154 resultados para Submarine topography
本文以水下机器人的遥操作作业为应用背景 ,提出并实现了虚拟现实技术和视觉感知信息辅助机器人遥操作实验系统 .该系统使用了 CAD模型和立体视觉信息完成遥操作机器人及其作业环境的几何建模和运动学建模 ,实现了虚拟作业环境的生成和实时动态图形显示 .采用了基于立体视觉的虚拟环境与真实环境的一致性校正、图形图像叠加、作业体与环境位姿关系建立、基于网络的监控通讯等关键技术 .在这个实验系统中 ,操作人员可利用所生成的虚拟环境 ,在多视点、多窗口作业状态图形和图像显示帮助下 ,实时动态地进行作业观测与机器人遥操作与运动规划 ,为先进遥操作机器人系统的实现提供了经验和关键技术 .
以7000m载人潜水器为研究对象,分析了潜水器的推进系统,并给出了6自由度推力转换模型,重点讨论了载人潜水器控制分配的优化问题.结合7000m载人潜水器的推进器布置和推进器特点,设计了优化准则代价函数,采用序列二次规划(sequential quadratic programm ing,SQP)算法求解了载人潜水器的非线性控制分配问题,通过半物理仿真平台实验验证了本文提出的控制分配算法的正确性和有效性.yh
利用ROV代替潜水员进行潜艇供排气管对接作业是援潜救生的发展趋势,其中供排气管对接技术是为失事艇员提供生命保障的关键技术。由于水下作业环境比较复杂以及水下作业难度大等特点,人工遥控ROV进行援潜对接供排空气管作业过程中,还停留在只是能够打开潜艇供排气系统花甲板盖的工作上,还没有实现对类似接通供排空气管精确作业的工作。受到海流、风浪、失事潜艇周围较大涡流、供排气管的拖曳阻力、水下可视条件以及高精度定位等因素的限制,作业任务越复杂,要求ROV系统上机械手精确定位精度越高,操纵的难度也越大,由人工操作很难实现。在现有ROV人工操作的基础上,使ROV系统具有自主作业功能,更能发挥其在对接空气管作业中的能力,提高作业效率,缩短救援时间,因此本文在现有ROV基础上扩展预编程自主控制驾驶功能模块即ROV-A系统,借助预编程技术ROV-A系统在对接空气管作业中的一些特殊任务时能够实现自主作业功能。 本文结合中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所水下机器人中心未来援潜救生关键技术研究内容,针对为失事潜艇接通空气管作业中的一些关键技术,开展基于具有自主作业能力的ROV-A系统自主作业方法研究,深入研究了具有自主作业能力ROV-A系统的运动规划与协调控制技术以及水下作业力控制技术,以实现高精度的机械手末端位置控制与期望力跟踪;针对潜艇供排气系统的已知结构研究了水下目标定位技术,为对接空气管的特定需求发展具有自主作业能力的水下作业技术提供理论依据。重点研究针对系统特点的运动规划与多性能指标实现归一化问题;研究基于系统动力学模型误差的系统位姿控制问题;研究基于阻抗力控制水下作业目标定位问题;在系统运动规划与控制研究的基础上,研究能实现机械手末端精确轨迹跟踪的控制策略问题以及力控制问题。本论文研究内容如下: (1)根据ROV-A系统特点,从描述系统的空间位置和姿态着手,研究了ROV-A系统的空间运动学与基于Kane方法的动力学,得出载体基座自由运动模式的系统空间运动数学模型,为论文后续研究工作奠定了基础。 (2)针对对接空气管作业中的一些高精度和复杂的作业,研究了系统作业时的运动规划问题。针对系统运动学冗余、作业规划约束性能指标多,例如机械手可操作性,关节限制,载体的姿态,避障等等,结合梯度投影法和最小范数伪逆矩阵法以及任务优先逆运动学方法,引入模糊控制技术,将模糊控制的定性知识表达与任务优先逆运动学算法相结合,以水下作业末端位置控制及轨迹跟踪为前提,对系统运动分配、关节限位、避免奇异有无海流下的系统性能优化等运动规划进行了研究,仿真证明运动规划算法的有效性。 (3)研究了基于动力学模型的系统基本控制问题。针对系统动力学模型的复杂性和不精确性,在基于载体输出反馈控制的基础上,设计了基于输出反馈自适应控制算法,通过自适应学习的方式直接逼近系统动力学方程状态量之间的非线性关系,在外界不停扰动下逐渐提高系统的控制精度;基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了存在外界干扰和自适应逼近误差条件下ROV-A系统控制器的闭环稳定性;通过仿真实验验证控制系统的有效性,为系统的控制提供了一种新思路。同时在基于位置运动控制的基础上引入了力控制,通过对常规PID外环力控制器基础上的改进,在系统离线规划的前提下实现力与位置控制的解耦,通过仿真验证期望力的稳定跟踪。 (4)研究了基于ROV-A系统阻抗力控制的水下矩形围壁环境约束的位置定位方法。通过在对具有先验知识的矩形围壁环境约束的学习理解基础上,应用外部阻抗力控制环包容内部位置运动控制环的控制策略。利用力传感器的反馈信息变化确定系统末端执行器与约束环境的接触特征点,根据环境的先验知识推理出环境定位信息。通过计算机仿真实验验证了水下具有先验知识环境的定位方法和ROV-A系统的控制策略的有效性。仿真结果证明定位方法和控制策略是可行的。 (5)结合系统控制,分析了系统在为失事潜艇对接空气管作业中的恒定和时变两种期望力输入作业模式,提出了基于在线运动规划下外部力控制环包容内部位置环控制方法,利用ROV-A系统完成了为失事潜艇自主对接空气管中两个典型作业。介绍了整个控制方法的组成和执行过程,分析了综合控制策略,最后通过仿真实验分析了综合力控制方法的性能,包括恒力和时变期望力输入进行了深入研究。
