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本文探计了北京怀柔山区坡积黄土上的次生的荆条(Vitex qhinensic Mill)灌丛的生物量的季节变化规律和元素钾、钙、钠、锌在荆条灌丛中的分布的季节动态及循环特征,并通过相对稳定性指数的求算,对荆条灌丛生态系统的稳定性作出了客观的评价。 荆条的年第一性净生产量为5662.5公斤/公顷•年,其中81.4%来自其根系的生长,枝条的贡献只占13.9%。荆条根系的最高生长速度出现在5~7月,日均增长量为49.7公斤/公顷•天;而枝条的最高生长速度出现在7~10月,日均增长量达8.69公斤/公顷•天,说明光合作用产物首先运往根系,用于根系的生长并积累于根系,尔后才用于枝条的生长。同样,从生物量的动态可以知道光合作用在根系的分配是首先积累于根球,再运往其他部分,在枝条则首先积累于枝条项端。 四种元素在荆条植物体内的浓度的分布,基本上呈一致的规律:生命活动旺盛的部位浓度高,反之就低。钾是荆条中浓度最高的元素,其次是钙、钠、锌。荆条对元素的年吸收量,则是钙最大(60.94公斤/公顷•年),钾次之(40.64公斤/公顷•年),钠为0.3574公斤/公顷•年,锌最小,为0.081公斤/公顷•年。荆条对元素的利用率,为钙1.3 > 钾0.84 > 锌0.85 > 钠0.38。荆条对元素的吸收系数也呈相同的规律。荆条每年因雨水冲失凋落物而损失的元素量仍是钙 > 钾 > 钠 > 锌,而每年因降雨而得到的元素输入则为钾(35.17 公斤/公顷•年) > 钙(31.89) > 钠 (20.64)> 锌。 从荆条灌丛生态系统中钾、锌的循环得出的相对稳定性指数表明该系统是渐进稳定的,但这种稳定性是和人为干扰密切联系。而且该系统离稳定状态尚有较长的距离。


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以22年定位试验为基础,研究黄土高原长期种植紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativaL.)情况下土壤硫、钙、镁组分的变化。结果表明:长期施P使苜蓿连作耕层土壤总硫、有效硫、水溶性硫、吸附性硫、HCl可溶性硫、总无机硫和有机硫含量分别增加9.41%、62.41%、47.51%、30.07%、2.25%、5.38%和17.54%;长期施NPM使苜蓿连作耕层土壤总硫、有效硫、水溶性硫、吸附性硫、HCl可溶性硫、总无机硫和有机硫含量分别增加20.89%、98.31%、68.44%、57.34%、8.07%、12.54%和37.69%。长期施P使苜蓿连作耕层土壤全钙、有效钙、水溶态钙、交换态钙和酸溶态钙含量增加分别增加4.64%、4.27%、11.66%、4.05%和8.59%,但残余态钙含量降低2.21%;长期施NPM使苜蓿连作耕层土壤全钙、有效钙、水溶态钙、交换态钙和酸溶态钙含量增加分别增加8.69%、8.30%、51.59%、6.73%和27.77%,但残余态钙含量降低26.23%。长期施NPM使苜蓿连作耕层土壤全镁、有效镁、水溶态镁、交换态镁、酸溶态镁和残余态镁含量分别增加7.38%、61.98%、63.16%...


