263 resultados para LC-DAD
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In vitro a-glucosidase inhibition assays and ultrafiltration liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ultrafiltration LC-DAD-ESI-MSn) were combined to screen a-glucosidase inhibitors from hawthorn leaf flavonoids extract (HLFE). As a result, four compounds were identified as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors in the HLFE, and their structures were confirmed to be quercetin-3-O-rha-(1-4)-glc-rha and C-glycosylflavones (vitexin-2 ''-O-glucoside, vitexin-2 ''-O-rhamnoside and vitexin) by high-resolution sustained off resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) data obtained by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS).
A novel labeling reagent 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP) coupling to liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the detection of carbohydrates from the derivatized rape bee pollen samples is reported. Carbohydrates are derivatized to their bis-NMP-labeled derivatives. Derivatives showed an intense protonated molecular ion at m/z [M+H](+) in positive-ion detection mode. The mass-to-charge ratios of characteristic fragment ions at m/z 473.0 could be used for the accurately qualitative analysis of carbohydrates. This characteristic fragment ion is from the cleavage of C2-C3 bond in carbohydrate chain giving the specific fragment ions at m/z [MH-CmH2m+1Om-H2O](+) for pentose, hexose and glyceraldehydes and at m/z [MH-CmH2m-1Om+1-H2O](+) for alduronic acids such as galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid (m = n - 2, n is carbon number of carbohydrate). No interferences for all aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes presented in natural environmental samples were observed due to the highly specific parent mass-to-charge ratio and the characteristic fragment ions. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of carbohydrate derivatives on a reversed-phase Hypersil ODS-2 column. The carbohydrates such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose and fucose can successfully be detected.
In vitro α-glycosidase inhibition assays and Ultrafiltration LC-DAD-ESI-MSn were combined to screening α-glucosidase inhibitors from hawthorn leaves flavonoids extract. As a result, hawthorn leaves flavonoids extract showed strong α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, four compounds presented α-glucosidase inhibitory effects were observed and identified by LC-DAD-MSn, and further confirmed by high resolution SORI-CID FT ICR MS data.
A new labeling reagent, 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP), coupling with liquid chromatography (LC) with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for the detection of carbohydrates from a famous Tibetan medicine is reported. Carbohydrates were derivatized to their bis-NMP-labeled derivatives. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of carbohydrate derivatives on a reversed phase Hypersil ODS-2 column. The carbohydrates such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and fucose could be successfully detected by UV and ESI-MS. Derivatives showed intense protonated molecular ion at m/z [M+H]+ in positive ion mode. The mass to charge ratios of characteristic fragment ions at m/z 473.0 could be used for the accurately qualitative identification of carbohydrates; this characteristic fragment ion was from the cleavage of C2-C3 bond in the carbohydrate chain giving the specific fragment ions at m/z [MH-CmH2m+1Om-H2O](+) for pentose, hexose, and glyceraldehydes, and at m/z [MH-CmH2m-1Om+1-H2O](+) for alduronic acids, such as galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid (m=n-2, n is carbon atom number of carbohydrate). Compared with the traditional 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) reagent, currently synthesized NMP show the advantage of higher sensitivity to carbohydrate compounds with UV and ESI-MS detection.
The lytropic liquid crystals in dodecanic acid diethanolamine (DAD)/n-butanol (C4OH)/octane (n-C8H18)/deuteron (D2O) system were studied to determine the phase regions and were investigated by H-2-NMR spectroscopy,optical polarizing microscope and small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD) methods. The results indicate that the lamellar, hexagonal and cubic liquid crystals all exist in the above system. Keeping the weight ratio of DAD and C4OH constant,the microphase structure, H-2 quadruple splitting and the interlayer spacing are all changed with the addition of deuteron.
