303 resultados para 1995_12070321 Optics-7


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We demonstrate the fabrication and characterization of photonic-crystal distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser emitting at 4.7 mu m. The tilted rectangular-lattice PCDFB structure was defined using a multi-exposure of two-beam holographic lithography. The devices exhibit the near-diffraction-limited beam emission with the full width at half maximum of the far-field divergence angles about 4.5 degrees and 2.5 degrees for stripe widths of 55 mu m and 95 mu m, respectively. Single-mode emission with a side mode suppression ratio of approximate to 20 dB is achieved in the temperature range (80-210 K). The single-facet output power is above 1 W for a 95 mu m x 2.5 mm laser bar at 85 K in pulsed operation. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We report on a VSAL structure fabricated by a 650 nm edge emitting laser diode with an Au-coated facet and an aperture size of 250 x 500 nm. The far field output power can maintain at 1 mW and the power density is 7.5 mW/mu m(2). Some properties of the VSAL including the threshold current change, the red-shift of the spectral position, and the strong relative-intensity-noise are presented. The physical mechanisms responsible for these phenomena are also discussed, which may contribute to the understanding and application of the potential device for near-field optics.


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We report on a diode- pumped CW passively mode locked ceramic Nd: YAG laser with SESAM ( semiconductor saturable absorber mirror), wavelength 1064nm. At a pump power of 7.6w, the pulse width was estimated to be similar to 8.3ps with repetition rate similar to 130MHz and the average output power was 1.59w. To our knowledge, this was the first demonstration that ceramic Nd: YAG was used for diode pumped CW passively mode locking. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The propagation losses in single-line defect waveguides in a two-dimensional (2D) square-lattice photonic crystal (PC) consisted of infinite dielectric rods and a triangular-lattice photonic crystal slab with air holes are studied by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and a Pade approximation. The decaying constant beta of the fundamental guided mode is calculated from the mode frequency, the quality factor (Q-factor) and the group velocity v(g) as beta = omega/(2Qv(g)). In the 2D square-lattice photonic crystal waveguide (PCW), the decaying rate ranged from 10(3) to 10(-4) cm(-1) can be reliably obtained from 8 x 10(3)-item FDTD output with the FDTD computing time of 0.386 ps. And at most 1 ps is required for the mode with the Q-factor of 4 x 10(11) and the decaying rate of 10(-7) cm(-1). In the triangular-lattice photonic crystal slab, a 10(4)-item FDTD output is required to obtain a reliable spectrum with the Q-factor of 2.5 x 10(8) and the decaying rate of 0.05 cm(-1). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The growth of InAsxSb1-x films on (100) GaSb substrates by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) has been investigated and epitaxial InAs0.3Sb0.7 films with InAs0.9Sb0.09 buffer layers have been successfully obtained. The low X-ray rocking curve FHWM values of InAs0.3Sb0.7 layer shows the high quality of crystal-orientation structure. Hall measurements show that the highest electron mobility in the samples obtained is 2.9 x 10(4) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and the carrier density is 2.78 x 10(16)cm(-3) at room temperature (RT). The In As0.3Sb0.7 films grown on (10 0) GaSb substrates exhibit excellent optical performance with a cut-off wavelength of 12 mu m. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report low-threshold high-temperature operation of 7.4 mu m strain-compensated InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). For an uncoated 22-mu m-wide and 2-mm-long laser, the low-threshold current densities, i.e. 0.33 kA/cm(2) at 81 K in pulsed mode and 0.64 kA/cm(2) at 84 K in cw mode, are realized. High-temperature operation of uncoated devices, with a high value of 223 K, is achieved in cw mode.