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GaN是最有前途的宽能隙半导体材料之一。它具有优异的光电子特性及稳定的物理性能,因此引起了各国科研工作者的广泛兴趣,各国争相研制GaN基蓝紫光和紫外波段的光电器件,并取得了令人瞩目的结果。关于GaN的研究每年有大量的文献报道,GaN基发光二极管已经产业化。通过文献调研发现,在GaN的研究中存在一些重要的基础工作有待完成。如,GaN陶瓷体的制备,结构相变研究,材料的室温合成方法等。当前 GaN器件的研究的关键问题之一是获得高质量的GaN薄膜,而影响膜质量的关键因素是选择合适的与GaN晶格匹配和热膨胀匹配的衬底材料。GaN晶体是公认的最佳材料,但是GaN晶体制备困难,迄今为止,尚未得到足够尺寸的大单晶材料。GaN陶瓷体的制备有可能替代单晶体作为理想的衬底材料。由于GaN热稳定性差,烧结时易挥发,到目前为止,尚无合成GaN陶瓷体的报道。闪锌矿结构立方GaN具有比纤锌矿结构的GaN更容易进行P型掺杂、发光效率高的特点,因而成为该材料研究的热点问题之一。虽然己有一些立方相GaN粉末合成和膜制备的报道,但是六方纤锌矿GaN向立方闪锌矿的相变研究尚属空白。研究六方相到立方相的相变规律,有助于相变的认识及立方GaN的合成。降低GaN的合成温度对该材料的制备有重要的意义。低温合成GaN的工作已有一些报道,但室温下的合成研究尚待探索。本文通过建立高氨压合成新技术,首次实现了GaN陶瓷体的合成。利用机械合金化产生的机械力化学效应,实现了h-GaN向c-GaN的相变。利用机械力化学反应方法完成了非晶纳米GaN粉末的室温反应合成。此外,还对GaN的衬底材料LiGaO_2晶体的气相合成进行了研究。GaN粉末是在常压下,通过Ga_2O_3和NH_3反应制备的。在实验中发现,反应温度直接影响产物的颜色、结晶状态和纯度。实验中得到的制备GaN粉末的最佳条件是温度为950 ℃左右、反应时间为4小时。以GaN粉末为原料,通过建立高氨压合成新方法,在高压佩刃成功的实现GaN陶瓷体的烧结。通过在组装中添加适量的LiNH_2使之在高温高压下分解,从而形成高氨压的烧结环境。所得到的GaN的烧结体的结晶状态明显提高,在空气中的 稳定性也明显增强。随着温度的变化,所制得的GaN烧结体分别呈现为棕褐色(<900 ℃)、墟拍色(900-1100 ℃)及淡黄色(>1100 ℃)。通过对不同条件下制备的烧结体进行密度测试及破碎表面的SEM分析发现,4GPa、1000 ℃为GaN陶瓷体的最佳制备条件。通过对GaN烧结体的光谱性质进行研究发现GaN陶瓷体的荧光发射峰及红外光谱的吸收峰位置均发生了位移。实验采用机械合金化装置,在机械力化学效应的诱导下实现了GaN由纤锌矿的六方结构向闪锌矿立方结构的相转变。六方结构的GaN的XRD的图谱的明显特征是三个最高衍射强度所对应的峰的位置依次为36.7°, 32.3°和34. 5°(2θ)。经过机械球磨后的XRD的图谱在34.5°、57.8°和69.1°(2θ)位置的衍射峰为三个最强峰,而且在40.4°(2θ位置出现了一个较弱的衍射峰(该衍射峰为立方氮化嫁的特征峰)。以上结果表明,在机械球磨的作用下,六方GaN发生了向立方GaN结构的相转变。通过Raman散射光谱对比测试,六方GaN的光谱图中535, 557和567cm~(-1)的散射峰分别对应与A_1(TO), E_1(TO)和E_2声子模的振动频率,其中Ez为六方相的特有的声子模。经过球磨后的粉末的尺aman散射光谱图中551、716cm~(-1)分别对应于立方相的To和LO声子模的振动频率。光谱中六方结构的特征峰El的消失及立方相特征峰LO的出现进一步证实了在机械合金化的作用下,GaN发生了由六方相向立方相的转变。根据机械球磨可发生机械力化学反应的原理,实验中通过选择合适的嫁源和氮源,在机械合金化装置中实现了纳米非晶态GaN的室温合成。以化学计量比为1;1:1的Ga, NaN_3和NH_4Cl为原料,通过机械球磨进行合成反应。分析产物的XRD图谱发现,所有结晶相的衍射峰与NaCl的标准卡片吻合,在32-38°(2θ)区间出现一非晶相的宽峰(与GaN主峰位置对应)。证实了经过机械球磨发生了合成反应(Ga+NaN_3+NH_4Clx→GaN+NaCl+N_2+NH_3+H_2),得到了纳米非晶态GaN。通过对所得的粉末进行TEM表征,其产物颗粒为5nm左右。根据Li_2o和Ga_2o易挥发的特点,采用LiCO_3、Ga和Ca_2O_3为原料通过气相法制备了LiGaO_2晶体。


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全球气候变化已经成为不争的事实,其中全球变暖是近年来国内外的研究热点之一。土壤碳库作为陆地生态系统最大的碳库,气温升高必然会导致一系列的土壤碳储量和碳通量的变化,这些微小的变化又可能导致大气CO2浓度的变化并强化这种变暖的趋势。目前,土壤碳循环对温度升高的响应仍然是陆地碳循环研究最缺乏的部分,对土壤有机碳动态变化的研究仍存在着很大的不确定性与争议。四川西部的亚高山人工针叶林是青藏高原东部高寒林区的重要组成部分,是研究全球变化对森林生态系统影响的关键地区和重要森林类型。本研究通过采用原位人工模拟增温装置(Open-top chambers,OTCs)对川西米亚罗60年人工云杉林土壤实施增温,研究高海拔地区森林,尤其是人工森林系统下的土壤有机碳 含量、土壤呼吸及土壤酶活性对温度升高的响应。结果表明: 1. 增温处理的660天(2005年11月至2007年9月)期间,增温条件下的平均气温和土壤平均温度分别比对照提高0.43 ℃和0.27 ℃;0~10 cm土壤含水量在增温的不同时期均有不同程度的降低。 2. 土壤蔗糖酶、蛋白酶和脲酶活性在温度升高的不同阶段均有不同程度的提高。在增温处理300天(2006.09)、540天(2007.05)、600天(2007.07)和660天(2007.05)后,0~10 cm层的蔗糖酶活性分别比对照提高了36.36%(P<0.05)、24.31%、14.54%(P<0.05)和7.22%,脲酶活性分别提高了12.90%、24.19%(P<0.01)、34.48%(P<0.05)和14.64%(P<0.05),蛋白酶活性分别提高了31.37%、1.99%、3.70%和17.80%。10~20 cm层的土壤酶活性也均有不同程度的提高,但均没有显著差异。蔗糖酶、脲酶和蛋白酶活性均呈现出随土层加深而减弱的趋势。 3. 土壤过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性在增温的第1年内均有不同程度的提高,但在增温的第2年内比对照有所降低。增温300天后(2006.09),过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶在0~10 cm层分别比对照增加3.76%和49.25%(P<0.05),10~20 cm层分别增加了5.54%和29.67%。在增温的第2年内,增温540天(2007.05)、600天(2007.07)和660天(2007.09)后,0~10 cm层的过氧化氢酶活性分别比对照降低了27.70%(P<0.05)、4.34%和1.47%,多酚氧化酶活性分别降低了5.86%、11.76%(P<0.05)和7.47%。增温的第2年内,10~20 cm层的过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性也均有不同程度的降低,但差异均未达到显著水平。