40 resultados para TPP

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A liquid crystalline (LC) copolyether has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-dibromoundecane with a 50/50 (both in %) equal composition of the 7- and 11-methylene monomers [coTPP-7/11(5/5)]. A mono-domain with a homeotropic alignment can be induced by a thin film surface in the LC phase. When an electrostatic field is applied to the surface-induced mono-domains parallel to the thin film surface normal, the molecular alignment undergoes a change from the homeotropic to uniaxial homogeneous arrangement. However, when the field is applied to a direction perpendicular to the thin film surface normal. the molecular alignment is about 10 degrees -tilt with respect to the homeotropic alignment toward the a*-axis. This is because the permanent dipole moment of the copolyether is not right vertical to the molecular direction. The calculation of molecular dipoles indicates that the permanent dipole moment of this copolyether is about 70 degrees away from the molecular axis, which leads to a negative dielectric anisotropy. It is speculated that the 10 degrees- rather than 20 degrees -tilt is due to a balance between the alignment induced by the electrostatic field and the surface. In the electrostatic field, molecules are subjected to a torque tau, which is determined by the permanent dipole moment P and the electrostatic field E: tau = P x E. The molecular realignment in both parallel and perpendicular directions to the thin film surface normal is determined by satisfying the condition of tau = P x E = 0. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers have been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,12-dibromododecene [coTPPs(7/12)], which represents copolyethers containing both odd and even numbers of methylene units. The molar ratio of odd to even methylene units in this series ranges from 1/9 to 9/1. The coTPPs(7/12) exhibit multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. For all these thermal transitions, a small undercooling and superheating dependence is observed upon cooling and heating at different rates. Three types of phase behaviors can be classified in coTPPs(7/12) on the basis of the structural analyses by wide-angle X-ray diffraction on powder and fiber samples and by electron diffraction experiments in transmission electron microscopy. At room temperature, highly ordered smectic and smectic crystal (SC) phases are identified in coTPPs(7/12: 1/9 and 2/8), which is similar to the homopolymer TPP(m = 12). The coTPPs(7/12: 3/7, 4/6, and 5/5) possess a hexagonal columnar (Phi(H)) phase in which the molecular and columnar axes are parallel to the fiber direction and perpendicular to the hexagonal lateral packing. The coTPPs(7/12: 6/4, 7/3, and 8/2) possess a tilted hexagonal columnar (Phi(TH)) phase with a single tilt angle which increases with the increasing composition of the seven-numbered methylene units. However, in coTPP(7/12: 9/1), a Phi(TH) phase with multiple tilt angles is found. Upon heating, phase structures in most coTPPs(7/12) involving the columnar phases enter directly into the nematic (N) phase, while the coTPP(7/12: 1/9) exhibits a highly ordered smectic F (S-F) phase before it reaches the N phase. One exception is found in coTPP(7/12: 2/8), wherein the transformation from the S-F to Phi(H) occurs prior to the N phase. Combining the copolymer phase behaviors observed with the corresponding homopolymers TPP(n = 7) and TPP(m = 12), a phase diagram describing transition temperatures with respect to the composition can be constructed.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane and different alpha,omega-dibromoalkanes [coTPP(n/m)]. In this report, coTPPs having n = 5, 7, 9, 11 and m = 12 are studied, which represent copolyethers having both varying odd number and a fixed even number of methylene units. The compositions were fixed at an equal molar ratio (50/50). These coTPPs(nlm) show multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. The undercooling dependence of these transitions is found to be small, indicating that these transitions are close to equilibrium, Although the coTPPs possess a high-temperature nematic (N) phase, the periodicity order along the chain direction is increasingly disturbed when the length of the odd-numbered methylene units decreases from n 11 to 5. in the coTPPs(5/12, 7/12, and 9/12), wide-angle X-ray diffraction experiments at different temperatures show that, shortly after the N phase formation during cooling, the lateral molecular packing improves toward a hexagonal lattice, as evidenced by a gradual narrowing of the scattering halo. This process represents the possible existence of an exotic N phase, which serves as a precursor to the columnar (Phi(H)) phase. A further decrease in temperature leads to a (PH phase having a long-range ordered, two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. In coTPP(11/12), the phase structures are categorized as highly ordered and tilted, smectic and smectic crystal phases, similar to homoTPPs, such as the smectic F (S-F) and smectic crystal G (SCG) phases. An interesting observation is found for coTPP(9/12), wherein a structural change from the high-temperature Phi(H) phase to the low-temperature S-F phase occurs. It can be proven that, upon heating, the well-defined layer structure disappears and the lateral packing remains hexagonal. The overall structural differences in this series of coTPPs between those of the columnar and highly ordered smectic phases are related to the disorders introduced into the layer structure by the dissimilarity of the methylene unit lengths in the comonomers.


