36 resultados para CELLULAR PRION

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In this paper, the cellular structure of a two-dimensional detonation wave in a low pressure H2/O2/Ar mixture calculated with a detailed chemical reaction model, high order scheme and high resolution grids is investigated. The regular cellular structure is produced about 1 ms after introducing perturbations in the reaction zone of a steady one-dimensional detonation wave. It is found from the present resolution study that the discrepancies concerning the structure type arising from the coarser grid employed can be resolved using a sufficiently fine grid size of 0.05 mm and below and shows a double-Mach-like strong-type configuration. During the structure evolution process, the structure configuration does not change much in the periods before and after the triple point collision. Through the triple point collision, three regular collision processes are observed and are followed by a quick change to the double-Mach-like configuration. The simulated structure tracks show that there are three different tracks associated with different triple points or the kink on the transverse wave. Comparisons with previous work and experiments indicate the presence of a strong structure for an ordinary detonation.


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This paper reports on two-dimensional numerical simulation of cellular detonation wave in a / / mixture with low initial pressure using a detailed chemical reaction model and high order WENO scheme. Before the final equilibrium structure is produced, a fairly regular but still non-equilibrium mode is observed during the early stage of structure formation process. The numerically tracked detonation cells show that the cell size always adapts to the channel height such that the cell ratio is fairly independent of the grid sizes and initial and boundary conditions. During the structural evolution in a detonation cell, even as the simulated detonation wave characteristics suggest the presence of an ordinary detonation, the evolving instantaneous detonation state indicates a mainly underdriven state. As a considerable region of the gas mixture in a cell is observed to be ignited by the incident wave and transverse wave, it is further suggested that these two said waves play an essential role in the detonation propagation.


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In this study, the idealized two-dimensional detonation cells were decomposed into the primary units referred to as sub-cells. Based on the theory of oblique shock waves, an analytical formula was derived to describe the relation between the Mach number ratio through triple-shock collision and the geometric properties of the cell. By applying a modified blast wave theory, an analytical model was developed to predict the propagation of detonation waves along the cell. The calculated results show that detonation wave is, first, strengthened at the beginning of the cell after triple-shock collision, and then decays till reaching the cell end. The analytical results were compared with experimental data and previous numerical results; the agreement between them appears to be good, in general.


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When the cell width of the incident detonation wave (IDW) is comparable to or larger than the Mach stem height, self-similarity will fail during IDW reflection from a wedge surface. In this paper, the detonation reflection from wedges is investigated for the wave dynamic processes occurring in the wave front, including transverse shock motion and detonation cell variations behind the Mach stem. A detailed reaction model is implemented to simulate two-dimensional cellular detonations in stoichiometric mixtures of H (2)/O (2) diluted by Argon. The numerical results show that the transverse waves, which cross the triple point trajectory of Mach reflection, travel along the Mach stem and reflect back from the wedge surface, control the size of the cells in the region swept by the Mach stem. It is the energy carried by these transverse waves that sustains the triple-wave-collision with a higher frequency within the over-driven Mach stem. In some cases, local wave dynamic processes and wave structures play a dominant role in determining the pattern of cellular record, leading to the fact that the cellular patterns after the Mach stem exhibit some peculiar modes.


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Cylindrical cellular detonation is numerically investigated by solving two-dimensional reactive Euler equations with a finite volume method on a two-dimensional self-adaptive unstructured mesh. The one-step reversible chemical reaction model is applied to simplify the control parameters of chemical reaction. Numerical results demonstrate the evolution of cellular cell splitting of cylindrical cellular detonation explored in experimentas. Split of cellular structures shows different features in the near-field and far-field from the initiation zone. Variation of the local curvature is a key factor in the behavior of cell split of cylindrical cellular detonation in propagation. Numerical results show that split of cellular structures comes from the self-organization of transverse waves corresponding to the development of small disturbances along the detonation front related to detonation instability.


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Cellular cell pattern evolution of cylindrically-diverging detonations is numerically simulated successfully by solving two-dimensional Euler equations implemented with an improved two-step chemical kinetic model. From the simulation, three cell bifurcation modes are observed during the evolution and referred to as concave front focusing, kinked and wrinkled wave front instability, and self-merging of cellular cells. Numerical research demonstrates that the wave front expansion resulted from detonation front diverging plays a major role in the cellular cell bifurcation, which can disturb the nonlinearly self-sustained mechanism of detonations and finally lead to cell bifurcations.


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In this paper the Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) process of gaseous H-2-O-2 mixture and Mach reflection of gaseous detonation wave on a wedge have been conducted experimentally. The cellular pattern of DDT process and Mach reflection were obtained from experiments with wedge angle theta = 10(0) similar to 40(0) and initial pressure of gaseous mixture 16kPa similar to 26.7kPa. The 2-D numerical simulations of DDT process and Mach reflection of detonation wave were performed by using the simplified ZND model and improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) method. The numerical cellular structures were compared with the cellular patterns of soot track. Compared results were shown that it is satisfactory. The characteristic comparisons on Mach reflection of air shock wave and detonation wave were carried also out and their differences were given.


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The critical wedge angle (CWA) for the transition from regular reflection (RR) to Mach reflection (MR) of a cellular detonation wave is studied numerically by an improved space-time conservation element and solution element method together with a two-step chemical reaction model. The accuracy of that numerical way is verified by simulating cellular detonation reflections at a 19.3∘ wedge. The planar and cellular detonation reflections over 45∘–55∘ wedges are also simulated. When the cellular detonation wave is over a 50∘ wedge, numerical results show a new phenomenon that RR and MR occur alternately. The transition process between RR and MR is investigated with the local pressure contours. Numerical analysis shows that the cellular structure is the essential reason for the new phenomenon and the CWA of detonation reflection is not a certain angle but an angle range.


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Le polymorphisme au sein de quatre regions du gene codant pour la proteine prion bovine (PRNP) confere la susceptibilite a l'encephalopathie bovine spongiforme (BSE). Ceux-ci comprennent un polymorphisme d'insertion/deletion (indel) de 23 pb dans le promoteur, un indel de 12 pb dans l'intron 1, un octapeptide repete ou un indel de 24 pb au sein du cadre de lecture, et un polymorphisme mononucleotidique (SNP) dans la region codante. Dans ce travail, les auteurs ont examine la frequence des genotypes, des alleles et des haplotypes pour ces indel au sein de 349 bovins d'origine chinoise, de meme que la sequence nucleotidique de ce gene chez 50 de ces animaux. Leurs resultats montrent que l'allele ayant la deletion de 12 pb et l'haplotype combinant la deletion de 23 pb et la deletion de 12 pb, lesquels ont ete suggeres comme etant importants pour la susceptibilite a la BSE, sont rares au sein des bovins du sud de la Chine. Une difference significative a ete observee entre les bovins affectes par la BSE et les bovins chinois sains pour ce qui est de l'indel de 12 pb. Au total, 14 SNP ont ete observes dans la region codante du gene PRNP chez les bovins chinois. Trois de ces SNP etaient associes a des changements d'acides amines (K3T, P54S et S154N). La substitution E211K qui a ete rapportee recemment chez un cas atypique de la BSE chez un bovin americain n'a pas ete detectee dans ce travail.