水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)和新疆雪莲(Saussurea involucrata Karel. et Kir.)是我国珍稀的药用植物资源,具有清热解毒、止痉镇痛、敛伤、消肿及治疗热病、风湿等多种功效。雪莲的主要药用成份为紫丁香甙(Syringin)、芦丁(Rutin)、高车前素(Hispidulin)和Jaceosidin等苯基丙酸类(phenylpropanoid)和黄酮类(flavonoids)物质。最新的药理研究表明,上述物质还具有抗菌消炎、保肝降压、延缓衰老和抑制癌细胞增殖等重要的研发价值。 雪莲生境恶劣,生长缓慢,人工引种困难,加上长期掠夺性采挖,已使雪莲处于灭绝的边缘。为了保存国家珍稀植物品种,保护生态环境,满足临床上对雪莲药物的需求,本研究在雪莲组织培养的基础上,应用诱导子添加技术和毛状根培养技术对雪莲中具有重要药用价值的次生代谢物质进行调控,并对雪莲MYB类转录因子的功能进行了初步探索,为保护珍稀植物资源、维护生态环境、开发野生雪莲替代产品、缩短雪莲药用成份的生产周期奠定了基础。另外,分析了野生雪莲和雪莲培养物中主要生物活性成份的种类及含量,为今后雪莲药理药效研究及品质评价奠定了基础。 为了提高雪莲黄酮的产量,满足工业化生产的需要,在细胞培养水平上,通过添加茉莉酸甲酯(MJ),对雪莲黄酮类物质的代谢进行调控。研究了诱导子的添加时间、添加浓度对水母雪莲红色系悬浮细胞的生物量和总黄酮产量的影响。发现在细胞培养的指数期(第9天)添加5.0 µmol/L的MJ,可以使总黄酮产量提高2.4倍(1134.5 ± 63.86 mg/L),而雪莲细胞干重(dw)仅比对照提高23.8 %(20.4 ±0.27 g/L)。另外,细胞中苯丙氨酸裂解酶(PAL)的活性分析表明,MJ添加后PAL活性的增加与雪莲总黄酮含量增长之间存在相关性。 在器官培养水平上,对雪莲毛状根的诱导频率及其培养条件进行了研究。结果表明,选择发根农杆菌R1601侵染预培养2天的新疆雪莲根段外植体,毛状根的诱导效率可达到83 %。毛状根的冠瘿碱检测、PCR和Southern分析表明,Ri质粒中的T-DNA已整合到植物基因组中并稳定表达。以新疆雪莲毛状根为外植体,能够容易地获得再生芽。在含有1.0 mg/L 6-BA的MS固体培养基上,其再生频率高达91 ± 5.9 %,是其正常根的2.4倍。而水母雪莲在该培养条件下,仅有少量的畸形芽出现。进而对毛状根的培养条件进行初步研究,结果表明在无激素附加的MS液体培养基中,新疆雪莲的HR1601根系在一个培养周期内(32 天),其生物量能够达到接种量的16倍,而紫丁香甙含量(43.5 ± 1.13 mg/g dw)能够达到野生雪莲的83倍。从而显示了雪莲毛状根培养体系的优良特性。 在基因水平上,对雪莲黄酮类物质代谢调控的研究已经展开。玉米P基因编码的Myb类转录因子能够调节黄酮类物质代谢途径关键酶基因的表达。根据P基因的保守序列设计引物,从雪莲细胞培养物中获得了SmP基因。核酸序列分析表明,SmP基因与烟草中涉及苯丙素类物质代谢途径的LBM 1、LBM 3和MybAS 1基因具有较高的一致性,分别为66 %、60 %和61 %。因此为了研究雪莲SmP基因的功能,构建了正义表达载体,并与先前构建好的反义表达载体分别导入烟草,分析了转基因植株的形态特征及黄酮类物质的含量变化。其中,约有30 %转反义SmP基因的株系表现叶片皱缩、叶脉紊乱、主侧脉角度缩小、叶片、花瓣失去对称性以及花粉败育等性状。 另外,通过正交试验设计优化了雪莲提取工艺的条件,并对雪莲细胞提取物进行了分离纯化。正交试验设计结果表明,温度对雪莲黄酮提取效率的影响极为显著,而分批多次提取比一次性浸提,能够收到较好的提取效果。考虑到工业生产中的实际问题,推荐在60 ℃水浴条件下,采用50 %乙醇对雪莲样品连续浸提2次的方案。对雪莲提取物的纯化研究表明,雪莲成份复杂,仅依靠单一的分离手段,往往难以奏效。另外,野生雪莲及雪莲培养物中生物活性成份的比色法、HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)、LC-ESI-MS(Liquid Chromotagraphy Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry)分析表明,传统的NaNO2-AlCl3 法测定雪莲总黄酮的含量,结果偏高,不利于雪莲黄酮的实验室研究分析与今后工业化生产的质量监控。而AlCl3 法的显色反应较为特异,今后有望取代NaNO2-AlCl3 法,作为雪莲类药材品质评价的标准。而HPLC-DAD结合LC-ESI-MS可以对雪莲中的主要生物活性成份进行较为准确的定性分析,从而解决了由于缺乏相应的雪莲化合物标准品而难以对雪莲中的成份进行定性定量分析及比较的难题。最后综合利用上述分析方法,对雪莲细胞培养物中的花素类物质进行了分析。结果表明,雪莲细胞中至少含有7种花色素类物质,分别为矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖甙及其衍生物、天竺葵素糖甙衍生物和芍药色素糖甙衍生物。
A rapid and sensitive method was developed and validated for the determination of MCYST (microcystin)-RR, -LR, and [Dha(7)] MCYST-LR in rat plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The analytes were extracted from rat plasma by protein precipitation, followed by solid-phase extraction. Liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, operating in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode, was used to quantify MCYST-RR, -LR, and [Dha(7)] MCYST-LR in rat plasma. The recoveries for each analyte in rat plasma ranged from 70.8 to 88.7%. The calibration curve was linear within the range from 0.005 to 1.25 mu g mL(-1). The limit of detection were 1.4, 1.0, 0.6 ng mL(-1) for MCYST-RR, -LR, and [Dha(7)] MCYST-LR. The overall precision was determined on three different days. The values for within- and between-day precision in rat plasma were within 15%. This method was applied to the identification and quantification of microcystins in rat plasma with acute exposure of microcystins via intravenous injection.