The rugged surface topography determined the seismic data acquisition construction conditions and the seismic wave explosive and receiver quality in Qaidam Basin. This dissertation systematically researched the seismic acquisition, imaging process and the attribute analysis techniques of complicated oil and gas reservoir. The main research achievements and cognitions are as follows: 1. Through the stimulation effects research and analysis from the aspect of lithologic water-containing differences, it’s specific that stable hydrous sand layer can effectively enhance the stimulation effects combined with the corresponding field tests. The seismic data S/N ratio has been improved due to the combination explosive stimulation. Through the fold number and maximum offset analyses of target horizon, the complicated geometry has been optimized and the S/N ratio of seismic data has been improved, which made an important basis for improvement of 3D seismic data. 2. It has been proved that the first arrival refraction static correction method under the model constraint of fine surface survey is suitable to the Qaidam Basin of western areas by the real seismic data processing. Although the refraction horizon of near surface has some changes in a certain extent, it’s steady basically. The refraction horizon can be continuously traced in sections, so it’s qualified for the refraction static correction method on the whole. 3. The research is based on the curved-ray pre-stack time migration techniques of rough topography, and improved the imaging precision of complex areas. This techniques adopted the constant and variable velocity scanning mode and enhanced the velocity analysis precision. The 3D pre-stack time migration techniques reasonably solved the imaging and velocity multiple solutions problems of steep-dip faults and the intersections of horizontal layers. What’s more, fine velocity analysis and mute are very important to enhance the imaging precision of the seismic data in complicated Wunan areas. 4. The 3D seismic data edge-preserving processing methods have been realized due to the image process techniques. Because this method uses the large range filter, it can attenuate the noise maximally. The faults, break points, lithologic pinchout points and lithologic body of small scale such as river will not be influenced by blur because of the edge-preserving characterization of the method which is really an effective assistant technique of low S/N ratio seismic data attribute analysis. 5. The use of spectral decomposition technique can effectively identify the reservoirs. The special geology body which will not be identified (or without obvious characters) in the seismic profile may be found through the details changes of different frequencies in the amplitude profiles.