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The film by tetraphenylporphyrin((TPP)H-2) vapor deposition on iron was investigated by means of XPS, SEM and visible spectroscopy. N(1s) binding energy characteristic of(TPP)H-2 was gained directly from the deposited samples. N(1s) binding energy of the surface was greatly changed after the deposited sample was washed with solvent. It is indicated that the deposited film is composed of an outer-layer of physically adsorbed (TPP)H-2, and an inner-layer of chemically modified (TPP)H-2.


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The electrochemistry of (TPP)Co in the presence of pyridine was investigated in dichloroethane solution by cyclic voltammetry. With the addition of pyridine to the solution, the reduction peaks of the axial complex compounds, (TPP)Co(III)(Py) and (TPP)Co(III)(Py)(2) were observed. It was found that the reduction peak of Co(II)/Co(I) shifted to about -1.20V (SCE) with the increase of added pyridine. The new reduction peak may be attributed to the direct reduction of the axially complex (TPP)Co(II)(Py).


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The axial coordination effect of F- on the redox behavior of (TPP)Co was investigated and spectroeletrochemistry in dichloroethane. It was verified that mono(F-) axial adduct (TPP)Co(II)(F-) could be reduced at 0.1 V(SCE). and bis(F-) axis adduct (TPP)Co(II)(F-)(2) formed with added F- molar ratio>1 could be reduced at the potential <-0.6 V(SCE). The equilibrium between (TPP)Co(II)(F-) and (TPP)Co(II)(F-)(2) was demonstrated.


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In the presence of OH- anions, electrochemical redox reactions of cobalt tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP)Co were investigated in EtCl2 solution by thin-layer cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry. In the pressence of OH-, OH- was axially coordinated to


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通过电子光谱法测定MPc的Q_(0-0)带和MTPP的Soret带吸光度随时间的变化,研究了MP在DMF介质中的吸氧动力学,按竞争串行反应机理的处理,表明MP的催化活性有如下关系: MPc>MTPP;Fe>Co>Cu MTPP在空气中的吸氧速率小于在纯氧中的,其比值约相当于空气中的氧分压;研究了含硫配体巯基乙醇和含氧配体抗坏血酸对上述体系的影响,前者使MP谱带发生较大的变化,吸氧速率常数普遍增大,后者的影响较小。


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本文采用电子自旋共振ESR方法,结合运用自旋捕捉技术(Spin Trapping-ESR)和时间分辨手段(TRESR),针对某些与生命能量代谢体系电子传递及其化学模拟反应的研究相关的几个重要问题(包括高等植物光系统II颗粒内超氧阴离子自由基(O2-)的产生机制、光合作用模型体系电子传递和跨膜电子传递反应动力学、传统中药有效成分提取物抗氧化分子机理与构效关系),从分子设计、实验方法、分子结构理论、反应机理与动力学分析等几个角度进行了较为系统的探索性研究,并获得以下几点新颖的研究成果: 1.光系统II颗粒内光抑制过程中O2-生成的分子机制 (1).首先,发展了新Spin Trapping-ESR技术,研制一系列性能优良的新型磷酰基取代的吡咯啉类活性氧自旋捕捉剂,并通过对比研究其捕捉性能,证明磷酰基取代的吡咯啉类捕捉剂比常用的DMPO捕捉剂的捕捉能力强、速度快,自由基加合物稳定性高,适合于光系统II体系中活性氧的研究。 (2).在PSII颗粒的光抑制过程中成功地检测到了O2-,并探讨了影响O2-产生的诸多因素。包括氧分子的浓度、1O2增强剂与淬灭剂、pH值效应、电子传递链阻断剂的影响。首次提出了O2-生成的分子机制:PSII颗粒中产生的O2-是光系统II中反应中心产生的1O2与次级电子受体QA形成的质子化半醌自由基反应的产物。此外,设计了一套化学模拟体系,进一步证明了02-的生成的分子机制。 2. 中国传统性中药的酚类提取物抗氧化剂的抗氧化分子机理与构效关系研究 用理论计算与实验结合的手段,研究了酚类抗氧化剂与02的反应。探讨了酚类抗氧化物的分子结构与其抗氧化活性的构效关系,为评价抗氧化剂的抗氧化能力提供了一定的依据。 3.有关光合作用模型体系电子传递和跨膜电子传递反应动力学的探索性基础研究 (1).对原有的电子自旋共振谱仪进行改造,自行设计并研制一套时间分辨ESR装置,时间分辨率达到准微秒级。 (2).利用时间分辨ESR装置,对C60及其环加成衍生物分子间和分子内光诱导电子转移反应的自由基复合过程动力学进行了研究,从分子结构角度分析了影响电荷分离态稳定性的因素。 (3).初步探讨了TPP/DODAC与HA/DODAC两种单层囊泡间的光诱导电子转移反应,获得了长寿命的电荷分离态,为光合作用模拟提供有价值的模型。 (4).通过对比研究mes-卟啉Ⅱ/苯醌/CH。OH的化学诱导动态核自旋态极化( CIDNP)和ESR波谱,提出一个激发态苯醌与质子给体间的光诱导氢转移自由基反应新机理。


