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染料是一大类合成化学品,在纺织、印刷、信息、军事工业、医学及其他多个领域都得到了广泛的应用。然而,随着染料的不断生产和广泛使用,由它引发的土壤一作物系统染料污染已成为当前人们所关注的重要环境问题之一,有关染料污染的生态毒理效应及其机理的研究已成为污染生态化学研究的前沿领域和重要问题。本论文根据我国当前有机染料污染的趋势和有关研究现状,针对迫切需要对染料污染生态毒理效应进行了解的现实情况,以活性X-3B红为例,探讨了活性X-3B红在单一污染条件下对小麦(Triticum aestivum)、白菜(Brassicachinensis)和水稻(Oryza sativa )等常见作物的种子发芽与根伸长的生态毒性效应及其机理,以及我国三种典型土壤(红壤、褐土和棕壤)中脉酶和脱氢酶对活性X-3B红的耐受性及其机理;在种子和幼苗暴露的单一污染试验的基础上,又进一步地研究了活性X-3B红分别与无机污染物(重金属Cd)和有机污染物(农药甲胺磷)复合污染条件下对小麦、白菜种子发芽、根伸长及幼苗生长的毒性效应。实验结果表明,活性X-3B红染料单一污染条件下对三种作物产生不同的生态毒理效应,三种土壤的脉酶和脱氢酶对其都表现出了一定的耐受性,但耐受能力各异;在活性X一3B红与Cd复合污染的实验中,小麦根伸长对其联合作用较种子萌发更为敏感,在Cd不同的浓度范围内表现出协同或是拮抗复杂的效应;在活性X-3B红与甲胺磷复合污染的条件下,小麦和白菜根伸长和生物量的反应有差异,但除小麦根伸长有协同和拮抗两种效应外,总的来看都表现出微弱或明显的拮抗效应。这些研究,有望促进人们对染料污染生态化学行为进行了解,为合成低生态风险的有机染料提供具有参考价值的基础资料与科学依据。
Under the auspices of the 'knowledge-Innovation Program' of CAS, Institute of Geology and Geophysics has established the Broadband Seismic Laboratory. A new kind of 24-bit high-resolution seismograph DAS24-3B has been designed and manufactured in an effort of developing China's own technology of seismic array. Since these instruments will primarily be used in field operation, there is a need to optimize the system software of data acquisition system (DAS) to enhance its stability, compatibility and maintenance. The design ideas of the system software of DAS24-3B are partly learned from the advanced DAS 72A-08. In this system there are two exclusive communication programs DNAPI-COM1 and DNAPI-LPT1, which are suitable for all standard industrial computers with ECP parallel port and serial port. By these exclusive parallel and serial communication interface the system software is split into three parts, acquisition program, user's control program and graphical display program, which can function well in separate units and can run correctly in whole. The three parts of DAS24-3B's system software possess different functions and advantages. The function of acquisition program is to control the process of seismic data acquisition. DAS24-3B system reduced its power and harddisk read-write disturbance by using the extended memory attached to its CPU, which functions as enlarging the data buffer of system and lessening the times of harddisk read-write operations. Since GPS receiver of DAS is strongly sensitive to the around environment and has the possibility of signal loss the acquisition program has been designed with the ability to automatically trail the GPS locked time. The function of user's controlling program is to configure the system's work environment, to inform the user's commands to DAS, to trail the status of DAS in real-time. The function of graphical display program is to illustrate data in figures, to convert data file into some common formatted file, to split data file in parts and combine data files into one. Both user's control program and graphical display program are API (Application Programming Interface) in window 95/98 system. Both possess the features of clearness and friendship by use of all kind of window controls, which are composed by menu, toolbar, statusbar, dialogue box, message box, edit box, scrollbar, time control, button and so on. Two programs of systemic exception handles are provided to treat the trouble in field. The DAS24-3B DAS has been designed to be easier to use-better ability, more stable and simpler. It has been tested in field and base station and has been proved more suitable for field operation of seismic array than other native instruments.