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Quality factor enhancement due to mode coupling is observed in a three-dimensional microdisk resonator. The microdisk, which is vertically sandwiched between air and a substrate, with a radius of 1 mu m, a thickness of 0.2 mu m, and a refractive index of 3.4, is considered in a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical simulation. The mode quality factor of the fundamental mode HE71 decreases with an increase of the refractive index of the substrate, n(sub), from 2.0 to 3.17. However, the mode quality factor of the first-order mode HE72 reaches a peak value at n(sub) = 2.7 because of the mode coupling between the fundamental and the first-order modes. The variation of mode field distributions due to the mode coupling is also observed. This mechanism may be used to realize high-quality-factor modes in microdisks with high-refractive-index substrates. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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A strained InGaAsP-InP multiple-quantum-well DFB laser monolithically integrated with electroabsorption modulator by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective-area-growth is presented. The integrated chip exhibits superior characteristics, such as low threshold current of 19 mA, single-mode operation around 1550 nm range with side-mode suppression ratio over 40 dB, and larger than 16 dB extinction ratio when coupled into a single-mode fiber. More than 10 GHz modulation bandwidth is also achieved. After packaged in a compact module, the device successfully performs 10-Gb/s NRZ transmission experiments through 53.3 km of standard fiber with 8.7 dB dynamic extinction ratio. A receiver sensitivity of -18.9 dBm at bit-error-rate of 10(-1)0 is confirmed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The growth of highly lattice-mismatched InAs0.3Sb0.7 films on (100) GaAs Substrates by magnetron Sputtering has been investigated and even epitaxial lnAs(0.3)Sb(0.7) films have been successfully obtained. A strong effect of the growth conditions on the film structure was observed, revealing that there was a growth mechanism transition from three-dimensional nucleation growth to epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode when increasing the substrate temperature. A qualitative explanation for that transition was proposed and the critical conditions for the epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode were also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer planar waveguides doped with (4'-nitro)-3-azo-9-ethyl-carbazole (NAEC) were prepared. The waveguide films were poled by corona-onset poling at elevated temperature (COPET), and the corona poling setup includes a grid voltage making the surface-charge distribution uniform. By using the prism-in coupling method, the dark-line spectrum given by the reflected intensity versus the angle of incidence have been obtained, and the optical transmission losses of mth modes have been measured for the poled polymer waveguides at lambda = 632.8 nm. The measurement result showed that the optical loss of the fundamental mode is less than 0.7 dB cm(-1) for the TE polarization. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By using V-prism refractometer, the refractive indices of a polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer system were measured with the polymer in solutions. The Lorenz-Lorentz local field formalism was used in the calculation of the refractive indices of the polymers from the measured indices of the polymer solutions and the pure solvent by using V-prism refractometer. The refractive index dispersions of the polymers were obtained by fitting the measured indices of the polymers to Sellmeyer equation. The method allows for an accuracy in index of 0.7% in the determination of the polymer indices. In addition, a large difference between the indices of the polymer and the solvent, and a higher polymer volume fraction in the measured polymer solution are favorable for a high accuracy. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High quality YSi1.7 layers (chi(min) of Y is 3.5%) have been formed by 60 keV Y ion implantation in Si (111) substrates to a dose of 1.0 x 10(17)/cm(2) at 450 degrees C using channeled ion beam synthesis (CIBS). It shows that, compared to the conventional nonchanneled ion beam synthesis, CIBS is beneficial in forming YSi1.7 layers with better quality due to the lower defect density created in the implanted layer. Rutherford backscattering/channeling and x-ray diffraction have been used to study the structure and the strain of the YSi1.7 layers. The perpendicular and parallel elastic strains of the YSi1.7 epilayer are e(perpendicular to) = -0.67% +/- 0.02% and e(parallel to) = +1.04% +/- 0.08%. The phenomenon that a nearly zero mismatch of the YSi1.7/Si (111) system results in a nonpseudomorphic epilayer with a rather large parallel strain relative to the Si substrate (epsilon(parallel to) = +1.09%) is explained, and the model is further used to explain the elastic strain of epitaxial ErSi1.7 and GdSi1.7 rare-earth silicides. (C) 1998 American Vacuum Society.


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Broadband grating-coupled external cavity laser, based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots, is achieved. The device has a wavelength tuning range from 1141.6 nm to 1251.7 nm under a low continuous-wave injection current density (458 A/cm(2)). The tunable bandwidth covers consecutively the light emissions from both the ground state and the 1st excited state of quantum dots. The effects of cavity length and antireflection facet coating on device performance are studied. It is shown that antireflection facet coating expands the tuning bandwidth up to similar to 150 nm, accompanied by an evident increase in threshold current density, which is attributed to the reduced interaction between the light field and the quantum dots in the active region of the device.