417 resultados para Da xue.


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With a crystal orientation dependent on the etch rate of Si in KOH-based solution, a base-emitter self-aligned large-area multi-linger configuration power SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) device (with an emitter area of about 880 mu m(2)) is fabricated with 2 mu m double-mesa technology. The maximum dc current gain is 226.1. The collector-emitter junction breakdown voltage BVCEO is 10 V and the collector-base junction breakdown voltage BVCBO is 16 V with collector doping concentration of 1 x 10(17) cm(-3) and thickness of 400 nm. The device exhibited a maximum oscillation frequency f(max) of 35.5 GHz and a cut-off frequency f(T) of 24.9 GHz at a dc bias point of I-C = 70 mA and the voltage between collector and emitter is V-CE = 3 V. Load pull measurements in class-A operation of the SiGe HBT are performed at 1.9 GHz with input power ranging from 0 dBm to 21 dBm. A maximum output power of 29.9 dBm (about 977 mW) is obtained at an input power of 18.5 dBm with a gain of 11.47 dB. Compared to a non-self-aligned SiGe HBT with the same heterostructure and process, f(max) and f(T) are improved by about 83.9% and 38.3%, respectively.


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By using time-resolved photoluminescence and time-resolved Kerr rotation, we have studied the unique electron spin dynamics in InAs monolayer (ML) and submonolayer (SML), which were sandwiched in GaAs matrix. Under non-resonant excitation, the spin relaxation lifetimes of 3.4 ns and 0.48 ns were observed for 1/3 ML and I ML InAs samples, respectively. More interestingly, the spin lifetime of the 1/3 ML InAs decreased dramatically under resonant excitation, down to 70 ps, while the spin lifetime of the 1 ML sample did not vary much, changing only from 400 to 340 ps. These interesting results come from the different electron-hole interactions caused by different spatial electron-hole correlation, and they provide a direct evidence of the dominant spin relaxation process, i.e. the BAP mechanism. Furthermore, these new results may provide a valuable enlightenment in controlling the spin relaxation and in seeking new material systems for spintronics application.


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Taking into account the compensation effect of B to Ge in strained SiGe layers for the first time, the effect of heavily doped boron on the bandgap narrowing of strained SiGe layers is calculated, and the classical Jain-Roulston (J-R) model is modified. The results show that our modified J-R model well fits the experimental values. Based on the modified J-R model, the real bandgap narrowing distribution between the conduction and valence bands is further calculated, which has great influence on modelling the electrical characteristics of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors.


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A new AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structure using a compositionally step-graded AlGaN barrier layer is grown on sapphire by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). The structure demonstrates significant enhancement of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) mobility and smooth surface morphology compared with the conventional HEMT structure with high Al composition AlGaN barrier. The high 2DEG mobility of 1806 cm(2)/Vs at room temperature and low rms surface roughness of 0.220 nm for a scan area of 5 mu m x 5 mu m are attributed to the improvement of interfacial and crystal quality by employing the step-graded barrier to accommodate the large lattice mismatch stress. The 2DEG sheet density is independent of the measurement temperature, showing the excellent 2DEG confinement of the step-graded structure. A low average sheet resistance of 314.5 Omega/square, with a good resistance uniformity of 0.68%, is also obtained across the 50 mm epilayer wafer. HEMT devices are successfully fabricated using this material structure, which exhibits a maximum extrinsic transconductance of 218 mS/mm and a maximum drain current density of 800 mA/mm.


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A stabilized and tunable single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber ring laser has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The laser is structured by combining the compound cavity with a fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter. An injection-locking technique has been used to stabilize the wavelength and output power of the laser. One of the longitudinal modes is stimulated by the injected continuous wave so that this mode is able to win the competition to stabilize the system. A minimum output power of 0.6 dBm and a signal-to-noise ratio of over 43 dB within the tuning range of 1527-1562 nm can be achieved with the proposed technique. A wavelength variation of less than 0.01 nm, a power fluctuation of less than 0.02 dB, and a short-term linewidth of about 1.4 kHz have also been obtained.


