12 resultados para Serpentine

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Focusing particles into a tight stream is usually a necessary step prior to separating and sorting them. We present herein a proof-of-concept experiment of a novel particle focusing technique in DC electrokinetic flow through a planar serpentine microchannel. This focusing stems from the cross-stream dielectrophoretic motion induced within the channel turns. The observed particle focusing behavior is consistent with the predicted particle trajectories from a numerical modeling.


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Experimental study of a liquid fed direct methanol fuel cell has been conducted in different gravity environments. A small single cell with 5 cm x 5 cm active area has single serpentine channel on the graphite cathode polar plate and 11 parallel straight channels on the graphite anode flow bed. Cell voltage and current have been measured and two-phase flow in anode channels has been in situ visually observed. The experimental results indicate that the effect of gravity on power performance of the direct methanol fuel cell is large when the concentration polarization governs fuel cells operation. Gravitational effect becomes larger at higher current density. Increasing methanol feeding molarity is conducive to weaken the influence of gravity on performance of liquid fed direct methanol fuel cells. Increasing feeding flow rate of methanol solution from 6 to 15 ml/min could reduce the size of carbon dioxide bubbles, while the influence of gravity still exist. Transport phenomena inside direct methanol fuel cells in microgravity is also analyzed and discussed.


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A detailed petrologic and mineralogic study was carried out on serpentinized peridotites dredged from the southern landward slopes of the Mariana Trench, in order to reveal the serpentinization process of these unusual rocks and to identify the sole presence of the mineral lizardite. The constituent minerals of these southern Mariana forearc peridotites are olivine, amphibole and spinel, as well as serpentine, chlorite and talc. Compared with serpentinite seamounts, the serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc are characterized by the absence of magnetite and brucite, and the common presence of talc; besides, the serpentine mineral variety is simplex, only lizardite. Combining mineral chemistry and mineral phase relationships, we conclude that (1) the absence of magnetite in the serpentinized peridotites is due to incomplete serpentinization, other than magnetite, the iron end-member in olivine forms Fe-rich brucite and Fe-rich serpentine; (2) brucite is not stable with high silica activity, reacting with later SiO2-rich fluid and then forming lizardite, leading to a lack of brucite in these serpentinized peridotites; (3) the occurrence of talc is the result of later SiO2-rich fluid reactions with lizardite; and (4) the reason for the sole occurrence of lizardite is that the temperature condition of our study area was not high enough for the formation of antigorite (which is stable at > 500 degrees C). Despite the broad overlap of lizardite and chrysotile in growth temperature, differences in the modes of occurrence of lizardite and chrysotile, such as the scarcity of H2O, low porosity and permeability, as well as the actual situation of initial serpentinization in the study area, result in the absolute prevalence of lizardite over chrysotile in the area. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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The serpentinized peridotites overlying the subducted zones in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc system have been interpret as the cause of the low-velocity layer identified beneath the IBM froearc, in turn few earthquakes occurred along the plate boundary. Chrysotile, which is a low temperature and highly hydrated phase of serpentine with low frictional strength, has been suggested as the low velocity material in the serpentinized peridotites, besides, brucite is inferred to be likely conducive to stable sliding. However, such idea encounters challenging in our serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc, which absent both the above minerals. The presence of talc, which characterized by its weak, low-friction and inherently stable sliding behavior, provides new clue. Here we report the occurrence of talc in serpentinized peridotites collected from the landward trench slope of the southern Mariana forearc. We infer that talc is mainly forming as a result of the reaction of serpentine minerals with silica-saturated fluids released from the subducting slab, and talc also occurs as talc veins sometimes. Due to its unique physical properties, talc may therefore play a significant role in aseismic slip in the IBM subduction zone.


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依据生物利用中央模式发生器(Central pattern generator,CPG)的自激行为产生有节律的协调运动适应多种环境,基于循环抑制CPG建模理论设计了蛇形机器人CPG控制器模型,分析了单个神经元、循环抑制CPG以及该控制器模型的稳定性,并把该控制器应用到一个结合蛇形机器人“勘查者-Ⅰ”动力学特性的仿真模型,得到了实现蜿蜒运动的CPG控制器参数,进而研究了调节S波个数、身体构形曲率、蜿蜒运动速度以及运动轨迹曲率的CPG控制器参数设定策略。此外,“勘查者-Ⅰ”应用该CPG控制器的输出成功实现了蜿蜒运动。该研究结果为设计人工CPG控制器提供了一个可行的方法。


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根据生物蛇和蛇形机器人的结构及运动特点 ,提出了基于乐理的蛇形机器人控制方法 ,定义了乐理的符号、规则与蛇形机器人控制过程的对应关系 ,编写了蜿蜒运动步态谱 .“勘查者—I”蛇形机器人上实现了蜿蜒运动的控制 .给出了今后的研究方向 .


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The South continent of China lies to southeast of Eurasia block. It is an active area from the view of crust growth and continent spread and is a transition zone between continental crust and oceanic crust. The compressional wave velocities and anisotropies of typical crustal metamorphic rocks were determined at high temperature (up to 1000 ℃) and high pressure(up to 800MPa). The experimental results show that the velocities generally increase with pressure, and is unaffected by temperature up to around 550 ℃. But the velocities of all experimental samples start to drop above a temperature point. For an example, this greatly reduce the speed of wave propagation in amphibolite and serpentinite above 760 ℃ and above 550 ℃ respectively, which may be due to dehydrate of amphibole and serpentine. P-wave anisotropy coefficients of those rocks range from 2% to 10% at 800MPa and 500 ℃. The anisotropies decrease with increasing pressure at room temperature, but hardly change as function of temperature at constant 800MPa or 600MPa pressure. The average velocity of the six crustal rocks is 6.28km/s under the condition of 800MPa and 550 ℃, which is consistent with the result of deep seismic sounding data. Based on this experimental result, we deduce there may exist a lot of felsic granulites and amphibolites at the depth of 15-25km underground. With increasing temperature and pressure, the deformation behavior of the rocks undergoes from localized brittle fracture, semi-brittle deformation (cataclastic flow or semi-brittle faulting, semi-brittle flow) to homogeneous crystal-plastic flow. This transition is associated with mechanical behavior and micro-mechanism. It is very important to understanding earthquake source mechanics, the strength of the lithosphere and the style of deformation. The experiments were conducted at temperature of 600-1000 ℃, confining pressure of 500MPa, and stain rates of 10~(-4)-10~(-6) S~(-1). For fine-grained natural amphibolite, the results of experiments show that brittle faulting is major failure mode at temperature <600 ℃, but crystal-plastic deformation is dominate at temperature >800 ℃, and there is a transition with increasing temperature from sembrittle faulting to cataclastic flow and sembrittle flow at temperature of 670-750 ℃. For medium-grained natural Felsic granulite, the results of experiments show that brittle faulting is major failure mode at temperature <500 ℃, but crystal-plastic deformation is dominate at temperature >700 ℃, and there is a transition with increasing temperature from semibrittle faulting to cataclastic flow and sembrittle flow at temperature of 500-600 ℃.