As the most spectacular and youngest case of continental collision on the Earth, to investigate the crust and mantle of Tibetan plateau, and then to reveal its characters of structure and deformation, are most important to understand its deformation mechanism and deep process. A great number of surface wave data were initially collected from events occurred between 1980 and 2002, which were recorded by 13 broadband digital stations in Eurasia and India. Up to 1,525 source-station Rayleigh waveforms and 1,464 Love wave trains were analysed to obtain group velocity dispersions, accompanying with the detail and quantitative assessment of the fitness of the classic Ray Theory, errors from focal and measurements. Assuming the model region covered by a mesh of 2ox2o-sized grid-cells, we have used the damped least-squares approach and the SVD to carry out tomographic inversion, SV- and SH-wave velocity images of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings are obtained, and then the radial anisotropy is computed from the Love-Rayleigh discrepancy. The main results demonstrate that follows, a) The Moho beneath the Tibetan Plateau presents an undulating shape that lies between 65 and 74 km, and a clear correlation between the elevations of the plateau and the Moho topography suggests that at least a great part of the highly raised plateau is isostatically compensated. b) The lithospheric root presents a depth that can be substantiated at ~140 km (Qiangtang Block) and exceptionally at ~180 km (Lhasa Block), and exhibits laterally varying fast velocity between 4.6 and 4.7 km/s, even ~4.8 km/s under northern Lhasa Block and Qiangtang Block, which may be correlated with the presence of a shield-like upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau and therefore looked as one of the geophysical tests confirming the underthrusting of India, whose leading edge might have exceeded the Bangong-Nujiang Suture, even the Jinsha Suture. c) The asthenosphere is depicted by a low velocity channel at depths between 140 and 220 km with negative velocity gradient and velocities as low as 4.2 km/s; d) Areas in which transverse radial anisotropy is in excess of ~4% and 6% on the average anisotropy are found in the crust and upper mantle underlying most of the Plateau, and up to 8% in some places. The strength, spatial configuration and sign of radial anisotropy seem to indicate the existence of a regime of horizontal compressive forces in the frame of the convergent orogen at the same time that laterally varying lithospheric rheology and a differential movement as regards the compressive driving forces. e) Slow-velocity anomalies of 12% or more in southern Tibet and the eastern edge of the Plateau support the idea of a mechanically weak middle-to-lower crust and the existence of crustal flow in Tibet.
As a kind of strategic resource,petroleum play an very important role in current social stability, economic development and state safety. Since 1993 China has turned from a net oil exporter into a net oil importer, the figure of imported oil increased from then on. In 2004 China's total energy consumption exceeded Japan’s, and ranked in the second place, just inferior to America. Today China is the world’s third-largest importing nation, accounting for 6% of world imports and 8% of world consumption. Comparing with other strategic petroleum reserve schemes, underground oil storage possess many advantages, such as security, economy, less pollution, save land, suited for strategic reserve and so on, so it is the most ideal form for strategic petroleum reserve. In the background of China Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program started just now, this paper choose Circum-Bo sea region as a study area, and do some system study on the underground oil storage caverns constructed in inter-large granite rock masses in Circum-Bo sea region. On the foundation of a great amount of information come from both home and abroad, firstly this paper analysed the principle, economy, cavern shape, profile dimension, and gain some cognizances and logos, as follows: ①Hard rock mass such as granite is the major rock, in which underground oil storage are constructed; ②Unlined underground oil storage caverns had been wide spread used as a sort of oil storage form abroad, there already exist a suit of skilled experience and technologies to prevent oil product from leaking; ③Compared with surface tanks, underground oil storage cavern possess predominance in economy clearly. In general, it will be more economical when the