The antibacterial drug furazolidone belonging to the group of nitrofuran antibacterial agents has been widely used as an antibacterial and antiprotozoal feed additive for poultry, cattle, and farmed fish in China. During application a large proportion of the administered drug may reach the environment directly or via feces. Although the use of furazolidone is prohibited in numerous countries, there are indications of its illegal use. It is known that furazolidone can be rapidly metabolized to 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in the body of the target organism. In this study, a total of 21 fish feed samples, including 17 commercial fish feeds from local markets in China (representing 15 different formulations) and 4 fish feeds obtained from Germany and Turkey, respectively, are analyzed to determine whether the drug is still illegally used or commercially available feeds are contaminated by this drug. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) methods have been implemented to determine furazolidone and its metabolite AOZ in fish feeds containing animal protein, respectively. An efficient and convenient cleanup method for the determination of furazolidone in fish feeds is developed, and a simple cleanup method for the determination of AOZ is used. Method recoveries for samples used were determined as 87.7-98.3% for furazolidone at two spike levels of 2.0 and 5.0 ng g(-1) and as 95.6-102.8% for AOZ at spike levels of 0.4 and 0.8 ng g(-1). Limits of detections were 0.4 ng g(-1) for furazolidone and 0.05 ng g(-1) for AOZ. The established methods are therefore suitable for the determination of furazolidone and its metabolite AOZ in fish feeds at trace contamination levels. Using the established methods, all fish feed samples have been proved to be furazolidone negative; however, AOZ is tested in 16 of 17 fish feeds obtained from local markets in the Hubei province of China, with a positive rate as high as 94.1%.
This paper represents a LC VCO with AAC (Auto Amplitude Control), in which PMOS FETs are used as active components, and the varactors are directly connected to ground to widen Kvco linear range. The AAC circuitry adds little noise to the VCO and provides it with robust performance over a wide temperature and carrier frequency range. The VCO is fabricated in 50-GHz 0.35-mu m SiGe BiCMOS process. The measurement results show that it has -127.27-dBc/Hz phase noise at 1-MHz offset and a linear gain of 32.4-MHz/V between 990-MHz and 1.14-GHz. The whole circuit draws 6.6-mA current from 5.0-V supply.
This paper proposes a smart frequency presetting technique for fast lock-in LC-PLL frequency synthesizer. The technique accurately presets the frequency of VCO with small initial frequency error and greatly reduces the lock-in time. It can automatically compensate preset frequency variation with process and temperature. A 2.4GHz synthesizer with 1MHz reference input was implemented in 0.35 mu m CMOS process. The chip core area is 0.4mm(2). Output frequency of VCO ranges from 2390 to 2600MHz. The measured results show that the typical lock-in time is 3 mu s. The phase noise is -112dBc/Hz at 600KHz offset from center frequency. The test chip consumes current of 22mA that includes the consumption of the I/O buffers.