The unstable stacking criteria for an ideal copper crystal under homogeneous shearing and for a cracked copper crystal under pure mode II loading are analysed. For the ideal crystal under homogeneous shearing, the unstable stacking energy gamma(us) defined by Rice in 1992 results from shear with no relaxation in the direction normal to the slip plane. For the relaxed shear configuration, the critical condition for unstable stacking does not correspond to the relative displacement Delta = b(p)/2, where b(p) is the Burgers vector magnitude of the Shockley partial dislocation, but to the maximum shear stress. Based on this result, the unstable stacking energy Gamma(us) is defined for the relaxed lattice. For the cracked crystal under pure mode II loading, the dislocation configuration corresponding to Delta = b(p)/2 is a stable state and no instability occurs during the process of dislocation nucleation. The instability takes place at approximately Delta = 3b(p)/4. An unstable stacking energy Pi(us) is defined which corresponds to the unstable stacking state at which the dislocation emission takes place. A molecular dynamics method is applied to study this in an atomistic model and the results verify the analysis above.
毛茛科乌头属全世界约有300余种,主要分布在北半球温带地区,包括三个亚属,即牛扁亚属、乌头亚属和露蕊乌头亚属。我国西南横断山区是乌头属植物的重要分布区,已记载的种类达100余种,很多种都为地方特有。由于缺乏野外观察和标本不够丰富等原因,有些种类的分类处理尚不能令人满意,应予修订。乌头属的属下系统以及与近缘属之间的关系也不十分清楚,还需进一步研究。本文对我国乌头属植物的重要分布区四川的乌头属植物进行了分类修订,同时通过形态学、细胞学和分子系统学等方面的研究对乌头属的系统发育进行了探讨。结果如下: 1.分类修订 通过广泛的野外观察、文献查阅和标本研究,对乌头属的形态性状在居群间和居群内的变异式样进行了比较分析,发现叶分裂程度、上萼片的形状和花梗毛被等性状是较为可靠的分种依据,但是在个别情况,这些性状也会在同一种的同一居群内或不同居群间发生变化。花瓣和种子的特征对于属下划分有重要意义。 本文确认四川乌头属植物有45种、11变种,另有2种和1变种暂存疑。30种、22变种降为异名;作出新组合2个,其中包括1个改级新组合。紫乌头和保山乌头为四川新分布记录。对康定乌头、川鄂乌头和狭裂乌头进行了模式选定。初步澄清了东俄洛乌头和狭裂乌头等种类中长期存在的名实混乱。本文还给出了各个种的形态描述、地理分布图以及分亚属、分系和分种检索表。 2.细胞学 对国产14种乌头属植物进行了细胞学研究。染色体基数为x=8。研究的所有种都为二倍体(2n=16)。各个种的核型公式如下:狭盔高乌头2n=2m+10sm+4st; 赣皖乌头2n=2m+8sm+6st; 西南乌头2n=4m+10sm+2st; 镰形乌头2n=4m+12sm; 弯喙乌头2n=4m+12sm; 东俄洛乌头2n=2m+12sm+2st; 毛瓣乌头, 来自两个居群, 2n=2m+14sm(1sat)和2n=2m+14sm(2sat); 狭裂乌头2n=2m+10sm+4st; 大渡乌头2n=8m+8sm; 展毛大渡乌头2n=6m(1sat)+8sm(2sat)+2st; 贡嘎乌头2n=2m+14sm; 刷经寺乌头, 来自四个居群, 分别为2n=4m+10sm+2st, 2n=6m+10sm, 2n=2m+14sm, 2n=2m+14sm; 工布乌头,来自两个居群, 2n=2m+10sm+4st和 2n=6m+10sm; 岩乌头2n=2m+14sm; 美丽乌头2n=4m+12sm; 康定乌头2n=4m+12sm。其中赣皖乌头、弯喙乌头、东俄洛乌头、狭裂乌头、大渡乌头、展毛大渡乌头、贡嘎乌头、工布乌头和康定乌头9种的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。乌头属植物通常都有两对较大的染色体,即第一对为中部着丝点染色体,第二对为近中部着丝点染色体,其余染色体相对较小,为中部着丝点、近中部着丝点或近端部着丝点染色体。牛扁亚属的核型与乌头亚属在染色体大小、形态及不对称性等方面有明显的区别。随体的数目和位置在同一种内的不同居群中都有变化。核型不对称性表现有2B、3B、2C和3C型。 对国产乌头属植物的染色体数目资料进行了统计。国产61种乌头属植物已有染色体报道,占国产乌头属植物的41%。二倍体、四倍体、六倍体和八倍体都有发现,有5种乌头属植物表现为种内多倍性。横断山区分布的乌头亚属植物多为二倍体,多倍体通常在主要分布于华北和东北地区的乌头亚属的乌头系中观察到。横断山区的牛扁亚属植物多数为四倍体。少数种的染色体具有B-染色体。 