163 resultados para 1,10-Phenanthroline


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Facilitated proton transfer across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) interface supported on the tips of micro- and nano-pipets by o-phenanthroline (Phen) was studied by using cyclic voltammetry. The formed micro- and nano-liquid/liquid interfaces functioned as micro- and nano-electrodes under certain experimental conditions. The dependence of the half-wave potentials on the aqueous solutions acidities was studied and the ratio of association constants between Phen and proton in the aqueous and DCE phases was calculated by the method proposed by Matsuda et al.. The standard rate constant (k(0)) and the transfer coefficient (alpha) evaluated by using nano-pipets were equal to 0.183 +/- 0.054 cm/s and 0.70 +/- 0.09, respectively.


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Electroluminescence (EL) devices with Eu(HTH)(3)phen [HTH: 4,4,5,5,6,6,6-heptafluoro-1-(2-thienyl)-1,3-hexanedione, phen: I 10-phenanthroline] as an emissive centre were fabricated using vacuum evaporation. In addition to the Eu3+ 5D0 --> F-7(J) (J = 0-4) lines that were visible in the photoluminescence signal, the device also showed strong emission from the D-5(1) --> F-7(J) (J = 0-4) transitions. The enhanced emission from the D-5(1) F-7(J) (J = 0-4) transitions was attributed to the increased excitation intensity in the EL device. The luminescence lifetimes of the 5 D, and 5 Do levels were measured to be 0.6 mus and 866 mus, respectively.


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采用离子注入、离子沉积及后期退火方法制备了稀磁半导体单晶Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb,在室温下(300 K)获得了单晶的磁滞回线。用X射线衍射方法分析了铁磁性半导体单晶Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb的结构,用电化学C-V法分析了单晶的载流子浓度分布。由X射线衍射得知,Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb中Mn含量逐渐由近表面处的x = 0.09下降到晶片内部的x = 0。电化学C-V测得单晶的空穴浓度高达1 * 10~(21)cm~(-3),表明Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb单晶中大部分Mn原子占据Ga位,起受主作用。


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近年来,随着激光告警、激光指示、风速测量、激光雷达尤其是激光美容等方面的需求逐渐增加,要求掺铒激光玻璃能够实现比以往更高重复频率以及更大能量的激光输出,其中对脉冲能量的要求达1~10 J。


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ZnO films were fabricated on LiGaO2 (0 0 1), (10 0) and (0 10) planes by RF magnetron sputtering. The structural, morphological and optical properties of as-grown ZnO films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectra and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. It is found that the orientation of ZnO films is strongly dependent on the substrate plane. [0 0 0 11, [1 (1) over bar 00] and [11 (2) over bar0] oriented ZnO films are deposited on LiGaO2 (001), (100) and (010), respectively. AFM shows the (0001) ZnO film consists of well-aligned regular hexagonal grains. Raman spectra reveal a tensile stress in the (0 0 0 1) ZnO film and a compressive stress in (110 0) and (112 0) ZnO films. PL spectra of all ZnO films exhibit only a near-band-edge UV emission peak. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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采用离子注入、离子沉积及后期退火方法制备了稀磁半导体单晶Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb,在室温下(300 K)获得了单晶的磁滞回线。用X射线衍射方法分析了铁磁性半导体单晶Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb的结构,用电化学C-V法分析了单晶的载流子浓度分布。由X射线衍射得知,Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb中Mn含量逐渐由近表面处的x = 0.09下降到晶片内部的x = 0。电化学C-V测得单晶的空穴浓度高达1 * 10~(21)cm~(-3),表明Mn_xGa_(1-x)Sb单晶中大部分Mn原子占据Ga位,起受主作用。