不同土层之间相比较,过氧化氢酶活性随土层加深而降低,多酚氧化酶活性随土层加深而增加。 4. 土壤有机碳和有机质在增温的不同阶段,含量比对照均有所降低;且随增温时间的延长,降低的幅度下降。0~10 cm层的土壤有机碳和土壤有机质在增温300天(2006.09)、540天(2007.05)、600天(2007.07)和660天(2007.09)后分别降低了8.69%、4.35%、3.80%和2.44%,差异均未达到显著水平。土壤全氮含量在增温后与对照相比无明显的增加或者降低趋势。增温条件下的土壤C/N比与对照相比有所降低,但在增温各阶段的差异均不显著。10~20 cm层的有机碳、有机质和C/N比也有不同程度的降低趋势,但差异均不显著。不同土层之间相比,0~10 cm层的有机碳、有机质、全氮含量和C/N比均高于10~20 cm层,呈现出随土层加深而降低的趋势。 5. 土壤呼吸速率在增温第1年内,与对照相比明显提高,但在增温处理2年后,与对照相比无显著变化。增温300天(2006.09)和360天(2006.11)后分别提高了13.32%和21.17%,差异显著。增温处理540天(2007.05)到660天(2007.09)期间,与对照相比,不仅没有明显的提升,反而有些月份比对照有所降低,对温度升高的敏感性降低,呈现出对温度升高的适应性。土壤呼吸的日呼吸速率呈现单峰曲线形式,在14:00~20:00期间达到最大值,在4:00~10:00期间具有最低值。土壤呼吸的季节变化,呈现出与外界环境温度相一致的趋势,在7月份(夏季) 最高,11月份(冬季)最低。土壤呼吸与2 cm土壤温度、5 cm土壤温度和空气温度均呈极显著指数相关,与0~10 cm土壤含水量呈线性相关,相关性达到显著水平,但低于土壤呼吸与温度的相关性。 The past century has seen a marked increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and a concomitant warming that has drawn scientific attention to the link between global carbon stocks and climate change. In particular, the decomposition and turnover of soil organic matter is recognised as an important determinant of carbon driven climate change. The slightly variation in soil organic carbon will result in the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and reinforce the tendency of warming. The experiment was conducted in Subalpine coniferous forest in western Sichuan province. Subalpine coniferous forest in western Sichuan was a important part of eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which play a important role in reseaching the sensitivity of forest ecosystem to climate change. To investigate the effects of elevated temperature on soil organic carbon content, soil respiration rates, and soil enzyme activities in subalpine Picea asperata plantations, a esimulated warming measure was applied with Open-top chambers. The results were as followed: 1) During the period from Nov. 2005 to Sep. 2007, mean air temperature and soil temperature were respectively 0.43℃ and 0.27℃ the ambient higher. Soil water content decreased to different exent in different months in warmed plots than in unwarned plots at depth of 0-10 cm. 2) In general, elevated temperature enhanced the soil enzyme activities of invertase, protease, and urease. In the first year of warming—after 300 days’ treatment (in Sep,2006), the activities of invertase, protease, and urease increased by 36.36%, 12.90% and 31.37% respectively at the depths of 0-10 cm,among which the activity of invertase reached statistic significance. In the second year of warming, invertase activity increased by 24.31% after 540 days’ treament (in May, 2007), 14.54% after 600 days’ treament (in Jul, 2007) and 7.22% after 660 days’ treatment (in Sep, 2007) at the depths of 0-10 cm, and the differences in July and Septemmber were statistically significant. Elveated temperature also increased the activity of urease in the second year of warming and had significant effects in May and July. The activity of protease in warmed plots was also higher than in unwarmed plots at depths of 0-10 cm, but there was no significant difference. Elevated temperature had no significant effects on all soil enzyme acitivities at the depths of 10-20 cm in the first and sencond year. The values of above-mentioned soil enzyme all decreased with soil layers. 