storage capacity exceed 50000m3. The quality of rock mass is the most important factor for underground storage cost, however such as hydrogeology, storage capacity, the number of storage galleries, the length, storage product, mechanical equipments, geographic location also influent the cost. In designed depth of the underground storage, the rock mass of Jinzhou mainly belong to class Ⅱ, but parts with dykes, clayization alteration, and dense joints are Ⅲ, Ⅳ; ④Now, there are few underground oil storages span more than 25m in both abroad and home. The examples of some ancient underground works and modern underground excavation with wide span surely give us many precious elicitations to construct more great unlined storage caverns, when the rock mass quality is good, cavern shape and construction method also are proper, it is quite possible to construct underground oil storage cavern with span more than 30m . The main axis orientation of Jinzhou underground oil storage cavern is NW direction, the cavern's elevation locate between -53msl and -76msl. The storage's total volume is about 3×106m3, composed of 8 parallel galleries with 950m length, the pillars between them are 45m, and every two of galleries form one unit, which can deposit 75×104m3 for each unit. The product will be stored are Saudi light and Saudi medium crude oil, the main cavern's section is 411.5m2, with 23m height and 19m width. According to the principle and technique of engineering geomechanics, this study supply a sort of system scientific thinking and method for sitting location of underground oil storage in granite region: ① On the foundation of the earth crust stability sub-zone appraise of Circum-Bo sea region, farther research concerning granite distribution, genesis, geological period and fault structure are conducted in stable areas, generally, this paper select Liaoxi, east shore of Liaotung peninsula and Jiaotung peninsula as target areas for underground oil storage regions, where Mesozoic granite is magnitude; ②After roundly comparison in facts of geologic structure, engineering geology, hydrogeology, topography, transportation and so on of three granite distributed areas, at last, selecting Jingzhou granite zone in Liaoxi out as an ideal construction area; ③ Detailed investigation is conducted in the southeast of Baimashi in Jingzhou development district, the final field. Ultrasonic Borehole Television, as a major way to collect original information of borehole rock mass were used, which is very effective to appraise the quality of deep rock mass; ④ According to the field data of tectonic stress, rock mass quality, the spatial distribution of fracture water, some optimum designs in cross section, axial direction and cavern span have been designed for the underground oil storage cavern layout in Jinzhou. To understand the characteristics of swelling alteration rock in Jinzhou granite mass, collected abundant swelling alteration rock engineering examples in granite, which study them in detail, concluded the swelling alteration rock distribute nearly everywhere in China, intruded medium-basic dykes alteration, along discontinuities and mineral hydrothermal alteration with genesis of granite are three main forms clayization alteration rock in granite rock mass. In Jinzhou field, from macro to micro studied the swelling rock which induced by mid-basic dyke intrusion, with weak swelling. In conclusion, this paper conclude the distribution rule and features of expansion alteration rock in filed, and advise some technical suggestions for excavation at swelling alteration rock part. The main features of this paper: ①In the process of site selection, investigation and design, a suit of technique and method of engineering geomechanics metasynthesis were formed, which is significative to guide the large scale underground oil storage cavern sitting location, investigation and design in granite rock mass; ②The detailed discussion on the engineering geology problems in granite mass, such as weathering crust, faults, dykes and clayization alteration rock, are useful for other projects in aspects of site selection, engineering geology evaluation and stability estimation; ③The summary and integration of the genesis, type, countermeasure relate to swelling alteration rock, also is likely to be used for other underground oil storage caverns constructed in swelling alteration granite. In conclusion, this study is meaningful for guiding the large scale underground oil storage for site selection, investigation and design in granite rock mass.