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黄土丘陵沟壑区地形变化异常复杂 ,1∶5万地形图对原始 1∶1万地形图等高线形态综合、取舍程度很大 ,这些都在不同程度上影响了地形分析结果的准确性。以高精度的 1∶1万比例尺DEM为校准值 ,运用 1∶1万及 1∶5万比例尺DEM叠合比较分析的方法 ,研究 1∶5万DEM的地形信息容量及提取不同地形要素的精度。试验结果表明 ,在黄土丘陵区 ,与 1∶1万DEM相比 ,1∶5万DEM在所提取的地面坡度、地面曲率、沟壑量等地形定量指标方面均都存在着较大的误差。


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一、 药物滥用是一种慢性、复发性脑疾病。药物滥用将导致药物成瘾(addiction),其主要表现有药物依赖、药物耐受、药物敏感化以及药物停用后的戒断症状(withdraw symptom)。药物成瘾的核心特征是强迫性觅药和用药行为。药物成瘾会导致药物滥用者认知功能的损伤和认知偏差,并会造成滥用者情绪异常。药物成瘾是一个复杂的生物学过程,有着及其复杂的机理。对药物成瘾机制的解释有很多种,主要认为成瘾过程是一种学习记忆过程,学习记忆的机制在药物成瘾过程中起到了非常重要的作用。首先,学习记忆和药物成瘾过程都受到了相似的神经营养因子以及神经递质系统的调控,例如:它们都受cAMP,CREB等调控因子的调控。其次,研究发现与成瘾相关的线索,如用药有关的人物、地点或暗示等,在药物戒断很长时间后都会恢复吸毒者的用药行为。并且,当把与成瘾相关的线索呈现给毒品戒断中的人时,这些人会出现心率、呼吸加快,血压升高等现象,甚至表现出明显的渴求行为。药物对学习记忆的影响是复杂的,虽然重复使用药物会导致药物成瘾,并且这个过程需要学习记忆机制的参与,但同时使用吗啡却会对其他类型的学习记忆(如:恐惧性学习记忆、一次性被动回避学习记忆和水迷宫空间学习记忆)造成破坏。学习前给予吗啡可以剂量及状态依赖地破坏被动回避试验以及空间辨别试验的记忆获取过程。学习过程结束后立即给予吗啡可以破坏一次性被动回避试验、主动回避试验和恐惧条件化试验的记忆巩固过程。测试前给予吗啡可以破坏空间辨别试验的记忆提取过程。本研究的目的在于更进一步地了解使用吗啡导致吗啡成瘾以及使用吗啡导致学习记忆的各个阶段受损的机制。为此我们采用了药理学以及多种行为学的方法,1、用PTZ诱发的癫痫持续状态干扰吗啡成瘾的学习记忆过程,进一步比较了吗啡成瘾的学习记忆与其他学习记忆,例如:空间学习记忆以及食物奖赏学习记忆的机制有何异同;2、研究了β-肾上腺素系统与阿片系统在空间记忆巩固过程中的相互作用;3、我们还研究了NMDA受体的激动剂和拮抗剂在吗啡破坏空间记忆提取过程中的作用。研究结果发现: 1.戊四唑诱发的癫痫持续状态,对吗啡建立的条件化位置偏好没有任何影响,动物仍然对阳性箱(吗啡匹配箱)表现出明显的偏好。但是癫痫持续状态破坏了食物建立的条件化位置偏好,并且还破坏了水迷宫和Y迷宫检测的空间记忆。癫痫持续状态破坏了食物建立的条件化位置偏好,原因不是由于其影响了动物的食欲。此外,癫痫持续状态也没有持续地破坏动物的活动能力,因此,对动物活动量的影响也不是造成其他学习记忆破坏的原因。这些结果说明,吗啡成瘾的学习记忆和普通的学习记忆在机制上可能存在不同之处。为了说明这个问题,我们还需要进行其他更深入的研究。 2、训练后立即单独注射吗啡(0.25和2.5 mg/kg)或心得安(2,10和20 mg/kg)都不会破坏动物Y-迷宫空间记忆的巩固过程,动物仍然能识别新异环境,并在里面停留较长时间。但是,训练后同时注射吗啡和心得安却可以破坏动物空间记忆的巩固过程。并且,较高剂量的吗啡(2.5 mg/kg)加上较高剂量的心得安(10和20 mg/kg)对记忆的破坏更严重,实验组动物在新异环境停留的时间显著低于对照组。这说明阿片系统和去甲肾上腺素系统在破坏记忆巩固的过程中可能有协同作用。 3、记忆提取前30分钟注射吗啡(1和10 mg/kg)可以剂量依赖地破坏Y-迷宫空间记忆的提取。单独注射NMDA受体的激动剂NMDA(1,2和4 mg/kg)对动物的空间记忆提取没有影响,但是,单独注射NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801(0.05,0.1和0.2 mg/kg)剂量依赖地破坏了空间记忆的提取。同时注射吗啡(10 mg/kg)和NMDA(2 mg/kg)可以阻断吗啡对空间记忆造成的破坏作用。相反,共同注射吗啡(1 mg/kg)和MK-801(0.05 mg/kg)可以加重吗啡对空间记忆造成的破坏作用。这说明谷氨酸系统可以干扰吗啡对记忆提取过程的影响。 二、衰老严重地影响了人们的视觉功能,然而眼睛光学系统的老年性改变并不能完全解释清楚这种视觉功能衰退。一般认为是神经系统的退化导致了这种老年性功能降低。但是,研究显示视网膜(retina)和外膝体(dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, dLGN)在衰老的过程中神经元的数量和体积以及神经元的功能特性,如对比度敏感性、空间分辨率等,都没有明显的变化,因此,人们推测老化导致的神经系统的变化发生在更高级的视觉皮层。过去几年的研究发现老年动物视觉皮层细胞发生了一系列反应特性的改变,如:老年动物皮层细胞的方向选择性和方位选择性降低以及细胞反应的潜伏期延长。这些细胞水平的变化被认为是老年性视觉功能衰退的神经机制。为了更全面地了解衰老过程对视觉皮层的影响以及细胞反应改变与整体功能降低之间的关系,本研究采用活体动物细胞外单位记录的方法,比较了青年和老年猕猴初级视觉皮层细胞时间反应特性和空间反应特性的差异。研究结果发现:老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的时间频率和空间频率敏感性明显比年轻动物降低。表现为老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的最优时间和空间频率、空间分辨率(spatial resolution, SR)和较高时间截至频率(high temporal frequency cut-off, TF50)都显著低于年轻动物初级视觉皮层细胞,同时伴随着这些功能的降低,老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的自发放增加,对视觉刺激的反应增加,但是信噪比却显著降低。这些结果表明,老年动物初级视觉皮层细胞的功能在老化过程中都普遍降低。这可能是导致老年人视觉功能降低的原因。