This paper presents an LC VCO with auto-amplitude control (AAC), in which pMOS FETs are used,and the varactors are directly connected to ground to widen the linear range of Kvco. The AAC circuitry adds little noise to the VCO but provides it with robust performance over a wide temperature and carrier frequency range.The VCO is fabricated in a chartered 50GHz 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS process. The measurements show that it has - 127. 27dBc/Hz phase noise at 1MHz offset and a linear gain of 32.4MHz/V between 990MHz and 1.14GHz.The whole circuit draws 6. 6mA current from 5V supply.
本论文由四部分组成。第一部分报道了佛手参提取物的化学成分研究,建立了活性成分含量测定的高效液相测定和指纹图谱研究,采用液质联用技术鉴定了主要色谱峰;第二部分报道了丹参及其复方制剂的特征图谱研究;第三部分探讨了两面针生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,并采用液质联用技术分离鉴定了提取物中的多种生物碱。第四部分概述了液质联用在药物代谢研究中的运用。 第一部分包括第一、第二和第三章。第一章针对佛手参(Gymnadeniaconopsea)块茎的甲醇提取物,采用大孔树脂和反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,共分离鉴定出4 个化合物,通过波谱分析将它们的结构确定为dactylorhin B (1)、loroglossin (2)、dactylorhin A (3)和militarine (4)。这4 个化合物均是首次从佛手参中分离得到的琥珀酸葡萄糖苷类成分。第二章采用高效液相色谱法对西藏、四川、河北、青海和尼泊尔等不同地区产的十个佛手参样品进行腺嘌呤核苷和对羟基苯甲醇的定量分析,结果表明这2 个成份可视为佛手参的特征成分,但也注意到产地不同该2 个特征成分的含量也有所不同。第三章采用标准中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,以10 个佛手参样品HPLC 图谱的平均值为相似性评价对照模板,对10 个样品进行了相似度评价,并经液质联用分析指认了7 个共有峰,分别为腺嘌呤核苷(1)、对羟基苯甲醇(2)、对羟基苯甲醛(3) 、dactylorhin B(4) 、loroglossin(5)、dactylorhin A(6)和militarine(7)。 第二部分包括第四、第五、第六和第七章。第四章运用电喷雾质谱检测了对照药材和五个不同产地的丹参药材中脂溶性和水溶性成分,系统地探讨了多种成分的电喷雾质谱规律,并以对照药材为标准建立了特征指纹图谱。五个产地的药II材通过与对照药材相对比,采用聚类分析的方法,得到了定性的鉴别与判断。并采用液质联用技术对丹参药材提取液中的化学成份进行分析,推测了九个特征峰,并对六样品的液相色谱图进行了聚类分析。第五章探讨了三七皂苷的电喷雾质谱电离和裂解规律,并采用电喷雾质谱法对三七标准药材,血通片中的皂苷成分进行了分析。第六章运用电喷雾质谱研究复方丹参片提取液的特征图谱,并和单味药材丹参和三七的特征图谱进行了对比研究。并运用HPLC-ESI MSn 分析鉴定了复方丹参片提取液中的化学成分,推测了12 个色谱峰。第七章总结了电喷雾质谱和液质联用技术在丹参药材,三七药材及复方丹参制剂中的运用的优势和局限性。 第三部分(第八章)研究了两面针生物碱中二氢白屈菜红碱(1)、二氢两面针碱(2)、8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱(3)、8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱(4)、两面针碱(5)、和1,3-二(8-二氢两面针碱)丙酮(6)等六个苯并菲啶型生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,其中二氢两面针碱和二氢白屈菜红碱,8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱和8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱是两对二个甲氧基分别在C-9 和C-10,C-10 和C-11 的同分异构体。实验结果表明,在相同的碰撞能下,这类位置异构体的ESI MS2 质谱二级碎片离子的相对峰度存在很大差异,这可以用于区分该类同分异构体,采用液-质联用可以对两面针的总生物碱提取物中的这些同分异构体加于区分。同时在本实验采用的液相色谱条件下,多种生物碱得到较好的分离,通过和对照品的保留时间,紫外吸收光谱及电喷雾质谱图对照,鉴定了11 个主要色谱峰。 第四部分(第九章)对液质联用技术在药物代谢中的运用进行了综述。 This dissertation consisted of four sections. The first two sections elaborated thephytochemical investigation of the rhizomes Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br., methoddevelopment for rapid identifying and qutifying the chemical condtituent of thistibetant medicine, and the chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea,Salviae miltiorrhiza and P. notoginseng. The third section studied the fragmentationmechanism of six alkaloids from Zanthoxylum nitidium and method development forrapid identifying varieties of alkaloids from the extract of this herbal medicine. Thefourth section reviewed HPLC- MS method in drug metabolism studies. The first section consisted of chapters 1, 2, 3. Chapter 1 elaborated the phytochemicalinvestigation of Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. Four succinate derivative esters wereisolated from the methanol extract of the rhizomes of G. conopsea through repeatedcolumn chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel, their structures weredetermined by ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR evidence. They were firstly discoveredfrom this species. In chapter 2, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection (HPLC-DAD) method has been firstly developed for quantitation oftwo characteristic constituents, adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, from theextract of rhizomes of G. conopsea. All 10 samples of G. conopsea contained differentamount of adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Adenosine