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We have applied the Green-function method in the GW approximation to calculate quasiparticle energies for the semiconductors GaP and GaAs. Good agreement between the calculated excitation energies and the experimental results was achieved. We obtained calculated direct band gaps of GaP and GaAs of 2.93 and 1.42 eV, respectively, in comparison with the experimental values of 2.90 and 1.52 eV, respectively. An ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wave functions and charge densities for calculating the dielectric matrix elements and self-enegies. To evaluate the dynamical effects of the screened interaction, the generalized-plasma-pole model has been utilized to extend the dielectric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We presen the calculated quasiparticle energies at various high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone and compare them with the experimental results and other calculations.


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Longitudinal zone boundary X phonon frequencies have been calculated by a first principles pseudopotential method for III-V zincblende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb. The phonon frequencies have been evaluated from total energy calculations in the frozen phonon approximation. The calculated phonon frequencies agree very well with the experimental values.


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Based on the density functional theory, we study the magnetic coupling properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanowires. For the nanowires with passivated surfaces, the antiferromagnetic state is found and the Mn atoms have a clustering tendency. When the distance between two Mn atoms is large, the system energetically favors the paramagnetic or spin-glass state. For the nanowires with unpassivated surfaces, the ferromagnetic (FM) coupling states appear between the two nearest Mn atoms, and the zinc vacancies can further stabilize the FM states between them. The electrons with enough concentration possibly mediate the FM coupling due to the negative exchange splitting of conduction band minimum induced by the s-d coupling, which could be useful in nanomaterial design for spintronics. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The magnetic behavior of Mn-doped beta-Ga2O3 is Studied from first-principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation method. Calculations show that ferromagnetic ordering is always favorable for configurations in which two Mn ions substitute either tetrahedral or octahedral sites, and the ferromagnetic ground state is also sometimes favorable for configurations where one Mn ion substitutes a tetrahedral site and another Mn ion substitutes an octahedral site. However, the configurations of the latter case are less stable than those of the former. (c) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic interactions in Ni-doped ZnO are calculated using GGA and GGA + U method of density functional theory. The following three cases: (i) Ni-doped ZnO, (ii) (Ni, Al)-codoped ZnO, and (iii) (Ni, Li)-codoped ZnO are studied. The ferromagnetic ordering is always favorable for the three cases within GGA method. However, the ferromagnetic state is sometimes favorable after treating within the method of GGA + U. The GGA underestimates the correlated interactions especially when the Ni ions align directly to each other. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60607015)


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Atomic configurations and formation energies of native defects in an unsaturated GaN nanowire grown along the [001] direction and with (100) lateral facets are studied using large-scale ab initio calculation. Cation and anion vacancies, antisites, and interstitials in the neutral charge state are all considered. The configurations of these defects in the core region and outermost surface region of the nanowire are different. The atomic configurations of the defects in the core region are same as those in the bulk GaN, and the formation energy is large. The defects at the surface show different atomic configurations with low formation energy. Starting from a Ga vacancy at the edge of the side plane of the nanowire, a N-N split interstitial is formed after relaxation. As a N site is replaced by a Ga atom in the suboutermost layer, the Ga atom will be expelled out of the outermost layers and leaves a vacancy at the original N site. The Ga interstitial at the outmost surface will diffuse out by interstitialcy mechanism. For all the tested cases N-N split interstitials are easily formed with low formation energy in the nanowires, indicating N-2 molecular will appear in the GaN nanowire, which agrees well with experimental findings.