3.分子系统学 通过对翠雀族23种植物两个DNA片段ITS和trnL-F进行简约分析和邻接法分析,构建了乌头属三个亚属之间及其与近缘属的系统关系树。结果如下:翠雀族作为单系类群得到了较强的支持;翠雀族中,与乌头属关系较近的是翠雀属;在乌头属中,乌头属作为单系类群未得到支持,除非将露蕊乌头亚属排除在外;牛扁亚属和乌头亚属均为单系群,二者互为姐妹群;新建的唐古特乌头亚属与乌头亚属聚在一起不能分开,其亚属的地位未得到支持。 采用ITS序列,选取代表乌头亚属植物不同组、系以及不同地理分布区的54个样品,进行了乌头亚属的系统发育研究。乌头亚属的单系发生得到了支持。多果乌头位于乌头亚属的基部,与其他乌头亚属植物构成姐妹群关系。岩乌头系和褐紫乌头系也各自成为分支, 但唐古特乌头系、圆叶乌头系、保山乌头系与短柄乌头系共同组成一个单系类群,而显柱乌头系、兴安乌头系、乌头系、蔓乌头系和准噶尔乌头系共同组成一个单系类群。从上述结果来看,这些系或组是否应当划分及其系统关系均应重新考虑。在ITS系统树中,中国北方分布的乌头亚属植物与欧洲、北美及东亚的乌头亚属植物有较近的关系;来自横断山区的种类外部形态差异显著,但遗传差异却很小,说明这一地区的种可能是近期形成的。本研究的ITS序列分析结果与种子和花瓣的形态相吻合,种子和花瓣的特征有可能在一定程度上反映了乌头亚属的系统发育关系。
毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属为菊科菊苣族植物,属于中国-喜马拉雅分布类型。该两属植物性状变异较大,并与莴苣属等近缘属之间性状严重交叉,构成了菊苣族中极为混杂的类群“Lactuca-Prenanthes”复合群,是菊科植物系统学研究中的疑难点之一。本文通过对毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属及部分近缘属植物的形态性状、叶表皮特征、瘦果解剖特征和表面微形态特征以及细胞学等的研究及对该两属植物的生境和地理分布的分析,确认了毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属的独立地位,阐明它们与近缘属间的系统学关系,并对该两属进行了系统的分类学修订。 1. 形态性状分析 我们在检查大量国内外馆藏标本和野外居群观察的基础上,对毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属及部分近缘属植物的形态性状及其变异式样进行了详细地比较分析,重新评价了各性状的分类学价值,认为冠毛、瘦果特征和总苞片层数及排列方式等对于毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属与近缘属的划分具有重要的系统学意义;而小花的颜色、总苞片毛被的位置,小花的舌片与花冠管的长度比及瘦果的形态等特征对属下分类具有重要的意义。而传统上作为种间划分依据的叶片形状、毛被多少等特征在种内变化较大,不宜作为种的划分依据,至少不能作为主要的或唯一的依据。 2. 叶表皮特征 首次在光镜下观察了毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属14种植物的叶表皮,发现其共同的特征为:上、下表皮细胞的形状均为无规则型,垂周壁式样为波状;气孔器类型均为无规则型,在气孔的两极,角质侵入呈棒状或者“T” 型加厚或者不加厚;并认为上、下叶表皮细胞的波状程度、表皮细胞的大小、气孔指数、气孔密度,角质加厚情况等特征对种的划分具有一定的意义。 3. 瘦果解剖特征观察 通过对毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属及近缘属植物的瘦果解剖研究发现有两种类型:翅型和肋型。翅型瘦果的特征是在横切面上不仅有肋,而且在两侧具有明显突起的翅,中果皮由薄壁细胞和纤维细胞组成,且纤维细胞局限于翅和肋上,而不见于肋间,莴苣属,岩参属,翅果菊属,毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属具有这种类型的瘦果解剖结构;肋型瘦果的特征是在横切面上仅有肋而无翅,中果皮全部由纤维细胞组成,在肋和肋间连续,紫菊属和假福王草属具有这种果壁解剖结构。而中果皮的薄壁细胞和纤维细胞的数目和位置等特征在两种类型内的属间表现出很大的差异。瘦果的解剖特征对于属间划分具有分类学意义。 4. 瘦果表面微特征的观察 我们对毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属及近缘属共20种植物的瘦果表面进行了电镜扫描微形态特征的观察。结果表明:瘦果表面性状具有属级的特征,在表皮细胞形状,细胞外壁纹饰类型等方面存在较大的属间差异,可应用在属间界定及关系判别上。毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属植物由于具有短急尖端壁的椭圆形和钝端壁的长纺锤形的表皮细胞和疣状乳突的外壁纹饰等特征而区别于莴苣属等其他属。瘦果表面微特征在所观察的属内种间有着较高的一致性,但表皮细胞的大小,端壁形状及蜡质的发育程度等性状在毛鳞菊属内存在种间差异,为种间的划分提供了一定的依据。 5. 细胞学研究 我们研究了2种莴苣属,1种毛鳞菊属和1种翅果菊属植物的染色体数目,其中毛鳞菊属1种为首次报道,并对它们全部进行了核型分析。毛鳞菊属植物的染色体数目为2n=16 (x=8),为二倍体,染色体核型为“3B”型,不对称性较强。根据文献资料,细莴苣属的染色体数目也为2n=16 (x=8),为二倍体,染色体核型为“3A”型,不对称性也较强。毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属植物的染色体数目较莴苣属等近缘属(2n=18)减少了两条, 核型对称性下降。染色体核型资料可以说明毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属植物在Lactuca-Prenanthes复合群中处于较进化的位置。 6. 分支系统学研究 对30个广义形态学性状进行了分支系统学分析,得到53棵同等简约树。