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Reactions of anhydrous LnCl(3) (Ln = Nd, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb) with 2 equiv of LiCp' in THF afford the lanthanocene complexes Of CP'(2)Ln(mu-Cl)(2)Li(THF)(2) (CP' = eta(5)-t-BuC5H4, Ln = Nd (1), Gd (2), Dy (3), Er (4), Yb (5); Cp'= 1,3-eta(5)-t-Bu2C5H3, Ln = Nd (6), Gd (7), Dy (8), Er (9), Yb (10)). The molecular structures of 7 and 8 were characterized by X-ray crystallographic analysis. In these complexes, two Cp' ring centroids and two it-bridging chloride atoms around the lanthanide atoms form a distorted tetrahedron. The insertion of elemental chalcogen E (E = S, Se) into Li-C bonds of dilithium o-carborane in THF solution afforded dimers of dilithium. dichalcogenolate carboranes, [(THF)(3)LiE2C2B10H10Li(THF)](2) (E = S (12a), Se (12b)), which were confirmed by a crystal structure analysis. Reactions Of Cp'(2)Ln(mu-Cl)(2)Li(THF)(2) (1-10) with 12a or 12b gave dinuclear complexes of the formula [Li(THF)(4)](2)[Cp'(2)LnE(2)C(2)B(10)H(10)](2) (Cp'= eta(5)-t-BuC5H4, E = S, Ln = Nd (13a), Gd (14a), Dy (15a), Er (16a), Yb (17a); E = Se, Ln = Nd (13b), Gd (14b), Dy (15b), Er (16b), Yb (17b); Cp'= 1,3-eta(5)-t-Bu2C5H3 E = S, Ln = Nd (18a), Gd (19a), Dy (20a), Er (21a), Yb (22a); E = Se, Ln = Nd (18b), Gd (19b), Dy (20b), Er (21b), Yb (22b)). According to the X-ray structure analyses, the dianions of 13a and 13b contain two o-carborane dichalcogenolate bridges, and each CP'2Ln fragment is attached to one terminal and two bridging chalcogen ligands. The central Ln(2)E(2) four-membered ring is not planar, and the direct metal-metal interaction is absent.