and the4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol can be applied in identification and quality control for theroots of G. conopsea. In chapter 3, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection.tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MSn) method has been firstly developed for chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea andrapid identification of major compounds in the fingerprints. Comparing the UV andMS spectra with those of authentic compounds, seven main peaks in the fingerprintswere identified as adenosine, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl aldehyde,dactylorhin B, loroglossin, dactylorhin A and militarine. The Computer AidedSimilarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of TraditionalChinese Medicine (CASES) was employed to evaluate the similarities of 10 samplesof the rhizomes of G. conopsea collected from Sichuan, Qinghai and Hebei provincesand Tibet autonomous region of China, and Nepal. These samples from differentsources had similar chemical fingerprints to each other. The second section consisted of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. In chapter 4,both thecharacteristic spectra of liposoluble tanshinones and aqueous-soluble salvianolic acidswere established by the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)technique and the differences between standard and crude rhizomes of Salviaemiltiorrhiza Bge. from 5 sources were analyzed. The law of electrospray ion trap mass(ESI ITMS) of typical tanshinones and salvianolic acids is studied.The analysis of the chemical constituent of rhizomes of Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge. byliquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrum (LC/MS) technique wasestablished,and the distances among standard herb and crude herb from 5 sourceswere calculated by clustering analysis. According the DAD spectra and MS2 data,9tanshinones could be speculated. In chapter 5, the character spectra of total saponinsin P. notoginseng extracts were established by ESI ITMS and selective ion monitoring(SIM) technology. The law of notoginsenosides by ESI MS2 was studied. In chapter 6,the characteristic spectra of Compound Danshen Tablet established and compared byESI-MS and HPLC/DAD/MS, 6 known tanshinones and 3 saponins were speculated.In chapter 7, the advantage and disadvantage of the strategy, using the ESI ITMS andLC/MS techniques for study of characteristic spetra of danshen and Compound Danshen Tablet, were summerized. The third section (chapter 8) studied the fragmentation mechanism of six alkaloids,dihydronitidine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydronitidine,8-acetonyldrochelerythrine, nitidine and 1,3-bis (8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone, by ESIMSn. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments indicated that different substitutionsites of the methoxyl groups at C-9 and C-10 or at C-10 and C-11 determined thedifferent abundances of the MS2 fragmentation ions using the same collision energy.According to the different abundances of MS2 product ions, positional isomericbenzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloids can be differentiated. Moreover, ten constituents inthe crude alkaloids extract from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidium were rapidlyidentified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (HPLC-MSn), through comparing the retention times and ESI MSn spectra with the authentic standards. The fourth section (chapter 9) is a review on HPLC-MS method development in drug metabolism studies.
采用LC/ESI-MSn的方法对家兔肠道内的乌头碱代谢产物进行研究,经与空白组比较发现,给药后家兔小肠内容物中新增加6个化合物峰(M1~M6),盲肠内容物中新增加5个化合物峰(M2~M6),粪便中新增加2个化合物峰(M3、M4). 分别测定各化合物的准分子离子及各级串联碎片离子,并与标准品的质谱断裂规律进行比较,同时参考文献,推断肠道内化合物M1为16-O-去甲基-8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M2为8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M3为16-O-去甲基乌头碱,M4为乌头碱(AC),M5为去氧乌头碱,为印乌头碱。