在简约树中,内类群形成两大支,一支为所有具有翅型瘦果的类群,另一支是具有肋型瘦果的类群,前者包括毛鳞菊属、细莴苣属、莴苣属和翅果菊属,它们的成员分别各自聚在一起,并获得很高的支持率;后者包括假福王草属和紫菊属等,它们的成员也分别聚在一起,并获得很高的支持率。分析结果支持石铸将它们分别独立成属的分类处理。 通过对毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属及近缘属植物的广义形态学性状的分支分析研究,认为毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属的关系最近,获得了66%的支持率,而二者与翅果菊属的关系较为接近。毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属的多数性状都是衍生的和进化的,显然它们在Lactuca-Prenanthes复合群中处于比较进化的地位。 7. 分类学修订 在应用上述性状分析结果及查阅国内外大量标本的基础上,重新界定了毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属的概念,包括新性状的补充,对该两属植物进行了系统的分类学修订。确定了毛鳞菊属目前包括13种1变种,归并了8种,作出一个改级新组合,确认一名称不属于该属,另有一种的分类学地位有待进一步研究;细莴苣属目前包括3种,归并了3种。“分类处理”部分还描述了每个种的性状特征、变异情况、相关的分类学处理及其与近缘种的关系,最后列出所研究的标本。
Eight simple N-arylindoles were designed, synthesized and evaluated as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 integrase inhibitors in vitro for the first time. Among these compounds, 3b, 3e and 3g demonstrated significant anti-HIV-1 integrase activity. Espe
Complement-mediated killing of pathogens through lytic pathway is an important effector mechanism of innate immune response. C9 is the ninth member of complement components, creating the membrane attack complex (MAC). In the present study, a putative cDNA sequence encoding the 650 amino acids of C9 and its genomic organization were identified in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. The deduced amino acid sequence of grass carp C9 (gcC9) showed 48% and 38.5% identity to Japanese flounder and human C9, respectively. Domain search revealed that gcC9 contains a LDL receptor domain, an EGF precursor domain, a MACPF domain and two TSP domain located in the N-terminal and C-terminal, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that gcC9 is clustered in a same clade with Japanese flounder, pufferfish and rainbow trout C9. The gcC9 gene consists of 11 exons with 10 introns, spacing over approximately 7 kb of genomic sequence. Analysis of gcC9 promoter region revealed the presence of a TATA box and some putative transcription factor such as C/EBP, HSF, NF-AT, CHOP-C, HNF-3B, GATA-2, IK-2, EVI- 1, AP-1, CP2 and OCT-1 binding sites. The first intron region contains C/EBPb, HFH-1 and Oct-1 binding sites. RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of gcC9 gene have similar expression patterns, being constitutively expressed in all organs examined of healthy fish, with the highest level in hepatopancreas. By real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis, gcC9 transcripts were significantly up-regulated in head kidney, spleen, hepatopancreas and down-regulated in intestine from inactivated fish bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium columnare-stimulated fish, demonstrating the role of C9 in immune response. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