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Eu(III)-octa-4-(tetrahydrofurfuroxy) phthalocyanine (EuPc2') was synthesied and characterized by elementary analysis, IR, MS, UV-vis spectra. EuPc2' has good film-forming ability from determination of isotherm of pi-A. The complex LB film was formed by depositing of EuPc2' on a quartz slide with the LB techniques of the Z-type, The luminescent properties of pure and doped LS films were determined. The results showed that pure films have good luminescent properties, the thicker the LB films, the stronger the fluorescent intensity. The films doped with o-phenanthroline (abbreviated as phen) made the relative intensity of fluorescent emission behavior enhance in comparison to that of pure LB film, But the amount of phen may be not too much. Our results showed that EuPc2':phen = 1: 10 (molar ratio) has the best fluorescent behavior. The electronic spectroscopic characterization of the LB films is also given.


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The binary and ternary rare-earth terbium(m) complexes were introduced into the styrene/alpha -methylacrylic acid copolymerization system, and some optical resins that possess a high transparency in visible light region were obtained. The study of the optical property showed that they have good luminescent properties such as a high luminous intensity and a long luminous lifetime, In addition, we investigated the relationship among the transparency, the luminescent property of the copolymer, and the content of the components in the polymeric system. The results indicated that the optical resins can provide a relatively stable environment for composite rare earth complexes, which is good to exhibit the luminescent properties of rare earth complexes. At the same time, the rare earth complexes can offer the transparent resin a novel function.


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Triterpanes and steranes in condensates from the YA13-1 gas field, Qiongdongnan Basin, were monitored. The YA13-1 condensates have unusual biomarker distributions dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher plants. Anomalously abundant 1 got-oleanane and remarkably abundant bicadinanes are present in the YA13-1 condensates, whereas the 17alpha-hopane contents are extremely low. Taraxastane and significantly abundant 17alpha-diahopanes occur in the condensates. In addition, a number of unknown C-29 and C-30 pentacyclic triterpanes including previously unreported compounds were detected in the condensates, some of which are significantly abundant. The unknown compounds may be terrestrial biomarkers. C-29 homologues are relatively predominant among the regular and rearranged steranes. The diasterane concentrations are markedly higher than those of regular steranes. The maturity of the YA13-1 condensates is relatively high, at the peak to late oil generation stage (corresponding to 0.85-1.10% Ro), based on sterane and terpane and including bicadinane maturity parameters (i.e. T/(T-1 + R) and 2T/R bicadinane ratios). The above maturity assessment result is different from that based on diamondoid maturity parameters (%Ro = 1.60-1.70) [Org. Geochem. 25 (1996) 179], which can be explained by a contribution of hydrocarbons from two sources at different depths. The YA13-1 condensates were probably generated from the Yacheng and Lingshui coal-bearing source rocks buried both in the Qiongdongnan Basin (3400-5000 m) and in the Yinggehai Basin (>5000 m). The possible contribution of lower maturity hydrocarbons from the Yacheng and Lingshui Formations (3400-4100 m) in the Qiongdongnan Basin to the YA13-1 gases and condensates should not be neglected. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.