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本文研究了一系列液晶共聚醚TPP的相行为和相结构。TPP-7/11s具有向列相、柱状相Φ'及多重倾角的柱状相Φ_(TH')而TPP-9/10(5/5)具有向列相、近晶F相和近晶G相。可见柔性间隔基长度的差异对共聚醚的相结构有决定性的影响,随柔性间隔基长度差异的增大,会破坏分子链方向的周期性,从而导致在主链型液晶共聚醚TPP中形成了柱状相。TPP-7/11s中柱状相Φ'到柱状相Φ_(TH)的转变是热力学上的一级转变,分别对应扭式构象占优及反式构象占优的状态。通过无定形碳膜的表面诱导效应,在向列相及柱状相Φ'的TPP-7/11s薄膜中得到了分子链垂直取向的单矢畴。单矢畴的形成依赖于相结构、分子结构的对称性及共聚醚的组成,其形成过程类似于一个成核过程,而其生长过类似于一个自组装过程。在单矢畴的有序化过程中,分子链的取向发生了变化,随时间增加分子链从初始的面向取向转变为倾斜取向,最终形成了垂直的链取向。表面诱导所形成的垂直取向在静电场作用下发生了重取向,取向方向依赖于介电各向异性及电场相对于固有偶极矩的方向。共聚醚分子链的介电重取向的临界强度依赖于共聚醚的分子结构。除了介电取向外,在高强场下的TPP-7/11(5/5)薄膜中还观察到电变曲取向,共聚醚的分子链发生了展曲形变,而片层则发生了弯曲形变,其低能量的响应途径是向错和反转墙。在TPP-7/11s薄膜中只观察到s = 1 的向错,但它们有不同的旋向,相同旋向的向错相互排斥,而不同旋向的向错相互吸引。


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本文选择不同配体(苯酚类和迭氮)通过Cr(III)(TPP)Cl (Al)的氧化还原取代,分别合成了四个新的铬(III)卟啉配合物,Cr(TPP)N_3P_Y(B_1), P-O_2NC_6H_4OCr(TPP)·THF (C1), P-CH_3OCoH_4OCr(TPP)·THF (D1), Cr(TPP)OC_6H_5·THF (E1)。通过元素分析,红外光谱、~1H NMR、ESR、MS和UV-Vis等分析、表征,确认了以上四种化合物。B1单晶进行了X-射线分析,得其晶体结构和分子结构,从而进一步证实了B1的组成。在CH_2Cl_2或C_6H_6中,氮气保护下,用PhIO直接氧化以上五种铬(III)卟啉配合物,合成并分离出了相应的高价氧络铬卟啉配合物,(PhI) O=Cr(▽)(TPP)Cl (A2), (PhI) O=Cr(▽)(TPP)N_3, (B2), P-O_2NC_6H_4O Cr(▽)(TPP) (1/2IPh) (C2), P-CH_3OC_6H_4O Cr(▽)(TPP) (1/2IPh) (D2), PhIO- Cr(IV)(TPP) (OC_6H_5)·P_Y (E2)。通过研究其元素组成,IR、UV-Vis、ESR、MS等分析,确定了以上五种化合物的组成。基中PhI和P_Y分子的位置尚无法确定。这两类高价氧络铬卟啉,是继右淑珍等第一次得到P450模型化合物的活性中间体-氧络铬(▽)四苯基卟啉对硝基苯甲酸配合物后,又一次得到的苯酸类和迭氮氧络铬卟啉配合物。不同的是,氧络铬(▽)卟啉配合物中都各有PhI分子,化合物E2是第一次得到的关键氧络铬(IV)卟啉配合物,类似于PhIO-Mn~(IV)(TPP)(P-H_2N C_6H_4 CO_2)。高价氧络铬卟啉配合物不稳定,室温下分解,暴露在空气中同时发生分解和还原。不过低温下比较稳定。在CH_2Cl_2或C_6H_6中,我们研究了上述五种氧络铬及Cr(TPP)ClPhIO对碳氢化合物和DNA碱基的氧化反应。不同摩尔比的PhIO-Cr(TPP)Cl对环已烷的氧化给出相同的产物,但转化率和产物分布不同。Al-PhIO和C_2-PhIO体内对碱基胞嘧啶,胸腺嘧啶,腺嘌呤的氧化反应呈阳性,氧化产物中都有尿素CO(NH_2)_2,其中胸腺嘧啶的氧化产物中含有CH_3CO-或CH_3CHOH。这说明氧络铬卟啉配合物能够氧化DNA碱基。氧络铬卟啉具有较高的氧化活性和立体选择性。比较不同轴向配体的氧络铬卟啉的氧化活性,其大小次序正好与其轴向配体的配位能力次序一致。这是由于轴向配体的给电子能力越强,通过中心离子铬向其周围转移的电荷就越多,导致氧络键的强度减弱,即其活性增加。上述研究结果表明,铬(III)卟啉配合物是P-450的较好的模型化合物,氧络铬卟啉配合物是其活性中间体。同时该研究结果支持了Groves等提出的定居卟啉配合物催化氧化机理。