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The electronic structure and magnetic coupling properties of rare-earth metals (Gd, Nd) doped ZnO have been investigated using first-principles methods. We show that the magnetic coupling between Gd or Nd ions in the nearest neighbor sites is ferromagnetic. The stability of the ferromagnetic coupling between Gd ions can be enhanced by appropriate electron doping into ZnO Gd system and the room-temperature ferromagnetism can be achieved. However, for ZnO Nd system, the ferromagnetism between Nd ions can be enhanced by appropriate holes doping into the sample. The room-temperature ferromagnetism can also be achieved in the n-conducting ZnO Nd sample. Our calculated results are in good agreement with the conclusions of the recent experiments. The effect of native defects (V-Zn, V-O) on the ferromagnetism is also discussed. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3176490]


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Thermally stimulated luminescence spectroscopy has been applied to study the deep centres in unintentionally doped high resistivity GaN epilayers grown by the metal organic chemical vapour deposition method on c-sapphire substrates. Two trap states with activation energies of 0.12 and 0.62 eV are evaluated from two luminescence peaks at 141.9 and 294.7 K in the luminescence curve. Our spectroscopy measurement, in combination with more accurate first-principles studies, provided insights into the microscopic origin of these levels. Our investigations suggest that the lower level at 0.12 eV might originate from C-N, which behaves as a hole trap state; the deeper level at 0.62 eV can be correlated with V-Ga that corresponds to the yellow luminescence band observed in low-temperature photoluminescence spectra.


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One-Hundred Talent Plan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 60925016;National High Technology Research and Development program of China 2009AA034101


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In this work, the electronic structure and magnetic coupling properties of Gd doped AlN have been investigated using first-principles method. We found that in the AlN:Gd system, due to the s-f coupling allowed by the symmetry, the exchange splitting of the conduction band is much larger than that of the valence band, which makes the electron-mediated ferromagnetism possible in this material. This property is also confirmed by the energy differences between anti-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phase for Al14Gd2N16 with different concentrations of electrons (holes), as well as by the calculated exchange constants. The result indicates that Gd-doped AlN is a promising candidate for the applications in future spintronic devices.


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For large size- and chemical-mismatched isovalent semiconductor alloys, such as N and Bi substitution on As sites in GaAs, isovalent defect levels or defect bands are introduced. The evolution of the defect states as a function of the alloy concentration is usually described by the popular phenomenological band anticrossing (BAC) model. Using first-principles band-structure calculations we show that at the impurity limit the N-(Bi)-induced impurity level is above (below) the conduction- (valence-) band edge of GaAs. These trends reverse at high concentration, i.e., the conduction-band edge of GaAs1-xNx becomes an N-derived state and the valence-band edge of GaAs1-xBix becomes a Bi-derived state, as expected from their band characters. We show that this band crossing phenomenon cannot be described by the popular BAC model but can be naturally explained by a simple band broadening picture.


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We have applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Good agreements of the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps with the experimental band structures were achieved. We obtained the calculated fundamental gaps of Si and GaAs to be 1.22 and 1.42 eV in comparison to the experimental values of 1.17 and 1.52 eV, respectively. Ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies.


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We successfully applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Ab initio pseudopotential method was adopted to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies. To evaluate dynamical effects of screened interaction, GPP model was utilized to extend dieletric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We give a full account of the theoretical background and the technical details for the first principle pseudopotential calculations of quasiparticle energies in semiconductors and insulators. Careful analyses are given for the effective and accurate evaluations of dielectric matrix elements and quasiparticle self-energies by using the symmetry properties of basis wavefunctions and eigenenergies. Good agreements between the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps and the experimental band structures were achieved.


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To evaluate the dynamical effects of the screened interaction in the calculations of quasiparticle energies in many-electron systems a two-delta-function generalized plasma pole model (GPP) is introduced to simulate the dynamical dielectric function. The usual single delta-function GPP model has the drawback of over simplifications and for the crystals without the center of symmetry is inappropriate to describe the finite frequency behavior for dielectric function matrices. The discrete frequency summation method requires too much computation to achieve converged results since ab initio calculations of dielectric function matrices are to be carried out for many different frequencies. The two-delta GPP model is an optimization of the two approaches. We analyze the two-delta GPP model and propose a method to determine from the first principle calculations the amplitudes and effective frequencies of these delta-functions. Analytical solutions are found for the second order equations for the parameter matrices entering the model. This enables realistic applications of the method to the first principle quasiparticle calculations and makes the calculations truly adjustable parameter free.