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A hierarchical equations of motion formalism for a quantum dissipation system in a grand canonical bath ensemble surrounding is constructed on the basis of the calculus-on-path-integral algorithm, together with the parametrization of arbitrary non-Markovian bath that satisfies fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The influence functionals for both the fermion or boson bath interaction are found to be of the same path integral expression as the canonical bath, assuming they all satisfy the Gaussian statistics. However, the equation of motion formalism is different due to the fluctuation-dissipation theories that are distinct and used explicitly. The implications of the present work to quantum transport through molecular wires and electron transfer in complex molecular systems are discussed. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The microstructural and optical analysis of Si layers emitting blue luminescence at about 431 nm is reported. These structures have been synthesized by C+ ion implantation and high-temperature annealing in hydrogen atmosphere and electrochemical etching sequentially. With the increasing etching time, the intensity of the blue peak increases at first, decreases then and is substituted by a new red peak at 716 nm at last, which shows characteristics of the emission of porous silicon. C=O compounds are induced during C+ implantation and nanometer silicon with embedded structure is formed during annealing, which contributes to the blue emission. The possible mechanism of photoluminescence is presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mg-doped AlGaN and GaN/AlGaN superlattice are grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) treatments are carried out on the samples. Hall and high resolution x-ray diffraction measurements are used to characterize the electrical and structural prosperities of the as-grown and annealed samples, respectively. The results of hall measurements show that after annealing, the Mg-doped AlGaN sample can not obtain the distinct hole concentration and can acquire a resistivity of 1.4 x 10(3) Omega cm. However, with the same annealing treatment, the GaN/AlGaN superlattice sample has a hole concentration of 1.7 x 10(17) cm(-3) and of Mg acceptors, which leads to higher hole concentration and lower p-type resistivity.


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Closely related to the quantum information processing in solid states, we study the quantum measurement of single electron state by a mesoscopic charge-sensitive detector, namely the quantum point contact (QPC). We find that the conventional Lindblad-type master equation is not appropriate for describing the underlying measurement dynamics. The treatment developed in this work properly accounts for the energy-exchange between the detector and the measured system, and its role on the detailed-balance relation. A valid description for the QPC measurement dynamics is provided which may have impact on the study of quantum measurement and quantum feedback control in solid states.


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A Gunn active layer is used as an X electron probe to detect the X tunnelling current in the GaAs-AlAs heterostructure, from which a new heterostructure intervalley transferred electron (HITE) device is obtained. In the 8 mm band, the highest pulse output power of these diodes is 2.65 W and the highest conversion efficiency is 18%. The dc and rf performance of the HITE devices was simulated by the band mixing resonant tunnelling theory and Monte Carlo transport simulation. The HITE effect has transformed the transit-time dipole-layer mode in the Gunn diode into a relaxation oscillation mode in the HITE device. From the comparison of simulated results to the measured data, the HITE effect is demonstrated straightforwardly.


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A quantum well controller (QWC) consisting of a direct-gap/indirect-gap quantum well and a doping interface is proposed to control the dynamic operation of the Gunn active layer. Through the Monte Carlo simulation a new relaxation mode for this new device is found. The oscillation and amplification behavior of the Gunn active layer under the control of the QWC is investigated theoretically and experimentally. All work demonstrates the great control capacity of the QWC and provides a new way to improve the performance of semiconductor devices. A new oscillation diode made of the QWC and a Gunn active layer has been designed and fabricated. In the 8 mm band the highest pulse output power of these diodes is 2.55 W and the highest conversion efficiency is 18%.


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A Ge layer with a pitting surface can be obtained when the growth temperature is lowered to 290 degrees C. On the low temperature Ge buffer layer with pits, high quality Ge layer was grown at 600 degrees C with a threading dislocation density of similar to 1x10(5)cm(-2). According to channeling and random Rutherford backscattering spectrometry spectra, a chi(min) value of 10% and 3.9% was found, respectively, at the Ge/Si interface and immediately under the surface peak. The root-mean-square surface roughness of Ge film was 0.33nm.


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Silicon-based resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors (RCE-PD) with Si, Ge islands and InGaAs as absorption materials were introduced, respectively. The Ge islands and Si RCE-PD had a membrane structure and the Si-based InGaAs RCE-PDs were fabricated by bonding technology.


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Si-based membrane RCE photodetectors were introduced. The RCE photodiodes were fabricated on silicon membranes formed from SOI substrate. Compared with the conventional p-i-n photodiode, the responsivity has a threefold enhancement.


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Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is often used for finding optimal solution, but it easily entraps into the local extremum in later evolution period. Based on improved chaos searching strategy, an enhanced particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed in this study. When particles get into the local extremum, they are activated by chaos search strategy, where the chaos search area is controlled in the neighborhood of current optimal solution by reducing search area of variables. The new algorithm not only gets rid of the local extremum effectively but also enhances the precision of convergence significantly. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is better than standard PSO algorithm in both precision and stability.