本论文探讨了烯烃聚合催化剂的合成及其用于聚合的研究,合成的催化剂是不含桥基的IVB族的茂金属化合物。共合成了十九个茂金属化合物:(~tBuC_5H_4)CpMCl_2[M=Ti(1a),Zr(1b)]; Me_3SiC_5H_4CpMCl_2[M=Ti(2a), Zr(2b)];~tBu_2C_5H_3CpMCl_2[M=Ti(3a),Zr(3b)];C_5H_9IndCpMCl_2[M=Ti(4a),Zr(4b)];PhCH_2IndCpMCl_2[M=Ti(5a),Zr(5b)];(~tBu_2C_5H_3)_2MCl~2[M=Ti(6a),Zr(6b),Hf(6c)];(C_5H_9Ind)_2MCl_2[M=Ti(7a),Zr(7b),Hf(7c)];(PhCH_2C_6H_5)_2MCl_2[M=Ti(8a),Zr(8b),Hf(8c)]。这十九个化合物分别通过EI-MS,~1H-NMR,IR 和元素分析进行了表征。用所合成的十九种茂金属化合物与甲基铝氧烷作为催化体系,在常温常压下,研究了乙烯聚合反应。得到的主要结论如下:(1)1a,2a, 5b 8b 催化活性最好。(2)1a 在铝钛比等于 1167 时聚合效率最高,2a 在铝钛比等于 1500 时聚合效率最高, 5b 在铝锆比大于 2955 时聚合效率最高,8b 在铝锆比等于 1667 时聚合效率最高。(3)相同的聚合条件下,催化效率是 1a<2a,8b<5b。(4)由聚合物的DSC表征中可见,所得聚合物的结晶度是 1a<2a,5b>8b。(5)由聚合物的分子量的测定可知,所得聚合物的分子量是 1a>2a ,5b<8b,由 8b 催化得到的聚合物的分子量最大。
The electronic structures of ternary compound Nd2Fe17N with N atoms on 9e, 3b, and 18g sites are calculated and compared. The local moments on different Fe sites are in good agreement with experiments. The mechanism of increasing Curie temperature by N doping is checked by additional calculations with lattice expansion. The results show that the change in interatomic interaction is more important than the lattice expansion effect.
The electronic and the magnetic structure of the Nd2Fe17N1 phase in the family of Nd-Fe-N ternary compounds have been calculated using the first-principles, spin-polarized orthogonalized linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals method. Results are presented in the form of site-decomposed and spin-projected partial density of states. The occupation sites of the three N atoms are determined by an average radial distribution of all possible N site configurations. Both cases of N occupying the 3b and the 18g sites are studied. The results indicate that the 6c Fe sites have the maximum and the 18h Fe sites have the minimum local moments. This is in good agreement with experiment. It is concluded that the influence on the local moment due to lattice expansion is less important compared to that due to interatomic interaction between the N atom and its neighbors. The results also show the important role of N atoms in raising the Curie temperature of this compound.
Based on numerical results, the characteristics of each type of optical phonon mode in one-dimensional (1D) quantum wires are illustrated. The analytical formulae for 1D bulk-like optical displacements and associated electrostatic potentials are presented. Compared with the two-dimensional (2D) case, both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials for the bulk-like modes vanish at the interfaces, but the finite dispersion of bulk phonons has a more pronounced effect on the 1D phonon modes.
