (G.A.M) and the Erasmus programme for supporting the study visit to Turin (R.W). We would also like to thank Dr. Federico Cesano for SEM/EDX measurements and for fruitful discussion. Dr. Jo Duncan is thanked for his tremendous insight during XRD interpretation.
Acknowledgements The research leading to these results has received funding from the following FEDER cofounded-grants. From CDTI and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01, AGL2014-58210-R, and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016, and through Axencia Galega de Innovación, Spain, ITC-20133020 SINTOX. From CDTI under ISIP Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEA. We wish to thank the Clínica Losada Arránz, especially Ms. Paula López Arránz for providing the human blood samples for T cells purification. Jon Andoni Sánchez is supported by a fellowship from Plan Galego de Investigación e Crecemento, Xunta de Galicia, Spain.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the European Commission within its FP7 Programme, under the thematic area KBBE.2012.3.2-01 with Grant Number Nos. 311932 “SeaBioTech”, 311848 “BlueGenics”, and 312184 PharmaSea.
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Open Access funded by European Research Council Acknowledgements RB thanks GRADUS, Faculty 8.4. Natural Sciences, of Saarland University for partially funding his research visit to the University of California, Santa Barbara. RB would also thank to Dr. S. Khaderi for his help in setting up the model. He also thanks Dr. R. Hensel and Dr. N. Guimard for fruitful discussions and for their continuous support. EA acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Advanced Grant no. 340929.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Government of Kuwait (to F.N.A.) and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.L. and L.B.).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Kuwait Government (to F.N.A.), the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder, L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.B. and L.L.).
Funding: This work was supported by funding awards to Dr Isabel Crane from the National Eye Research Centre, Bristol, UK (Grant ref. SCIAD 058); and NHS Grampian Endowment Trust (Grant ref. 10/16). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the Geological Survey of Australia for permission to sample the Empress 1A and Lancer 1 cores, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial support (grant #7961–15) of U. Brand, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China for support of F. Meng and P. Ni (grants 41473039 and 4151101015). We thank M. Lozon (Brock University) for drafting and constructing the figures. We thank the editor, Brendan Murphy, as well as three reviewers (Steve Kesler, Erik Sperling, and an anonymous reviewer), for improving the manuscript into its final form ©The Authors Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license.
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Acknowledgements KK, MJ, RE and HD are grateful for financial support through the Leverhulme Trust-Royal Society Africa award (AA090088). MJ, RE, HD, JT and KH thank EU FP7 for financial support (contract no. 312184). HD thanks the School of Natural and Computing Sciences, University of Aberdeen, for a PhD scholarship to XLW. PCD gratefully acknowledges grants from the National Institute of Health (GM097509 and GMS10RR029121). We thank the Bruker Therapeutic Discovery Mass Spectrometry Center for recording the MSn spectra.
Date of Acceptance: 13/04/2015