Glaciers in west China are the sources of the major great rivers in Asia, and the solid water resources are crucial to China and South Asia. Black carbon (BC) results in very complex climate effects not only in the atmosphere, but accelerates the melting after its deposit on the surface of snow/ice. As the main distributed area of glaciers in China, the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Xinjiang region are abutted by South Asia, Central Asia, and Russia, and east China, and the atmospheric environment would be influenced by the BC emitted from these regions. Whereas, the BC’s temporal and spatial distributions for concentration in the mid and top troposphere in west China, its transport, and its radiative forcing after deposited on the snow/ice surface are not well understood at the present. In the field, we collected samples from surface snow, snow pits, ice core, and aerosol in the glaciers, analyzed BC content mainly by the thermo-oxidized method in the laboratory, and discussed temporal and spatial distributions for BC concentrations in glaciers, the transport, and its impacts on the environment. Several conclusions were derived as follows: 1_Spatial distribution and the impact on albedos for BC concentrations in snow/ice: the BC concentrations in the surface snow for the investigated glaciers could be placed in areas, the Tianshan Mountains > the central TP > the Pamirs > the Qilian Mountians > the Himalayas. This distribution could be attributed to the elevation of the glaciers, the topography of the TP, and more regional emissions. Probably significant impacts on the albedos of the glacier surface could be caused by BC deposits, and the estimated reduced albedos on the glaciers are 9.8% (the Zhadang glacier), 8.7% (the Miao’ergou Riverhead No.3 glacier), and 6.8% (the Kuitun River Haxilegen No.48 glacier), and 6.2% (the Dongkemadi glacier), and 5.3% (the La’nong glacier), and 4.2% (the Muztagata glacier), etc. 2_The temporal variance of BC concentrations in ice of the East Rongbuk Glacier (ERG) and its climatic implications: major cations and anions (e.g., SO42- and Ca2+) concentrations in aerosols during summer monsoon seasons showed their close relationships with the sources of air masses, in which the variance of SO42- concentrations suggested the atmospheric environment over the ERG was significantly influenced by the aerosols from South Asia. BC record based on an ice core suggested its deposit was dominantly transported by monsoons in summers and by westerlies in other seasons, and the BC from South Asia in summers dominated the varying trend of its concentrations in the ice core and caused higher concentrations in summers than those in other seasons. In the past 50 yrs, BC concentrations showed fluctuations, whereas showed an increasing tread in the most recent decade, and exceeded 50 μg kg-1 in the summer of 2001; correspondingly, the radiative forcing caused by BC showed an increasing trend since 1990s, and exceeded 4.5 W m-2 in the summer of 2001. 3_Cabonaceous aerosols in the Nam Co region: organic carbon (OC) concentration accounted for ~95% and BC for ~5% in the total carbonaceous aerosol concentration, which was significantly influenced by summer precipitations. OC was dominantly derived from fossil fuel burning and BC from both fossil fuel and biomass burning. Trajectory analysis and aerosol optical depth suggested the atmospheric environment in the Nam Co region was most probably influenced by the emissions from South Asia. The potential source regions of air pollutants in the Nam Co regions in summers might be Bangladesh and east India, and in winters might be the Indo-gangetic basin. The scavenging ratio of atmospheric BC by rainfalls was less than those at other sites. West China is a less-developed region for industry, where BC concentrations in the atmosphere and snow/ice could be significantly influenced by the emissions from the abutted regions with rising industries (South Asia, Central Asia, and Russia). For example, snow/ice BC concentrations in the glaciers of the Parmirs, the Tianshan Mountains, and the Qilian Mountains in the northeast margin of the TP might be more influenced by the emissions from Centrial Asia (transported by the westerlies), those in the glaciers of the Himalayas might be more influenced by the emissions from South Asia (transported by the monsoons and the westerlies), and atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols might also be more influenced by the emissions from South Asia (transported by the monsoons and the westerlies). The BC concentrations in some glaciers might cause significant impacts on the albedos for the glaciers, and therefore enhanced the radiative forcings, for example, the ERG. The research on the relationships among atmospheric and snow/ice BC and its radiative forcing, variance of snow cover, mass balance of glaciers, and climate forcing would be needed in future.