3) Eleavted temperature enhanced the activities of catalase and polyphenol oxidase in the first year of warming while they turned out downtrend in the second year. The activity of catalase increased by 3.76% and 5.54% at depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm respectively in the first year—after 300 days’ warming (in Sep, 2006), the differences of which had no statistical significance. The activity of polyphenol oxidase was significantly increased by 49.25% at depths of 0-10 cm and not significantly increased by 29.67% at depths of 10-20 cm after 300 days’ warming. In the second year of warming, the catalase activity was significantly decreased by 27.70% after 540 days’ treament (in May, 2007) and not significantly decreased by 4.34% and 1.47% after 600 days’ (in Jul, 2007) and 660 days’ treament (in Sep, 2007) respectively. The activities of catalase and polyphenol oxidase at depths of 10-20 cm were decreased to different extent, but there was no significant difference. Catalase activity stepped down with soil layers while polyphenol oxidase activity stepped up. 4) Increased temperature in both the first year and the second year resulted tendency of decrease in the contents of soil organic carbon and soil organic matter, and C/N ratios at soil depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. However, with the prolonged warming, the tendency of decrease gradually tapered off and the extent of decrease in the second year of experiment were lower than that in the first year. The contents of soil organic carbon and soil organic matter were all decreased 8.69% by warming in the first year and dcreased 4.35%, 3.80% and 2.44% in May, July and September of the second year, but no significant difference were found. The C/N ratios increased 8.52% in the first year of warming and had less increment in the second year, all of which were not statistical significant. Eleveated temperature had no obvious effect on the content of tatol N in two year consecutive warming experiment. The contents of soil organic carbon and soil organic matter, total N and C/N ratios all had the tendency of dcreasing with soil layers. 5) Soil respiration rates were significantly enhanced by 13.32% and 21.17% after 300 days’ (in Sep, 2006) and 360 days’ (in Nov, 2006) treament in the first year of warming, but the same showed no obvious difference in the second year of treatment, which was assumed the adaptability of soil respiration with a certain heightened temperature. Diurnal soil resspiration showed a daily variation with a minimum value between 4:00 and 10:00 h and a maximum value between 14:00 and 20:00 h, coinciding with the minimum and maximum values of soil temperature at 2 cm. Soil respiration rates exhibited a pronounced seasonal variation with minimum values in Novmber and a maximum value in July, approximately coinciding with the seasonal variation of air and soil temperature. An exponential function provided the best fit for soil respiration with temperature while a quadric equation was used to estimate the effect of soil moisture on soil respiration, which were all significantly correlated. Soil respiraion rate was more highly correlated with the soil temperature than soil moisture.