The photocatalytic degradation performance of photocatalysts TiO2 supported on 13-X, Na-Y, 4A zeolites with different loading content was evaluated using the photocatalytic oxidation of dyes direct fast scarlet 4BS and acid red 3B in aqueous medium. The results showed that the best reaction dosage of TiO2-zeolite catalysts is about 2 g/l and the photocatalytic kinetics follows first order for all supported catalysts. The photocatalytic activity order of the three series catalysts is 13X type >Y type >4A type. The physical state of titanium dioxide on the supports is evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET, and FTIR. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
本论文由三章组成。第一章为综述,概述了植物中环烯醚萜类化合物的研究进展;第二和第三章为实验论文,分别报道了唇形科药用植物绵参和蔷薇科药用植物地榆的化学成分研究。 第一章概述了植物中环烯醚萜类化合物的研究成果,主要包括结构类型及药理活性等方面。 第二章包括两个部分。第一部分报道了藏药绵参(Eriophyton wallichii Benth)地上部分甲醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从中共分离出7个化合物,有6个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到,分别为β-谷甾醇(1),夏至草苦素(marrubiin,2),乌苏酸(3),cimigoside(4),5-deoxyantirrhinoside(5),8-表马钱子酸葡萄糖苷(8-epiloganic acid,6)和apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(7)。第二部分,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术对绵参地上部分的甲醇提取物进行了分析,通过标准品对照紫、外光谱分析以及多级质谱分析与文献对照鉴定了8个成分,分别是:8-epiloganic acid(Ⅰ),quercitrin 3-glucoside-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(Ⅱ),ajugoside(I) (Ⅲ),chrysoeriol 7-O-E-p-coumaroyl-3-O-b-D-glucoside(Ⅳ),helichrysoside(Ⅴ),生物碱(Ⅵ),apigenin 2,3-dihydrogen-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅶ),apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅷ)。 第三章报道了中药地榆根部乙醇提取物正丁醇相的化学成分,通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从中分离得到8个化合物,分别为3,4¢- O-二甲基逆没食子酸(8),3,3¢,4¢-O-三甲基逆没食子酸(9)和3,4¢-O-二甲基逆没食子酸-4-O-b-D-木糖苷(10),19a-羟基-3-O-(a-L-阿拉伯糖)乌苏酸-28-O-b-D-葡萄糖苷(11), 3b-[(a-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-urs-11,13(18)-dien-28-oic acid b-D- glucopyranosyl ester(13),3-O-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-urs-12,18(19)-dien-28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester(14),儿茶素(15),还有一种可能是皂苷11的工作产物(12)。 This dissertation consisted of three chapters. The first chapter elaborated the progress of iridoids occurring in plants. The later two chapters respectively elaborated the chemical constituents of Eriophyton wallichii Benth. and Sanguisorba officinalis L. The first chapter is a review of the research progress of iridoids occurring in plants, which includes their structure and pharmacology. The second chapter consisted of two parts. The first part is about the chemical constituents of methanol extraction from the aerial parts of Eriophyton wallichii Benth. Seven compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, the compounds of marrubiin, ursolic acid, cimigoside, 5-deoxyantirrhinoside, 8-epiloganic acid,apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside were firstly reported in this plant. A HPLC-MSn method was developed for rapid identification of major compounds of Eriophyton wallichii. A total of 8 peaks in the chromatograms were unequivocally determined (peaks 1, 8) or tentatively identified (peaks 2-7) based on the detailed UV and tandem mass spectra analysis. Seven components were identified as 8-epiloganic acid(Ⅰ),Quercitrin 3-glucoside-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(Ⅱ),ajugoside(I)(Ⅲ),Chrysoeriol 7-O-E-p-coumaroyl-3-O-b-D-glucoside(Ⅳ),helichrysoside(Ⅴ),apigenin 2,3-dihydrogen-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅵ),apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅶ)。 The third chapter elaborated the chemical constituents of methanol extraction from Sanguisorba officinalis L, eight compounds were isolated from this plant by repeat column chromatography over silica gel. These compounds were identified as 3,4′-O-dimethylellagic acid, 3,3′,4′-O-trimethylellagic acid, 3,4′-O-dimethylellagic acid-4-O-b-D-xyloside, 3b-O-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-19a- hydroxyl-urs-12-en-28-oic acid 28-b-D-glucopyranoside, 3b-[(a-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-urs-11,13(18)-dien- 28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester,3-O-a-L–arabinopyranosyl-urs-12,18(19) -dien-28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester, catechin.