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Peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) specifically binds to peptidoglycan and plays a crucial role in the innate immune responses as a pattern recognition receptor (PRR). The cDNA of a short type PGRP was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri (named CfPGRP-SI) by homology cloning with degenerate primers, and confirmed by virtual Northern blots. The full length of CfPGRP-SI cDNA was 1073 bp in length, including a 5 ' untranslated region (UTR) of 59 bp, a 3 ' UTR of 255 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 bp encoding a polypeptide of 252 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 27.88 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.69. BLAST analysis revealed that CfPGRP-S1 shared high identities with other known PGRPs. A conserved PGRP domain and three zinc-binding sites were present at its C-terminus. The temporal expression of QPGRP-S1 gene in healthy, Vibrio anguillarum-challenged and Micrococcus lysodeikticus-challenged scallops was measured by RT-PCR analysis. The expression of CfPGRP-S1 was upregulated initially in the first 12 h or 24 h either by M. lysodeikticus or V. anguillarum challenge and reached the maximum level at 24 h or 36 h, then dropped progressively, and recovered to the original level as the stimulation decreased at 72 h. There was no significant difference between V. anguillarum and M. lysodeikticus challenge. The results indicated that the CfPGRP-S1 was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein which was involved in the immune response against bacterial infection. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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利用大板山北板3200m~3800m的海拔梯度,分别在3200m、3400m、3600m和3800m处选取羊茅、一年生早熟禾和(上艹下洽)草用二级离体培养法测定其体外消化率。1999和2000年测定结果表明,随着海拔的升高,3种牧草的体外消化率呈增加趋势,海拔从3200m升到3800m,羊茅、早熟禾、(上艹下洽)草的体外消化率分别增加6.42、6.35、8.69和4.89、9.8和5.1个百分点。显著性分析结果表明,供试牧草的体外消化率与其生长的海拔高度之间的正相关关系差异显著(P < 0.05)。


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喀斯特的面积分布很广,占全球总面积的10%。我国喀斯特面积占国土面积的13%,主要集中在我国的南方。而贵州喀斯特山区位于西南喀斯特地貌最集中成片分布的中心区,是我国乃至世界热带、亚热带喀斯特地貌连续分布面积最大、发育最强烈的高原山区。和非喀斯特地区相比,贵州喀斯特山区由于碳酸盐岩的特殊理化特性,造成土层浅薄、土被不连续、岩石裸露率高、持水量低,适生树种少、群落结构单一、植被生长极其缓慢,生态环境十分的脆弱。加之人类不合理的活动,使得喀斯特山区植被退化非常严重。因此,开展贵州喀斯特山区植物的营养元素和碳、氮、硫同位素的研究是为了更好的了解该区植被的营养元素状况、生理生态特性以及营养元素的生物地球化学循环,更好地为该区森林、植被的治理、恢复以及生态系统的保护等提供决策依据。本研究选择典型喀斯特山区作为研究点,并以非喀斯特山区为对照。研究喀斯特山区植物的营养元素含量水平、分布状态、变异特征以及营养元素之间的相互关系和碳、氮、硫的同位素组成的种间差异、生境差异特征以及时空变化特征进行了研究。主要得到以下几点认识: 1、植物的N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S的平均含量大于1000 μg∙g-1; Fe、Mn、Al的平均含量在100 μg∙g¬-1~1000 μg∙g¬-1之间;Zn、Sr的平均含量为10 μg∙g¬-1~100 μg∙g¬-1之间;Cu和Mo的含量小于10 μg∙g¬-1,Mo最低(仅为0.17 μg∙g¬-1)。