本论文由三部分共四章组成。第一部分介绍丁香化学成分的研究成果,第二部分为升麻的化学成分研究,第三部分综述了环菠萝蜜烷三萜结构和活性关系的研究现状。 第一部分包括第一和第二章。第一章介绍了丁香(Eugenia caryophyllataThunb.)花蕾的化学成分和结构鉴定。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从其乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯萃取物和正丁醇萃取物中共分离出34 个化合物,它们的结构类型分属黄酮、三萜、鞣质等。其中1 个为新的酚苷类化合物,其结构经波谱分析鉴定为2-O-(6'-O-没食子酰基)-b-D-葡萄糖基苯甲酸甲酯(24),另外还有12 个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。第二章介绍了丁香挥发油的气相色谱- 质谱联用( GC-MS )和正丁醇萃取物的高效液相色谱- 质谱联用(HPLC-MS/MS)分析,尝试简单快速地检测丁香挥发油及极性部分的主要化学成分的方法。 第二部分为第三章。本章介绍了传统中药升麻(Cimicifuga foetida L.)根部乙醇提取物化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化方法和MS、NMR 等波谱解析技术,共分离鉴定了20 个化合物,主要为环菠萝蜜烷三萜,其中5 个新三萜化合物分别鉴定为cimicidol-3-one(38)、3'-O-乙酰基升麻苷H-1(41)、2'-O-乙酰基升麻苷H-1(42)、(3b,12b,16b)-12-乙酰氧-16,23-环氧-9,19-环羊毛甾烷-22-烯-24-酮3-O-b-D-吡喃木糖苷(44)和升麻碱(54)。新化合物54 为结构新颖的环菠萝蜜烷三萜皂苷生物碱,这是首个发现的具有环菠萝蜜烷三萜骨架的生物碱,也是从升麻属植物中发现的第一个三萜生物碱,它的结构通过多种波谱解析,特别是2D-NMR 的充分应用,并结合化学降解和反应得到证实。此外,还介绍了分离得到的一种具有明显抑制破骨细胞活性的化合物(QS29)的体外活性研究。 第三部分即第四章,综述了升麻属植物中环菠萝蜜烷三萜与其生物活性的构效关系研究现状。 This dissertation consists of three parts. In the first and the second parts, thechemical constituents from the flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllata and therhizomes of Cimicifuga foetida were reported. The third part is a review on astructure-activity relationship of the cycloartane triterpenoid from Cimicifuga species. The first part is composed of two chapters. The chapter 1 is about the isolationand identification of the chemical constituents from the flower buds of E.caryophyllata. A new phenolic glucoside gallate, methyl 2-O-(6’-O-galloyl)-b-D-glucopyranosylbenzoate (24), together with thirty-three known compounds has beenisolated from the ethanol extract of the flower buds of E. caryophyllata throughrepeated column chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel. Thestructure of the new compound was elucidated on the basis of spectral and chemicalevidence. Those kno wn compounds were belonged to flavone, triterpenoid, tannin andsome simple compounds. Among them, 12 compounds were isolated from the titleplant for the first time. The second chapter describes the capillary GC-MS analysis ofthe volatile components and the HPLC-MS/MS analysis of the polar constituents fromthe flower buds of E. caryophyllata, in order to detect the main constituents in thecrude extract rapidly and precisely. The third chapter is about the chemical constituents of the rhizomes C. foetida, atraditional Chinese medicine which was used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic andantipyretic agents. Our investigation of the bioactivities constituents of the rhizomesof C. foetida led to the isolation of five new cycloartane triterpenoids, which werecharacterized as cimicidol-3-one (38), 3'-O-acetyl cimicifugoside H-1 (41),2'-O-acetyl cimicifugoside H-1 (42), (3b,12b,16b)-12-acetoxy-16,23-epoxy-9,19-cyclolanost-22-ene-24-one 3-O-b-D-xylopyranoside (44) and cimicifugadine (54),along with fifteen known compounds through repeated column chromatography onnormal and reversed phase silica gel. Among them, 54 is a novel cycloartanealkaloid and first discovered as a new type alkaoid from nature. The structures ofthese compounds were elucidated on the basis of spectral and chemical evidence, andcimicidol-3-one was confirmed by X-ray crystallography analysis. Moreover, onecompound exhibited strong anti-osteoporosis activity in vitro experiment. The fourth part is a review on a structure-activity relationship analysis of thecycloartane triterpenoid from Cimicifuga species.