Ca、P、K、 Fe、Mn、S、Sr高于所报道的陆生植物元素的含量;Mg低于陆生植物的元素含量;其它元素在元素含量范围内。植物营养元素的特点为Ca>K>Mg型,和我国其它地区相比,喀斯特山区植被具有高钙的特征。 2、N、P、K、Mg为正态分布;Ca、Al、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Sr、Mo、S为对数正态分布。Al、Fe、Mn、Sr的变异系数大于100%;N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Cu的变异系数小于60%。其中,Ca的变异系数最小(为11.8%)。P和K、P和Cu、Al和Fe、Al和Zn、Fe和Zn之间具有极显著的相关关系;N和P、P和Mg、K和Al、K和Cu、Ca和Sr、S和Mo之间具有显著的相关关系。 3、不同的生境下植物营养元素存在差异,差异在2倍范围内。其中,Mn、Al、Sr元素差异较大,分别达到2.1、1.5、1.4倍。 4、植物δ13C、δ15N、δ34S值的分布范围分别为-26.98‰~-29.15‰、-4.08‰~-0.79‰、-8.69‰~-6.04‰;平均值分别为-28.14‰、-2.41‰、-7.53‰。δ13C除了高于我国热带雨林区植物外,均低于其它地区,且变化范围较窄;不同地区之间植物的δ15N、δ34S值存在较大差异。 5、不同植物种之间的δ13C、δ15N、δ34S值存在较大的差异,不同生境条件下植物的δ13C、δ15N、δ34S值也存在差异。植物的δ13C值从生长初期到末期有降低的趋势;δ15N、δ34S则无一定的变化规律,不同的植物种的季节变化不同。植物的δ13C、δ34S随海拔的升高而增大,但δ15N随海拔的升高而降低。


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We describe high-efficiency diffraction gratings fabricated in fused silica at the wavelength of 632.8 nm by rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA). High-density holographic gratings, if the groove density falls within the range of 1575-1630 lines/mm and the groove depth within the range of 1.1-1.3 microns, can realize high diffraction efficiencies at the wavelength of 632.8 nm, e.g., the first Bragg diffraction efficiency can theoretically achieve more than 93% both in TE- and TM-polarized incidences, which greatly reduces the polarization-dependent losses. Note that with different groove profiles further optimized, the maximum efficiency of more than 99.69% can be achieved for TM-polarized incidence, or 97.81% for TE-polarized incidence.


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We report on the material growth and device performance characterization of a strain-compensated In0.54Ga0.46As/In0.51Al0.49As quantum cascade laser at lambda similar to 8 mu m. For 2 mu s pulse at a 5 kHz repetition rate, laser action is achieved up to room temperature (30 degrees C). The tuning coefficient d lambda/dT is 1.37 nm K-1 between 83 K and 163 K and 0.60 nm K-1 in the range from 183 K to 303 K. The peak output power is reported to be similar to 11.3 mW per facet at 293 K and the corresponding threshold current density is 5.69 kA cm(-2).


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<正> 1989年3月日面出现了近四十年来最大的黑子群,发生了剧烈的太阳活动,产生了重大的地球物理效应。对这些事件的联测取得了大量日地物理的资料。为了推动进一步的分析和研究,中国科学院第22周太阳活动峰年日地系统整体行为研究专家组于1990年4月23日至26日在北京召开了“1989年3月和8月重大日地事件观测与分析研


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通过模拟分析 ,对激光毛化 18 8不锈钢的疲劳寿命与毛化覆盖率的关系进行研究 ,预测结果与相关实验结果进行对比。结果显示 ,由于激光毛化处理的影响 ,18 8不锈钢的疲劳寿命得到改善 ,而且在毛化覆盖率为 2 0 %左右时 ,材料疲劳性能最好